"""Support for GTFS (Google/General Transport Format Schema).""" from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Callable import datetime import logging import os import threading from typing import Any import pygtfs from sqlalchemy.sql import text import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import ( PLATFORM_SCHEMA as SENSOR_PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SensorEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, CONF_NAME, CONF_OFFSET, DEVICE_CLASS_TIMESTAMP, STATE_UNKNOWN, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, DiscoveryInfoType from homeassistant.util import slugify import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_ARRIVAL = "arrival" ATTR_BICYCLE = "trip_bikes_allowed_state" ATTR_DAY = "day" ATTR_FIRST = "first" ATTR_DROP_OFF_DESTINATION = "destination_stop_drop_off_type_state" ATTR_DROP_OFF_ORIGIN = "origin_stop_drop_off_type_state" ATTR_INFO = "info" ATTR_OFFSET = CONF_OFFSET ATTR_LAST = "last" ATTR_LOCATION_DESTINATION = "destination_station_location_type_name" ATTR_LOCATION_ORIGIN = "origin_station_location_type_name" ATTR_PICKUP_DESTINATION = "destination_stop_pickup_type_state" ATTR_PICKUP_ORIGIN = "origin_stop_pickup_type_state" ATTR_ROUTE_TYPE = "route_type_name" ATTR_TIMEPOINT_DESTINATION = "destination_stop_timepoint_exact" ATTR_TIMEPOINT_ORIGIN = "origin_stop_timepoint_exact" ATTR_WHEELCHAIR = "trip_wheelchair_access_available" ATTR_WHEELCHAIR_DESTINATION = "destination_station_wheelchair_boarding_available" ATTR_WHEELCHAIR_ORIGIN = "origin_station_wheelchair_boarding_available" CONF_DATA = "data" CONF_DESTINATION = "destination" CONF_ORIGIN = "origin" CONF_TOMORROW = "include_tomorrow" DEFAULT_NAME = "GTFS Sensor" DEFAULT_PATH = "gtfs" BICYCLE_ALLOWED_DEFAULT = STATE_UNKNOWN BICYCLE_ALLOWED_OPTIONS = {1: True, 2: False} DROP_OFF_TYPE_DEFAULT = STATE_UNKNOWN DROP_OFF_TYPE_OPTIONS = { 0: "Regular", 1: "Not Available", 2: "Call Agency", 3: "Contact Driver", } ICON = "mdi:train" ICONS = { 0: "mdi:tram", 1: "mdi:subway", 2: "mdi:train", 3: "mdi:bus", 4: "mdi:ferry", 5: "mdi:train-variant", 6: "mdi:gondola", 7: "mdi:stairs", 100: "mdi:train", 101: "mdi:train", 102: "mdi:train", 103: "mdi:train", 104: "mdi:train-car", 105: "mdi:train", 106: "mdi:train", 107: "mdi:train", 108: "mdi:train", 109: "mdi:train", 110: "mdi:train-variant", 111: "mdi:train-variant", 112: "mdi:train-variant", 113: "mdi:train-variant", 114: "mdi:train-variant", 115: "mdi:train-variant", 116: "mdi:train-variant", 117: "mdi:train-variant", 200: "mdi:bus", 201: "mdi:bus", 202: "mdi:bus", 203: "mdi:bus", 204: "mdi:bus", 205: "mdi:bus", 206: "mdi:bus", 207: "mdi:bus", 208: "mdi:bus", 209: "mdi:bus", 400: "mdi:subway-variant", 401: "mdi:subway-variant", 402: "mdi:subway", 403: "mdi:subway-variant", 404: "mdi:subway-variant", 405: "mdi:subway-variant", 700: "mdi:bus", 701: "mdi:bus", 702: "mdi:bus", 703: "mdi:bus", 704: "mdi:bus", 705: "mdi:bus", 706: "mdi:bus", 707: "mdi:bus", 708: "mdi:bus", 709: "mdi:bus", 710: "mdi:bus", 711: "mdi:bus", 712: "mdi:bus-school", 713: "mdi:bus-school", 714: "mdi:bus", 715: "mdi:bus", 716: "mdi:bus", 800: "mdi:bus", 900: "mdi:tram", 901: "mdi:tram", 902: "mdi:tram", 903: "mdi:tram", 904: "mdi:tram", 905: "mdi:tram", 906: "mdi:tram", 1000: "mdi:ferry", 1100: "mdi:airplane", 1200: "mdi:ferry", 1300: "mdi:airplane", 1400: "mdi:gondola", 1500: "mdi:taxi", 1501: "mdi:taxi", 1502: "mdi:ferry", 1503: "mdi:train-variant", 1504: "mdi:bicycle-basket", 1505: "mdi:taxi", 1506: "mdi:car-multiple", 1507: "mdi:taxi", 1700: "mdi:train-car", 1702: "mdi:horse-variant", } LOCATION_TYPE_DEFAULT = "Stop" LOCATION_TYPE_OPTIONS = { 0: "Station", 1: "Stop", 2: "Station Entrance/Exit", 3: "Other", } PICKUP_TYPE_DEFAULT = STATE_UNKNOWN PICKUP_TYPE_OPTIONS = { 0: "Regular", 1: "None Available", 2: "Call Agency", 3: "Contact Driver", } ROUTE_TYPE_OPTIONS = { 0: "Tram", 1: "Subway", 2: "Rail", 3: "Bus", 4: "Ferry", 5: "Cable Tram", 6: "Aerial Lift", 7: "Funicular", 100: "Railway Service", 101: "High Speed Rail Service", 102: "Long Distance Trains", 103: "Inter Regional Rail Service", 104: "Car Transport Rail Service", 105: "Sleeper Rail Service", 106: "Regional Rail Service", 107: "Tourist Railway Service", 108: "Rail Shuttle (Within Complex)", 109: "Suburban Railway", 110: "Replacement Rail Service", 111: "Special Rail Service", 112: "Lorry Transport Rail Service", 113: "All Rail Services", 114: "Cross-Country Rail Service", 115: "Vehicle Transport Rail Service", 116: "Rack and Pinion Railway", 117: "Additional Rail Service", 200: "Coach Service", 201: "International Coach Service", 202: "National Coach Service", 203: "Shuttle Coach Service", 204: "Regional Coach Service", 205: "Special Coach Service", 206: "Sightseeing Coach Service", 207: "Tourist Coach Service", 208: "Commuter Coach Service", 209: "All Coach Services", 400: "Urban Railway Service", 401: "Metro Service", 402: "Underground Service", 403: "Urban Railway Service", 404: "All Urban Railway Services", 405: "Monorail", 700: "Bus Service", 701: "Regional Bus Service", 702: "Express Bus Service", 703: "Stopping Bus Service", 704: "Local Bus Service", 705: "Night Bus Service", 706: "Post Bus Service", 707: "Special Needs Bus", 708: "Mobility Bus Service", 709: "Mobility Bus for Registered Disabled", 710: "Sightseeing Bus", 711: "Shuttle Bus", 712: "School Bus", 713: "School and Public Service Bus", 714: "Rail Replacement Bus Service", 715: "Demand and Response Bus Service", 716: "All Bus Services", 800: "Trolleybus Service", 900: "Tram Service", 901: "City Tram Service", 902: "Local Tram Service", 903: "Regional Tram Service", 904: "Sightseeing Tram Service", 905: "Shuttle Tram Service", 906: "All Tram Services", 1000: "Water Transport Service", 1100: "Air Service", 1200: "Ferry Service", 1300: "Aerial Lift Service", 1400: "Funicular Service", 1500: "Taxi Service", 1501: "Communal Taxi Service", 1502: "Water Taxi Service", 1503: "Rail Taxi Service", 1504: "Bike Taxi Service", 1505: "Licensed Taxi Service", 1506: "Private Hire Service Vehicle", 1507: "All Taxi Services", 1700: "Miscellaneous Service", 1702: "Horse-drawn Carriage", } TIMEPOINT_DEFAULT = True TIMEPOINT_OPTIONS = {0: False, 1: True} WHEELCHAIR_ACCESS_DEFAULT = STATE_UNKNOWN WHEELCHAIR_ACCESS_OPTIONS = {1: True, 2: False} WHEELCHAIR_BOARDING_DEFAULT = STATE_UNKNOWN WHEELCHAIR_BOARDING_OPTIONS = {1: True, 2: False} PLATFORM_SCHEMA = SENSOR_PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_ORIGIN): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_DESTINATION): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_DATA): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_OFFSET, default=0): cv.time_period, vol.Optional(CONF_TOMORROW, default=False): cv.boolean, } ) def get_next_departure( schedule: Any, start_station_id: Any, end_station_id: Any, offset: cv.time_period, include_tomorrow: bool = False, ) -> dict: """Get the next departure for the given schedule.""" now = dt_util.now().replace(tzinfo=None) + offset now_date = now.strftime(dt_util.DATE_STR_FORMAT) yesterday = now - datetime.timedelta(days=1) yesterday_date = yesterday.strftime(dt_util.DATE_STR_FORMAT) tomorrow = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1) tomorrow_date = tomorrow.strftime(dt_util.DATE_STR_FORMAT) # Fetch all departures for yesterday, today and optionally tomorrow, # up to an overkill maximum in case of a departure every minute for those # days. limit = 24 * 60 * 60 * 2 tomorrow_select = tomorrow_where = tomorrow_order = "" if include_tomorrow: limit = int(limit / 2 * 3) tomorrow_name = tomorrow.strftime("%A").lower() tomorrow_select = f"calendar.{tomorrow_name} AS tomorrow," tomorrow_where = f"OR calendar.{tomorrow_name} = 1" tomorrow_order = f"calendar.{tomorrow_name} DESC," sql_query = f""" SELECT trip.trip_id, trip.route_id, time(origin_stop_time.arrival_time) AS origin_arrival_time, time(origin_stop_time.departure_time) AS origin_depart_time, date(origin_stop_time.departure_time) AS origin_depart_date, origin_stop_time.drop_off_type AS origin_drop_off_type, origin_stop_time.pickup_type AS origin_pickup_type, origin_stop_time.shape_dist_traveled AS origin_dist_traveled, origin_stop_time.stop_headsign AS origin_stop_headsign, origin_stop_time.stop_sequence AS origin_stop_sequence, origin_stop_time.timepoint AS origin_stop_timepoint, time(destination_stop_time.arrival_time) AS dest_arrival_time, time(destination_stop_time.departure_time) AS dest_depart_time, destination_stop_time.drop_off_type AS dest_drop_off_type, destination_stop_time.pickup_type AS dest_pickup_type, destination_stop_time.shape_dist_traveled AS dest_dist_traveled, destination_stop_time.stop_headsign AS dest_stop_headsign, destination_stop_time.stop_sequence AS dest_stop_sequence, destination_stop_time.timepoint AS dest_stop_timepoint, calendar.{yesterday.strftime("%A").lower()} AS yesterday, calendar.{now.strftime("%A").lower()} AS today, {tomorrow_select} calendar.start_date AS start_date, calendar.end_date AS end_date FROM trips trip INNER JOIN calendar calendar ON trip.service_id = calendar.service_id INNER JOIN stop_times origin_stop_time ON trip.trip_id = origin_stop_time.trip_id INNER JOIN stops start_station ON origin_stop_time.stop_id = start_station.stop_id INNER JOIN stop_times destination_stop_time ON trip.trip_id = destination_stop_time.trip_id INNER JOIN stops end_station ON destination_stop_time.stop_id = end_station.stop_id WHERE (calendar.{yesterday.strftime("%A").lower()} = 1 OR calendar.{now.strftime("%A").lower()} = 1 {tomorrow_where} ) AND start_station.stop_id = :origin_station_id AND end_station.stop_id = :end_station_id AND origin_stop_sequence < dest_stop_sequence AND calendar.start_date <= :today AND calendar.end_date >= :today ORDER BY calendar.{yesterday.strftime("%A").lower()} DESC, calendar.{now.strftime("%A").lower()} DESC, {tomorrow_order} origin_stop_time.departure_time LIMIT :limit """ result = schedule.engine.execute( text(sql_query), origin_station_id=start_station_id, end_station_id=end_station_id, today=now_date, limit=limit, ) # Create lookup timetable for today and possibly tomorrow, taking into # account any departures from yesterday scheduled after midnight, # as long as all departures are within the calendar date range. timetable = {} yesterday_start = today_start = tomorrow_start = None yesterday_last = today_last = "" for row in result: if row["yesterday"] == 1 and yesterday_date >= row["start_date"]: extras = {"day": "yesterday", "first": None, "last": False} if yesterday_start is None: yesterday_start = row["origin_depart_date"] if yesterday_start != row["origin_depart_date"]: idx = f"{now_date} {row['origin_depart_time']}" timetable[idx] = {**row, **extras} yesterday_last = idx if row["today"] == 1: extras = {"day": "today", "first": False, "last": False} if today_start is None: today_start = row["origin_depart_date"] extras["first"] = True if today_start == row["origin_depart_date"]: idx_prefix = now_date else: idx_prefix = tomorrow_date idx = f"{idx_prefix} {row['origin_depart_time']}" timetable[idx] = {**row, **extras} today_last = idx if ( "tomorrow" in row and row["tomorrow"] == 1 and tomorrow_date <= row["end_date"] ): extras = {"day": "tomorrow", "first": False, "last": None} if tomorrow_start is None: tomorrow_start = row["origin_depart_date"] extras["first"] = True if tomorrow_start == row["origin_depart_date"]: idx = f"{tomorrow_date} {row['origin_depart_time']}" timetable[idx] = {**row, **extras} # Flag last departures. for idx in filter(None, [yesterday_last, today_last]): timetable[idx]["last"] = True _LOGGER.debug("Timetable: %s", sorted(timetable.keys())) item = {} for key in sorted(timetable.keys()): if dt_util.parse_datetime(key) > now: item = timetable[key] _LOGGER.debug( "Departure found for station %s @ %s -> %s", start_station_id, key, item ) break if item == {}: return {} # Format arrival and departure dates and times, accounting for the # possibility of times crossing over midnight. origin_arrival = now if item["origin_arrival_time"] > item["origin_depart_time"]: origin_arrival -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) origin_arrival_time = ( f"{origin_arrival.strftime(dt_util.DATE_STR_FORMAT)} " f"{item['origin_arrival_time']}" ) origin_depart_time = f"{now_date} {item['origin_depart_time']}" dest_arrival = now if item["dest_arrival_time"] < item["origin_depart_time"]: dest_arrival += datetime.timedelta(days=1) dest_arrival_time = ( f"{dest_arrival.strftime(dt_util.DATE_STR_FORMAT)} " f"{item['dest_arrival_time']}" ) dest_depart = dest_arrival if item["dest_depart_time"] < item["dest_arrival_time"]: dest_depart += datetime.timedelta(days=1) dest_depart_time = ( f"{dest_depart.strftime(dt_util.DATE_STR_FORMAT)} " f"{item['dest_depart_time']}" ) depart_time = dt_util.parse_datetime(origin_depart_time) arrival_time = dt_util.parse_datetime(dest_arrival_time) origin_stop_time = { "Arrival Time": origin_arrival_time, "Departure Time": origin_depart_time, "Drop Off Type": item["origin_drop_off_type"], "Pickup Type": item["origin_pickup_type"], "Shape Dist Traveled": item["origin_dist_traveled"], "Headsign": item["origin_stop_headsign"], "Sequence": item["origin_stop_sequence"], "Timepoint": item["origin_stop_timepoint"], } destination_stop_time = { "Arrival Time": dest_arrival_time, "Departure Time": dest_depart_time, "Drop Off Type": item["dest_drop_off_type"], "Pickup Type": item["dest_pickup_type"], "Shape Dist Traveled": item["dest_dist_traveled"], "Headsign": item["dest_stop_headsign"], "Sequence": item["dest_stop_sequence"], "Timepoint": item["dest_stop_timepoint"], } return { "trip_id": item["trip_id"], "route_id": item["route_id"], "day": item["day"], "first": item["first"], "last": item["last"], "departure_time": depart_time, "arrival_time": arrival_time, "origin_stop_time": origin_stop_time, "destination_stop_time": destination_stop_time, } def setup_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, add_entities: Callable[[list], None], discovery_info: DiscoveryInfoType | None = None, ) -> None: """Set up the GTFS sensor.""" gtfs_dir = hass.config.path(DEFAULT_PATH) data = config[CONF_DATA] origin = config.get(CONF_ORIGIN) destination = config.get(CONF_DESTINATION) name = config.get(CONF_NAME) offset: datetime.timedelta = config[CONF_OFFSET] include_tomorrow = config[CONF_TOMORROW] if not os.path.exists(gtfs_dir): os.makedirs(gtfs_dir) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(gtfs_dir, data)): _LOGGER.error("The given GTFS data file/folder was not found") return (gtfs_root, _) = os.path.splitext(data) sqlite_file = f"{gtfs_root}.sqlite?check_same_thread=False" joined_path = os.path.join(gtfs_dir, sqlite_file) gtfs = pygtfs.Schedule(joined_path) # pylint: disable=no-member if not gtfs.feeds: pygtfs.append_feed(gtfs, os.path.join(gtfs_dir, data)) add_entities( [GTFSDepartureSensor(gtfs, name, origin, destination, offset, include_tomorrow)] ) class GTFSDepartureSensor(SensorEntity): """Implementation of a GTFS departure sensor.""" _attr_device_class = DEVICE_CLASS_TIMESTAMP def __init__( self, gtfs: Any, name: Any | None, origin: Any, destination: Any, offset: datetime.timedelta, include_tomorrow: bool, ) -> None: """Initialize the sensor.""" self._pygtfs = gtfs self.origin = origin self.destination = destination self._include_tomorrow = include_tomorrow self._offset = offset self._custom_name = name self._available = False self._icon = ICON self._name = "" self._state: datetime.datetime | None = None self._attributes: dict[str, Any] = {} self._agency = None self._departure: dict[str, Any] = {} self._destination = None self._origin = None self._route = None self._trip = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self.update() @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def native_value(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return True if entity is available.""" return self._available @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict: """Return the state attributes.""" return self._attributes @property def icon(self) -> str: """Icon to use in the frontend, if any.""" return self._icon def update(self) -> None: """Get the latest data from GTFS and update the states.""" with self.lock: # Fetch valid stop information once if not self._origin: stops = self._pygtfs.stops_by_id(self.origin) if not stops: self._available = False _LOGGER.warning("Origin stop ID %s not found", self.origin) return self._origin = stops[0] if not self._destination: stops = self._pygtfs.stops_by_id(self.destination) if not stops: self._available = False _LOGGER.warning( "Destination stop ID %s not found", self.destination ) return self._destination = stops[0] self._available = True # Fetch next departure self._departure = get_next_departure( self._pygtfs, self.origin, self.destination, self._offset, self._include_tomorrow, ) # Define the state as a UTC timestamp with ISO 8601 format if not self._departure: self._state = None else: self._state = self._departure["departure_time"] # Fetch trip and route details once, unless updated if not self._departure: self._trip = None else: trip_id = self._departure["trip_id"] if not self._trip or self._trip.trip_id != trip_id: _LOGGER.debug("Fetching trip details for %s", trip_id) self._trip = self._pygtfs.trips_by_id(trip_id)[0] route_id = self._departure["route_id"] if not self._route or self._route.route_id != route_id: _LOGGER.debug("Fetching route details for %s", route_id) self._route = self._pygtfs.routes_by_id(route_id)[0] # Fetch agency details exactly once if self._agency is None and self._route: _LOGGER.debug("Fetching agency details for %s", self._route.agency_id) try: self._agency = self._pygtfs.agencies_by_id(self._route.agency_id)[0] except IndexError: _LOGGER.warning( "Agency ID '%s' was not found in agency table, " "you may want to update the routes database table " "to fix this missing reference", self._route.agency_id, ) self._agency = False # Assign attributes, icon and name self.update_attributes() if self._route: self._icon = ICONS.get(self._route.route_type, ICON) else: self._icon = ICON name = ( f"{getattr(self._agency, 'agency_name', DEFAULT_NAME)} " f"{self.origin} to {self.destination} next departure" ) if not self._departure: name = f"{DEFAULT_NAME}" self._name = self._custom_name or name def update_attributes(self) -> None: """Update state attributes.""" # Add departure information if self._departure: self._attributes[ATTR_ARRIVAL] = dt_util.as_utc( self._departure["arrival_time"] ).isoformat() self._attributes[ATTR_DAY] = self._departure["day"] if self._departure[ATTR_FIRST] is not None: self._attributes[ATTR_FIRST] = self._departure["first"] elif ATTR_FIRST in self._attributes: del self._attributes[ATTR_FIRST] if self._departure[ATTR_LAST] is not None: self._attributes[ATTR_LAST] = self._departure["last"] elif ATTR_LAST in self._attributes: del self._attributes[ATTR_LAST] else: if ATTR_ARRIVAL in self._attributes: del self._attributes[ATTR_ARRIVAL] if ATTR_DAY in self._attributes: del self._attributes[ATTR_DAY] if ATTR_FIRST in self._attributes: del self._attributes[ATTR_FIRST] if ATTR_LAST in self._attributes: del self._attributes[ATTR_LAST] # Add contextual information self._attributes[ATTR_OFFSET] = self._offset.total_seconds() / 60 if self._state is None: self._attributes[ATTR_INFO] = ( "No more departures" if self._include_tomorrow else "No more departures today" ) elif ATTR_INFO in self._attributes: del self._attributes[ATTR_INFO] if self._agency: self._attributes[ATTR_ATTRIBUTION] = self._agency.agency_name elif ATTR_ATTRIBUTION in self._attributes: del self._attributes[ATTR_ATTRIBUTION] # Add extra metadata key = "agency_id" if self._agency and key not in self._attributes: self.append_keys(self.dict_for_table(self._agency), "Agency") key = "origin_station_stop_id" if self._origin and key not in self._attributes: self.append_keys(self.dict_for_table(self._origin), "Origin Station") self._attributes[ATTR_LOCATION_ORIGIN] = LOCATION_TYPE_OPTIONS.get( self._origin.location_type, LOCATION_TYPE_DEFAULT ) self._attributes[ATTR_WHEELCHAIR_ORIGIN] = WHEELCHAIR_BOARDING_OPTIONS.get( self._origin.wheelchair_boarding, WHEELCHAIR_BOARDING_DEFAULT ) key = "destination_station_stop_id" if self._destination and key not in self._attributes: self.append_keys( self.dict_for_table(self._destination), "Destination Station" ) self._attributes[ATTR_LOCATION_DESTINATION] = LOCATION_TYPE_OPTIONS.get( self._destination.location_type, LOCATION_TYPE_DEFAULT ) self._attributes[ ATTR_WHEELCHAIR_DESTINATION ] = WHEELCHAIR_BOARDING_OPTIONS.get( self._destination.wheelchair_boarding, WHEELCHAIR_BOARDING_DEFAULT ) # Manage Route metadata key = "route_id" if not self._route and key in self._attributes: self.remove_keys("Route") elif self._route and ( key not in self._attributes or self._attributes[key] != self._route.route_id ): self.append_keys(self.dict_for_table(self._route), "Route") self._attributes[ATTR_ROUTE_TYPE] = ROUTE_TYPE_OPTIONS[ self._route.route_type ] # Manage Trip metadata key = "trip_id" if not self._trip and key in self._attributes: self.remove_keys("Trip") elif self._trip and ( key not in self._attributes or self._attributes[key] != self._trip.trip_id ): self.append_keys(self.dict_for_table(self._trip), "Trip") self._attributes[ATTR_BICYCLE] = BICYCLE_ALLOWED_OPTIONS.get( self._trip.bikes_allowed, BICYCLE_ALLOWED_DEFAULT ) self._attributes[ATTR_WHEELCHAIR] = WHEELCHAIR_ACCESS_OPTIONS.get( self._trip.wheelchair_accessible, WHEELCHAIR_ACCESS_DEFAULT ) # Manage Stop Times metadata prefix = "origin_stop" if self._departure: self.append_keys(self._departure["origin_stop_time"], prefix) self._attributes[ATTR_DROP_OFF_ORIGIN] = DROP_OFF_TYPE_OPTIONS.get( self._departure["origin_stop_time"]["Drop Off Type"], DROP_OFF_TYPE_DEFAULT, ) self._attributes[ATTR_PICKUP_ORIGIN] = PICKUP_TYPE_OPTIONS.get( self._departure["origin_stop_time"]["Pickup Type"], PICKUP_TYPE_DEFAULT ) self._attributes[ATTR_TIMEPOINT_ORIGIN] = TIMEPOINT_OPTIONS.get( self._departure["origin_stop_time"]["Timepoint"], TIMEPOINT_DEFAULT ) else: self.remove_keys(prefix) prefix = "destination_stop" if self._departure: self.append_keys(self._departure["destination_stop_time"], prefix) self._attributes[ATTR_DROP_OFF_DESTINATION] = DROP_OFF_TYPE_OPTIONS.get( self._departure["destination_stop_time"]["Drop Off Type"], DROP_OFF_TYPE_DEFAULT, ) self._attributes[ATTR_PICKUP_DESTINATION] = PICKUP_TYPE_OPTIONS.get( self._departure["destination_stop_time"]["Pickup Type"], PICKUP_TYPE_DEFAULT, ) self._attributes[ATTR_TIMEPOINT_DESTINATION] = TIMEPOINT_OPTIONS.get( self._departure["destination_stop_time"]["Timepoint"], TIMEPOINT_DEFAULT ) else: self.remove_keys(prefix) @staticmethod def dict_for_table(resource: Any) -> dict: """Return a dictionary for the SQLAlchemy resource given.""" return { col: getattr(resource, col) for col in resource.__table__.columns.keys() } def append_keys(self, resource: dict, prefix: str | None = None) -> None: """Properly format key val pairs to append to attributes.""" for attr, val in resource.items(): if val == "" or val is None or attr == "feed_id": continue key = attr if prefix and not key.startswith(prefix): key = f"{prefix} {key}" key = slugify(key) self._attributes[key] = val def remove_keys(self, prefix: str) -> None: """Remove attributes whose key starts with prefix.""" self._attributes = { k: v for k, v in self._attributes.items() if not k.startswith(prefix) }