"""Support for Hyperion-NG remotes.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import re from types import MappingProxyType from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple from hyperion import client, const import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import data_entry_flow from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_HS_COLOR, DOMAIN as LIGHT_DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS, SUPPORT_COLOR, SUPPORT_EFFECT, LightEntity, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import SOURCE_IMPORT, ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, CONF_PORT from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import ( async_dispatcher_connect, async_dispatcher_send, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry import async_get_registry from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ( ConfigType, DiscoveryInfoType, HomeAssistantType, ) import homeassistant.util.color as color_util from . import ( create_hyperion_client, get_hyperion_unique_id, listen_for_instance_updates, ) from .const import ( CONF_INSTANCE_CLIENTS, CONF_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_ORIGIN, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DOMAIN, NAME_SUFFIX_HYPERION_LIGHT, NAME_SUFFIX_HYPERION_PRIORITY_LIGHT, SIGNAL_ENTITY_REMOVE, TYPE_HYPERION_LIGHT, TYPE_HYPERION_PRIORITY_LIGHT, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) COLOR_BLACK = color_util.COLORS["black"] CONF_DEFAULT_COLOR = "default_color" CONF_HDMI_PRIORITY = "hdmi_priority" CONF_EFFECT_LIST = "effect_list" # As we want to preserve brightness control for effects (e.g. to reduce the # brightness for V4L), we need to persist the effect that is in flight, so # subsequent calls to turn_on will know the keep the effect enabled. # Unfortunately the Home Assistant UI does not easily expose a way to remove a # selected effect (there is no 'No Effect' option by default). Instead, we # create a new fake effect ("Solid") that is always selected by default for # showing a solid color. This is the same method used by WLED. KEY_EFFECT_SOLID = "Solid" KEY_ENTRY_ID_YAML = "YAML" DEFAULT_COLOR = [255, 255, 255] DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS = 255 DEFAULT_EFFECT = KEY_EFFECT_SOLID DEFAULT_NAME = "Hyperion" DEFAULT_PORT = const.DEFAULT_PORT_JSON DEFAULT_HDMI_PRIORITY = 880 DEFAULT_EFFECT_LIST: List[str] = [] SUPPORT_HYPERION = SUPPORT_COLOR | SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS | SUPPORT_EFFECT # Usage of YAML for configuration of the Hyperion component is deprecated. PLATFORM_SCHEMA = vol.All( cv.deprecated(CONF_HDMI_PRIORITY), cv.deprecated(CONF_HOST), cv.deprecated(CONF_PORT), cv.deprecated(CONF_DEFAULT_COLOR), cv.deprecated(CONF_NAME), cv.deprecated(CONF_PRIORITY), cv.deprecated(CONF_EFFECT_LIST), PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_DEFAULT_COLOR, default=DEFAULT_COLOR): vol.All( list, vol.Length(min=3, max=3), [vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0, max=255))], ), vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PRIORITY, default=DEFAULT_PRIORITY): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional( CONF_HDMI_PRIORITY, default=DEFAULT_HDMI_PRIORITY ): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_EFFECT_LIST, default=DEFAULT_EFFECT_LIST): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), } ), ) ICON_LIGHTBULB = "mdi:lightbulb" ICON_EFFECT = "mdi:lava-lamp" ICON_EXTERNAL_SOURCE = "mdi:television-ambient-light" async def async_setup_platform( hass: HomeAssistantType, config: ConfigType, async_add_entities: Callable, discovery_info: Optional[DiscoveryInfoType] = None, ) -> None: """Set up Hyperion platform..""" # This is the entrypoint for the old YAML-style Hyperion integration. The goal here # is to auto-convert the YAML configuration into a config entry, with no human # interaction, preserving the entity_id. This should be possible, as the YAML # configuration did not support any of the things that should otherwise require # human interaction in the config flow (e.g. it did not support auth). host = config[CONF_HOST] port = config[CONF_PORT] instance = 0 # YAML only supports a single instance. # First, connect to the server and get the server id (which will be unique_id on a config_entry # if there is one). async with create_hyperion_client(host, port) as hyperion_client: if not hyperion_client: raise PlatformNotReady hyperion_id = await hyperion_client.async_sysinfo_id() if not hyperion_id: raise PlatformNotReady future_unique_id = get_hyperion_unique_id( hyperion_id, instance, TYPE_HYPERION_LIGHT ) # Possibility 1: Already converted. # There is already a config entry with the unique id reporting by the # server. Nothing to do here. for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(domain=DOMAIN): if entry.unique_id == hyperion_id: return # Possibility 2: Upgraded to the new Hyperion component pre-config-flow. # No config entry for this unique_id, but have an entity_registry entry # with an old-style unique_id: # :- (instance will always be 0, as YAML # configuration does not support multiple # instances) # The unique_id needs to be updated, then the config_flow should do the rest. registry = await async_get_registry(hass) for entity_id, entity in registry.entities.items(): if entity.config_entry_id is not None or entity.platform != DOMAIN: continue result = re.search(rf"([^:]+):(\d+)-{instance}", entity.unique_id) if result and result.group(1) == host and int(result.group(2)) == port: registry.async_update_entity(entity_id, new_unique_id=future_unique_id) break else: # Possibility 3: This is the first upgrade to the new Hyperion component. # No config entry and no entity_registry entry, in which case the CONF_NAME # variable will be used as the preferred name. Rather than pollute the config # entry with a "suggested name" type variable, instead create an entry in the # registry that will subsequently be used when the entity is created with this # unique_id. # This also covers the case that should not occur in the wild (no config entry, # but new style unique_id). registry.async_get_or_create( domain=LIGHT_DOMAIN, platform=DOMAIN, unique_id=future_unique_id, suggested_object_id=config[CONF_NAME], ) async def migrate_yaml_to_config_entry_and_options( host: str, port: int, priority: int ) -> None: result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_IMPORT}, data={ CONF_HOST: host, CONF_PORT: port, }, ) if ( result["type"] != data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY or result.get("result") is None ): _LOGGER.warning( "Could not automatically migrate Hyperion YAML to a config entry." ) return config_entry = result.get("result") options = {**config_entry.options, CONF_PRIORITY: config[CONF_PRIORITY]} hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(config_entry, options=options) _LOGGER.info( "Successfully migrated Hyperion YAML configuration to a config entry." ) # Kick off a config flow to create the config entry. hass.async_create_task( migrate_yaml_to_config_entry_and_options(host, port, config[CONF_PRIORITY]) ) async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistantType, config_entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: Callable ) -> bool: """Set up a Hyperion platform from config entry.""" entry_data = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] server_id = config_entry.unique_id @callback def instance_add(instance_num: int, instance_name: str) -> None: """Add entities for a new Hyperion instance.""" assert server_id async_add_entities( [ HyperionLight( get_hyperion_unique_id( server_id, instance_num, TYPE_HYPERION_LIGHT ), f"{instance_name} {NAME_SUFFIX_HYPERION_LIGHT}", config_entry.options, entry_data[CONF_INSTANCE_CLIENTS][instance_num], ), HyperionPriorityLight( get_hyperion_unique_id( server_id, instance_num, TYPE_HYPERION_PRIORITY_LIGHT ), f"{instance_name} {NAME_SUFFIX_HYPERION_PRIORITY_LIGHT}", config_entry.options, entry_data[CONF_INSTANCE_CLIENTS][instance_num], ), ] ) @callback def instance_remove(instance_num: int) -> None: """Remove entities for an old Hyperion instance.""" assert server_id for light_type in LIGHT_TYPES: async_dispatcher_send( hass, SIGNAL_ENTITY_REMOVE.format( get_hyperion_unique_id(server_id, instance_num, light_type) ), ) listen_for_instance_updates(hass, config_entry, instance_add, instance_remove) return True class HyperionBaseLight(LightEntity): """A Hyperion light base class.""" def __init__( self, unique_id: str, name: str, options: MappingProxyType[str, Any], hyperion_client: client.HyperionClient, ) -> None: """Initialize the light.""" self._unique_id = unique_id self._name = name self._options = options self._client = hyperion_client # Active state representing the Hyperion instance. self._brightness: int = 255 self._rgb_color: Sequence[int] = DEFAULT_COLOR self._effect: str = KEY_EFFECT_SOLID self._static_effect_list: List[str] = [KEY_EFFECT_SOLID] if self._support_external_effects: self._static_effect_list += list(const.KEY_COMPONENTID_EXTERNAL_SOURCES) self._effect_list: List[str] = self._static_effect_list[:] self._client_callbacks = { f"{const.KEY_ADJUSTMENT}-{const.KEY_UPDATE}": self._update_adjustment, f"{const.KEY_COMPONENTS}-{const.KEY_UPDATE}": self._update_components, f"{const.KEY_EFFECTS}-{const.KEY_UPDATE}": self._update_effect_list, f"{const.KEY_PRIORITIES}-{const.KEY_UPDATE}": self._update_priorities, f"{const.KEY_CLIENT}-{const.KEY_UPDATE}": self._update_client, } @property def entity_registry_enabled_default(self) -> bool: """Whether or not the entity is enabled by default.""" return True @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """Return whether or not this entity should be polled.""" return False @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the light.""" return self._name @property def brightness(self) -> int: """Return the brightness of this light between 0..255.""" return self._brightness @property def hs_color(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Return last color value set.""" return color_util.color_RGB_to_hs(*self._rgb_color) @property def icon(self) -> str: """Return state specific icon.""" if self.is_on: if self.effect in const.KEY_COMPONENTID_EXTERNAL_SOURCES: return ICON_EXTERNAL_SOURCE if self.effect != KEY_EFFECT_SOLID: return ICON_EFFECT return ICON_LIGHTBULB @property def effect(self) -> str: """Return the current effect.""" return self._effect @property def effect_list(self) -> List[str]: """Return the list of supported effects.""" return self._effect_list @property def supported_features(self) -> int: """Flag supported features.""" return SUPPORT_HYPERION @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return server availability.""" return bool(self._client.has_loaded_state) @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique id for this instance.""" return self._unique_id def _get_option(self, key: str) -> Any: """Get a value from the provided options.""" defaults = {CONF_PRIORITY: DEFAULT_PRIORITY} return self._options.get(key, defaults[key]) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn on the light.""" # == Get key parameters == if ATTR_EFFECT not in kwargs and ATTR_HS_COLOR in kwargs: effect = KEY_EFFECT_SOLID else: effect = kwargs.get(ATTR_EFFECT, self._effect) rgb_color: Sequence[int] if ATTR_HS_COLOR in kwargs: rgb_color = color_util.color_hs_to_RGB(*kwargs[ATTR_HS_COLOR]) else: rgb_color = self._rgb_color # == Set brightness == if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] for item in self._client.adjustment: if const.KEY_ID in item: if not await self._client.async_send_set_adjustment( **{ const.KEY_ADJUSTMENT: { const.KEY_BRIGHTNESS: int( round((float(brightness) * 100) / 255) ), const.KEY_ID: item[const.KEY_ID], } } ): return # == Set an external source if ( effect and self._support_external_effects and effect in const.KEY_COMPONENTID_EXTERNAL_SOURCES ): # Clear any color/effect. if not await self._client.async_send_clear( **{const.KEY_PRIORITY: self._get_option(CONF_PRIORITY)} ): return # Turn off all external sources, except the intended. for key in const.KEY_COMPONENTID_EXTERNAL_SOURCES: if not await self._client.async_send_set_component( **{ const.KEY_COMPONENTSTATE: { const.KEY_COMPONENT: key, const.KEY_STATE: effect == key, } } ): return # == Set an effect elif effect and effect != KEY_EFFECT_SOLID: # This call should not be necessary, but without it there is no priorities-update issued: # https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/issues/992 if not await self._client.async_send_clear( **{const.KEY_PRIORITY: self._get_option(CONF_PRIORITY)} ): return if not await self._client.async_send_set_effect( **{ const.KEY_PRIORITY: self._get_option(CONF_PRIORITY), const.KEY_EFFECT: {const.KEY_NAME: effect}, const.KEY_ORIGIN: DEFAULT_ORIGIN, } ): return # == Set a color else: if not await self._client.async_send_set_color( **{ const.KEY_PRIORITY: self._get_option(CONF_PRIORITY), const.KEY_COLOR: rgb_color, const.KEY_ORIGIN: DEFAULT_ORIGIN, } ): return def _set_internal_state( self, brightness: Optional[int] = None, rgb_color: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, effect: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Set the internal state.""" if brightness is not None: self._brightness = brightness if rgb_color is not None: self._rgb_color = rgb_color if effect is not None: self._effect = effect @callback def _update_components(self, _: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: """Update Hyperion components.""" self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _update_adjustment(self, _: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: """Update Hyperion adjustments.""" if self._client.adjustment: brightness_pct = self._client.adjustment[0].get( const.KEY_BRIGHTNESS, DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS ) if brightness_pct < 0 or brightness_pct > 100: return self._set_internal_state( brightness=int(round((brightness_pct * 255) / float(100))) ) self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _update_priorities(self, _: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: """Update Hyperion priorities.""" priority = self._get_priority_entry_that_dictates_state() if priority and self._allow_priority_update(priority): componentid = priority.get(const.KEY_COMPONENTID) if ( self._support_external_effects and componentid in const.KEY_COMPONENTID_EXTERNAL_SOURCES ): self._set_internal_state(rgb_color=DEFAULT_COLOR, effect=componentid) elif componentid == const.KEY_COMPONENTID_EFFECT: # Owner is the effect name. # See: https://docs.hyperion-project.org/en/json/ServerInfo.html#priorities self._set_internal_state( rgb_color=DEFAULT_COLOR, effect=priority[const.KEY_OWNER] ) elif componentid == const.KEY_COMPONENTID_COLOR: self._set_internal_state( rgb_color=priority[const.KEY_VALUE][const.KEY_RGB], effect=KEY_EFFECT_SOLID, ) self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _update_effect_list(self, _: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: """Update Hyperion effects.""" if not self._client.effects: return effect_list: List[str] = [] for effect in self._client.effects or []: if const.KEY_NAME in effect: effect_list.append(effect[const.KEY_NAME]) if effect_list: self._effect_list = self._static_effect_list + effect_list self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _update_full_state(self) -> None: """Update full Hyperion state.""" self._update_adjustment() self._update_priorities() self._update_effect_list() _LOGGER.debug( "Hyperion full state update: On=%s,Brightness=%i,Effect=%s " "(%i effects total),Color=%s", self.is_on, self._brightness, self._effect, len(self._effect_list), self._rgb_color, ) @callback def _update_client(self, _: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: """Update client connection state.""" self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Register callbacks when entity added to hass.""" assert self.hass self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, SIGNAL_ENTITY_REMOVE.format(self._unique_id), self.async_remove, ) ) self._client.add_callbacks(self._client_callbacks) # Load initial state. self._update_full_state() async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Cleanup prior to hass removal.""" self._client.remove_callbacks(self._client_callbacks) @property def _support_external_effects(self) -> bool: """Whether or not to support setting external effects from the light entity.""" return True def _get_priority_entry_that_dictates_state(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the relevant Hyperion priority entry to consider.""" # Return the visible priority (whether or not it is the HA priority). return self._client.visible_priority # type: ignore[no-any-return] # pylint: disable=no-self-use def _allow_priority_update(self, priority: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> bool: """Determine whether to allow a priority to update internal state.""" return True class HyperionLight(HyperionBaseLight): """A Hyperion light that acts in absolute (vs priority) manner. Light state is the absolute Hyperion component state (e.g. LED device on/off) rather than color based at a particular priority, and the 'winning' priority determines shown state rather than exclusively the HA priority. """ @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if light is on.""" return ( bool(self._client.is_on()) and self._get_priority_entry_that_dictates_state() is not None ) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn on the light.""" # == Turn device on == # Turn on both ALL (Hyperion itself) and LEDDEVICE. It would be # preferable to enable LEDDEVICE after the settings (e.g. brightness, # color, effect), but this is not possible due to: # https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/issues/967 if not bool(self._client.is_on()): for component in [ const.KEY_COMPONENTID_ALL, const.KEY_COMPONENTID_LEDDEVICE, ]: if not await self._client.async_send_set_component( **{ const.KEY_COMPONENTSTATE: { const.KEY_COMPONENT: component, const.KEY_STATE: True, } } ): return # Turn on the relevant Hyperion priority as usual. await super().async_turn_on(**kwargs) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn off the light.""" if not await self._client.async_send_set_component( **{ const.KEY_COMPONENTSTATE: { const.KEY_COMPONENT: const.KEY_COMPONENTID_LEDDEVICE, const.KEY_STATE: False, } } ): return class HyperionPriorityLight(HyperionBaseLight): """A Hyperion light that only acts on a single Hyperion priority.""" @property def entity_registry_enabled_default(self) -> bool: """Whether or not the entity is enabled by default.""" return False @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if light is on.""" priority = self._get_priority_entry_that_dictates_state() return ( priority is not None and not HyperionPriorityLight._is_priority_entry_black(priority) ) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn off the light.""" if not await self._client.async_send_clear( **{const.KEY_PRIORITY: self._get_option(CONF_PRIORITY)} ): return await self._client.async_send_set_color( **{ const.KEY_PRIORITY: self._get_option(CONF_PRIORITY), const.KEY_COLOR: COLOR_BLACK, const.KEY_ORIGIN: DEFAULT_ORIGIN, } ) @property def _support_external_effects(self) -> bool: """Whether or not to support setting external effects from the light entity.""" return False def _get_priority_entry_that_dictates_state(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the relevant Hyperion priority entry to consider.""" # Return the active priority (if any) at the configured HA priority. for candidate in self._client.priorities or []: if const.KEY_PRIORITY not in candidate: continue if candidate[const.KEY_PRIORITY] == self._get_option( CONF_PRIORITY ) and candidate.get(const.KEY_ACTIVE, False): return candidate # type: ignore[no-any-return] return None @classmethod def _is_priority_entry_black(cls, priority: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> bool: """Determine if a given priority entry is the color black.""" if not priority: return False if priority.get(const.KEY_COMPONENTID) == const.KEY_COMPONENTID_COLOR: rgb_color = priority.get(const.KEY_VALUE, {}).get(const.KEY_RGB) if rgb_color is not None and tuple(rgb_color) == COLOR_BLACK: return True return False # pylint: disable=no-self-use def _allow_priority_update(self, priority: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> bool: """Determine whether to allow a Hyperion priority to update entity attributes.""" # Black is treated as 'off' (and Home Assistant does not support selecting black # from the color selector). Do not set our internal attributes if the priority is # 'off' (i.e. if black is active). Do this to ensure it seamlessly turns back on # at the correct prior color on the next 'on' call. return not HyperionPriorityLight._is_priority_entry_black(priority) LIGHT_TYPES = { TYPE_HYPERION_LIGHT: HyperionLight, TYPE_HYPERION_PRIORITY_LIGHT: HyperionPriorityLight, }