"""Provide pre-made queries on top of the recorder component.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from itertools import groupby import logging import time from sqlalchemy import and_, bindparam, func from sqlalchemy.ext import baked from homeassistant.components import recorder from homeassistant.core import split_entity_id import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from .models import ( LazyState, StateAttributes, States, process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat, ) from .util import execute, session_scope # mypy: allow-untyped-defs, no-check-untyped-defs _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) STATE_KEY = "state" LAST_CHANGED_KEY = "last_changed" SIGNIFICANT_DOMAINS = ( "climate", "device_tracker", "humidifier", "thermostat", "water_heater", ) IGNORE_DOMAINS = ("zone", "scene") NEED_ATTRIBUTE_DOMAINS = { "climate", "humidifier", "input_datetime", "thermostat", "water_heater", } QUERY_STATES = [ States.domain, States.entity_id, States.state, States.attributes, States.last_changed, States.last_updated, StateAttributes.shared_attrs, ] HISTORY_BAKERY = "recorder_history_bakery" def async_setup(hass): """Set up the history hooks.""" hass.data[HISTORY_BAKERY] = baked.bakery() def get_significant_states(hass, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap get_significant_states_with_session with an sql session.""" with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: return get_significant_states_with_session(hass, session, *args, **kwargs) def get_significant_states_with_session( hass, session, start_time, end_time=None, entity_ids=None, filters=None, include_start_time_state=True, significant_changes_only=True, minimal_response=False, ): """ Return states changes during UTC period start_time - end_time. entity_ids is an optional iterable of entities to include in the results. filters is an optional SQLAlchemy filter which will be applied to the database queries unless entity_ids is given, in which case its ignored. Significant states are all states where there is a state change, as well as all states from certain domains (for instance thermostat so that we get current temperature in our graphs). """ timer_start = time.perf_counter() baked_query = hass.data[HISTORY_BAKERY]( lambda session: session.query(*QUERY_STATES) ) if significant_changes_only: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( ( States.domain.in_(SIGNIFICANT_DOMAINS) | (States.last_changed == States.last_updated) ) & (States.last_updated > bindparam("start_time")) ) else: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter(States.last_updated > bindparam("start_time")) if entity_ids is not None: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( States.entity_id.in_(bindparam("entity_ids", expanding=True)) ) else: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter(~States.domain.in_(IGNORE_DOMAINS)) if filters: filters.bake(baked_query) if end_time is not None: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter(States.last_updated < bindparam("end_time")) baked_query += lambda q: q.outerjoin( StateAttributes, States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id ) baked_query += lambda q: q.order_by(States.entity_id, States.last_updated) states = execute( baked_query(session).params( start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, entity_ids=entity_ids ) ) if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): elapsed = time.perf_counter() - timer_start _LOGGER.debug("get_significant_states took %fs", elapsed) return _sorted_states_to_dict( hass, session, states, start_time, entity_ids, filters, include_start_time_state, minimal_response, ) def state_changes_during_period(hass, start_time, end_time=None, entity_id=None): """Return states changes during UTC period start_time - end_time.""" with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: baked_query = hass.data[HISTORY_BAKERY]( lambda session: session.query(*QUERY_STATES) ) baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( (States.last_changed == States.last_updated) & (States.last_updated > bindparam("start_time")) ) if end_time is not None: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( States.last_updated < bindparam("end_time") ) if entity_id is not None: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter_by(entity_id=bindparam("entity_id")) entity_id = entity_id.lower() baked_query += lambda q: q.outerjoin( StateAttributes, States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id ) baked_query += lambda q: q.order_by(States.entity_id, States.last_updated) states = execute( baked_query(session).params( start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, entity_id=entity_id ) ) entity_ids = [entity_id] if entity_id is not None else None return _sorted_states_to_dict(hass, session, states, start_time, entity_ids) def get_last_state_changes(hass, number_of_states, entity_id): """Return the last number_of_states.""" start_time = dt_util.utcnow() with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: baked_query = hass.data[HISTORY_BAKERY]( lambda session: session.query(*QUERY_STATES) ) baked_query += lambda q: q.filter(States.last_changed == States.last_updated) if entity_id is not None: baked_query += lambda q: q.filter_by(entity_id=bindparam("entity_id")) entity_id = entity_id.lower() baked_query += lambda q: q.outerjoin( StateAttributes, States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id ) baked_query += lambda q: q.order_by( States.entity_id, States.last_updated.desc() ) baked_query += lambda q: q.limit(bindparam("number_of_states")) states = execute( baked_query(session).params( number_of_states=number_of_states, entity_id=entity_id ) ) entity_ids = [entity_id] if entity_id is not None else None return _sorted_states_to_dict( hass, session, reversed(states), start_time, entity_ids, include_start_time_state=False, ) def get_states(hass, utc_point_in_time, entity_ids=None, run=None, filters=None): """Return the states at a specific point in time.""" if run is None: run = recorder.run_information_from_instance(hass, utc_point_in_time) # History did not run before utc_point_in_time if run is None: return [] with session_scope(hass=hass) as session: return _get_states_with_session( hass, session, utc_point_in_time, entity_ids, run, filters ) def _get_states_with_session( hass, session, utc_point_in_time, entity_ids=None, run=None, filters=None ): """Return the states at a specific point in time.""" if entity_ids and len(entity_ids) == 1: return _get_single_entity_states_with_session( hass, session, utc_point_in_time, entity_ids[0] ) if run is None: run = recorder.run_information_with_session(session, utc_point_in_time) # History did not run before utc_point_in_time if run is None: return [] # We have more than one entity to look at so we need to do a query on states # since the last recorder run started. query = session.query(*QUERY_STATES) if entity_ids: # We got an include-list of entities, accelerate the query by filtering already # in the inner query. most_recent_state_ids = ( session.query( func.max(States.state_id).label("max_state_id"), ) .filter( (States.last_updated >= run.start) & (States.last_updated < utc_point_in_time) ) .filter(States.entity_id.in_(entity_ids)) ) most_recent_state_ids = most_recent_state_ids.group_by(States.entity_id) most_recent_state_ids = most_recent_state_ids.subquery() query = query.join( most_recent_state_ids, States.state_id == most_recent_state_ids.c.max_state_id, ).outerjoin( StateAttributes, (States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id) ) else: # We did not get an include-list of entities, query all states in the inner # query, then filter out unwanted domains as well as applying the custom filter. # This filtering can't be done in the inner query because the domain column is # not indexed and we can't control what's in the custom filter. most_recent_states_by_date = ( session.query( States.entity_id.label("max_entity_id"), func.max(States.last_updated).label("max_last_updated"), ) .filter( (States.last_updated >= run.start) & (States.last_updated < utc_point_in_time) ) .group_by(States.entity_id) .subquery() ) most_recent_state_ids = ( session.query(func.max(States.state_id).label("max_state_id")) .join( most_recent_states_by_date, and_( States.entity_id == most_recent_states_by_date.c.max_entity_id, States.last_updated == most_recent_states_by_date.c.max_last_updated, ), ) .group_by(States.entity_id) .subquery() ) query = query.join( most_recent_state_ids, States.state_id == most_recent_state_ids.c.max_state_id, ) query = query.filter(~States.domain.in_(IGNORE_DOMAINS)) if filters: query = filters.apply(query) query = query.outerjoin( StateAttributes, (States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id) ) attr_cache = {} return [LazyState(row, attr_cache) for row in execute(query)] def _get_single_entity_states_with_session(hass, session, utc_point_in_time, entity_id): # Use an entirely different (and extremely fast) query if we only # have a single entity id baked_query = hass.data[HISTORY_BAKERY]( lambda session: session.query(*QUERY_STATES) ) baked_query += lambda q: q.filter( States.last_updated < bindparam("utc_point_in_time"), States.entity_id == bindparam("entity_id"), ) baked_query += lambda q: q.outerjoin( StateAttributes, States.attributes_id == StateAttributes.attributes_id ) baked_query += lambda q: q.order_by(States.last_updated.desc()) baked_query += lambda q: q.limit(1) query = baked_query(session).params( utc_point_in_time=utc_point_in_time, entity_id=entity_id ) return [LazyState(row) for row in execute(query)] def _sorted_states_to_dict( hass, session, states, start_time, entity_ids, filters=None, include_start_time_state=True, minimal_response=False, ): """Convert SQL results into JSON friendly data structure. This takes our state list and turns it into a JSON friendly data structure {'entity_id': [list of states], 'entity_id2': [list of states]} States must be sorted by entity_id and last_updated We also need to go back and create a synthetic zero data point for each list of states, otherwise our graphs won't start on the Y axis correctly. """ result = defaultdict(list) # Set all entity IDs to empty lists in result set to maintain the order if entity_ids is not None: for ent_id in entity_ids: result[ent_id] = [] # Get the states at the start time timer_start = time.perf_counter() if include_start_time_state: run = recorder.run_information_from_instance(hass, start_time) for state in _get_states_with_session( hass, session, start_time, entity_ids, run=run, filters=filters ): state.last_changed = start_time state.last_updated = start_time result[state.entity_id].append(state) if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): elapsed = time.perf_counter() - timer_start _LOGGER.debug("getting %d first datapoints took %fs", len(result), elapsed) # Called in a tight loop so cache the function # here _process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat = process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat # Append all changes to it for ent_id, group in groupby(states, lambda state: state.entity_id): domain = split_entity_id(ent_id)[0] ent_results = result[ent_id] attr_cache = {} if not minimal_response or domain in NEED_ATTRIBUTE_DOMAINS: ent_results.extend(LazyState(db_state, attr_cache) for db_state in group) # With minimal response we only provide a native # State for the first and last response. All the states # in-between only provide the "state" and the # "last_changed". if not ent_results: ent_results.append(LazyState(next(group), attr_cache)) prev_state = ent_results[-1] initial_state_count = len(ent_results) for db_state in group: # With minimal response we do not care about attribute # changes so we can filter out duplicate states if db_state.state == prev_state.state: continue ent_results.append( { STATE_KEY: db_state.state, LAST_CHANGED_KEY: _process_timestamp_to_utc_isoformat( db_state.last_changed ), } ) prev_state = db_state if prev_state and len(ent_results) != initial_state_count: # There was at least one state change # replace the last minimal state with # a full state ent_results[-1] = LazyState(prev_state, attr_cache) # Filter out the empty lists if some states had 0 results. return {key: val for key, val in result.items() if val} def get_state(hass, utc_point_in_time, entity_id, run=None): """Return a state at a specific point in time.""" states = get_states(hass, utc_point_in_time, (entity_id,), run) return states[0] if states else None