"""Config flow for MQTT.""" from __future__ import annotations from collections import OrderedDict from collections.abc import Callable import queue from types import MappingProxyType from typing import Any import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components.hassio import HassioServiceInfo from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_DISCOVERY, CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PAYLOAD, CONF_PORT, CONF_USERNAME, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.data_entry_flow import FlowResult from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from .client import MqttClientSetup from .const import ( ATTR_PAYLOAD, ATTR_QOS, ATTR_RETAIN, ATTR_TOPIC, CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE, CONF_BROKER, CONF_WILL_MESSAGE, DEFAULT_BIRTH, DEFAULT_DISCOVERY, DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_WILL, DOMAIN, ) from .util import MQTT_WILL_BIRTH_SCHEMA, get_mqtt_data MQTT_TIMEOUT = 5 class FlowHandler(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle a config flow.""" VERSION = 1 _hassio_discovery = None @staticmethod @callback def async_get_options_flow( config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry, ) -> MQTTOptionsFlowHandler: """Get the options flow for this handler.""" return MQTTOptionsFlowHandler(config_entry) async def async_step_user( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Handle a flow initialized by the user.""" if self._async_current_entries(): return self.async_abort(reason="single_instance_allowed") return await self.async_step_broker() async def async_step_broker( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Confirm the setup.""" yaml_config: ConfigType = get_mqtt_data(self.hass, True).config or {} errors: dict[str, str] = {} fields: OrderedDict[Any, Any] = OrderedDict() validated_user_input: dict[str, Any] = {} if await async_get_broker_settings( self.hass, fields, yaml_config, None, user_input, validated_user_input, errors, ): test_config: dict[str, Any] = yaml_config.copy() test_config.update(validated_user_input) can_connect = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( try_connection, test_config, ) if can_connect: validated_user_input[CONF_DISCOVERY] = DEFAULT_DISCOVERY return self.async_create_entry( title=validated_user_input[CONF_BROKER], data=validated_user_input, ) errors["base"] = "cannot_connect" return self.async_show_form( step_id="broker", data_schema=vol.Schema(fields), errors=errors ) async def async_step_hassio(self, discovery_info: HassioServiceInfo) -> FlowResult: """Receive a Hass.io discovery.""" await self._async_handle_discovery_without_unique_id() self._hassio_discovery = discovery_info.config return await self.async_step_hassio_confirm() async def async_step_hassio_confirm( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Confirm a Hass.io discovery.""" errors: dict[str, str] = {} assert self._hassio_discovery if user_input is not None: data: dict[str, Any] = self._hassio_discovery.copy() data[CONF_BROKER] = data.pop(CONF_HOST) can_connect = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( try_connection, data, ) if can_connect: return self.async_create_entry( title=data["addon"], data={ CONF_BROKER: data[CONF_BROKER], CONF_PORT: data[CONF_PORT], CONF_USERNAME: data.get(CONF_USERNAME), CONF_PASSWORD: data.get(CONF_PASSWORD), CONF_DISCOVERY: DEFAULT_DISCOVERY, }, ) errors["base"] = "cannot_connect" return self.async_show_form( step_id="hassio_confirm", description_placeholders={"addon": self._hassio_discovery["addon"]}, errors=errors, ) class MQTTOptionsFlowHandler(config_entries.OptionsFlow): """Handle MQTT options.""" def __init__(self, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry) -> None: """Initialize MQTT options flow.""" self.config_entry = config_entry self.broker_config: dict[str, str | int] = {} self.options = dict(config_entry.options) async def async_step_init(self, user_input: None = None) -> FlowResult: """Manage the MQTT options.""" return await self.async_step_broker() async def async_step_broker( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Manage the MQTT broker configuration.""" errors: dict[str, str] = {} yaml_config: ConfigType = get_mqtt_data(self.hass, True).config or {} fields: OrderedDict[Any, Any] = OrderedDict() validated_user_input: dict[str, Any] = {} if await async_get_broker_settings( self.hass, fields, yaml_config, self.config_entry.data, user_input, validated_user_input, errors, ): test_config: dict[str, Any] = yaml_config.copy() test_config.update(validated_user_input) can_connect = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( try_connection, test_config, ) if can_connect: self.broker_config.update(validated_user_input) return await self.async_step_options() errors["base"] = "cannot_connect" return self.async_show_form( step_id="broker", data_schema=vol.Schema(fields), errors=errors, last_step=False, ) async def async_step_options( self, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> FlowResult: """Manage the MQTT options.""" errors = {} current_config = self.config_entry.data yaml_config = get_mqtt_data(self.hass, True).config or {} options_config: dict[str, Any] = {} bad_input: bool = False def _birth_will(birt_or_will: str) -> dict: """Return the user input for birth or will.""" assert user_input return { ATTR_TOPIC: user_input[f"{birt_or_will}_topic"], ATTR_PAYLOAD: user_input.get(f"{birt_or_will}_payload", ""), ATTR_QOS: user_input[f"{birt_or_will}_qos"], ATTR_RETAIN: user_input[f"{birt_or_will}_retain"], } def _validate( field: str, values: dict[str, Any], error_code: str, schema: Callable ): """Validate the user input.""" nonlocal bad_input try: option_values = schema(values) options_config[field] = option_values except vol.Invalid: errors["base"] = error_code bad_input = True if user_input is not None: # validate input options_config[CONF_DISCOVERY] = user_input[CONF_DISCOVERY] if "birth_topic" in user_input: _validate( CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE, _birth_will("birth"), "bad_birth", MQTT_WILL_BIRTH_SCHEMA, ) if not user_input["birth_enable"]: options_config[CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE] = {} if "will_topic" in user_input: _validate( CONF_WILL_MESSAGE, _birth_will("will"), "bad_will", MQTT_WILL_BIRTH_SCHEMA, ) if not user_input["will_enable"]: options_config[CONF_WILL_MESSAGE] = {} if not bad_input: updated_config = {} updated_config.update(self.broker_config) updated_config.update(options_config) self.hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( self.config_entry, data=updated_config, title=str(self.broker_config[CONF_BROKER]), ) return self.async_create_entry(title="", data={}) birth = { **DEFAULT_BIRTH, **current_config.get( CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE, yaml_config.get(CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE, {}) ), } will = { **DEFAULT_WILL, **current_config.get( CONF_WILL_MESSAGE, yaml_config.get(CONF_WILL_MESSAGE, {}) ), } discovery = current_config.get( CONF_DISCOVERY, yaml_config.get(CONF_DISCOVERY, DEFAULT_DISCOVERY) ) # build form fields: OrderedDict[vol.Marker, Any] = OrderedDict() fields[vol.Optional(CONF_DISCOVERY, default=discovery)] = bool # Birth message is disabled if CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE = {} fields[ vol.Optional( "birth_enable", default=CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE not in current_config or current_config[CONF_BIRTH_MESSAGE] != {}, ) ] = bool fields[ vol.Optional( "birth_topic", description={"suggested_value": birth[ATTR_TOPIC]} ) ] = str fields[ vol.Optional( "birth_payload", description={"suggested_value": birth[CONF_PAYLOAD]} ) ] = str fields[vol.Optional("birth_qos", default=birth[ATTR_QOS])] = vol.In([0, 1, 2]) fields[vol.Optional("birth_retain", default=birth[ATTR_RETAIN])] = bool # Will message is disabled if CONF_WILL_MESSAGE = {} fields[ vol.Optional( "will_enable", default=CONF_WILL_MESSAGE not in current_config or current_config[CONF_WILL_MESSAGE] != {}, ) ] = bool fields[ vol.Optional( "will_topic", description={"suggested_value": will[ATTR_TOPIC]} ) ] = str fields[ vol.Optional( "will_payload", description={"suggested_value": will[CONF_PAYLOAD]} ) ] = str fields[vol.Optional("will_qos", default=will[ATTR_QOS])] = vol.In([0, 1, 2]) fields[vol.Optional("will_retain", default=will[ATTR_RETAIN])] = bool return self.async_show_form( step_id="options", data_schema=vol.Schema(fields), errors=errors, last_step=True, ) async def async_get_broker_settings( hass: HomeAssistant, fields: OrderedDict[Any, Any], yaml_config: ConfigType, entry_config: MappingProxyType[str, Any] | None, user_input: dict[str, Any] | None, validated_user_input: dict[str, Any], errors: dict[str, str], ) -> bool: """Build the config flow schema to collect the broker settings. Returns True when settings are collected successfully. """ user_input_basic: dict[str, Any] = {} current_config = entry_config.copy() if entry_config is not None else {} if user_input is not None: validated_user_input.update(user_input) return True # Update the current settings the the new posted data to fill the defaults current_config.update(user_input_basic) # Get default settings (if any) current_broker = current_config.get(CONF_BROKER, yaml_config.get(CONF_BROKER)) current_port = current_config.get( CONF_PORT, yaml_config.get(CONF_PORT, DEFAULT_PORT) ) current_user = current_config.get(CONF_USERNAME, yaml_config.get(CONF_USERNAME)) current_pass = current_config.get(CONF_PASSWORD, yaml_config.get(CONF_PASSWORD)) # Build form fields[vol.Required(CONF_BROKER, default=current_broker)] = str fields[vol.Required(CONF_PORT, default=current_port)] = vol.Coerce(int) fields[ vol.Optional( CONF_USERNAME, description={"suggested_value": current_user}, ) ] = str fields[ vol.Optional( CONF_PASSWORD, description={"suggested_value": current_pass}, ) ] = str # Show form return False def try_connection( user_input: dict[str, Any], ) -> bool: """Test if we can connect to an MQTT broker.""" # We don't import on the top because some integrations # should be able to optionally rely on MQTT. import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel client = MqttClientSetup(user_input).client result: queue.Queue[bool] = queue.Queue(maxsize=1) def on_connect(client_, userdata, flags, result_code): """Handle connection result.""" result.put(result_code == mqtt.CONNACK_ACCEPTED) client.on_connect = on_connect client.connect_async(user_input[CONF_BROKER], user_input[CONF_PORT]) client.loop_start() try: return result.get(timeout=MQTT_TIMEOUT) except queue.Empty: return False finally: client.disconnect() client.loop_stop()