"""The tests for the Netatmo climate platform.""" from unittest.mock import Mock, patch import pytest from homeassistant.components.climate import ( DOMAIN as CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_HVAC_MODE, SERVICE_SET_PRESET_MODE, SERVICE_SET_TEMPERATURE, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, ) from homeassistant.components.climate.const import ( ATTR_HVAC_MODE, ATTR_PRESET_MODE, HVAC_MODE_AUTO, HVAC_MODE_HEAT, HVAC_MODE_OFF, PRESET_AWAY, PRESET_BOOST, ) from homeassistant.components.netatmo import climate from homeassistant.components.netatmo.climate import ( NA_THERM, NA_VALVE, PRESET_FROST_GUARD, PRESET_SCHEDULE, ) from homeassistant.components.netatmo.const import ( ATTR_SCHEDULE_NAME, SERVICE_SET_SCHEDULE, ) from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_TEMPERATURE, CONF_WEBHOOK_ID from .common import simulate_webhook async def test_webhook_event_handling_thermostats(hass, climate_entry): """Test service and webhook event handling with thermostats.""" webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] climate_entity_livingroom = "climate.netatmo_livingroom" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "auto" assert ( hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["preset_mode"] == "Schedule" ) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["temperature"] == 12 # Test service setting the temperature await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_TEMPERATURE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_livingroom, ATTR_TEMPERATURE: 21}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Fake webhook thermostat manual set point response = { "room_id": "2746182631", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2746182631", "name": "Livingroom", "type": "livingroom", "therm_setpoint_mode": "manual", "therm_setpoint_temperature": 21, "therm_setpoint_end_time": 1612734552, } ], "modules": [ {"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Livingroom", "type": "NATherm1"} ], }, "mode": "manual", "event_type": "set_point", "temperature": 21, "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "heat" assert ( hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["preset_mode"] == "Schedule" ) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["temperature"] == 21 # Test service setting the HVAC mode to "heat" await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_HVAC_MODE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_livingroom, ATTR_HVAC_MODE: HVAC_MODE_HEAT}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Fake webhook thermostat mode change to "Max" response = { "room_id": "2746182631", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2746182631", "name": "Livingroom", "type": "livingroom", "therm_setpoint_mode": "max", "therm_setpoint_end_time": 1612749189, } ], "modules": [ {"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Livingroom", "type": "NATherm1"} ], }, "mode": "max", "event_type": "set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "heat" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["temperature"] == 30 # Test service setting the HVAC mode to "off" await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_HVAC_MODE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_livingroom, ATTR_HVAC_MODE: HVAC_MODE_OFF}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Fake webhook turn thermostat off response = { "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2746182631", "name": "Livingroom", "type": "livingroom", "therm_setpoint_mode": "off", } ], "modules": [ {"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Livingroom", "type": "NATherm1"} ], }, "mode": "off", "event_type": "set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "off" # Test service setting the HVAC mode to "auto" await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_HVAC_MODE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_livingroom, ATTR_HVAC_MODE: HVAC_MODE_AUTO}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Fake webhook thermostat mode cancel set point response = { "room_id": "2746182631", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2746182631", "name": "Livingroom", "type": "livingroom", "therm_setpoint_mode": "home", } ], "modules": [ {"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Livingroom", "type": "NATherm1"} ], }, "mode": "home", "event_type": "cancel_set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "auto" assert ( hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["preset_mode"] == "Schedule" ) async def test_service_preset_mode_frost_guard_thermostat(hass, climate_entry): """Test service with frost guard preset for thermostats.""" webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] climate_entity_livingroom = "climate.netatmo_livingroom" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "auto" assert ( hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["preset_mode"] == "Schedule" ) # Test service setting the preset mode to "frost guard" await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_PRESET_MODE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_livingroom, ATTR_PRESET_MODE: PRESET_FROST_GUARD, }, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Fake webhook thermostat mode change to "Frost Guard" response = { "event_type": "therm_mode", "home": {"id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "therm_mode": "hg"}, "mode": "hg", "previous_mode": "schedule", "push_type": "home_event_changed", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "auto" assert ( hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["preset_mode"] == "Frost Guard" ) # Test service setting the preset mode to "frost guard" await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_PRESET_MODE, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_livingroom, ATTR_PRESET_MODE: PRESET_SCHEDULE, }, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Test webhook thermostat mode change to "Schedule" response = { "event_type": "therm_mode", "home": {"id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "therm_mode": "schedule"}, "mode": "schedule", "previous_mode": "hg", "push_type": "home_event_changed", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "auto" assert ( hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["preset_mode"] == "Schedule" ) async def test_service_preset_modes_thermostat(hass, climate_entry): """Test service with preset modes for thermostats.""" webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] climate_entity_livingroom = "climate.netatmo_livingroom" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "auto" assert ( hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["preset_mode"] == "Schedule" ) # Test service setting the preset mode to "away" await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_PRESET_MODE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_livingroom, ATTR_PRESET_MODE: PRESET_AWAY}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Fake webhook thermostat mode change to "Away" response = { "event_type": "therm_mode", "home": {"id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "therm_mode": "away"}, "mode": "away", "previous_mode": "schedule", "push_type": "home_event_changed", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "auto" assert ( hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["preset_mode"] == "away" ) # Test service setting the preset mode to "boost" await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_PRESET_MODE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_livingroom, ATTR_PRESET_MODE: PRESET_BOOST}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Test webhook thermostat mode change to "Max" response = { "room_id": "2746182631", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2746182631", "name": "Livingroom", "type": "livingroom", "therm_setpoint_mode": "max", "therm_setpoint_end_time": 1612749189, } ], "modules": [ {"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Livingroom", "type": "NATherm1"} ], }, "mode": "max", "event_type": "set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).state == "heat" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["temperature"] == 30 async def test_webhook_event_handling_no_data(hass, climate_entry): """Test service and webhook event handling with erroneous data.""" # Test webhook without home entry webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] response = { "push_type": "home_event_changed", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) # Test webhook with different home id response = { "home_id": "3d3e344f491763b24c424e8b", "room_id": "2746182631", "home": { "id": "3d3e344f491763b24c424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [], "modules": [], }, "mode": "home", "event_type": "cancel_set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) # Test webhook without room entries response = { "room_id": "2746182631", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [], "modules": [], }, "mode": "home", "event_type": "cancel_set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) async def test_service_schedule_thermostats(hass, climate_entry, caplog): """Test service for selecting Netatmo schedule with thermostats.""" webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] climate_entity_livingroom = "climate.netatmo_livingroom" # Test setting a valid schedule with patch( "pyatmo.thermostat.HomeData.switch_home_schedule" ) as mock_switch_home_schedule: await hass.services.async_call( "netatmo", SERVICE_SET_SCHEDULE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_livingroom, ATTR_SCHEDULE_NAME: "Winter"}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() mock_switch_home_schedule.assert_called_once_with( home_id="91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", schedule_id="b1b54a2f45795764f59d50d8" ) # Fake backend response for valve being turned on response = { "event_type": "schedule", "schedule_id": "b1b54a2f45795764f59d50d8", "previous_schedule_id": "59d32176d183948b05ab4dce", "push_type": "home_event_changed", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert ( hass.states.get(climate_entity_livingroom).attributes["selected_schedule"] == "Winter" ) # Test setting an invalid schedule with patch( "pyatmo.thermostat.HomeData.switch_home_schedule" ) as mock_switch_home_schedule: await hass.services.async_call( "netatmo", SERVICE_SET_SCHEDULE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_livingroom, ATTR_SCHEDULE_NAME: "summer"}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() mock_switch_home_schedule.assert_not_called() assert "summer is not a invalid schedule" in caplog.text async def test_service_preset_mode_already_boost_valves(hass, climate_entry): """Test service with boost preset for valves when already in boost mode.""" webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] climate_entity_entrada = "climate.netatmo_entrada" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).state == "auto" assert ( hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).attributes["preset_mode"] == "Frost Guard" ) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).attributes["temperature"] == 7 # Test webhook valve mode change to "Max" response = { "room_id": "2833524037", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2833524037", "name": "Entrada", "type": "lobby", "therm_setpoint_mode": "max", "therm_setpoint_end_time": 1612749189, } ], "modules": [{"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Entrada", "type": "NRV"}], }, "mode": "max", "event_type": "set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) # Test service setting the preset mode to "boost" await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_PRESET_MODE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_entrada, ATTR_PRESET_MODE: PRESET_BOOST}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Test webhook valve mode change to "Max" response = { "room_id": "2833524037", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2833524037", "name": "Entrada", "type": "lobby", "therm_setpoint_mode": "max", "therm_setpoint_end_time": 1612749189, } ], "modules": [{"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Entrada", "type": "NRV"}], }, "mode": "max", "event_type": "set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).state == "heat" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).attributes["temperature"] == 30 async def test_service_preset_mode_boost_valves(hass, climate_entry): """Test service with boost preset for valves.""" webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] climate_entity_entrada = "climate.netatmo_entrada" # Test service setting the preset mode to "boost" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).state == "auto" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).attributes["temperature"] == 7 await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_PRESET_MODE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_entrada, ATTR_PRESET_MODE: PRESET_BOOST}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Fake backend response response = { "room_id": "2833524037", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2833524037", "name": "Entrada", "type": "lobby", "therm_setpoint_mode": "max", "therm_setpoint_end_time": 1612749189, } ], "modules": [{"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Entrada", "type": "NRV"}], }, "mode": "max", "event_type": "set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).state == "heat" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).attributes["temperature"] == 30 async def test_service_preset_mode_invalid(hass, climate_entry, caplog): """Test service with invalid preset.""" await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_PRESET_MODE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "climate.netatmo_cocina", ATTR_PRESET_MODE: "invalid"}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "Preset mode 'invalid' not available" in caplog.text async def test_valves_service_turn_off(hass, climate_entry): """Test service turn off for valves.""" webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] climate_entity_entrada = "climate.netatmo_entrada" # Test turning valve off await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_entrada}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Fake backend response for valve being turned off response = { "room_id": "2833524037", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2833524037", "name": "Entrada", "type": "lobby", "therm_setpoint_mode": "off", } ], "modules": [{"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Entrada", "type": "NRV"}], }, "mode": "off", "event_type": "set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).state == "off" async def test_valves_service_turn_on(hass, climate_entry): """Test service turn on for valves.""" webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] climate_entity_entrada = "climate.netatmo_entrada" # Test turning valve on await hass.services.async_call( CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: climate_entity_entrada}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Fake backend response for valve being turned on response = { "room_id": "2833524037", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2833524037", "name": "Entrada", "type": "lobby", "therm_setpoint_mode": "home", } ], "modules": [{"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Entrada", "type": "NRV"}], }, "mode": "home", "event_type": "cancel_set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).state == "auto" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "batterylevel, module_type, expected", [ (4101, NA_THERM, 100), (3601, NA_THERM, 80), (3450, NA_THERM, 65), (3301, NA_THERM, 50), (3001, NA_THERM, 20), (2799, NA_THERM, 0), (3201, NA_VALVE, 100), (2701, NA_VALVE, 80), (2550, NA_VALVE, 65), (2401, NA_VALVE, 50), (2201, NA_VALVE, 20), (2001, NA_VALVE, 0), ], ) async def test_interpolate(batterylevel, module_type, expected): """Test interpolation of battery levels depending on device type.""" assert climate.interpolate(batterylevel, module_type) == expected async def test_get_all_home_ids(): """Test extracting all home ids returned by NetAtmo API.""" # Test with backend returning no data assert climate.get_all_home_ids(None) == [] # Test with fake data home_data = Mock() home_data.homes = { "123": {"id": "123", "name": "Home 1", "modules": [], "therm_schedules": []}, "987": {"id": "987", "name": "Home 2", "modules": [], "therm_schedules": []}, } expected = ["123", "987"] assert climate.get_all_home_ids(home_data) == expected async def test_webhook_home_id_mismatch(hass, climate_entry): """Test service turn on for valves.""" webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] climate_entity_entrada = "climate.netatmo_entrada" assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).state == "auto" # Fake backend response for valve being turned on response = { "room_id": "2833524037", "home": { "id": "123", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2833524037", "name": "Entrada", "type": "lobby", "therm_setpoint_mode": "home", } ], "modules": [{"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Entrada", "type": "NRV"}], }, "mode": "home", "event_type": "cancel_set_point", "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).state == "auto" async def test_webhook_set_point(hass, climate_entry): """Test service turn on for valves.""" webhook_id = climate_entry.data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] climate_entity_entrada = "climate.netatmo_entrada" # Fake backend response for valve being turned on response = { "room_id": "2746182631", "home": { "id": "91763b24c43d3e344f424e8b", "name": "MYHOME", "country": "DE", "rooms": [ { "id": "2833524037", "name": "Entrada", "type": "lobby", "therm_setpoint_mode": "home", "therm_setpoint_temperature": 30, } ], "modules": [{"id": "12:34:56:00:01:ae", "name": "Entrada", "type": "NRV"}], }, "mode": "home", "event_type": "set_point", "temperature": 21, "push_type": "display_change", } await simulate_webhook(hass, webhook_id, response) assert hass.states.get(climate_entity_entrada).state == "heat"