  "common": {
    "generic": {
      "model": "Model",
      "ui_managed": "Managed via UI"
    "device_automation": {
      "condition_type": {
        "is_on": "{entity_name} is on",
        "is_off": "{entity_name} is off"
      "trigger_type": {
        "changed_states": "{entity_name} turned on or off",
        "turned_on": "{entity_name} turned on",
        "turned_off": "{entity_name} turned off"
      "action_type": {
        "toggle": "Toggle {entity_name}",
        "turn_on": "Turn on {entity_name}",
        "turn_off": "Turn off {entity_name}"
    "action": {
      "connect": "Connect",
      "disconnect": "Disconnect",
      "enable": "Enable",
      "disable": "Disable",
      "open": "Open",
      "close": "Close",
      "reload": "Reload",
      "restart": "Restart",
      "start": "Start",
      "stop": "Stop",
      "pause": "Pause",
      "turn_on": "Turn on",
      "turn_off": "Turn off",
      "toggle": "Toggle"
    "time": {
      "monday": "Monday",
      "tuesday": "Tuesday",
      "wednesday": "Wednesday",
      "thursday": "Thursday",
      "friday": "Friday",
      "saturday": "Saturday",
      "sunday": "Sunday"
    "state": {
      "off": "Off",
      "on": "On",
      "yes": "Yes",
      "no": "No",
      "open": "Open",
      "closed": "Closed",
      "enabled": "Enabled",
      "disabled": "Disabled",
      "connected": "Connected",
      "disconnected": "Disconnected",
      "locked": "Locked",
      "unlocked": "Unlocked",
      "active": "Active",
      "idle": "Idle",
      "standby": "Standby",
      "paused": "Paused",
      "home": "Home",
      "not_home": "Away"
    "config_flow": {
      "title": {
        "oauth2_pick_implementation": "Pick authentication method",
        "reauth": "Authentication expired for {name}",
        "via_hassio_addon": "{name} via Home Assistant add-on"
      "description": {
        "confirm_setup": "Do you want to start setup?"
      "data": {
        "device": "Device",
        "name": "Name",
        "email": "Email",
        "username": "Username",
        "password": "Password",
        "host": "Host",
        "ip": "IP address",
        "port": "Port",
        "url": "URL",
        "usb_path": "USB device path",
        "access_token": "Access token",
        "api_key": "API key",
        "api_token": "API token",
        "ssl": "Uses an SSL certificate",
        "verify_ssl": "Verify SSL certificate",
        "elevation": "Elevation",
        "longitude": "Longitude",
        "latitude": "Latitude",
        "location": "Location",
        "pin": "PIN code",
        "mode": "Mode",
        "path": "Path"
      "create_entry": {
        "authenticated": "Successfully authenticated"
      "error": {
        "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect",
        "invalid_access_token": "Invalid access token",
        "invalid_api_key": "Invalid API key",
        "invalid_auth": "Invalid authentication",
        "invalid_host": "Invalid hostname or IP address",
        "unknown": "Unexpected error",
        "timeout_connect": "Timeout establishing connection"
      "abort": {
        "single_instance_allowed": "Already configured. Only a single configuration possible.",
        "already_configured_account": "Account is already configured",
        "already_configured_device": "Device is already configured",
        "already_configured_location": "Location is already configured",
        "already_configured_service": "Service is already configured",
        "already_in_progress": "Configuration flow is already in progress",
        "no_devices_found": "No devices found on the network",
        "webhook_not_internet_accessible": "Your Home Assistant instance needs to be accessible from the internet to receive webhook messages.",
        "oauth2_error": "Received invalid token data.",
        "oauth2_timeout": "Timeout resolving OAuth token.",
        "oauth2_missing_configuration": "The component is not configured. Please follow the documentation.",
        "oauth2_missing_credentials": "The integration requires application credentials.",
        "oauth2_authorize_url_timeout": "Timeout generating authorize URL.",
        "oauth2_no_url_available": "No URL available. For information about this error, [check the help section]({docs_url})",
        "oauth2_user_rejected_authorize": "Account linking rejected: {error}",
        "oauth2_unauthorized": "OAuth authorization error while obtaining access token.",
        "oauth2_failed": "Error while obtaining access token.",
        "reauth_successful": "Re-authentication was successful",
        "unknown_authorize_url_generation": "Unknown error generating an authorize URL.",
        "cloud_not_connected": "Not connected to Home Assistant Cloud."