"""Test the Z-Wave JS init module.""" import asyncio from copy import deepcopy from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, call, patch import pytest from zwave_js_server.client import Client from zwave_js_server.event import Event from zwave_js_server.exceptions import BaseZwaveJSServerError, InvalidServerVersion from zwave_js_server.model.node import Node from zwave_js_server.model.version import VersionInfo from homeassistant.components.hassio.handler import HassioAPIError from homeassistant.components.zwave_js import DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.zwave_js.helpers import get_device_id from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntryDisabler, ConfigEntryState from homeassistant.const import STATE_UNAVAILABLE from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import ( area_registry as ar, device_registry as dr, entity_registry as er, issue_registry as ir, ) from .common import AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, EATON_RF9640_ENTITY from tests.common import MockConfigEntry @pytest.fixture(name="connect_timeout") def connect_timeout_fixture(): """Mock the connect timeout.""" with patch("homeassistant.components.zwave_js.CONNECT_TIMEOUT", new=0) as timeout: yield timeout async def test_entry_setup_unload(hass: HomeAssistant, client, integration) -> None: """Test the integration set up and unload.""" entry = integration assert client.connect.call_count == 1 assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.LOADED await hass.config_entries.async_unload(entry.entry_id) assert client.disconnect.call_count == 1 assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.NOT_LOADED async def test_home_assistant_stop(hass: HomeAssistant, client, integration) -> None: """Test we clean up on home assistant stop.""" await hass.async_stop() assert client.disconnect.call_count == 1 async def test_initialized_timeout( hass: HomeAssistant, client, connect_timeout ) -> None: """Test we handle a timeout during client initialization.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain="zwave_js", data={"url": "ws://test.org"}) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.SETUP_RETRY async def test_enabled_statistics(hass: HomeAssistant, client) -> None: """Test that we enabled statistics if the entry is opted in.""" entry = MockConfigEntry( domain="zwave_js", data={"url": "ws://test.org", "data_collection_opted_in": True}, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) with patch( "zwave_js_server.model.driver.Driver.async_enable_statistics" ) as mock_cmd: await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert mock_cmd.called async def test_disabled_statistics(hass: HomeAssistant, client) -> None: """Test that we diisabled statistics if the entry is opted out.""" entry = MockConfigEntry( domain="zwave_js", data={"url": "ws://test.org", "data_collection_opted_in": False}, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) with patch( "zwave_js_server.model.driver.Driver.async_disable_statistics" ) as mock_cmd: await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert mock_cmd.called async def test_noop_statistics(hass: HomeAssistant, client) -> None: """Test that we don't make any statistics calls if user hasn't provided preference.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain="zwave_js", data={"url": "ws://test.org"}) entry.add_to_hass(hass) with patch( "zwave_js_server.model.driver.Driver.async_enable_statistics" ) as mock_cmd1, patch( "zwave_js_server.model.driver.Driver.async_disable_statistics" ) as mock_cmd2: await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert not mock_cmd1.called assert not mock_cmd2.called @pytest.mark.parametrize("error", [BaseZwaveJSServerError("Boom"), Exception("Boom")]) async def test_listen_failure(hass: HomeAssistant, client, error) -> None: """Test we handle errors during client listen.""" async def listen(driver_ready): """Mock the client listen method.""" # Set the connect side effect to stop an endless loop on reload. client.connect.side_effect = BaseZwaveJSServerError("Boom") raise error client.listen.side_effect = listen entry = MockConfigEntry(domain="zwave_js", data={"url": "ws://test.org"}) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.SETUP_RETRY async def test_new_entity_on_value_added( hass: HomeAssistant, multisensor_6, client, integration ) -> None: """Test we create a new entity if a value is added after the fact.""" node: Node = multisensor_6 # Add a value on a random endpoint so we can be sure we should get a new entity event = Event( type="value added", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value added", "nodeId": node.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Multilevel Sensor", "commandClass": 49, "endpoint": 10, "property": "Ultraviolet", "propertyName": "Ultraviolet", "metadata": { "type": "number", "readable": True, "writeable": False, "label": "Ultraviolet", "ccSpecific": {"sensorType": 27, "scale": 0}, }, "value": 0, }, }, ) node.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get("sensor.multisensor_6_ultraviolet_10") is not None async def test_on_node_added_ready( hass: HomeAssistant, multisensor_6_state, client, integration ) -> None: """Test we handle a node added event with a ready node.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) node = Node(client, deepcopy(multisensor_6_state)) event = {"node": node} air_temperature_device_id = f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}-{node.node_id}" state = hass.states.get(AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) assert not state # entity and device not yet added assert not dev_reg.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, air_temperature_device_id)} ) client.driver.controller.emit("node added", event) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) assert state # entity and device added assert state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE assert dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, air_temperature_device_id)}) async def test_on_node_added_not_ready( hass: HomeAssistant, zp3111_not_ready_state, client, integration ) -> None: """Test we handle a node added event with a non-ready node.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) device_id = f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}-{zp3111_not_ready_state['nodeId']}" assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0 assert len(dev_reg.devices) == 1 node_state = deepcopy(zp3111_not_ready_state) node_state["isSecure"] = False event = Event( type="node added", data={ "source": "controller", "event": "node added", "node": node_state, "result": {}, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() # the only entities are the node status sensor and ping button assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device # no extended device identifier yet assert len(device.identifiers) == 1 async def test_existing_node_ready( hass: HomeAssistant, client, multisensor_6, integration ) -> None: """Test we handle a ready node that exists during integration setup.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) node = multisensor_6 air_temperature_device_id = f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}-{node.node_id}" air_temperature_device_id_ext = ( f"{air_temperature_device_id}-{node.manufacturer_id}:" f"{node.product_type}:{node.product_id}" ) state = hass.states.get(AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) assert state # entity and device added assert state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, air_temperature_device_id)}) assert device assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, air_temperature_device_id_ext)} ) async def test_existing_node_reinterview( hass: HomeAssistant, client: Client, multisensor_6_state: dict, multisensor_6: Node, integration: MockConfigEntry, ) -> None: """Test we handle a node re-interview firing a node ready event.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) node = multisensor_6 assert client.driver is not None air_temperature_device_id = f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}-{node.node_id}" air_temperature_device_id_ext = ( f"{air_temperature_device_id}-{node.manufacturer_id}:" f"{node.product_type}:{node.product_id}" ) state = hass.states.get(AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) assert state # entity and device added assert state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, air_temperature_device_id)}) assert device assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, air_temperature_device_id_ext)} ) assert device.sw_version == "1.12" node_state = deepcopy(multisensor_6_state) node_state["firmwareVersion"] = "1.13" event = Event( type="ready", data={ "source": "node", "event": "ready", "nodeId": node.node_id, "nodeState": node_state, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) assert state assert state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, air_temperature_device_id)}) assert device assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, air_temperature_device_id_ext)} ) assert device.sw_version == "1.13" async def test_existing_node_not_ready( hass: HomeAssistant, zp3111_not_ready, client, integration ) -> None: """Test we handle a non-ready node that exists during integration setup.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) node = zp3111_not_ready device_id = f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}-{node.node_id}" device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device.name == f"Node {node.node_id}" assert not device.manufacturer assert not device.model assert not device.sw_version # the only entities are the node status sensor and ping button assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 2 device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device # no extended device identifier yet assert len(device.identifiers) == 1 async def test_existing_node_not_replaced_when_not_ready( hass: HomeAssistant, zp3111, zp3111_not_ready_state, zp3111_state, client, integration, ) -> None: """Test when a node added event with a non-ready node is received. The existing node should not be replaced, and no customization should be lost. """ dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) er_reg = er.async_get(hass) kitchen_area = ar.async_get(hass).async_create("Kitchen") device_id = f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}-{zp3111.node_id}" device_id_ext = ( f"{device_id}-{zp3111.manufacturer_id}:" f"{zp3111.product_type}:{zp3111.product_id}" ) device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device assert device.name == "4-in-1 Sensor" assert not device.name_by_user assert device.manufacturer == "Vision Security" assert device.model == "ZP3111-5" assert device.sw_version == "5.1" assert not device.area_id assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id_ext)}) motion_entity = "binary_sensor.4_in_1_sensor_motion_detection" state = hass.states.get(motion_entity) assert state assert state.name == "4-in-1 Sensor Motion detection" dev_reg.async_update_device( device.id, name_by_user="Custom Device Name", area_id=kitchen_area.id ) custom_device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert custom_device assert custom_device.name == "4-in-1 Sensor" assert custom_device.name_by_user == "Custom Device Name" assert custom_device.manufacturer == "Vision Security" assert custom_device.model == "ZP3111-5" assert device.sw_version == "5.1" assert custom_device.area_id == kitchen_area.id assert custom_device == dev_reg.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id_ext)} ) custom_entity = "binary_sensor.custom_motion_sensor" er_reg.async_update_entity( motion_entity, new_entity_id=custom_entity, name="Custom Entity Name" ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(custom_entity) assert state assert state.name == "Custom Entity Name" assert not hass.states.get(motion_entity) node_state = deepcopy(zp3111_not_ready_state) node_state["isSecure"] = False event = Event( type="node added", data={ "source": "controller", "event": "node added", "node": node_state, "result": {}, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id_ext)}) assert device.id == custom_device.id assert device.identifiers == custom_device.identifiers assert device.name == f"Node {zp3111.node_id}" assert device.name_by_user == "Custom Device Name" assert not device.manufacturer assert not device.model assert not device.sw_version assert device.area_id == kitchen_area.id state = hass.states.get(custom_entity) assert state assert state.name == "Custom Entity Name" event = Event( type="ready", data={ "source": "node", "event": "ready", "nodeId": zp3111_state["nodeId"], "nodeState": deepcopy(zp3111_state), }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id_ext)}) assert device.id == custom_device.id assert device.identifiers == custom_device.identifiers assert device.name == "4-in-1 Sensor" assert device.name_by_user == "Custom Device Name" assert device.manufacturer == "Vision Security" assert device.model == "ZP3111-5" assert device.area_id == kitchen_area.id assert device.sw_version == "5.1" state = hass.states.get(custom_entity) assert state assert state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE assert state.name == "Custom Entity Name" async def test_null_name( hass: HomeAssistant, client, null_name_check, integration ) -> None: """Test that node without a name gets a generic node name.""" node = null_name_check assert hass.states.get(f"switch.node_{node.node_id}") async def test_start_addon( hass: HomeAssistant, addon_installed, install_addon, addon_options, set_addon_options, start_addon, ) -> None: """Test start the Z-Wave JS add-on during entry setup.""" device = "/test" s0_legacy_key = "s0_legacy" s2_access_control_key = "s2_access_control" s2_authenticated_key = "s2_authenticated" s2_unauthenticated_key = "s2_unauthenticated" addon_options = { "device": device, "s0_legacy_key": s0_legacy_key, "s2_access_control_key": s2_access_control_key, "s2_authenticated_key": s2_authenticated_key, "s2_unauthenticated_key": s2_unauthenticated_key, } entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Z-Wave JS", data={ "use_addon": True, "usb_path": device, "s0_legacy_key": s0_legacy_key, "s2_access_control_key": s2_access_control_key, "s2_authenticated_key": s2_authenticated_key, "s2_unauthenticated_key": s2_unauthenticated_key, }, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.SETUP_RETRY assert install_addon.call_count == 0 assert set_addon_options.call_count == 1 assert set_addon_options.call_args == call( hass, "core_zwave_js", {"options": addon_options} ) assert start_addon.call_count == 1 assert start_addon.call_args == call(hass, "core_zwave_js") async def test_install_addon( hass: HomeAssistant, addon_not_installed, install_addon, addon_options, set_addon_options, start_addon, ) -> None: """Test install and start the Z-Wave JS add-on during entry setup.""" device = "/test" s0_legacy_key = "s0_legacy" s2_access_control_key = "s2_access_control" s2_authenticated_key = "s2_authenticated" s2_unauthenticated_key = "s2_unauthenticated" addon_options = { "device": device, "s0_legacy_key": s0_legacy_key, "s2_access_control_key": s2_access_control_key, "s2_authenticated_key": s2_authenticated_key, "s2_unauthenticated_key": s2_unauthenticated_key, } entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Z-Wave JS", data={ "use_addon": True, "usb_path": device, "s0_legacy_key": s0_legacy_key, "s2_access_control_key": s2_access_control_key, "s2_authenticated_key": s2_authenticated_key, "s2_unauthenticated_key": s2_unauthenticated_key, }, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.SETUP_RETRY assert install_addon.call_count == 1 assert install_addon.call_args == call(hass, "core_zwave_js") assert set_addon_options.call_count == 1 assert set_addon_options.call_args == call( hass, "core_zwave_js", {"options": addon_options} ) assert start_addon.call_count == 1 assert start_addon.call_args == call(hass, "core_zwave_js") @pytest.mark.parametrize("addon_info_side_effect", [HassioAPIError("Boom")]) async def test_addon_info_failure( hass: HomeAssistant, addon_installed, install_addon, addon_options, set_addon_options, start_addon, ) -> None: """Test failure to get add-on info for Z-Wave JS add-on during entry setup.""" device = "/test" network_key = "abc123" entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Z-Wave JS", data={"use_addon": True, "usb_path": device, "network_key": network_key}, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.SETUP_RETRY assert install_addon.call_count == 0 assert start_addon.call_count == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( ( "old_device", "new_device", "old_s0_legacy_key", "new_s0_legacy_key", "old_s2_access_control_key", "new_s2_access_control_key", "old_s2_authenticated_key", "new_s2_authenticated_key", "old_s2_unauthenticated_key", "new_s2_unauthenticated_key", ), [ ( "/old_test", "/new_test", "old123", "new123", "old456", "new456", "old789", "new789", "old987", "new987", ) ], ) async def test_addon_options_changed( hass: HomeAssistant, client, addon_installed, addon_running, install_addon, addon_options, start_addon, old_device, new_device, old_s0_legacy_key, new_s0_legacy_key, old_s2_access_control_key, new_s2_access_control_key, old_s2_authenticated_key, new_s2_authenticated_key, old_s2_unauthenticated_key, new_s2_unauthenticated_key, ) -> None: """Test update config entry data on entry setup if add-on options changed.""" addon_options["device"] = new_device addon_options["s0_legacy_key"] = new_s0_legacy_key addon_options["s2_access_control_key"] = new_s2_access_control_key addon_options["s2_authenticated_key"] = new_s2_authenticated_key addon_options["s2_unauthenticated_key"] = new_s2_unauthenticated_key entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Z-Wave JS", data={ "url": "ws://host1:3001", "use_addon": True, "usb_path": old_device, "s0_legacy_key": old_s0_legacy_key, "s2_access_control_key": old_s2_access_control_key, "s2_authenticated_key": old_s2_authenticated_key, "s2_unauthenticated_key": old_s2_unauthenticated_key, }, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state == ConfigEntryState.LOADED assert entry.data["usb_path"] == new_device assert entry.data["s0_legacy_key"] == new_s0_legacy_key assert entry.data["s2_access_control_key"] == new_s2_access_control_key assert entry.data["s2_authenticated_key"] == new_s2_authenticated_key assert entry.data["s2_unauthenticated_key"] == new_s2_unauthenticated_key assert install_addon.call_count == 0 assert start_addon.call_count == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( ( "addon_version", "update_available", "update_calls", "backup_calls", "update_addon_side_effect", "create_backup_side_effect", ), [ ("1.0.0", True, 1, 1, None, None), ("1.0.0", False, 0, 0, None, None), ("1.0.0", True, 1, 1, HassioAPIError("Boom"), None), ("1.0.0", True, 0, 1, None, HassioAPIError("Boom")), ], ) async def test_update_addon( hass: HomeAssistant, client, addon_info, addon_installed, addon_running, create_backup, update_addon, addon_options, addon_version, update_available, update_calls, backup_calls, update_addon_side_effect, create_backup_side_effect, version_state, ) -> None: """Test update the Z-Wave JS add-on during entry setup.""" device = "/test" network_key = "abc123" addon_options["device"] = device addon_options["network_key"] = network_key addon_info.return_value["version"] = addon_version addon_info.return_value["update_available"] = update_available create_backup.side_effect = create_backup_side_effect update_addon.side_effect = update_addon_side_effect client.connect.side_effect = InvalidServerVersion( VersionInfo("a", "b", 1, 1, 1), 1, "Invalid version" ) entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Z-Wave JS", data={ "url": "ws://host1:3001", "use_addon": True, "usb_path": device, "network_key": network_key, }, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.SETUP_RETRY assert create_backup.call_count == backup_calls assert update_addon.call_count == update_calls async def test_issue_registry(hass: HomeAssistant, client, version_state) -> None: """Test issue registry.""" device = "/test" network_key = "abc123" client.connect.side_effect = InvalidServerVersion( VersionInfo("a", "b", 1, 1, 1), 1, "Invalid version" ) entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Z-Wave JS", data={ "url": "ws://host1:3001", "use_addon": False, "usb_path": device, "network_key": network_key, }, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.SETUP_RETRY issue_reg = ir.async_get(hass) assert issue_reg.async_get_issue(DOMAIN, "invalid_server_version") async def connect(): await asyncio.sleep(0) client.connected = True client.connect = AsyncMock(side_effect=connect) await hass.config_entries.async_reload(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.LOADED assert not issue_reg.async_get_issue(DOMAIN, "invalid_server_version") @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("stop_addon_side_effect", "entry_state"), [ (None, ConfigEntryState.NOT_LOADED), (HassioAPIError("Boom"), ConfigEntryState.LOADED), ], ) async def test_stop_addon( hass: HomeAssistant, client, addon_installed, addon_running, addon_options, stop_addon, stop_addon_side_effect, entry_state, ) -> None: """Test stop the Z-Wave JS add-on on entry unload if entry is disabled.""" stop_addon.side_effect = stop_addon_side_effect device = "/test" network_key = "abc123" addon_options["device"] = device addon_options["network_key"] = network_key entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Z-Wave JS", data={ "url": "ws://host1:3001", "use_addon": True, "usb_path": device, "network_key": network_key, }, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.LOADED await hass.config_entries.async_set_disabled_by( entry.entry_id, ConfigEntryDisabler.USER ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry.state == entry_state assert stop_addon.call_count == 1 assert stop_addon.call_args == call(hass, "core_zwave_js") async def test_remove_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, addon_installed, stop_addon, create_backup, uninstall_addon, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, ) -> None: """Test remove the config entry.""" # test successful remove without created add-on entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Z-Wave JS", data={"integration_created_addon": False}, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.NOT_LOADED assert len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) == 1 await hass.config_entries.async_remove(entry.entry_id) assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.NOT_LOADED assert len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) == 0 # test successful remove with created add-on entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, title="Z-Wave JS", data={"integration_created_addon": True}, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) == 1 await hass.config_entries.async_remove(entry.entry_id) assert stop_addon.call_count == 1 assert stop_addon.call_args == call(hass, "core_zwave_js") assert create_backup.call_count == 1 assert create_backup.call_args == call( hass, {"name": "addon_core_zwave_js_1.0.0", "addons": ["core_zwave_js"]}, partial=True, ) assert uninstall_addon.call_count == 1 assert uninstall_addon.call_args == call(hass, "core_zwave_js") assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.NOT_LOADED assert len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) == 0 stop_addon.reset_mock() create_backup.reset_mock() uninstall_addon.reset_mock() # test add-on stop failure entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) == 1 stop_addon.side_effect = HassioAPIError() await hass.config_entries.async_remove(entry.entry_id) assert stop_addon.call_count == 1 assert stop_addon.call_args == call(hass, "core_zwave_js") assert create_backup.call_count == 0 assert uninstall_addon.call_count == 0 assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.NOT_LOADED assert len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) == 0 assert "Failed to stop the Z-Wave JS add-on" in caplog.text stop_addon.side_effect = None stop_addon.reset_mock() create_backup.reset_mock() uninstall_addon.reset_mock() # test create backup failure entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) == 1 create_backup.side_effect = HassioAPIError() await hass.config_entries.async_remove(entry.entry_id) assert stop_addon.call_count == 1 assert stop_addon.call_args == call(hass, "core_zwave_js") assert create_backup.call_count == 1 assert create_backup.call_args == call( hass, {"name": "addon_core_zwave_js_1.0.0", "addons": ["core_zwave_js"]}, partial=True, ) assert uninstall_addon.call_count == 0 assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.NOT_LOADED assert len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) == 0 assert "Failed to create a backup of the Z-Wave JS add-on" in caplog.text create_backup.side_effect = None stop_addon.reset_mock() create_backup.reset_mock() uninstall_addon.reset_mock() # test add-on uninstall failure entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) == 1 uninstall_addon.side_effect = HassioAPIError() await hass.config_entries.async_remove(entry.entry_id) assert stop_addon.call_count == 1 assert stop_addon.call_args == call(hass, "core_zwave_js") assert create_backup.call_count == 1 assert create_backup.call_args == call( hass, {"name": "addon_core_zwave_js_1.0.0", "addons": ["core_zwave_js"]}, partial=True, ) assert uninstall_addon.call_count == 1 assert uninstall_addon.call_args == call(hass, "core_zwave_js") assert entry.state is ConfigEntryState.NOT_LOADED assert len(hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)) == 0 assert "Failed to uninstall the Z-Wave JS add-on" in caplog.text async def test_removed_device( hass: HomeAssistant, client, climate_radio_thermostat_ct100_plus, lock_schlage_be469, integration, ) -> None: """Test that the device registry gets updated when a device gets removed.""" driver = client.driver assert driver # Verify how many nodes are available assert len(driver.controller.nodes) == 3 # Make sure there are the same number of devices dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) device_entries = dr.async_entries_for_config_entry(dev_reg, integration.entry_id) assert len(device_entries) == 3 # Check how many entities there are ent_reg = er.async_get(hass) entity_entries = er.async_entries_for_config_entry(ent_reg, integration.entry_id) assert len(entity_entries) == 31 # Remove a node and reload the entry old_node = driver.controller.nodes.pop(13) await hass.config_entries.async_reload(integration.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Assert that the node and all of it's entities were removed from the device and # entity registry device_entries = dr.async_entries_for_config_entry(dev_reg, integration.entry_id) assert len(device_entries) == 2 entity_entries = er.async_entries_for_config_entry(ent_reg, integration.entry_id) assert len(entity_entries) == 18 assert dev_reg.async_get_device({get_device_id(driver, old_node)}) is None async def test_suggested_area(hass: HomeAssistant, client, eaton_rf9640_dimmer) -> None: """Test that suggested area works.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) ent_reg = er.async_get(hass) entry = MockConfigEntry(domain="zwave_js", data={"url": "ws://test.org"}) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = ent_reg.async_get(EATON_RF9640_ENTITY) assert dev_reg.async_get(entity.device_id).area_id is not None async def test_node_removed( hass: HomeAssistant, multisensor_6_state, client, integration ) -> None: """Test that device gets removed when node gets removed.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) node = Node(client, deepcopy(multisensor_6_state)) device_id = f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}-{node.node_id}" event = { "source": "controller", "event": "node added", "node": node.data, "result": {}, } client.driver.controller.receive_event(Event("node added", event)) await hass.async_block_till_done() old_device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert old_device.id event = {"node": node, "replaced": False} client.driver.controller.emit("node removed", event) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Assert device has been removed assert not dev_reg.async_get(old_device.id) async def test_replace_same_node( hass: HomeAssistant, multisensor_6, multisensor_6_state, client, integration ) -> None: """Test when a node is replaced with itself that the device remains.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) node_id = multisensor_6.node_id multisensor_6_state = deepcopy(multisensor_6_state) device_id = f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}-{node_id}" multisensor_6_device_id = ( f"{device_id}-{multisensor_6.manufacturer_id}:" f"{multisensor_6.product_type}:{multisensor_6.product_id}" ) device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, multisensor_6_device_id)} ) assert device.manufacturer == "AEON Labs" assert device.model == "ZW100" dev_id = device.id assert hass.states.get(AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) # A replace node event has the extra field "replaced" set to True # to distinguish it from an exclusion event = Event( type="node removed", data={ "source": "controller", "event": "node removed", "replaced": True, "node": multisensor_6_state, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Device should still be there after the node was removed device = dev_reg.async_get(dev_id) assert device # When the node is replaced, a non-ready node added event is emitted event = Event( type="node added", data={ "source": "controller", "event": "node added", "node": { "nodeId": node_id, "index": 0, "status": 4, "ready": False, "isSecure": False, "interviewAttempts": 1, "endpoints": [{"nodeId": node_id, "index": 0, "deviceClass": None}], "values": [], "deviceClass": None, "commandClasses": [], "interviewStage": "None", "statistics": { "commandsTX": 0, "commandsRX": 0, "commandsDroppedRX": 0, "commandsDroppedTX": 0, "timeoutResponse": 0, }, "isControllerNode": False, }, "result": {}, }, ) # Device is still not removed client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() device = dev_reg.async_get(dev_id) assert device event = Event( type="ready", data={ "source": "node", "event": "ready", "nodeId": node_id, "nodeState": multisensor_6_state, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Device is the same device = dev_reg.async_get(dev_id) assert device assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, multisensor_6_device_id)} ) assert device.manufacturer == "AEON Labs" assert device.model == "ZW100" assert hass.states.get(AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) async def test_replace_different_node( hass: HomeAssistant, multisensor_6, multisensor_6_state, hank_binary_switch_state, client, integration, ) -> None: """Test when a node is replaced with a different node.""" dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) node_id = multisensor_6.node_id hank_binary_switch_state = deepcopy(hank_binary_switch_state) hank_binary_switch_state["nodeId"] = node_id device_id = f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}-{node_id}" multisensor_6_device_id = ( f"{device_id}-{multisensor_6.manufacturer_id}:" f"{multisensor_6.product_type}:{multisensor_6.product_id}" ) hank_device_id = ( f"{device_id}-{hank_binary_switch_state['manufacturerId']}:" f"{hank_binary_switch_state['productType']}:" f"{hank_binary_switch_state['productId']}" ) device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, multisensor_6_device_id)} ) assert device.manufacturer == "AEON Labs" assert device.model == "ZW100" dev_id = device.id assert hass.states.get(AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) # A replace node event has the extra field "replaced" set to True # to distinguish it from an exclusion event = Event( type="node removed", data={ "source": "controller", "event": "node removed", "replaced": True, "node": multisensor_6_state, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Device should still be there after the node was removed device = dev_reg.async_get(dev_id) assert device # When the node is replaced, a non-ready node added event is emitted event = Event( type="node added", data={ "source": "controller", "event": "node added", "node": { "nodeId": multisensor_6.node_id, "index": 0, "status": 4, "ready": False, "isSecure": False, "interviewAttempts": 1, "endpoints": [ {"nodeId": multisensor_6.node_id, "index": 0, "deviceClass": None} ], "values": [], "deviceClass": None, "commandClasses": [], "interviewStage": "None", "statistics": { "commandsTX": 0, "commandsRX": 0, "commandsDroppedRX": 0, "commandsDroppedTX": 0, "timeoutResponse": 0, }, "isControllerNode": False, }, "result": {}, }, ) # Device is still not removed client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() device = dev_reg.async_get(dev_id) assert device event = Event( type="ready", data={ "source": "node", "event": "ready", "nodeId": node_id, "nodeState": hank_binary_switch_state, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Old device and entities were removed, but the ID is re-used device = dev_reg.async_get(dev_id) assert device assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, hank_device_id)}) assert not dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, multisensor_6_device_id)}) assert device.manufacturer == "HANK Electronics Ltd." assert device.model == "HKZW-SO01" assert not hass.states.get(AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR) assert hass.states.get("switch.smart_plug_with_two_usb_ports") async def test_node_model_change( hass: HomeAssistant, zp3111, client, integration ) -> None: """Test when a node's model is changed due to an updated device config file. The device and entities should not be removed. """ dev_reg = dr.async_get(hass) er_reg = er.async_get(hass) device_id = f"{client.driver.controller.home_id}-{zp3111.node_id}" device_id_ext = ( f"{device_id}-{zp3111.manufacturer_id}:" f"{zp3111.product_type}:{zp3111.product_id}" ) # Verify device and entities have default names/ids device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id_ext)}) assert device.manufacturer == "Vision Security" assert device.model == "ZP3111-5" assert device.name == "4-in-1 Sensor" assert not device.name_by_user dev_id = device.id motion_entity = "binary_sensor.4_in_1_sensor_motion_detection" state = hass.states.get(motion_entity) assert state assert state.name == "4-in-1 Sensor Motion detection" # Customize device and entity names/ids dev_reg.async_update_device(device.id, name_by_user="Custom Device Name") device = dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id)}) assert device assert device.id == dev_id assert device == dev_reg.async_get_device(identifiers={(DOMAIN, device_id_ext)}) assert device.manufacturer == "Vision Security" assert device.model == "ZP3111-5" assert device.name == "4-in-1 Sensor" assert device.name_by_user == "Custom Device Name" custom_entity = "binary_sensor.custom_motion_sensor" er_reg.async_update_entity( motion_entity, new_entity_id=custom_entity, name="Custom Entity Name" ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert not hass.states.get(motion_entity) state = hass.states.get(custom_entity) assert state assert state.name == "Custom Entity Name" # Unload the integration assert await hass.config_entries.async_unload(integration.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert integration.state is ConfigEntryState.NOT_LOADED assert not hass.data.get(DOMAIN) # Simulate changes to the node labels zp3111.device_config.data["description"] = "New Device Name" zp3111.device_config.data["label"] = "New Device Model" zp3111.device_config.data["manufacturer"] = "New Device Manufacturer" # Reload integration, it will re-add the nodes integration.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(integration.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Device name changes, but the customization is the same device = dev_reg.async_get(dev_id) assert device assert device.id == dev_id assert device.manufacturer == "New Device Manufacturer" assert device.model == "New Device Model" assert device.name == "New Device Name" assert device.name_by_user == "Custom Device Name" assert not hass.states.get(motion_entity) state = hass.states.get(custom_entity) assert state assert state.name == "Custom Entity Name" async def test_disabled_node_status_entity_on_node_replaced( hass: HomeAssistant, zp3111_state, zp3111, client, integration ) -> None: """Test that when a node replacement event is received the node status sensor is removed.""" node_status_entity = "sensor.4_in_1_sensor_node_status" state = hass.states.get(node_status_entity) assert state assert state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE event = Event( type="node removed", data={ "source": "controller", "event": "node removed", "replaced": True, "node": zp3111_state, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(node_status_entity) assert state assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE async def test_disabled_entity_on_value_removed( hass: HomeAssistant, zp3111, client, integration ) -> None: """Test that when entity primary values are removed the entity is removed.""" er_reg = er.async_get(hass) # re-enable this default-disabled entity sensor_cover_entity = "sensor.4_in_1_sensor_cover_status" er_reg.async_update_entity(entity_id=sensor_cover_entity, disabled_by=None) await hass.async_block_till_done() # must reload the integration when enabling an entity await hass.config_entries.async_unload(integration.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert integration.state is ConfigEntryState.NOT_LOADED integration.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(integration.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert integration.state is ConfigEntryState.LOADED state = hass.states.get(sensor_cover_entity) assert state assert state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE # check for expected entities binary_cover_entity = "binary_sensor.4_in_1_sensor_tampering_product_cover_removed" state = hass.states.get(binary_cover_entity) assert state assert state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE battery_level_entity = "sensor.4_in_1_sensor_battery_level" state = hass.states.get(battery_level_entity) assert state assert state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE unavailable_entities = { state.entity_id for state in hass.states.async_all() if state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE } # This value ID removal does not remove any entity event = Event( type="value removed", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value removed", "nodeId": zp3111.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Wake Up", "commandClass": 132, "endpoint": 0, "property": "wakeUpInterval", "prevValue": 3600, "propertyName": "wakeUpInterval", }, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert all(state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE for state in hass.states.async_all()) # This value ID removal only affects the battery level entity event = Event( type="value removed", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value removed", "nodeId": zp3111.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Battery", "commandClass": 128, "endpoint": 0, "property": "level", "prevValue": 100, "propertyName": "level", }, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(battery_level_entity) assert state assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE # This value ID removal affects its multiple notification sensors event = Event( type="value removed", data={ "source": "node", "event": "value removed", "nodeId": zp3111.node_id, "args": { "commandClassName": "Notification", "commandClass": 113, "endpoint": 0, "property": "Home Security", "propertyKey": "Cover status", "prevValue": 0, "propertyName": "Home Security", "propertyKeyName": "Cover status", }, }, ) client.driver.receive_event(event) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(binary_cover_entity) assert state assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE state = hass.states.get(sensor_cover_entity) assert state assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE # existing entities and the entities with removed values should be unavailable new_unavailable_entities = { state.entity_id for state in hass.states.async_all() if state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE } assert ( unavailable_entities | {battery_level_entity, binary_cover_entity, sensor_cover_entity} == new_unavailable_entities )