"""Handle MySensors gateways.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections import defaultdict from collections.abc import Callable import logging import socket import sys from typing import Any import async_timeout from mysensors import BaseAsyncGateway, Message, Sensor, mysensors import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.mqtt import DOMAIN as MQTT_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.mqtt.models import ( ReceiveMessage as MQTTReceiveMessage, ReceivePayloadType, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP from homeassistant.core import Event, HomeAssistant, callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from .const import ( CONF_BAUD_RATE, CONF_DEVICE, CONF_GATEWAY_TYPE, CONF_GATEWAY_TYPE_MQTT, CONF_GATEWAY_TYPE_SERIAL, CONF_PERSISTENCE_FILE, CONF_RETAIN, CONF_TCP_PORT, CONF_TOPIC_IN_PREFIX, CONF_TOPIC_OUT_PREFIX, CONF_VERSION, DOMAIN, MYSENSORS_GATEWAY_START_TASK, ConfGatewayType, GatewayId, ) from .handler import HANDLERS from .helpers import ( discover_mysensors_platform, on_unload, validate_child, validate_node, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) GATEWAY_READY_TIMEOUT = 20.0 MQTT_COMPONENT = "mqtt" def is_serial_port(value: str) -> str: """Validate that value is a windows serial port or a unix device.""" if sys.platform.startswith("win"): ports = (f"COM{idx + 1}" for idx in range(256)) if value in ports: return value raise vol.Invalid(f"{value} is not a serial port") return cv.isdevice(value) def is_socket_address(value: str) -> str: """Validate that value is a valid address.""" try: socket.getaddrinfo(value, None) return value except OSError as err: raise vol.Invalid("Device is not a valid domain name or ip address") from err async def try_connect( hass: HomeAssistant, gateway_type: ConfGatewayType, user_input: dict[str, Any] ) -> bool: """Try to connect to a gateway and report if it worked.""" if gateway_type == "MQTT": return True # Do not validate MQTT, as that does not use connection made. try: gateway_ready = asyncio.Event() def on_conn_made(_: BaseAsyncGateway) -> None: gateway_ready.set() gateway: BaseAsyncGateway | None = await _get_gateway( hass, gateway_type, device=user_input[CONF_DEVICE], version=user_input[CONF_VERSION], event_callback=lambda _: None, persistence_file=None, baud_rate=user_input.get(CONF_BAUD_RATE), tcp_port=user_input.get(CONF_TCP_PORT), topic_in_prefix=None, topic_out_prefix=None, retain=False, persistence=False, ) if gateway is None: return False gateway.on_conn_made = on_conn_made connect_task = None try: connect_task = asyncio.create_task(gateway.start()) async with async_timeout.timeout(GATEWAY_READY_TIMEOUT): await gateway_ready.wait() return True except asyncio.TimeoutError: _LOGGER.info("Try gateway connect failed with timeout") return False finally: if connect_task is not None and not connect_task.done(): connect_task.cancel() asyncio.create_task(gateway.stop()) except OSError as err: _LOGGER.info("Try gateway connect failed with exception", exc_info=err) return False async def setup_gateway( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry ) -> BaseAsyncGateway | None: """Set up the Gateway for the given ConfigEntry.""" ready_gateway = await _get_gateway( hass, gateway_type=entry.data[CONF_GATEWAY_TYPE], device=entry.data[CONF_DEVICE], version=entry.data[CONF_VERSION], event_callback=_gw_callback_factory(hass, entry.entry_id), persistence_file=entry.data.get( CONF_PERSISTENCE_FILE, f"mysensors_{entry.entry_id}.json" ), baud_rate=entry.data.get(CONF_BAUD_RATE), tcp_port=entry.data.get(CONF_TCP_PORT), topic_in_prefix=entry.data.get(CONF_TOPIC_IN_PREFIX), topic_out_prefix=entry.data.get(CONF_TOPIC_OUT_PREFIX), retain=entry.data.get(CONF_RETAIN, False), ) return ready_gateway async def _get_gateway( hass: HomeAssistant, gateway_type: ConfGatewayType, device: str, version: str, event_callback: Callable[[Message], None], persistence_file: str | None = None, baud_rate: int | None = None, tcp_port: int | None = None, topic_in_prefix: str | None = None, topic_out_prefix: str | None = None, retain: bool = False, persistence: bool = True, ) -> BaseAsyncGateway | None: """Return gateway after setup of the gateway.""" if persistence_file is not None: # Interpret relative paths to be in hass config folder. # Absolute paths will be left as they are. persistence_file = hass.config.path(persistence_file) if gateway_type == CONF_GATEWAY_TYPE_MQTT: # Make sure the mqtt integration is set up. # Naive check that doesn't consider config entry state. if MQTT_DOMAIN not in hass.config.components: return None mqtt = hass.components.mqtt def pub_callback(topic: str, payload: str, qos: int, retain: bool) -> None: """Call MQTT publish function.""" hass.async_create_task( mqtt.async_publish(hass, topic, payload, qos, retain) ) def sub_callback( topic: str, sub_cb: Callable[[str, ReceivePayloadType, int], None], qos: int ) -> None: """Call MQTT subscribe function.""" @callback def internal_callback(msg: MQTTReceiveMessage) -> None: """Call callback.""" sub_cb(msg.topic, msg.payload, msg.qos) hass.async_create_task(mqtt.async_subscribe(topic, internal_callback, qos)) gateway = mysensors.AsyncMQTTGateway( pub_callback, sub_callback, in_prefix=topic_in_prefix, out_prefix=topic_out_prefix, retain=retain, event_callback=None, persistence=persistence, persistence_file=persistence_file, protocol_version=version, ) elif gateway_type == CONF_GATEWAY_TYPE_SERIAL: gateway = mysensors.AsyncSerialGateway( device, baud=baud_rate, event_callback=None, persistence=persistence, persistence_file=persistence_file, protocol_version=version, ) else: gateway = mysensors.AsyncTCPGateway( device, port=tcp_port, event_callback=None, persistence=persistence, persistence_file=persistence_file, protocol_version=version, ) gateway.event_callback = event_callback gateway.metric = hass.config.units.is_metric if persistence: await gateway.start_persistence() return gateway async def finish_setup( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, gateway: BaseAsyncGateway ) -> None: """Load any persistent devices and platforms and start gateway.""" await _discover_persistent_devices(hass, entry, gateway) await _gw_start(hass, entry, gateway) async def _discover_persistent_devices( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, gateway: BaseAsyncGateway ) -> None: """Discover platforms for devices loaded via persistence file.""" new_devices = defaultdict(list) for node_id in gateway.sensors: if not validate_node(gateway, node_id): continue node: Sensor = gateway.sensors[node_id] for child in node.children.values(): # child is of type ChildSensor validated = validate_child(entry.entry_id, gateway, node_id, child) for platform, dev_ids in validated.items(): new_devices[platform].extend(dev_ids) _LOGGER.debug("discovering persistent devices: %s", new_devices) for platform, dev_ids in new_devices.items(): discover_mysensors_platform(hass, entry.entry_id, platform, dev_ids) async def gw_stop( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, gateway: BaseAsyncGateway ) -> None: """Stop the gateway.""" connect_task = hass.data[DOMAIN].pop( MYSENSORS_GATEWAY_START_TASK.format(entry.entry_id), None ) if connect_task is not None and not connect_task.done(): connect_task.cancel() await gateway.stop() async def _gw_start( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, gateway: BaseAsyncGateway ) -> None: """Start the gateway.""" gateway_ready = asyncio.Event() def gateway_connected(_: BaseAsyncGateway) -> None: """Handle gateway connected.""" gateway_ready.set() gateway.on_conn_made = gateway_connected # Don't use hass.async_create_task to avoid holding up setup indefinitely. hass.data[DOMAIN][ MYSENSORS_GATEWAY_START_TASK.format(entry.entry_id) ] = asyncio.create_task( gateway.start() ) # store the connect task so it can be cancelled in gw_stop async def stop_this_gw(_: Event) -> None: """Stop the gateway.""" await gw_stop(hass, entry, gateway) on_unload( hass, entry.entry_id, hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, stop_this_gw), ) if entry.data[CONF_DEVICE] == MQTT_COMPONENT: # Gatways connected via mqtt doesn't send gateway ready message. return try: async with async_timeout.timeout(GATEWAY_READY_TIMEOUT): await gateway_ready.wait() except asyncio.TimeoutError: _LOGGER.warning( "Gateway %s not connected after %s secs so continuing with setup", entry.data[CONF_DEVICE], GATEWAY_READY_TIMEOUT, ) def _gw_callback_factory( hass: HomeAssistant, gateway_id: GatewayId ) -> Callable[[Message], None]: """Return a new callback for the gateway.""" @callback def mysensors_callback(msg: Message) -> None: """Handle messages from a MySensors gateway. All MySenors messages are received here. The messages are passed to handler functions depending on their type. """ _LOGGER.debug("Node update: node %s child %s", msg.node_id, msg.child_id) msg_type = msg.gateway.const.MessageType(msg.type) msg_handler = HANDLERS.get(msg_type.name) if msg_handler is None: return hass.async_create_task(msg_handler(hass, gateway_id, msg)) return mysensors_callback