"""The tests for the MQTT eventstream component.""" from collections import namedtuple import json import unittest from unittest.mock import ANY, patch from homeassistant.bootstrap import setup_component import homeassistant.components.mqtt_eventstream as eventstream import homeassistant.components.mqtt as mqtt from homeassistant.const import EVENT_STATE_CHANGED from homeassistant.core import State, callback from homeassistant.remote import JSONEncoder import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from tests.common import ( get_test_home_assistant, mock_mqtt_component, fire_mqtt_message, mock_state_change_event, fire_time_changed ) class TestMqttEventStream(unittest.TestCase): """Test the MQTT eventstream module.""" def setUp(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Setup things to be run when tests are started.""" super(TestMqttEventStream, self).setUp() self.hass = get_test_home_assistant() self.mock_mqtt = mock_mqtt_component(self.hass) def tearDown(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Stop everything that was started.""" self.hass.stop() def add_eventstream(self, sub_topic=None, pub_topic=None): """Add a mqtt_eventstream component.""" config = {} if sub_topic: config['subscribe_topic'] = sub_topic if pub_topic: config['publish_topic'] = pub_topic return setup_component(self.hass, eventstream.DOMAIN, { eventstream.DOMAIN: config}) def test_setup_succeeds(self): """"Test the success of the setup.""" self.assertTrue(self.add_eventstream()) def test_setup_with_pub(self): """"Test the setup with subscription.""" # Should start off with no listeners for all events self.assertEqual(self.hass.bus.listeners.get('*'), None) self.assertTrue(self.add_eventstream(pub_topic='bar')) self.hass.block_till_done() # Verify that the event handler has been added as a listener self.assertEqual(self.hass.bus.listeners.get('*'), 1) @patch('homeassistant.components.mqtt.subscribe') def test_subscribe(self, mock_sub): """"Test the subscription.""" sub_topic = 'foo' self.assertTrue(self.add_eventstream(sub_topic=sub_topic)) self.hass.block_till_done() # Verify that the this entity was subscribed to the topic mock_sub.assert_called_with(self.hass, sub_topic, ANY) @patch('homeassistant.components.mqtt.publish') @patch('homeassistant.core.dt_util.utcnow') def test_state_changed_event_sends_message(self, mock_utcnow, mock_pub): """"Test the sending of a new message if event changed.""" now = dt_util.as_utc(dt_util.now()) e_id = 'fake.entity' pub_topic = 'bar' mock_utcnow.return_value = now # Add the eventstream component for publishing events self.assertTrue(self.add_eventstream(pub_topic=pub_topic)) self.hass.block_till_done() # Reset the mock because it will have already gotten calls for the # mqtt_eventstream state change on initialization, etc. mock_pub.reset_mock() # Set a state of an entity mock_state_change_event(self.hass, State(e_id, 'on')) self.hass.block_till_done() # The order of the JSON is indeterminate, # so first just check that publish was called mock_pub.assert_called_with(self.hass, pub_topic, ANY) self.assertTrue(mock_pub.called) # Get the actual call to publish and make sure it was the one # we were looking for msg = mock_pub.call_args[0][2] event = {} event['event_type'] = EVENT_STATE_CHANGED new_state = { "last_updated": now.isoformat(), "state": "on", "entity_id": e_id, "attributes": {}, "last_changed": now.isoformat() } event['event_data'] = {"new_state": new_state, "entity_id": e_id} # Verify that the message received was that expected self.assertEqual(json.loads(msg), event) @patch('homeassistant.components.mqtt.publish') def test_time_event_does_not_send_message(self, mock_pub): """"Test the sending of a new message if time event.""" self.assertTrue(self.add_eventstream(pub_topic='bar')) self.hass.block_till_done() # Reset the mock because it will have already gotten calls for the # mqtt_eventstream state change on initialization, etc. mock_pub.reset_mock() fire_time_changed(self.hass, dt_util.utcnow()) self.assertFalse(mock_pub.called) def test_receiving_remote_event_fires_hass_event(self): """"Test the receiving of the remotely fired event.""" sub_topic = 'foo' self.assertTrue(self.add_eventstream(sub_topic=sub_topic)) self.hass.block_till_done() calls = [] @callback def listener(_): calls.append(1) self.hass.bus.listen_once('test_event', listener) self.hass.block_till_done() payload = json.dumps( {'event_type': 'test_event', 'event_data': {}}, cls=JSONEncoder ) fire_mqtt_message(self.hass, sub_topic, payload) self.hass.block_till_done() self.assertEqual(1, len(calls)) @patch('homeassistant.components.mqtt.publish') def test_mqtt_received_event(self, mock_pub): """Don't filter events from the mqtt component about received message. Mqtt component sends an event if a message is received. Also messages that originate from an incoming eventstream. Broadcasting these messages result in an infinite loop if two HA instances are crossconfigured for the same mqtt topics. """ SUB_TOPIC = 'from_slaves' self.assertTrue( self.add_eventstream( pub_topic='bar', sub_topic=SUB_TOPIC)) self.hass.block_till_done() # Reset the mock because it will have already gotten calls for the # mqtt_eventstream state change on initialization, etc. mock_pub.reset_mock() # Use MQTT component message handler to simulate firing message # received event. MQTTMessage = namedtuple('MQTTMessage', ['topic', 'qos', 'payload']) message = MQTTMessage(SUB_TOPIC, 1, 'Hello World!'.encode('utf-8')) mqtt.MQTT._mqtt_on_message(self, None, {'hass': self.hass}, message) self.hass.block_till_done() # 'normal' incoming mqtt messages should be broadcasted self.assertEqual(mock_pub.call_count, 0) MQTTMessage = namedtuple('MQTTMessage', ['topic', 'qos', 'payload']) message = MQTTMessage('test_topic', 1, 'Hello World!'.encode('utf-8')) mqtt.MQTT._mqtt_on_message(self, None, {'hass': self.hass}, message) self.hass.block_till_done() # but event from the event stream not self.assertEqual(mock_pub.call_count, 1)