"""Test zha switch."""
from unittest.mock import call, patch

import pytest
import zigpy.profiles.zha as zha
import zigpy.zcl.clusters.general as general
import zigpy.zcl.foundation as zcl_f

from homeassistant.components.switch import DOMAIN
from homeassistant.const import STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, STATE_UNAVAILABLE

from .common import (

from tests.common import mock_coro

ON = 1
OFF = 0
IEEE_GROUPABLE_DEVICE = "01:2d:6f:00:0a:90:69:e8"
IEEE_GROUPABLE_DEVICE2 = "02:2d:6f:00:0a:90:69:e8"

def zigpy_device(zigpy_device_mock):
    """Device tracker zigpy device."""
    endpoints = {
        1: {
            "in_clusters": [general.Basic.cluster_id, general.OnOff.cluster_id],
            "out_clusters": [],
            "device_type": zha.DeviceType.ON_OFF_SWITCH,
    return zigpy_device_mock(endpoints)

async def coordinator(hass, zigpy_device_mock, zha_device_joined):
    """Test zha light platform."""

    zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock(
            1: {
                "in_clusters": [],
                "out_clusters": [],
                "device_type": zha.DeviceType.COLOR_DIMMABLE_LIGHT,
    zha_device = await zha_device_joined(zigpy_device)
    zha_device.available = True
    return zha_device

async def device_switch_1(hass, zigpy_device_mock, zha_device_joined):
    """Test zha switch platform."""

    zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock(
            1: {
                "in_clusters": [general.OnOff.cluster_id],
                "out_clusters": [],
                "device_type": zha.DeviceType.COLOR_DIMMABLE_LIGHT,
    zha_device = await zha_device_joined(zigpy_device)
    zha_device.available = True
    return zha_device

async def device_switch_2(hass, zigpy_device_mock, zha_device_joined):
    """Test zha switch platform."""

    zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock(
            1: {
                "in_clusters": [general.OnOff.cluster_id],
                "out_clusters": [],
                "device_type": zha.DeviceType.COLOR_DIMMABLE_LIGHT,
    zha_device = await zha_device_joined(zigpy_device)
    zha_device.available = True
    return zha_device

async def test_switch(hass, zha_device_joined_restored, zigpy_device):
    """Test zha switch platform."""

    zha_device = await zha_device_joined_restored(zigpy_device)
    cluster = zigpy_device.endpoints.get(1).on_off
    entity_id = await find_entity_id(DOMAIN, zha_device, hass)
    assert entity_id is not None

    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF
    await async_enable_traffic(hass, [zha_device], enabled=False)
    # test that the switch was created and that its state is unavailable
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE

    # allow traffic to flow through the gateway and device
    await async_enable_traffic(hass, [zha_device])

    # test that the state has changed from unavailable to off
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF

    # turn on at switch
    await send_attributes_report(hass, cluster, {1: 0, 0: 1, 2: 2})
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON

    # turn off at switch
    await send_attributes_report(hass, cluster, {1: 1, 0: 0, 2: 2})
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF

    # turn on from HA
    with patch(
        return_value=mock_coro([0x00, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]),
        # turn on via UI
        await hass.services.async_call(
            DOMAIN, "turn_on", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True
        assert len(cluster.request.mock_calls) == 1
        assert cluster.request.call_args == call(
            False, ON, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None

    # turn off from HA
    with patch(
        return_value=mock_coro([0x01, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]),
        # turn off via UI
        await hass.services.async_call(
            DOMAIN, "turn_off", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True
        assert len(cluster.request.mock_calls) == 1
        assert cluster.request.call_args == call(
            False, OFF, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None

    # test joining a new switch to the network and HA
    await async_test_rejoin(hass, zigpy_device, [cluster], (1,))

async def async_test_zha_group_switch_entity(
    hass, device_switch_1, device_switch_2, coordinator
    """Test the switch entity for a ZHA group."""
    zha_gateway = get_zha_gateway(hass)
    assert zha_gateway is not None
    zha_gateway.coordinator_zha_device = coordinator
    coordinator._zha_gateway = zha_gateway
    device_switch_1._zha_gateway = zha_gateway
    device_switch_2._zha_gateway = zha_gateway
    member_ieee_addresses = [device_switch_1.ieee, device_switch_2.ieee]

    # test creating a group with 2 members
    zha_group = await zha_gateway.async_create_zigpy_group(
        "Test Group", member_ieee_addresses
    await hass.async_block_till_done()

    assert zha_group is not None
    assert len(zha_group.members) == 2
    for member in zha_group.members:
        assert member.ieee in member_ieee_addresses

    entity_id = async_find_group_entity_id(hass, DOMAIN, zha_group)
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id) is not None

    group_cluster_on_off = zha_group.endpoint[general.OnOff.cluster_id]
    dev1_cluster_on_off = device_switch_1.endpoints[1].on_off
    dev2_cluster_on_off = device_switch_2.endpoints[1].on_off

    # test that the lights were created and that they are unavailable
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE

    # allow traffic to flow through the gateway and device
    await async_enable_traffic(hass, zha_group.members)

    # test that the lights were created and are off
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF

    # turn on from HA
    with patch(
        return_value=mock_coro([0x00, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]),
        # turn on via UI
        await hass.services.async_call(
            DOMAIN, "turn_on", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True
        assert len(group_cluster_on_off.request.mock_calls) == 1
        assert group_cluster_on_off.request.call_args == call(
            False, ON, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON

    # turn off from HA
    with patch(
        return_value=mock_coro([0x01, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]),
        # turn off via UI
        await hass.services.async_call(
            DOMAIN, "turn_off", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True
        assert len(group_cluster_on_off.request.mock_calls) == 1
        assert group_cluster_on_off.request.call_args == call(
            False, OFF, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF

    # test some of the group logic to make sure we key off states correctly
    await dev1_cluster_on_off.on()
    await dev2_cluster_on_off.on()

    # test that group light is on
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON

    await dev1_cluster_on_off.off()

    # test that group light is still on
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON

    await dev2_cluster_on_off.off()

    # test that group light is now off
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF

    await dev1_cluster_on_off.on()

    # test that group light is now back on
    assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON