"""Support for LIFX lights.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from datetime import datetime, timedelta import math from typing import Any import aiolifx_effects as aiolifx_effects_module import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import util from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_TRANSITION, LIGHT_TURN_ON_SCHEMA, ColorMode, LightEntity, LightEntityFeature, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers import entity_platform import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_track_point_in_utc_time import homeassistant.util.color as color_util from .const import DATA_LIFX_MANAGER, DOMAIN from .coordinator import LIFXUpdateCoordinator from .entity import LIFXEntity from .manager import ( SERVICE_EFFECT_COLORLOOP, SERVICE_EFFECT_PULSE, SERVICE_EFFECT_STOP, LIFXManager, ) from .util import convert_8_to_16, convert_16_to_8, find_hsbk, lifx_features, merge_hsbk SERVICE_LIFX_SET_STATE = "set_state" COLOR_ZONE_POPULATE_DELAY = 0.3 ATTR_INFRARED = "infrared" ATTR_ZONES = "zones" ATTR_POWER = "power" SERVICE_LIFX_SET_STATE = "set_state" LIFX_SET_STATE_SCHEMA = cv.make_entity_service_schema( { **LIGHT_TURN_ON_SCHEMA, ATTR_INFRARED: vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp(min=0, max=255)), ATTR_ZONES: vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.positive_int]), ATTR_POWER: cv.boolean, } ) HSBK_HUE = 0 HSBK_SATURATION = 1 HSBK_BRIGHTNESS = 2 HSBK_KELVIN = 3 async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, ) -> None: """Set up LIFX from a config entry.""" domain_data = hass.data[DOMAIN] coordinator: LIFXUpdateCoordinator = domain_data[entry.entry_id] manager: LIFXManager = domain_data[DATA_LIFX_MANAGER] device = coordinator.device platform = entity_platform.async_get_current_platform() platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_LIFX_SET_STATE, LIFX_SET_STATE_SCHEMA, "set_state", ) if lifx_features(device)["multizone"]: entity: LIFXLight = LIFXStrip(coordinator, manager, entry) elif lifx_features(device)["color"]: entity = LIFXColor(coordinator, manager, entry) else: entity = LIFXWhite(coordinator, manager, entry) async_add_entities([entity]) class LIFXLight(LIFXEntity, LightEntity): """Representation of a LIFX light.""" _attr_supported_features = LightEntityFeature.TRANSITION | LightEntityFeature.EFFECT def __init__( self, coordinator: LIFXUpdateCoordinator, manager: LIFXManager, entry: ConfigEntry, ) -> None: """Initialize the light.""" super().__init__(coordinator) self.mac_addr = self.bulb.mac_addr bulb_features = lifx_features(self.bulb) self.manager = manager self.effects_conductor: aiolifx_effects_module.Conductor = ( manager.effects_conductor ) self.postponed_update: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None self.entry = entry self._attr_unique_id = self.coordinator.serial_number self._attr_name = self.bulb.label self._attr_min_mireds = math.floor( color_util.color_temperature_kelvin_to_mired(bulb_features["max_kelvin"]) ) self._attr_max_mireds = math.ceil( color_util.color_temperature_kelvin_to_mired(bulb_features["min_kelvin"]) ) if bulb_features["min_kelvin"] != bulb_features["max_kelvin"]: color_mode = ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP else: color_mode = ColorMode.BRIGHTNESS self._attr_color_mode = color_mode self._attr_supported_color_modes = {color_mode} @property def brightness(self) -> int: """Return the brightness of this light between 0..255.""" fade = self.bulb.power_level / 65535 return convert_16_to_8(int(fade * self.bulb.color[HSBK_BRIGHTNESS])) @property def color_temp(self) -> int | None: """Return the color temperature.""" return color_util.color_temperature_kelvin_to_mired( self.bulb.color[HSBK_KELVIN] ) @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if light is on.""" return bool(self.bulb.power_level != 0) @property def effect(self) -> str | None: """Return the name of the currently running effect.""" if effect := self.effects_conductor.effect(self.bulb): return f"effect_{effect.name}" return None async def update_during_transition(self, when: int) -> None: """Update state at the start and end of a transition.""" if self.postponed_update: self.postponed_update() self.postponed_update = None # Transition has started self.async_write_ha_state() # The state reply we get back may be stale so we also request # a refresh to get a fresh state # https://lan.developer.lifx.com/docs/changing-a-device await self.coordinator.async_request_refresh() # Transition has ended if when > 0: async def _async_refresh(now: datetime) -> None: """Refresh the state.""" await self.coordinator.async_refresh() self.postponed_update = async_track_point_in_utc_time( self.hass, _async_refresh, util.dt.utcnow() + timedelta(milliseconds=when), ) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the light on.""" await self.set_state(**{**kwargs, ATTR_POWER: True}) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn the light off.""" await self.set_state(**{**kwargs, ATTR_POWER: False}) async def set_state(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Set a color on the light and turn it on/off.""" self.coordinator.async_set_updated_data(None) async with self.coordinator.lock: # Cancel any pending refreshes bulb = self.bulb await self.effects_conductor.stop([bulb]) if ATTR_EFFECT in kwargs: await self.default_effect(**kwargs) return if ATTR_INFRARED in kwargs: bulb.set_infrared(convert_8_to_16(kwargs[ATTR_INFRARED])) if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: fade = int(kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION] * 1000) else: fade = 0 # These are both False if ATTR_POWER is not set power_on = kwargs.get(ATTR_POWER, False) power_off = not kwargs.get(ATTR_POWER, True) hsbk = find_hsbk(self.hass, **kwargs) if not self.is_on: if power_off: await self.set_power(False) # If fading on with color, set color immediately if hsbk and power_on: await self.set_color(hsbk, kwargs) await self.set_power(True, duration=fade) elif hsbk: await self.set_color(hsbk, kwargs, duration=fade) elif power_on: await self.set_power(True, duration=fade) else: if hsbk: await self.set_color(hsbk, kwargs, duration=fade) # The response from set_color will tell us if the # bulb is actually on or not, so we don't need to # call power_on if its already on if power_on and self.bulb.power_level == 0: await self.set_power(True) elif power_on: await self.set_power(True) if power_off: await self.set_power(False, duration=fade) # Update when the transition starts and ends await self.update_during_transition(fade) async def set_power( self, pwr: bool, duration: int = 0, ) -> None: """Send a power change to the bulb.""" try: await self.coordinator.async_set_power(pwr, duration) except asyncio.TimeoutError as ex: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Timeout setting power for {self.name}") from ex async def set_color( self, hsbk: list[float | int | None], kwargs: dict[str, Any], duration: int = 0, ) -> None: """Send a color change to the bulb.""" merged_hsbk = merge_hsbk(self.bulb.color, hsbk) try: await self.coordinator.async_set_color(merged_hsbk, duration) except asyncio.TimeoutError as ex: raise HomeAssistantError(f"Timeout setting color for {self.name}") from ex async def get_color( self, ) -> None: """Send a get color message to the bulb.""" try: await self.coordinator.async_get_color() except asyncio.TimeoutError as ex: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Timeout setting getting color for {self.name}" ) from ex async def default_effect(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Start an effect with default parameters.""" await self.hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, kwargs[ATTR_EFFECT], {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.entity_id}, context=self._context, ) async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Register callbacks.""" self.async_on_remove( self.manager.async_register_entity(self.entity_id, self.entry.entry_id) ) return await super().async_added_to_hass() class LIFXWhite(LIFXLight): """Representation of a white-only LIFX light.""" _attr_effect_list = [SERVICE_EFFECT_PULSE, SERVICE_EFFECT_STOP] class LIFXColor(LIFXLight): """Representation of a color LIFX light.""" _attr_effect_list = [ SERVICE_EFFECT_COLORLOOP, SERVICE_EFFECT_PULSE, SERVICE_EFFECT_STOP, ] @property def supported_color_modes(self) -> set[ColorMode]: """Return the supported color modes.""" return {ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP, ColorMode.HS} @property def color_mode(self) -> ColorMode: """Return the color mode of the light.""" has_sat = self.bulb.color[HSBK_SATURATION] return ColorMode.HS if has_sat else ColorMode.COLOR_TEMP @property def hs_color(self) -> tuple[float, float] | None: """Return the hs value.""" hue, sat, _, _ = self.bulb.color hue = hue / 65535 * 360 sat = sat / 65535 * 100 return (hue, sat) if sat else None class LIFXStrip(LIFXColor): """Representation of a LIFX light strip with multiple zones.""" async def set_color( self, hsbk: list[float | int | None], kwargs: dict[str, Any], duration: int = 0, ) -> None: """Send a color change to the bulb.""" bulb = self.bulb color_zones = bulb.color_zones num_zones = len(color_zones) # Zone brightness is not reported when powered off if not self.is_on and hsbk[HSBK_BRIGHTNESS] is None: await self.set_power(True) await asyncio.sleep(COLOR_ZONE_POPULATE_DELAY) await self.update_color_zones() await self.set_power(False) if (zones := kwargs.get(ATTR_ZONES)) is None: # Fast track: setting all zones to the same brightness and color # can be treated as a single-zone bulb. first_zone = color_zones[0] first_zone_brightness = first_zone[HSBK_BRIGHTNESS] all_zones_have_same_brightness = all( color_zones[zone][HSBK_BRIGHTNESS] == first_zone_brightness for zone in range(num_zones) ) all_zones_are_the_same = all( color_zones[zone] == first_zone for zone in range(num_zones) ) if ( all_zones_have_same_brightness or hsbk[HSBK_BRIGHTNESS] is not None ) and (all_zones_are_the_same or hsbk[HSBK_KELVIN] is not None): await super().set_color(hsbk, kwargs, duration) return zones = list(range(0, num_zones)) else: zones = [x for x in set(zones) if x < num_zones] # Send new color to each zone for index, zone in enumerate(zones): zone_hsbk = merge_hsbk(color_zones[zone], hsbk) apply = 1 if (index == len(zones) - 1) else 0 try: await self.coordinator.async_set_color_zones( zone, zone, zone_hsbk, duration, apply ) except asyncio.TimeoutError as ex: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Timeout setting color zones for {self.name}" ) from ex # set_color_zones does not update the # state of the bulb, so we need to do that await self.get_color() async def update_color_zones( self, ) -> None: """Send a get color zones message to the bulb.""" try: await self.coordinator.async_update_color_zones() except asyncio.TimeoutError as ex: raise HomeAssistantError( f"Timeout setting updating color zones for {self.name}" ) from ex