""" Support for Vera thermostats. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/switch.vera/ """ import logging from homeassistant.util import convert from homeassistant.components.climate import ( ClimateDevice, ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE, SUPPORT_OPERATION_MODE, SUPPORT_FAN_MODE) from homeassistant.const import ( TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_CELSIUS, ATTR_TEMPERATURE) from homeassistant.components.vera import ( VERA_CONTROLLER, VERA_DEVICES, VeraDevice) DEPENDENCIES = ['vera'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) OPERATION_LIST = ['Heat', 'Cool', 'Auto Changeover', 'Off'] FAN_OPERATION_LIST = ['On', 'Auto', 'Cycle'] SUPPORT_FLAGS = (SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE | SUPPORT_OPERATION_MODE | SUPPORT_FAN_MODE) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None): """Set up of Vera thermostats.""" add_devices_callback( [VeraThermostat(device, hass.data[VERA_CONTROLLER]) for device in hass.data[VERA_DEVICES]['climate']], True) class VeraThermostat(VeraDevice, ClimateDevice): """Representation of a Vera Thermostat.""" def __init__(self, vera_device, controller): """Initialize the Vera device.""" VeraDevice.__init__(self, vera_device, controller) self.entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(self.vera_id) @property def supported_features(self): """Return the list of supported features.""" return SUPPORT_FLAGS @property def current_operation(self): """Return current operation ie. heat, cool, idle.""" mode = self.vera_device.get_hvac_mode() if mode == 'HeatOn': return OPERATION_LIST[0] # heat elif mode == 'CoolOn': return OPERATION_LIST[1] # cool elif mode == 'AutoChangeOver': return OPERATION_LIST[2] # auto elif mode == 'Off': return OPERATION_LIST[3] # off return 'Off' @property def operation_list(self): """Return the list of available operation modes.""" return OPERATION_LIST @property def current_fan_mode(self): """Return the fan setting.""" mode = self.vera_device.get_fan_mode() if mode == "ContinuousOn": return FAN_OPERATION_LIST[0] # on elif mode == "Auto": return FAN_OPERATION_LIST[1] # auto elif mode == "PeriodicOn": return FAN_OPERATION_LIST[2] # cycle return "Auto" @property def fan_list(self): """Return a list of available fan modes.""" return FAN_OPERATION_LIST def set_fan_mode(self, fan_mode): """Set new target temperature.""" if fan_mode == FAN_OPERATION_LIST[0]: self.vera_device.fan_on() elif fan_mode == FAN_OPERATION_LIST[1]: self.vera_device.fan_auto() elif fan_mode == FAN_OPERATION_LIST[2]: return self.vera_device.fan_cycle() @property def current_power_w(self): """Return the current power usage in W.""" power = self.vera_device.power if power: return convert(power, float, 0.0) @property def temperature_unit(self): """Return the unit of measurement.""" vera_temp_units = ( self.vera_device.vera_controller.temperature_units) if vera_temp_units == 'F': return TEMP_FAHRENHEIT return TEMP_CELSIUS @property def current_temperature(self): """Return the current temperature.""" return self.vera_device.get_current_temperature() @property def operation(self): """Return current operation ie. heat, cool, idle.""" return self.vera_device.get_hvac_state() @property def target_temperature(self): """Return the temperature we try to reach.""" return self.vera_device.get_current_goal_temperature() def set_temperature(self, **kwargs): """Set new target temperatures.""" if kwargs.get(ATTR_TEMPERATURE) is not None: self.vera_device.set_temperature(kwargs.get(ATTR_TEMPERATURE)) def set_operation_mode(self, operation_mode): """Set HVAC mode (auto, cool, heat, off).""" if operation_mode == OPERATION_LIST[3]: # off self.vera_device.turn_off() elif operation_mode == OPERATION_LIST[2]: # auto self.vera_device.turn_auto_on() elif operation_mode == OPERATION_LIST[1]: # cool self.vera_device.turn_cool_on() elif operation_mode == OPERATION_LIST[0]: # heat self.vera_device.turn_heat_on() def turn_fan_on(self): """Turn fan on.""" self.vera_device.fan_on() def turn_fan_off(self): """Turn fan off.""" self.vera_device.fan_auto()