"""The tests for the Conversation component.""" from http import HTTPStatus import pytest from homeassistant.components import conversation from homeassistant.core import DOMAIN as HASS_DOMAIN, Context from homeassistant.helpers import intent from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import async_mock_intent, async_mock_service async def test_calling_intent(hass): """Test calling an intent from a conversation.""" intents = async_mock_intent(hass, "OrderBeer") result = await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) assert result result = await async_setup_component( hass, "conversation", {"conversation": {"intents": {"OrderBeer": ["I would like the {type} beer"]}}}, ) assert result context = Context() await hass.services.async_call( "conversation", "process", {conversation.ATTR_TEXT: "I would like the Grolsch beer"}, context=context, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(intents) == 1 intent = intents[0] assert intent.platform == "conversation" assert intent.intent_type == "OrderBeer" assert intent.slots == {"type": {"value": "Grolsch"}} assert intent.text_input == "I would like the Grolsch beer" assert intent.context is context async def test_register_before_setup(hass): """Test calling an intent from a conversation.""" intents = async_mock_intent(hass, "OrderBeer") hass.components.conversation.async_register("OrderBeer", ["A {type} beer, please"]) result = await async_setup_component( hass, "conversation", {"conversation": {"intents": {"OrderBeer": ["I would like the {type} beer"]}}}, ) assert result await hass.services.async_call( "conversation", "process", {conversation.ATTR_TEXT: "A Grolsch beer, please"} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(intents) == 1 intent = intents[0] assert intent.platform == "conversation" assert intent.intent_type == "OrderBeer" assert intent.slots == {"type": {"value": "Grolsch"}} assert intent.text_input == "A Grolsch beer, please" await hass.services.async_call( "conversation", "process", {conversation.ATTR_TEXT: "I would like the Grolsch beer"}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(intents) == 2 intent = intents[1] assert intent.platform == "conversation" assert intent.intent_type == "OrderBeer" assert intent.slots == {"type": {"value": "Grolsch"}} assert intent.text_input == "I would like the Grolsch beer" async def test_http_processing_intent(hass, hass_client, hass_admin_user): """Test processing intent via HTTP API.""" class TestIntentHandler(intent.IntentHandler): """Test Intent Handler.""" intent_type = "OrderBeer" async def async_handle(self, intent): """Handle the intent.""" assert intent.context.user_id == hass_admin_user.id response = intent.create_response() response.async_set_speech( "I've ordered a {}!".format(intent.slots["type"]["value"]) ) response.async_set_card( "Beer ordered", "You chose a {}.".format(intent.slots["type"]["value"]) ) return response intent.async_register(hass, TestIntentHandler()) result = await async_setup_component( hass, "conversation", {"conversation": {"intents": {"OrderBeer": ["I would like the {type} beer"]}}}, ) assert result client = await hass_client() resp = await client.post( "/api/conversation/process", json={"text": "I would like the Grolsch beer"} ) assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK data = await resp.json() assert data == { "card": { "simple": {"content": "You chose a Grolsch.", "title": "Beer ordered"} }, "speech": { "plain": { "extra_data": None, "speech": "I've ordered a Grolsch!", } }, "language": hass.config.language, } @pytest.mark.parametrize("sentence", ("turn on kitchen", "turn kitchen on")) async def test_turn_on_intent(hass, sentence): """Test calling the turn on intent.""" result = await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) assert result result = await async_setup_component(hass, "conversation", {}) assert result hass.states.async_set("light.kitchen", "off") calls = async_mock_service(hass, HASS_DOMAIN, "turn_on") await hass.services.async_call( "conversation", "process", {conversation.ATTR_TEXT: sentence} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 call = calls[0] assert call.domain == HASS_DOMAIN assert call.service == "turn_on" assert call.data == {"entity_id": "light.kitchen"} @pytest.mark.parametrize("sentence", ("turn off kitchen", "turn kitchen off")) async def test_turn_off_intent(hass, sentence): """Test calling the turn on intent.""" result = await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) assert result result = await async_setup_component(hass, "conversation", {}) assert result hass.states.async_set("light.kitchen", "on") calls = async_mock_service(hass, HASS_DOMAIN, "turn_off") await hass.services.async_call( "conversation", "process", {conversation.ATTR_TEXT: sentence} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 call = calls[0] assert call.domain == HASS_DOMAIN assert call.service == "turn_off" assert call.data == {"entity_id": "light.kitchen"} @pytest.mark.parametrize("sentence", ("toggle kitchen", "kitchen toggle")) async def test_toggle_intent(hass, sentence): """Test calling the turn on intent.""" result = await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) assert result result = await async_setup_component(hass, "conversation", {}) assert result hass.states.async_set("light.kitchen", "on") calls = async_mock_service(hass, HASS_DOMAIN, "toggle") await hass.services.async_call( "conversation", "process", {conversation.ATTR_TEXT: sentence} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 call = calls[0] assert call.domain == HASS_DOMAIN assert call.service == "toggle" assert call.data == {"entity_id": "light.kitchen"} async def test_http_api(hass, hass_client): """Test the HTTP conversation API.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "conversation", {}) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "intent", {}) client = await hass_client() hass.states.async_set("light.kitchen", "off") calls = async_mock_service(hass, HASS_DOMAIN, "turn_on") resp = await client.post( "/api/conversation/process", json={"text": "Turn the kitchen on"} ) assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK assert len(calls) == 1 call = calls[0] assert call.domain == HASS_DOMAIN assert call.service == "turn_on" assert call.data == {"entity_id": "light.kitchen"} async def test_http_api_wrong_data(hass, hass_client): """Test the HTTP conversation API.""" result = await async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {}) assert result result = await async_setup_component(hass, "conversation", {}) assert result client = await hass_client() resp = await client.post("/api/conversation/process", json={"text": 123}) assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST resp = await client.post("/api/conversation/process", json={}) assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST async def test_custom_agent(hass, hass_client, hass_admin_user): """Test a custom conversation agent.""" calls = [] class MyAgent(conversation.AbstractConversationAgent): """Test Agent.""" async def async_process(self, text, context, conversation_id, language): """Process some text.""" calls.append((text, context, conversation_id, language)) response = intent.IntentResponse(language=language) response.async_set_speech("Test response") return response conversation.async_set_agent(hass, MyAgent()) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "conversation", {}) client = await hass_client() resp = await client.post( "/api/conversation/process", json={ "text": "Test Text", "conversation_id": "test-conv-id", "language": "test-language", }, ) assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK assert await resp.json() == { "card": {}, "speech": { "plain": { "extra_data": None, "speech": "Test response", } }, "language": "test-language", } assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0][0] == "Test Text" assert calls[0][1].user_id == hass_admin_user.id assert calls[0][2] == "test-conv-id" assert calls[0][3] == "test-language"