""" Provides functionality to group entities. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/group/ """ import threading from collections import OrderedDict import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.core as ha from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, CONF_ICON, CONF_NAME, STATE_CLOSED, STATE_HOME, STATE_NOT_HOME, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, STATE_OPEN, STATE_LOCKED, STATE_UNLOCKED, STATE_UNKNOWN, ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ( Entity, generate_entity_id, split_entity_id) from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_state_change import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv DOMAIN = 'group' ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = DOMAIN + '.{}' CONF_ENTITIES = 'entities' CONF_VIEW = 'view' ATTR_AUTO = 'auto' ATTR_ORDER = 'order' ATTR_VIEW = 'view' def _conf_preprocess(value): """Preprocess alternative configuration formats.""" if isinstance(value, (str, list)): value = {CONF_ENTITIES: value} return value _SINGLE_GROUP_CONFIG = vol.Schema(vol.All(_conf_preprocess, { vol.Optional(CONF_ENTITIES): vol.Any(cv.entity_ids, None), CONF_VIEW: bool, CONF_NAME: str, CONF_ICON: cv.icon, })) def _group_dict(value): """Validate a dictionary of group definitions.""" config = OrderedDict() for key, group in value.items(): try: config[key] = _SINGLE_GROUP_CONFIG(group) except vol.MultipleInvalid as ex: raise vol.Invalid('Group {} is invalid: {}'.format(key, ex)) return config CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: vol.All(dict, _group_dict) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) # List of ON/OFF state tuples for groupable states _GROUP_TYPES = [(STATE_ON, STATE_OFF), (STATE_HOME, STATE_NOT_HOME), (STATE_OPEN, STATE_CLOSED), (STATE_LOCKED, STATE_UNLOCKED)] def _get_group_on_off(state): """Determine the group on/off states based on a state.""" for states in _GROUP_TYPES: if state in states: return states return None, None def is_on(hass, entity_id): """Test if the group state is in its ON-state.""" state = hass.states.get(entity_id) if state: group_on, _ = _get_group_on_off(state.state) # If we found a group_type, compare to ON-state return group_on is not None and state.state == group_on return False def expand_entity_ids(hass, entity_ids): """Return entity_ids with group entity ids replaced by their members.""" found_ids = [] for entity_id in entity_ids: if not isinstance(entity_id, str): continue entity_id = entity_id.lower() try: # If entity_id points at a group, expand it domain, _ = split_entity_id(entity_id) if domain == DOMAIN: found_ids.extend( ent_id for ent_id in expand_entity_ids(hass, get_entity_ids(hass, entity_id)) if ent_id not in found_ids) else: if entity_id not in found_ids: found_ids.append(entity_id) except AttributeError: # Raised by split_entity_id if entity_id is not a string pass return found_ids def get_entity_ids(hass, entity_id, domain_filter=None): """Get members of this group.""" entity_id = entity_id.lower() try: entity_ids = hass.states.get(entity_id).attributes[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] if domain_filter: domain_filter = domain_filter.lower() return [ent_id for ent_id in entity_ids if ent_id.startswith(domain_filter)] else: return entity_ids except (AttributeError, KeyError): # AttributeError if state did not exist # KeyError if key did not exist in attributes return [] def setup(hass, config): """Setup all groups found definded in the configuration.""" for object_id, conf in config.get(DOMAIN, {}).items(): name = conf.get(CONF_NAME, object_id) entity_ids = conf.get(CONF_ENTITIES) or [] icon = conf.get(CONF_ICON) view = conf.get(CONF_VIEW) Group(hass, name, entity_ids, icon=icon, view=view, object_id=object_id) return True class Group(Entity): """Track a group of entity ids.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-arguments def __init__(self, hass, name, entity_ids=None, user_defined=True, icon=None, view=False, object_id=None): """Initialize a group.""" self.hass = hass self._name = name self._state = STATE_UNKNOWN self._order = len(hass.states.entity_ids(DOMAIN)) self._user_defined = user_defined self._icon = icon self._view = view self.entity_id = generate_entity_id( ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, object_id or name, hass=hass) self.tracking = [] self.group_on = None self.group_off = None self._assumed_state = False self._lock = threading.Lock() if entity_ids is not None: self.update_tracked_entity_ids(entity_ids) else: self.update_ha_state(True) @property def should_poll(self): """No need to poll because groups will update themselves.""" return False @property def name(self): """Return the name of the group.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the group.""" return self._state @property def icon(self): """Return the icon of the group.""" return self._icon @property def hidden(self): """If group should be hidden or not.""" return not self._user_defined or self._view @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes for the group.""" data = { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.tracking, ATTR_ORDER: self._order, } if not self._user_defined: data[ATTR_AUTO] = True if self._view: data[ATTR_VIEW] = True return data @property def assumed_state(self): """Test if any member has an assumed state.""" return self._assumed_state def update_tracked_entity_ids(self, entity_ids): """Update the member entity IDs.""" self.stop() self.tracking = tuple(ent_id.lower() for ent_id in entity_ids) self.group_on, self.group_off = None, None self.update_ha_state(True) self.start() def start(self): """Start tracking members.""" track_state_change( self.hass, self.tracking, self._state_changed_listener) def stop(self): """Unregister the group from Home Assistant.""" self.hass.states.remove(self.entity_id) self.hass.bus.remove_listener( ha.EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, self._state_changed_listener) def update(self): """Query all members and determine current group state.""" self._state = STATE_UNKNOWN self._update_group_state() def _state_changed_listener(self, entity_id, old_state, new_state): """Respond to a member state changing.""" self._update_group_state(new_state) self.update_ha_state() @property def _tracking_states(self): """The states that the group is tracking.""" states = [] for entity_id in self.tracking: state = self.hass.states.get(entity_id) if state is not None: states.append(state) return states def _update_group_state(self, tr_state=None): """Update group state. Optionally you can provide the only state changed since last update allowing this method to take shortcuts. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # To store current states of group entities. Might not be needed. with self._lock: states = None gr_state = self._state gr_on = self.group_on gr_off = self.group_off # We have not determined type of group yet if gr_on is None: if tr_state is None: states = self._tracking_states for state in states: gr_on, gr_off = \ _get_group_on_off(state.state) if gr_on is not None: break else: gr_on, gr_off = _get_group_on_off(tr_state.state) if gr_on is not None: self.group_on, self.group_off = gr_on, gr_off # We cannot determine state of the group if gr_on is None: return if tr_state is None or ((gr_state == gr_on and tr_state.state == gr_off) or tr_state.state not in (gr_on, gr_off)): if states is None: states = self._tracking_states if any(state.state == gr_on for state in states): self._state = gr_on else: self._state = gr_off elif tr_state.state in (gr_on, gr_off): self._state = tr_state.state if tr_state is None or self._assumed_state and \ not tr_state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE): if states is None: states = self._tracking_states self._assumed_state = any( state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE) for state in states) elif tr_state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE): self._assumed_state = True