"""Axis camera platform tests.""" from homeassistant.components import camera from homeassistant.components.axis.const import ( CONF_STREAM_PROFILE, DOMAIN as AXIS_DOMAIN, ) from homeassistant.components.camera import DOMAIN as CAMERA_DOMAIN from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .test_device import ENTRY_OPTIONS, NAME, setup_axis_integration from tests.async_mock import patch async def test_platform_manually_configured(hass): """Test that nothing happens when platform is manually configured.""" assert ( await async_setup_component( hass, CAMERA_DOMAIN, {"camera": {"platform": AXIS_DOMAIN}} ) is True ) assert AXIS_DOMAIN not in hass.data async def test_camera(hass): """Test that Axis camera platform is loaded properly.""" await setup_axis_integration(hass) assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids(CAMERA_DOMAIN)) == 1 cam = hass.states.get(f"camera.{NAME}") assert cam.state == "idle" assert cam.name == NAME camera_entity = camera._get_camera_from_entity_id(hass, f"camera.{NAME}") assert camera_entity.image_source == "" assert camera_entity.mjpeg_source == "" assert ( await camera_entity.stream_source() == "rtsp://root:pass@" ) async def test_camera_with_stream_profile(hass): """Test that Axis camera entity is using the correct path with stream profike.""" with patch.dict(ENTRY_OPTIONS, {CONF_STREAM_PROFILE: "profile_1"}): await setup_axis_integration(hass) assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids(CAMERA_DOMAIN)) == 1 cam = hass.states.get(f"camera.{NAME}") assert cam.state == "idle" assert cam.name == NAME camera_entity = camera._get_camera_from_entity_id(hass, f"camera.{NAME}") assert camera_entity.image_source == "" assert ( camera_entity.mjpeg_source == "" ) assert ( await camera_entity.stream_source() == "rtsp://root:pass@" ) async def test_camera_disabled(hass): """Test that Axis camera platform is loaded properly but does not create camera entity.""" with patch("axis.vapix.Params.image_format", new=None): await setup_axis_integration(hass) assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids(CAMERA_DOMAIN)) == 0