"""Tracks the latency of a host by sending ICMP echo requests (ping).""" import asyncio from datetime import timedelta from functools import partial import logging import re import sys from typing import Any, Dict from icmplib import SocketPermissionError, ping as icmp_ping import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import ( DEVICE_CLASS_CONNECTIVITY, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, BinarySensorEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.reload import setup_reload_service from . import DOMAIN, PLATFORMS, async_get_next_ping_id from .const import PING_TIMEOUT _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_AVG = "round_trip_time_avg" ATTR_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_MAX = "round_trip_time_max" ATTR_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_MDEV = "round_trip_time_mdev" ATTR_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_MIN = "round_trip_time_min" CONF_PING_COUNT = "count" DEFAULT_NAME = "Ping" DEFAULT_PING_COUNT = 5 SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=5) PARALLEL_UPDATES = 0 PING_MATCHER = re.compile( r"(?P\d+.\d+)\/(?P\d+.\d+)\/(?P\d+.\d+)\/(?P\d+.\d+)" ) PING_MATCHER_BUSYBOX = re.compile( r"(?P\d+.\d+)\/(?P\d+.\d+)\/(?P\d+.\d+)" ) WIN32_PING_MATCHER = re.compile(r"(?P\d+)ms.+(?P\d+)ms.+(?P\d+)ms") PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PING_COUNT, default=DEFAULT_PING_COUNT): vol.Range( min=1, max=100 ), } ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None) -> None: """Set up the Ping Binary sensor.""" setup_reload_service(hass, DOMAIN, PLATFORMS) host = config[CONF_HOST] count = config[CONF_PING_COUNT] name = config.get(CONF_NAME, f"{DEFAULT_NAME} {host}") try: # Verify we can create a raw socket, or # fallback to using a subprocess icmp_ping("", count=0, timeout=0) ping_cls = PingDataICMPLib except SocketPermissionError: ping_cls = PingDataSubProcess ping_data = ping_cls(hass, host, count) add_entities([PingBinarySensor(name, ping_data)], True) class PingBinarySensor(BinarySensorEntity): """Representation of a Ping Binary sensor.""" def __init__(self, name: str, ping) -> None: """Initialize the Ping Binary sensor.""" self._name = name self._ping = ping @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name @property def device_class(self) -> str: """Return the class of this sensor.""" return DEVICE_CLASS_CONNECTIVITY @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if the binary sensor is on.""" return self._ping.available @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return the state attributes of the ICMP checo request.""" if self._ping.data is not False: return { ATTR_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_AVG: self._ping.data["avg"], ATTR_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_MAX: self._ping.data["max"], ATTR_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_MDEV: self._ping.data["mdev"], ATTR_ROUND_TRIP_TIME_MIN: self._ping.data["min"], } async def async_update(self) -> None: """Get the latest data.""" await self._ping.async_update() class PingData: """The base class for handling the data retrieval.""" def __init__(self, hass, host, count) -> None: """Initialize the data object.""" self.hass = hass self._ip_address = host self._count = count self.data = {} self.available = False class PingDataICMPLib(PingData): """The Class for handling the data retrieval using icmplib.""" async def async_update(self) -> None: """Retrieve the latest details from the host.""" _LOGGER.debug("ping address: %s", self._ip_address) data = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( partial( icmp_ping, self._ip_address, count=self._count, timeout=1, id=async_get_next_ping_id(self.hass), ) ) self.available = data.is_alive if not self.available: self.data = False return self.data = { "min": data.min_rtt, "max": data.max_rtt, "avg": data.avg_rtt, "mdev": "", } class PingDataSubProcess(PingData): """The Class for handling the data retrieval using the ping binary.""" def __init__(self, hass, host, count) -> None: """Initialize the data object.""" super().__init__(hass, host, count) if sys.platform == "win32": self._ping_cmd = [ "ping", "-n", str(self._count), "-w", "1000", self._ip_address, ] else: self._ping_cmd = [ "ping", "-n", "-q", "-c", str(self._count), "-W1", self._ip_address, ] async def async_ping(self): """Send ICMP echo request and return details if success.""" pinger = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *self._ping_cmd, stdin=None, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) try: out_data, out_error = await asyncio.wait_for( pinger.communicate(), self._count + PING_TIMEOUT ) if out_data: _LOGGER.debug( "Output of command: `%s`, return code: %s:\n%s", " ".join(self._ping_cmd), pinger.returncode, out_data, ) if out_error: _LOGGER.debug( "Error of command: `%s`, return code: %s:\n%s", " ".join(self._ping_cmd), pinger.returncode, out_error, ) if pinger.returncode > 1: # returncode of 1 means the host is unreachable _LOGGER.exception( "Error running command: `%s`, return code: %s", " ".join(self._ping_cmd), pinger.returncode, ) if sys.platform == "win32": match = WIN32_PING_MATCHER.search(str(out_data).split("\n")[-1]) rtt_min, rtt_avg, rtt_max = match.groups() return {"min": rtt_min, "avg": rtt_avg, "max": rtt_max, "mdev": ""} if "max/" not in str(out_data): match = PING_MATCHER_BUSYBOX.search(str(out_data).split("\n")[-1]) rtt_min, rtt_avg, rtt_max = match.groups() return {"min": rtt_min, "avg": rtt_avg, "max": rtt_max, "mdev": ""} match = PING_MATCHER.search(str(out_data).split("\n")[-1]) rtt_min, rtt_avg, rtt_max, rtt_mdev = match.groups() return {"min": rtt_min, "avg": rtt_avg, "max": rtt_max, "mdev": rtt_mdev} except asyncio.TimeoutError: _LOGGER.exception( "Timed out running command: `%s`, after: %ss", self._ping_cmd, self._count + PING_TIMEOUT, ) if pinger: try: await pinger.kill() except TypeError: pass del pinger return False except AttributeError: return False async def async_update(self) -> None: """Retrieve the latest details from the host.""" self.data = await self.async_ping() self.available = bool(self.data)