""" Support for KNX components. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/knx/ """ import logging import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.const import ( EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, CONF_HOST, CONF_PORT) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity REQUIREMENTS = ['knxip==0.5'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_HOST = '' DEFAULT_PORT = 3671 DOMAIN = 'knx' EVENT_KNX_FRAME_RECEIVED = 'knx_frame_received' EVENT_KNX_FRAME_SEND = 'knx_frame_send' KNXTUNNEL = None CONF_LISTEN = "listen" CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ DOMAIN: vol.Schema({ vol.Optional(CONF_HOST, default=DEFAULT_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_LISTEN, default=[]): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), }), }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA) def setup(hass, config): """Set up the connection to the KNX IP interface.""" global KNXTUNNEL from knxip.ip import KNXIPTunnel from knxip.core import KNXException, parse_group_address host = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_HOST) port = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_PORT) if host == '': _LOGGER.debug("Will try to auto-detect KNX/IP gateway") KNXTUNNEL = KNXIPTunnel(host, port) try: res = KNXTUNNEL.connect() _LOGGER.debug("Res = %s", res) if not res: _LOGGER.error("Could not connect to KNX/IP interface %s", host) return False except KNXException as ex: _LOGGER.exception("Can't connect to KNX/IP interface: %s", ex) KNXTUNNEL = None return False _LOGGER.info("KNX IP tunnel to %s:%i established", host, port) def received_knx_event(address, data): """Process received KNX message.""" if len(data) == 1: data = data[0] hass.bus.fire('knx_event', { 'address': address, 'data': data }) for listen in config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_LISTEN): _LOGGER.debug("Registering listener for %s", listen) try: KNXTUNNEL.register_listener(parse_group_address(listen), received_knx_event) except KNXException as knxexception: _LOGGER.error("Can't register KNX listener for address %s (%s)", listen, knxexception) hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, close_tunnel) # Listen to KNX events and send them to the bus def handle_knx_send(event): """Bridge knx_frame_send events to the KNX bus.""" try: addr = event.data["address"] except KeyError: _LOGGER.error("KNX group address is missing") return try: data = event.data["data"] except KeyError: _LOGGER.error("KNX data block missing") return knxaddr = None try: addr = int(addr) except ValueError: pass if knxaddr is None: try: knxaddr = parse_group_address(addr) except KNXException: _LOGGER.error("KNX address format incorrect") return knxdata = None if isinstance(data, list): knxdata = data else: try: knxdata = [int(data) & 0xff] except ValueError: _LOGGER.error("KNX data format incorrect") return KNXTUNNEL.group_write(knxaddr, knxdata) # Listen for when knx_frame_send event is fired hass.bus.listen(EVENT_KNX_FRAME_SEND, handle_knx_send) return True def close_tunnel(_data): """Close the NKX tunnel connection on shutdown.""" global KNXTUNNEL KNXTUNNEL.disconnect() KNXTUNNEL = None class KNXConfig(object): """Handle the fetching of configuration from the config file.""" def __init__(self, config): """Initialize the configuration.""" from knxip.core import parse_group_address self.config = config self.should_poll = config.get('poll', True) if config.get('address'): self._address = parse_group_address(config.get('address')) else: self._address = None if self.config.get('state_address'): self._state_address = parse_group_address( self.config.get('state_address')) else: self._state_address = None @property def name(self): """Return the name given to the entity.""" return self.config['name'] @property def address(self): """Return the address of the device as an integer value. 3 types of addresses are supported: integer - 0-65535 2 level - a/b 3 level - a/b/c """ return self._address @property def state_address(self): """Return the group address the device sends its current state to. Some KNX devices can send the current state to a seperate group address. This makes send e.g. when an actuator can be switched but also have a timer functionality. """ return self._state_address class KNXGroupAddress(Entity): """Representation of devices connected to a KNX group address.""" def __init__(self, hass, config): """Initialize the device.""" self._config = config self._state = False self._data = None _LOGGER.debug( "Initalizing KNX group address for %s (%s)", self.name, self.address ) def handle_knx_message(addr, data): """Handle an incoming KNX frame. Handle an incoming frame and update our status if it contains information relating to this device. """ if (addr == self.state_address) or (addr == self.address): self._state = data[0] self.schedule_update_ha_state() KNXTUNNEL.register_listener(self.address, handle_knx_message) if self.state_address: KNXTUNNEL.register_listener(self.state_address, handle_knx_message) @property def name(self): """Return the entity's display name.""" return self._config.name @property def config(self): """Return the entity's configuration.""" return self._config @property def should_poll(self): """Return the state of the polling, if needed.""" return self._config.should_poll @property def is_on(self): """Return True if the value is not 0 is on, else False.""" return self._state != 0 @property def address(self): """Return the KNX group address.""" return self._config.address @property def state_address(self): """Return the KNX group address.""" return self._config.state_address @property def cache(self): """Return the name given to the entity.""" return self._config.config.get('cache', True) def group_write(self, value): """Write to the group address.""" KNXTUNNEL.group_write(self.address, [value]) def update(self): """Get the state from KNX bus or cache.""" from knxip.core import KNXException try: if self.state_address: res = KNXTUNNEL.group_read( self.state_address, use_cache=self.cache) else: res = KNXTUNNEL.group_read(self.address, use_cache=self.cache) if res: self._state = res[0] self._data = res else: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: unable to read from KNX address: %s (None)", self.name, self.address ) except KNXException: _LOGGER.exception( "%s: unable to read from KNX address: %s", self.name, self.address ) return False class KNXMultiAddressDevice(Entity): """Representation of devices connected to a multiple KNX group address. This is needed for devices like dimmers or shutter actuators as they have to be controlled by multiple group addresses. """ def __init__(self, hass, config, required, optional=None): """Initialize the device. The namelist argument lists the required addresses. E.g. for a dimming actuators, the namelist might look like: onoff_address: 0/0/1 brightness_address: 0/0/2 """ from knxip.core import parse_group_address, KNXException self.names = {} self.values = {} self._config = config self._state = False self._data = None _LOGGER.debug( "%s: initalizing KNX multi address device", self.name ) settings = self._config.config if config.address: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: base address: address=%s", self.name, settings.get('address') ) self.names[config.address] = 'base' if config.state_address: _LOGGER.debug( "%s, state address: state_address=%s", self.name, settings.get('state_address') ) self.names[config.state_address] = 'state' # parse required addresses for name in required: paramname = '{}{}'.format(name, '_address') addr = settings.get(paramname) if addr is None: _LOGGER.error( "%s: Required KNX group address %s missing", self.name, paramname ) raise KNXException( "%s: Group address for {} missing in " "configuration for {}".format( self.name, paramname ) ) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: (required parameter) %s=%s", self.name, paramname, addr ) addr = parse_group_address(addr) self.names[addr] = name # parse optional addresses for name in optional: paramname = '{}{}'.format(name, '_address') addr = settings.get(paramname) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: (optional parameter) %s=%s", self.name, paramname, addr ) if addr: try: addr = parse_group_address(addr) except KNXException: _LOGGER.exception( "%s: cannot parse group address %s", self.name, addr ) self.names[addr] = name @property def name(self): """Return the entity's display name.""" return self._config.name @property def config(self): """Return the entity's configuration.""" return self._config @property def should_poll(self): """Return the state of the polling, if needed.""" return self._config.should_poll @property def cache(self): """Return the name given to the entity.""" return self._config.config.get('cache', True) def has_attribute(self, name): """Check if the attribute with the given name is defined. This is mostly important for optional addresses. """ for attributename in self.names.values(): if attributename == name: return True return False def set_percentage(self, name, percentage): """Set a percentage in knx for a given attribute. DPT_Scaling / DPT 5.001 is a single byte scaled percentage """ percentage = abs(percentage) # only accept positive values scaled_value = percentage * 255 / 100 value = min(255, scaled_value) return self.set_int_value(name, value) def get_percentage(self, name): """Get a percentage from knx for a given attribute. DPT_Scaling / DPT 5.001 is a single byte scaled percentage """ value = self.get_int_value(name) percentage = round(value * 100 / 255) return percentage def set_int_value(self, name, value, num_bytes=1): """Set an integer value for a given attribute.""" # KNX packets are big endian value = round(value) # only accept integers b_value = value.to_bytes(num_bytes, byteorder='big') return self.set_value(name, list(b_value)) def get_int_value(self, name): """Get an integer value for a given attribute.""" # KNX packets are big endian summed_value = 0 raw_value = self.value(name) try: # convert raw value in bytes for val in raw_value: summed_value *= 256 summed_value += val except TypeError: # pknx returns a non-iterable type for unsuccessful reads pass return summed_value def value(self, name): """Return the value to a given named attribute.""" from knxip.core import KNXException addr = None for attributeaddress, attributename in self.names.items(): if attributename == name: addr = attributeaddress if addr is None: _LOGGER.error("%s: attribute '%s' undefined", self.name, name) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: defined attributes: %s", self.name, str(self.names) ) return False try: res = KNXTUNNEL.group_read(addr, use_cache=self.cache) except KNXException: _LOGGER.exception( "%s: unable to read from KNX address: %s", self.name, addr ) return False return res def set_value(self, name, value): """Set the value of a given named attribute.""" from knxip.core import KNXException addr = None for attributeaddress, attributename in self.names.items(): if attributename == name: addr = attributeaddress if addr is None: _LOGGER.error("%s: attribute '%s' undefined", self.name, name) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: defined attributes: %s", self.name, str(self.names) ) return False try: KNXTUNNEL.group_write(addr, value) except KNXException: _LOGGER.exception( "%s: unable to write to KNX address: %s", self.name, addr ) return False return True