""" The methods for loading Home Assistant components. This module has quite some complex parts. I have tried to add as much documentation as possible to keep it understandable. Components can be accessed via hass.components.switch from your code. If you want to retrieve a platform that is part of a component, you should call get_component(hass, 'switch.your_platform'). In both cases the config directory is checked to see if it contains a user provided version. If not available it will check the built-in components and platforms. """ import functools as ft import importlib import logging import sys from types import ModuleType # pylint: disable=unused-import from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, TYPE_CHECKING # NOQA from homeassistant.const import PLATFORM_FORMAT from homeassistant.util import OrderedSet # Typing imports that create a circular dependency # pylint: disable=using-constant-test,unused-import if TYPE_CHECKING: from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant # NOQA PREPARED = False DEPENDENCY_BLACKLIST = {'config'} _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATA_KEY = 'components' PATH_CUSTOM_COMPONENTS = 'custom_components' PACKAGE_COMPONENTS = 'homeassistant.components' def set_component(hass, # type: HomeAssistant comp_name: str, component: Optional[ModuleType]) -> None: """Set a component in the cache. Async friendly. """ cache = hass.data.get(DATA_KEY) if cache is None: cache = hass.data[DATA_KEY] = {} cache[comp_name] = component def get_platform(hass, domain: str, platform: str) -> Optional[ModuleType]: """Try to load specified platform. Async friendly. """ return get_component(hass, PLATFORM_FORMAT.format(domain, platform)) def get_component(hass, comp_or_platform) -> Optional[ModuleType]: """Try to load specified component. Looks in config dir first, then built-in components. Only returns it if also found to be valid. Async friendly. """ try: return hass.data[DATA_KEY][comp_or_platform] except KeyError: pass cache = hass.data.get(DATA_KEY) if cache is None: # Only insert if it's not there (happens during tests) if sys.path[0] != hass.config.config_dir: sys.path.insert(0, hass.config.config_dir) cache = hass.data[DATA_KEY] = {} # First check custom, then built-in potential_paths = ['custom_components.{}'.format(comp_or_platform), 'homeassistant.components.{}'.format(comp_or_platform)] for index, path in enumerate(potential_paths): try: module = importlib.import_module(path) # In Python 3 you can import files from directories that do not # contain the file __init__.py. A directory is a valid module if # it contains a file with the .py extension. In this case Python # will succeed in importing the directory as a module and call it # a namespace. We do not care about namespaces. # This prevents that when only # custom_components/switch/some_platform.py exists, # the import custom_components.switch would succeed. # __file__ was unset for namespaces before Python 3.7 if getattr(module, '__file__', None) is None: continue _LOGGER.info("Loaded %s from %s", comp_or_platform, path) cache[comp_or_platform] = module if index == 0: _LOGGER.warning( 'You are using a custom component for %s which has not ' 'been tested by Home Assistant. This component might ' 'cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you ' 'do experience issues with Home Assistant.', comp_or_platform) return module except ImportError as err: # This error happens if for example custom_components/switch # exists and we try to load switch.demo. # Ignore errors for custom_components, custom_components.switch # and custom_components.switch.demo. white_listed_errors = [] parts = [] for part in path.split('.'): parts.append(part) white_listed_errors.append( "No module named '{}'".format('.'.join(parts))) if str(err) not in white_listed_errors: _LOGGER.exception( ("Error loading %s. Make sure all " "dependencies are installed"), path) _LOGGER.error("Unable to find component %s", comp_or_platform) return None class Components: """Helper to load components.""" def __init__(self, hass): """Initialize the Components class.""" self._hass = hass def __getattr__(self, comp_name): """Fetch a component.""" component = get_component(self._hass, comp_name) if component is None: raise ImportError('Unable to load {}'.format(comp_name)) wrapped = ModuleWrapper(self._hass, component) setattr(self, comp_name, wrapped) return wrapped class Helpers: """Helper to load helpers.""" def __init__(self, hass): """Initialize the Helpers class.""" self._hass = hass def __getattr__(self, helper_name): """Fetch a helper.""" helper = importlib.import_module( 'homeassistant.helpers.{}'.format(helper_name)) wrapped = ModuleWrapper(self._hass, helper) setattr(self, helper_name, wrapped) return wrapped class ModuleWrapper: """Class to wrap a Python module and auto fill in hass argument.""" def __init__(self, hass, module): """Initialize the module wrapper.""" self._hass = hass self._module = module def __getattr__(self, attr): """Fetch an attribute.""" value = getattr(self._module, attr) if hasattr(value, '__bind_hass'): value = ft.partial(value, self._hass) setattr(self, attr, value) return value def bind_hass(func): """Decorate function to indicate that first argument is hass.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access func.__bind_hass = True return func def load_order_component(hass, comp_name: str) -> OrderedSet: """Return an OrderedSet of components in the correct order of loading. Raises HomeAssistantError if a circular dependency is detected. Returns an empty list if component could not be loaded. Async friendly. """ return _load_order_component(hass, comp_name, OrderedSet(), set()) def _load_order_component(hass, comp_name: str, load_order: OrderedSet, loading: Set) -> OrderedSet: """Recursive function to get load order of components. Async friendly. """ component = get_component(hass, comp_name) # If None it does not exist, error already thrown by get_component. if component is None: return OrderedSet() loading.add(comp_name) for dependency in getattr(component, 'DEPENDENCIES', []): # Check not already loaded if dependency in load_order: continue # If we are already loading it, we have a circular dependency. if dependency in loading: _LOGGER.error("Circular dependency detected: %s -> %s", comp_name, dependency) return OrderedSet() dep_load_order = _load_order_component( hass, dependency, load_order, loading) # length == 0 means error loading dependency or children if not dep_load_order: _LOGGER.error("Error loading %s dependency: %s", comp_name, dependency) return OrderedSet() load_order.update(dep_load_order) load_order.add(comp_name) loading.remove(comp_name) return load_order