"""Basic checks for HomeKitSwitch."""
from tests.components.homekit_controller.common import setup_test_component

async def test_switch_change_outlet_state(hass, utcnow):
    """Test that we can turn a HomeKit outlet on and off again."""
    from homekit.model.services import OutletService

    helper = await setup_test_component(hass, [OutletService()])

    await hass.services.async_call(
        "switch", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "switch.testdevice"}, blocking=True
    assert helper.characteristics[("outlet", "on")].value == 1

    await hass.services.async_call(
        "switch", "turn_off", {"entity_id": "switch.testdevice"}, blocking=True
    assert helper.characteristics[("outlet", "on")].value == 0

async def test_switch_read_outlet_state(hass, utcnow):
    """Test that we can read the state of a HomeKit outlet accessory."""
    from homekit.model.services import OutletService

    helper = await setup_test_component(hass, [OutletService()])

    # Initial state is that the switch is off and the outlet isn't in use
    switch_1 = await helper.poll_and_get_state()
    assert switch_1.state == "off"
    assert switch_1.attributes["outlet_in_use"] is False

    # Simulate that someone switched on the device in the real world not via HA
    helper.characteristics[("outlet", "on")].set_value(True)
    switch_1 = await helper.poll_and_get_state()
    assert switch_1.state == "on"
    assert switch_1.attributes["outlet_in_use"] is False

    # Simulate that device switched off in the real world not via HA
    helper.characteristics[("outlet", "on")].set_value(False)
    switch_1 = await helper.poll_and_get_state()
    assert switch_1.state == "off"

    # Simulate that someone plugged something into the device
    helper.characteristics[("outlet", "outlet-in-use")].value = True
    switch_1 = await helper.poll_and_get_state()
    assert switch_1.state == "off"
    assert switch_1.attributes["outlet_in_use"] is True