#!/bin/sh # script/cibuild: Setup environment for CI to run tests. This is primarily # designed to run on the continuous integration server. cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." if [ "$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" = "3.5" ]; then echo "Verifying requirements_all.txt..." python3 setup.py -q develop 2> /dev/null tput setaf 1 script/gen_requirements_all.py validate VERIFY_REQUIREMENTS_STATUS=$? tput sgr0 else VERIFY_REQUIREMENTS_STATUS=0 fi if [ "$VERIFY_REQUIREMENTS_STATUS" != "0" ]; then exit $VERIFY_REQUIREMENTS_STATUS fi script/bootstrap_server > /dev/null DEP_INSTALL_STATUS=$? if [ "$DEP_INSTALL_STATUS" != "0" ]; then exit $DEP_INSTALL_STATUS fi if [ "$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" != "3.5" ]; then NO_LINT=1 fi export NO_LINT script/test coverage STATUS=$? coveralls exit $STATUS