"""Fixtures for imap tests."""

from collections.abc import AsyncGenerator, Generator
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch

from aioimaplib import AUTH, LOGOUT, NONAUTH, SELECTED, STARTED, Response
import pytest


def mock_setup_entry() -> Generator[AsyncMock, None, None]:
    """Override async_setup_entry."""
    with patch(
        "homeassistant.components.imap.async_setup_entry", return_value=True
    ) as mock_setup_entry:
        yield mock_setup_entry

def imap_has_capability() -> bool:
    """Fixture to set the imap capabilities."""
    return True

def imap_login_state() -> str:
    """Fixture to set the imap state after login."""
    return AUTH

def imap_select_state() -> str:
    """Fixture to set the imap capabilities."""
    return SELECTED

def imap_search() -> tuple[str, list[bytes]]:
    """Fixture to set the imap search response."""

def imap_fetch() -> tuple[str, list[bytes | bytearray]]:
    """Fixture to set the imap fetch response."""

def imap_pending_idle() -> bool:
    """Fixture to set the imap pending idle feature."""
    return True

async def mock_imap_protocol(
    imap_search: tuple[str, list[bytes]],
    imap_fetch: tuple[str, list[bytes | bytearray]],
    imap_has_capability: bool,
    imap_pending_idle: bool,
    imap_login_state: str,
    imap_select_state: str,
) -> AsyncGenerator[MagicMock, None]:
    """Mock the aioimaplib IMAP protocol handler."""

    with patch(
        "homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator.IMAP4_SSL", autospec=True
    ) as imap_mock:
        imap_mock = imap_mock.return_value

        async def login(user: str, password: str) -> Response:
            """Mock imap login."""
            imap_mock.protocol.state = imap_login_state
            if imap_login_state != AUTH:
                return Response("BAD", [])
            return Response("OK", [b"CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 ...", b"Logged in"])

        async def close() -> Response:
            """Mock imap close the selected folder."""
            return Response("OK", [])

        async def store(uid: str, flags: str) -> Response:
            """Mock imap store command."""
            return Response("OK", [])

        async def copy(uid: str, folder: str) -> Response:
            """Mock imap store command."""
            return Response("OK", [])

        async def logout() -> Response:
            """Mock imap logout."""
            imap_mock.protocol.state = LOGOUT
            return Response("OK", [])

        async def select(mailbox: str = "INBOX") -> Response:
            """Mock imap folder select."""
            imap_mock.protocol.state = imap_select_state
            if imap_login_state != SELECTED:
                return Response("BAD", [])
            return Response("OK", [])

        async def wait_hello_from_server() -> None:
            """Mock wait for hello."""
            imap_mock.protocol.state = NONAUTH

        imap_mock.has_pending_idle.return_value = imap_pending_idle
        imap_mock.protocol = MagicMock()
        imap_mock.protocol.state = STARTED
        imap_mock.protocol.expunge = AsyncMock()
        imap_mock.protocol.expunge.return_value = Response("OK", [])
        imap_mock.has_capability.return_value = imap_has_capability
        imap_mock.login.side_effect = login
        imap_mock.close.side_effect = close
        imap_mock.copy.side_effect = copy
        imap_mock.logout.side_effect = logout
        imap_mock.select.side_effect = select
        imap_mock.search.return_value = Response(*imap_search)
        imap_mock.store.side_effect = store
        imap_mock.fetch.return_value = Response(*imap_fetch)
        imap_mock.wait_hello_from_server.side_effect = wait_hello_from_server
        imap_mock.timeout = 3
        yield imap_mock