"""Helpers to execute scripts.""" import asyncio from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import partial import itertools import logging from types import MappingProxyType from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union, cast, ) from async_timeout import timeout import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import exceptions from homeassistant.components import device_automation, scene from homeassistant.components.logger import LOGSEVERITY from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, CONF_ALIAS, CONF_CHOOSE, CONF_CONDITION, CONF_CONDITIONS, CONF_CONTINUE_ON_TIMEOUT, CONF_COUNT, CONF_DEFAULT, CONF_DELAY, CONF_DEVICE_ID, CONF_DOMAIN, CONF_EVENT, CONF_EVENT_DATA, CONF_EVENT_DATA_TEMPLATE, CONF_MODE, CONF_REPEAT, CONF_SCENE, CONF_SEQUENCE, CONF_SERVICE, CONF_TARGET, CONF_TIMEOUT, CONF_UNTIL, CONF_VARIABLES, CONF_WAIT_FOR_TRIGGER, CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE, CONF_WHILE, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, SERVICE_TURN_ON, ) from homeassistant.core import ( SERVICE_CALL_LIMIT, Context, HassJob, HomeAssistant, callback, ) from homeassistant.helpers import condition, config_validation as cv, service, template from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later, async_track_template from homeassistant.helpers.script_variables import ScriptVariables from homeassistant.helpers.trigger import ( async_initialize_triggers, async_validate_trigger_config, ) from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.util import slugify from homeassistant.util.dt import utcnow # mypy: allow-untyped-calls, allow-untyped-defs, no-check-untyped-defs SCRIPT_MODE_PARALLEL = "parallel" SCRIPT_MODE_QUEUED = "queued" SCRIPT_MODE_RESTART = "restart" SCRIPT_MODE_SINGLE = "single" SCRIPT_MODE_CHOICES = [ SCRIPT_MODE_PARALLEL, SCRIPT_MODE_QUEUED, SCRIPT_MODE_RESTART, SCRIPT_MODE_SINGLE, ] DEFAULT_SCRIPT_MODE = SCRIPT_MODE_SINGLE CONF_MAX = "max" DEFAULT_MAX = 10 CONF_MAX_EXCEEDED = "max_exceeded" _MAX_EXCEEDED_CHOICES = list(LOGSEVERITY) + ["SILENT"] DEFAULT_MAX_EXCEEDED = "WARNING" ATTR_CUR = "current" ATTR_MAX = "max" ATTR_MODE = "mode" DATA_SCRIPTS = "helpers.script" _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _LOG_EXCEPTION = logging.ERROR + 1 _TIMEOUT_MSG = "Timeout reached, abort script." _SHUTDOWN_MAX_WAIT = 60 def make_script_schema(schema, default_script_mode, extra=vol.PREVENT_EXTRA): """Make a schema for a component that uses the script helper.""" return vol.Schema( { **schema, vol.Optional(CONF_MODE, default=default_script_mode): vol.In( SCRIPT_MODE_CHOICES ), vol.Optional(CONF_MAX, default=DEFAULT_MAX): vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=2) ), vol.Optional(CONF_MAX_EXCEEDED, default=DEFAULT_MAX_EXCEEDED): vol.All( vol.Upper, vol.In(_MAX_EXCEEDED_CHOICES) ), }, extra=extra, ) STATIC_VALIDATION_ACTION_TYPES = ( cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_CALL_SERVICE, cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_DELAY, cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_WAIT_TEMPLATE, cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_FIRE_EVENT, cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_ACTIVATE_SCENE, cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_VARIABLES, ) async def async_validate_actions_config( hass: HomeAssistant, actions: List[ConfigType] ) -> List[ConfigType]: """Validate a list of actions.""" return await asyncio.gather( *[async_validate_action_config(hass, action) for action in actions] ) async def async_validate_action_config( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType ) -> ConfigType: """Validate config.""" action_type = cv.determine_script_action(config) if action_type in STATIC_VALIDATION_ACTION_TYPES: pass elif action_type == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_DEVICE_AUTOMATION: platform = await device_automation.async_get_device_automation_platform( hass, config[CONF_DOMAIN], "action" ) config = platform.ACTION_SCHEMA(config) # type: ignore elif action_type == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_CHECK_CONDITION: if config[CONF_CONDITION] == "device": platform = await device_automation.async_get_device_automation_platform( hass, config[CONF_DOMAIN], "condition" ) config = platform.CONDITION_SCHEMA(config) # type: ignore elif action_type == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_WAIT_FOR_TRIGGER: config[CONF_WAIT_FOR_TRIGGER] = await async_validate_trigger_config( hass, config[CONF_WAIT_FOR_TRIGGER] ) elif action_type == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_REPEAT: config[CONF_SEQUENCE] = await async_validate_actions_config( hass, config[CONF_REPEAT][CONF_SEQUENCE] ) elif action_type == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_CHOOSE: if CONF_DEFAULT in config: config[CONF_DEFAULT] = await async_validate_actions_config( hass, config[CONF_DEFAULT] ) for choose_conf in config[CONF_CHOOSE]: choose_conf[CONF_SEQUENCE] = await async_validate_actions_config( hass, choose_conf[CONF_SEQUENCE] ) else: raise ValueError(f"No validation for {action_type}") return config class _StopScript(Exception): """Throw if script needs to stop.""" class _ScriptRun: """Manage Script sequence run.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, script: "Script", variables: Dict[str, Any], context: Optional[Context], log_exceptions: bool, ) -> None: self._hass = hass self._script = script self._variables = variables self._context = context self._log_exceptions = log_exceptions self._step = -1 self._action: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None self._stop = asyncio.Event() self._stopped = asyncio.Event() def _changed(self) -> None: if not self._stop.is_set(): self._script._changed() # pylint: disable=protected-access async def _async_get_condition(self, config): # pylint: disable=protected-access return await self._script._async_get_condition(config) def _log( self, msg: str, *args: Any, level: int = logging.INFO, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: self._script._log( # pylint: disable=protected-access msg, *args, level=level, **kwargs ) async def async_run(self) -> None: """Run script.""" try: if self._stop.is_set(): return self._log("Running %s", self._script.running_description) for self._step, self._action in enumerate(self._script.sequence): if self._stop.is_set(): break await self._async_step(log_exceptions=False) except _StopScript: pass finally: self._finish() async def _async_step(self, log_exceptions): try: await getattr( self, f"_async_{cv.determine_script_action(self._action)}_step" )() except Exception as ex: if not isinstance(ex, (_StopScript, asyncio.CancelledError)) and ( self._log_exceptions or log_exceptions ): self._log_exception(ex) raise def _finish(self) -> None: self._script._runs.remove(self) # pylint: disable=protected-access if not self._script.is_running: self._script.last_action = None self._changed() self._stopped.set() async def async_stop(self) -> None: """Stop script run.""" self._stop.set() await self._stopped.wait() def _log_exception(self, exception): action_type = cv.determine_script_action(self._action) error = str(exception) level = logging.ERROR if isinstance(exception, vol.Invalid): error_desc = "Invalid data" elif isinstance(exception, exceptions.TemplateError): error_desc = "Error rendering template" elif isinstance(exception, exceptions.Unauthorized): error_desc = "Unauthorized" elif isinstance(exception, exceptions.ServiceNotFound): error_desc = "Service not found" elif isinstance(exception, exceptions.HomeAssistantError): error_desc = "Error" else: error_desc = "Unexpected error" level = _LOG_EXCEPTION self._log( "Error executing script. %s for %s at pos %s: %s", error_desc, action_type, self._step + 1, error, level=level, ) def _get_pos_time_period_template(self, key): try: return cv.positive_time_period( template.render_complex(self._action[key], self._variables) ) except (exceptions.TemplateError, vol.Invalid) as ex: self._log( "Error rendering %s %s template: %s", self._script.name, key, ex, level=logging.ERROR, ) raise _StopScript from ex async def _async_delay_step(self): """Handle delay.""" delay = self._get_pos_time_period_template(CONF_DELAY) self._script.last_action = self._action.get(CONF_ALIAS, f"delay {delay}") self._log("Executing step %s", self._script.last_action) delay = delay.total_seconds() self._changed() try: async with timeout(delay): await self._stop.wait() except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass async def _async_wait_template_step(self): """Handle a wait template.""" if CONF_TIMEOUT in self._action: delay = self._get_pos_time_period_template(CONF_TIMEOUT).total_seconds() else: delay = None self._script.last_action = self._action.get(CONF_ALIAS, "wait template") self._log( "Executing step %s%s", self._script.last_action, "" if delay is None else f" (timeout: {timedelta(seconds=delay)})", ) self._variables["wait"] = {"remaining": delay, "completed": False} wait_template = self._action[CONF_WAIT_TEMPLATE] wait_template.hass = self._hass # check if condition already okay if condition.async_template(self._hass, wait_template, self._variables): self._variables["wait"]["completed"] = True return @callback def async_script_wait(entity_id, from_s, to_s): """Handle script after template condition is true.""" self._variables["wait"] = { "remaining": to_context.remaining if to_context else delay, "completed": True, } done.set() to_context = None unsub = async_track_template( self._hass, wait_template, async_script_wait, self._variables ) self._changed() done = asyncio.Event() tasks = [ self._hass.async_create_task(flag.wait()) for flag in (self._stop, done) ] try: async with timeout(delay) as to_context: await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) except asyncio.TimeoutError as ex: if not self._action.get(CONF_CONTINUE_ON_TIMEOUT, True): self._log(_TIMEOUT_MSG) raise _StopScript from ex self._variables["wait"]["remaining"] = 0.0 finally: for task in tasks: task.cancel() unsub() async def _async_run_long_action(self, long_task): """Run a long task while monitoring for stop request.""" async def async_cancel_long_task() -> None: # Stop long task and wait for it to finish. long_task.cancel() try: await long_task except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass # Wait for long task while monitoring for a stop request. stop_task = self._hass.async_create_task(self._stop.wait()) try: await asyncio.wait( {long_task, stop_task}, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) # If our task is cancelled, then cancel long task, too. Note that if long task # is cancelled otherwise the CancelledError exception will not be raised to # here due to the call to asyncio.wait(). Rather we'll check for that below. except asyncio.CancelledError: await async_cancel_long_task() raise finally: stop_task.cancel() if long_task.cancelled(): raise asyncio.CancelledError if long_task.done(): # Propagate any exceptions that occurred. long_task.result() else: # Stopped before long task completed, so cancel it. await async_cancel_long_task() async def _async_call_service_step(self): """Call the service specified in the action.""" self._script.last_action = self._action.get(CONF_ALIAS, "call service") self._log("Executing step %s", self._script.last_action) params = service.async_prepare_call_from_config( self._hass, self._action, self._variables ) running_script = ( params[CONF_DOMAIN] == "automation" and params[CONF_SERVICE] == "trigger" or params[CONF_DOMAIN] in ("python_script", "script") ) # If this might start a script then disable the call timeout. # Otherwise use the normal service call limit. if running_script: limit = None else: limit = SERVICE_CALL_LIMIT service_task = self._hass.async_create_task( self._hass.services.async_call( **params, blocking=True, context=self._context, limit=limit, ) ) if limit is not None: # There is a call limit, so just wait for it to finish. await service_task return await self._async_run_long_action(service_task) async def _async_device_step(self): """Perform the device automation specified in the action.""" self._script.last_action = self._action.get(CONF_ALIAS, "device automation") self._log("Executing step %s", self._script.last_action) platform = await device_automation.async_get_device_automation_platform( self._hass, self._action[CONF_DOMAIN], "action" ) await platform.async_call_action_from_config( self._hass, self._action, self._variables, self._context ) async def _async_scene_step(self): """Activate the scene specified in the action.""" self._script.last_action = self._action.get(CONF_ALIAS, "activate scene") self._log("Executing step %s", self._script.last_action) await self._hass.services.async_call( scene.DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self._action[CONF_SCENE]}, blocking=True, context=self._context, ) async def _async_event_step(self): """Fire an event.""" self._script.last_action = self._action.get( CONF_ALIAS, self._action[CONF_EVENT] ) self._log("Executing step %s", self._script.last_action) event_data = {} for conf in [CONF_EVENT_DATA, CONF_EVENT_DATA_TEMPLATE]: if conf not in self._action: continue try: event_data.update( template.render_complex(self._action[conf], self._variables) ) except exceptions.TemplateError as ex: self._log( "Error rendering event data template: %s", ex, level=logging.ERROR ) self._hass.bus.async_fire( self._action[CONF_EVENT], event_data, context=self._context ) async def _async_condition_step(self): """Test if condition is matching.""" self._script.last_action = self._action.get( CONF_ALIAS, self._action[CONF_CONDITION] ) cond = await self._async_get_condition(self._action) try: check = cond(self._hass, self._variables) except exceptions.ConditionError as ex: _LOGGER.warning("Error in 'condition' evaluation: %s", ex) check = False self._log("Test condition %s: %s", self._script.last_action, check) if not check: raise _StopScript async def _async_repeat_step(self): """Repeat a sequence.""" description = self._action.get(CONF_ALIAS, "sequence") repeat = self._action[CONF_REPEAT] saved_repeat_vars = self._variables.get("repeat") def set_repeat_var(iteration, count=None): repeat_vars = {"first": iteration == 1, "index": iteration} if count: repeat_vars["last"] = iteration == count self._variables["repeat"] = repeat_vars # pylint: disable=protected-access script = self._script._get_repeat_script(self._step) async def async_run_sequence(iteration, extra_msg=""): self._log("Repeating %s: Iteration %i%s", description, iteration, extra_msg) await self._async_run_script(script) if CONF_COUNT in repeat: count = repeat[CONF_COUNT] if isinstance(count, template.Template): try: count = int(count.async_render(self._variables)) except (exceptions.TemplateError, ValueError) as ex: self._log( "Error rendering %s repeat count template: %s", self._script.name, ex, level=logging.ERROR, ) raise _StopScript from ex extra_msg = f" of {count}" for iteration in range(1, count + 1): set_repeat_var(iteration, count) await async_run_sequence(iteration, extra_msg) if self._stop.is_set(): break elif CONF_WHILE in repeat: conditions = [ await self._async_get_condition(config) for config in repeat[CONF_WHILE] ] for iteration in itertools.count(1): set_repeat_var(iteration) try: if self._stop.is_set() or not all( cond(self._hass, self._variables) for cond in conditions ): break except exceptions.ConditionError as ex: _LOGGER.warning("Error in 'while' evaluation: %s", ex) break await async_run_sequence(iteration) elif CONF_UNTIL in repeat: conditions = [ await self._async_get_condition(config) for config in repeat[CONF_UNTIL] ] for iteration in itertools.count(1): set_repeat_var(iteration) await async_run_sequence(iteration) try: if self._stop.is_set() or all( cond(self._hass, self._variables) for cond in conditions ): break except exceptions.ConditionError as ex: _LOGGER.warning("Error in 'until' evaluation: %s", ex) break if saved_repeat_vars: self._variables["repeat"] = saved_repeat_vars else: del self._variables["repeat"] async def _async_choose_step(self) -> None: """Choose a sequence.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access choose_data = await self._script._async_get_choose_data(self._step) for conditions, script in choose_data["choices"]: try: if all( condition(self._hass, self._variables) for condition in conditions ): await self._async_run_script(script) return except exceptions.ConditionError as ex: _LOGGER.warning("Error in 'choose' evaluation: %s", ex) if choose_data["default"]: await self._async_run_script(choose_data["default"]) async def _async_wait_for_trigger_step(self): """Wait for a trigger event.""" if CONF_TIMEOUT in self._action: delay = self._get_pos_time_period_template(CONF_TIMEOUT).total_seconds() else: delay = None self._script.last_action = self._action.get(CONF_ALIAS, "wait for trigger") self._log( "Executing step %s%s", self._script.last_action, "" if delay is None else f" (timeout: {timedelta(seconds=delay)})", ) variables = {**self._variables} self._variables["wait"] = {"remaining": delay, "trigger": None} done = asyncio.Event() async def async_done(variables, context=None): self._variables["wait"] = { "remaining": to_context.remaining if to_context else delay, "trigger": variables["trigger"], } done.set() def log_cb(level, msg, **kwargs): self._log(msg, level=level, **kwargs) to_context = None remove_triggers = await async_initialize_triggers( self._hass, self._action[CONF_WAIT_FOR_TRIGGER], async_done, self._script.domain, self._script.name, log_cb, variables=variables, ) if not remove_triggers: return self._changed() tasks = [ self._hass.async_create_task(flag.wait()) for flag in (self._stop, done) ] try: async with timeout(delay) as to_context: await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) except asyncio.TimeoutError as ex: if not self._action.get(CONF_CONTINUE_ON_TIMEOUT, True): self._log(_TIMEOUT_MSG) raise _StopScript from ex self._variables["wait"]["remaining"] = 0.0 finally: for task in tasks: task.cancel() remove_triggers() async def _async_variables_step(self): """Set a variable value.""" self._script.last_action = self._action.get(CONF_ALIAS, "setting variables") self._log("Executing step %s", self._script.last_action) self._variables = self._action[CONF_VARIABLES].async_render( self._hass, self._variables, render_as_defaults=False ) async def _async_run_script(self, script): """Execute a script.""" await self._async_run_long_action( self._hass.async_create_task( script.async_run(self._variables, self._context) ) ) class _QueuedScriptRun(_ScriptRun): """Manage queued Script sequence run.""" lock_acquired = False async def async_run(self) -> None: """Run script.""" # Wait for previous run, if any, to finish by attempting to acquire the script's # shared lock. At the same time monitor if we've been told to stop. lock_task = self._hass.async_create_task( self._script._queue_lck.acquire() # pylint: disable=protected-access ) stop_task = self._hass.async_create_task(self._stop.wait()) try: await asyncio.wait( {lock_task, stop_task}, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) except asyncio.CancelledError: lock_task.cancel() self._finish() raise finally: stop_task.cancel() self.lock_acquired = lock_task.done() and not lock_task.cancelled() # If we've been told to stop, then just finish up. Otherwise, we've acquired the # lock so we can go ahead and start the run. if self._stop.is_set(): self._finish() else: await super().async_run() def _finish(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=protected-access if self.lock_acquired: self._script._queue_lck.release() self.lock_acquired = False super()._finish() async def _async_stop_scripts_after_shutdown(hass, point_in_time): """Stop running Script objects started after shutdown.""" running_scripts = [ script for script in hass.data[DATA_SCRIPTS] if script["instance"].is_running ] if running_scripts: names = ", ".join([script["instance"].name for script in running_scripts]) _LOGGER.warning("Stopping scripts running too long after shutdown: %s", names) await asyncio.gather( *[ script["instance"].async_stop(update_state=False) for script in running_scripts ] ) async def _async_stop_scripts_at_shutdown(hass, event): """Stop running Script objects started before shutdown.""" async_call_later( hass, _SHUTDOWN_MAX_WAIT, partial(_async_stop_scripts_after_shutdown, hass) ) running_scripts = [ script for script in hass.data[DATA_SCRIPTS] if script["instance"].is_running and script["started_before_shutdown"] ] if running_scripts: names = ", ".join([script["instance"].name for script in running_scripts]) _LOGGER.debug("Stopping scripts running at shutdown: %s", names) await asyncio.gather( *[script["instance"].async_stop() for script in running_scripts] ) _VarsType = Union[Dict[str, Any], MappingProxyType] def _referenced_extract_ids(data: Dict[str, Any], key: str, found: Set[str]) -> None: """Extract referenced IDs.""" if not data: return item_ids = data.get(key) if item_ids is None or isinstance(item_ids, template.Template): return if isinstance(item_ids, str): item_ids = [item_ids] for item_id in item_ids: found.add(item_id) class Script: """Representation of a script.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, sequence: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]], name: str, domain: str, *, # Used in "Running <running_description>" log message running_description: Optional[str] = None, change_listener: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, script_mode: str = DEFAULT_SCRIPT_MODE, max_runs: int = DEFAULT_MAX, max_exceeded: str = DEFAULT_MAX_EXCEEDED, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, log_exceptions: bool = True, top_level: bool = True, variables: Optional[ScriptVariables] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the script.""" all_scripts = hass.data.get(DATA_SCRIPTS) if not all_scripts: all_scripts = hass.data[DATA_SCRIPTS] = [] hass.bus.async_listen_once( EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, partial(_async_stop_scripts_at_shutdown, hass) ) self._top_level = top_level if top_level: all_scripts.append( {"instance": self, "started_before_shutdown": not hass.is_stopping} ) self._hass = hass self.sequence = sequence template.attach(hass, self.sequence) self.name = name self.domain = domain self.running_description = running_description or f"{domain} script" self._change_listener = change_listener self._change_listener_job = ( None if change_listener is None else HassJob(change_listener) ) self.script_mode = script_mode self._set_logger(logger) self._log_exceptions = log_exceptions self.last_action = None self.last_triggered: Optional[datetime] = None self._runs: List[_ScriptRun] = [] self.max_runs = max_runs self._max_exceeded = max_exceeded if script_mode == SCRIPT_MODE_QUEUED: self._queue_lck = asyncio.Lock() self._config_cache: Dict[Set[Tuple], Callable[..., bool]] = {} self._repeat_script: Dict[int, Script] = {} self._choose_data: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] = {} self._referenced_entities: Optional[Set[str]] = None self._referenced_devices: Optional[Set[str]] = None self.variables = variables self._variables_dynamic = template.is_complex(variables) if self._variables_dynamic: template.attach(hass, variables) @property def change_listener(self) -> Optional[Callable[..., Any]]: """Return the change_listener.""" return self._change_listener @change_listener.setter def change_listener(self, change_listener: Callable[..., Any]) -> None: """Update the change_listener.""" self._change_listener = change_listener if ( self._change_listener_job is None or change_listener != self._change_listener_job.target ): self._change_listener_job = HassJob(change_listener) def _set_logger(self, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None) -> None: if logger: self._logger = logger else: self._logger = logging.getLogger(f"{__name__}.{slugify(self.name)}") def update_logger(self, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None) -> None: """Update logger.""" self._set_logger(logger) for script in self._repeat_script.values(): script.update_logger(self._logger) for choose_data in self._choose_data.values(): for _, script in choose_data["choices"]: script.update_logger(self._logger) if choose_data["default"]: choose_data["default"].update_logger(self._logger) def _changed(self) -> None: if self._change_listener_job: self._hass.async_run_hass_job(self._change_listener_job) def _chain_change_listener(self, sub_script): if sub_script.is_running: self.last_action = sub_script.last_action self._changed() @property def is_running(self) -> bool: """Return true if script is on.""" return len(self._runs) > 0 @property def runs(self) -> int: """Return the number of current runs.""" return len(self._runs) @property def supports_max(self) -> bool: """Return true if the current mode support max.""" return self.script_mode in (SCRIPT_MODE_PARALLEL, SCRIPT_MODE_QUEUED) @property def referenced_devices(self): """Return a set of referenced devices.""" if self._referenced_devices is not None: return self._referenced_devices referenced: Set[str] = set() for step in self.sequence: action = cv.determine_script_action(step) if action == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_CALL_SERVICE: for data in ( step, step.get(CONF_TARGET), step.get(service.CONF_SERVICE_DATA), step.get(service.CONF_SERVICE_DATA_TEMPLATE), ): _referenced_extract_ids(data, ATTR_DEVICE_ID, referenced) elif action == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_CHECK_CONDITION: referenced |= condition.async_extract_devices(step) elif action == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_DEVICE_AUTOMATION: referenced.add(step[CONF_DEVICE_ID]) self._referenced_devices = referenced return referenced @property def referenced_entities(self): """Return a set of referenced entities.""" if self._referenced_entities is not None: return self._referenced_entities referenced: Set[str] = set() for step in self.sequence: action = cv.determine_script_action(step) if action == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_CALL_SERVICE: for data in ( step, step.get(CONF_TARGET), step.get(service.CONF_SERVICE_DATA), step.get(service.CONF_SERVICE_DATA_TEMPLATE), ): _referenced_extract_ids(data, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, referenced) elif action == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_CHECK_CONDITION: referenced |= condition.async_extract_entities(step) elif action == cv.SCRIPT_ACTION_ACTIVATE_SCENE: referenced.add(step[CONF_SCENE]) self._referenced_entities = referenced return referenced def run( self, variables: Optional[_VarsType] = None, context: Optional[Context] = None ) -> None: """Run script.""" asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( self.async_run(variables, context), self._hass.loop ).result() async def async_run( self, run_variables: Optional[_VarsType] = None, context: Optional[Context] = None, started_action: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Run script.""" if context is None: self._log( "Running script requires passing in a context", level=logging.WARNING ) context = Context() if self.is_running: if self.script_mode == SCRIPT_MODE_SINGLE: if self._max_exceeded != "SILENT": self._log("Already running", level=LOGSEVERITY[self._max_exceeded]) return if self.script_mode == SCRIPT_MODE_RESTART: self._log("Restarting") await self.async_stop(update_state=False) elif len(self._runs) == self.max_runs: if self._max_exceeded != "SILENT": self._log( "Maximum number of runs exceeded", level=LOGSEVERITY[self._max_exceeded], ) return # If this is a top level Script then make a copy of the variables in case they # are read-only, but more importantly, so as not to leak any variables created # during the run back to the caller. if self._top_level: if self.variables: try: variables = self.variables.async_render( self._hass, run_variables, ) except template.TemplateError as err: self._log("Error rendering variables: %s", err, level=logging.ERROR) raise elif run_variables: variables = dict(run_variables) else: variables = {} variables["context"] = context else: variables = cast(dict, run_variables) if self.script_mode != SCRIPT_MODE_QUEUED: cls = _ScriptRun else: cls = _QueuedScriptRun run = cls( self._hass, self, cast(dict, variables), context, self._log_exceptions ) self._runs.append(run) if started_action: self._hass.async_run_job(started_action) self.last_triggered = utcnow() self._changed() try: await asyncio.shield(run.async_run()) except asyncio.CancelledError: await run.async_stop() self._changed() raise async def _async_stop(self, update_state): aws = [asyncio.create_task(run.async_stop()) for run in self._runs] if not aws: return await asyncio.wait(aws) if update_state: self._changed() async def async_stop(self, update_state: bool = True) -> None: """Stop running script.""" await asyncio.shield(self._async_stop(update_state)) async def _async_get_condition(self, config): if isinstance(config, template.Template): config_cache_key = config.template else: config_cache_key = frozenset((k, str(v)) for k, v in config.items()) cond = self._config_cache.get(config_cache_key) if not cond: cond = await condition.async_from_config(self._hass, config, False) self._config_cache[config_cache_key] = cond return cond def _prep_repeat_script(self, step): action = self.sequence[step] step_name = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, f"Repeat at step {step+1}") sub_script = Script( self._hass, action[CONF_REPEAT][CONF_SEQUENCE], f"{self.name}: {step_name}", self.domain, running_description=self.running_description, script_mode=SCRIPT_MODE_PARALLEL, max_runs=self.max_runs, logger=self._logger, top_level=False, ) sub_script.change_listener = partial(self._chain_change_listener, sub_script) return sub_script def _get_repeat_script(self, step): sub_script = self._repeat_script.get(step) if not sub_script: sub_script = self._prep_repeat_script(step) self._repeat_script[step] = sub_script return sub_script async def _async_prep_choose_data(self, step): action = self.sequence[step] step_name = action.get(CONF_ALIAS, f"Choose at step {step+1}") choices = [] for idx, choice in enumerate(action[CONF_CHOOSE], start=1): conditions = [ await self._async_get_condition(config) for config in choice.get(CONF_CONDITIONS, []) ] sub_script = Script( self._hass, choice[CONF_SEQUENCE], f"{self.name}: {step_name}: choice {idx}", self.domain, running_description=self.running_description, script_mode=SCRIPT_MODE_PARALLEL, max_runs=self.max_runs, logger=self._logger, top_level=False, ) sub_script.change_listener = partial( self._chain_change_listener, sub_script ) choices.append((conditions, sub_script)) if CONF_DEFAULT in action: default_script = Script( self._hass, action[CONF_DEFAULT], f"{self.name}: {step_name}: default", self.domain, running_description=self.running_description, script_mode=SCRIPT_MODE_PARALLEL, max_runs=self.max_runs, logger=self._logger, top_level=False, ) default_script.change_listener = partial( self._chain_change_listener, default_script ) else: default_script = None return {"choices": choices, "default": default_script} async def _async_get_choose_data(self, step): choose_data = self._choose_data.get(step) if not choose_data: choose_data = await self._async_prep_choose_data(step) self._choose_data[step] = choose_data return choose_data def _log( self, msg: str, *args: Any, level: int = logging.INFO, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: msg = f"%s: {msg}" args = (self.name, *args) if level == _LOG_EXCEPTION: self._logger.exception(msg, *args, **kwargs) else: self._logger.log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs)