"""Support for hunter douglas shades.""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from collections.abc import Iterable from contextlib import suppress from datetime import timedelta import logging from typing import Any from aiopvapi.helpers.constants import ( ATTR_POSITION1, ATTR_POSITION2, ATTR_POSITION_DATA, ) from aiopvapi.resources.shade import ( ATTR_POSKIND1, ATTR_POSKIND2, MAX_POSITION, MIN_POSITION, BaseShade, ShadeTdbu, Silhouette, factory as PvShade, ) import async_timeout from homeassistant.components.cover import ( ATTR_POSITION, ATTR_TILT_POSITION, CoverDeviceClass, CoverEntity, CoverEntityFeature, ) from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later from .const import ( DOMAIN, LEGACY_DEVICE_MODEL, POS_KIND_PRIMARY, POS_KIND_SECONDARY, POS_KIND_VANE, ROOM_ID_IN_SHADE, ROOM_NAME_UNICODE, STATE_ATTRIBUTE_ROOM_NAME, ) from .coordinator import PowerviewShadeUpdateCoordinator from .entity import ShadeEntity from .model import PowerviewDeviceInfo, PowerviewEntryData from .shade_data import PowerviewShadeMove _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Estimated time it takes to complete a transition # from one state to another TRANSITION_COMPLETE_DURATION = 40 PARALLEL_UPDATES = 1 RESYNC_DELAY = 60 # this equates to 0.75/100 in terms of hass blind position # some blinds in a closed position report less than 655.35 (1%) # but larger than 0 even though they are clearly closed # Find 1 percent of MAX_POSITION, then find 75% of that number # The means currently 491.5125 or less is closed position # implemented for top/down shades, but also works fine with normal shades CLOSED_POSITION = (0.75 / 100) * (MAX_POSITION - MIN_POSITION) SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=10) async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback ) -> None: """Set up the hunter douglas shades.""" pv_entry: PowerviewEntryData = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] coordinator: PowerviewShadeUpdateCoordinator = pv_entry.coordinator entities: list[ShadeEntity] = [] for raw_shade in pv_entry.shade_data.values(): # The shade may be out of sync with the hub # so we force a refresh when we add it if possible shade: BaseShade = PvShade(raw_shade, pv_entry.api) name_before_refresh = shade.name with suppress(asyncio.TimeoutError): async with async_timeout.timeout(1): await shade.refresh() if ATTR_POSITION_DATA not in shade.raw_data: _LOGGER.info( "The %s shade was skipped because it is missing position data", name_before_refresh, ) continue coordinator.data.update_shade_positions(shade.raw_data) room_id = shade.raw_data.get(ROOM_ID_IN_SHADE) room_name = pv_entry.room_data.get(room_id, {}).get(ROOM_NAME_UNICODE, "") entities.extend( create_powerview_shade_entity( coordinator, pv_entry.device_info, room_name, shade, name_before_refresh ) ) async_add_entities(entities) def create_powerview_shade_entity( coordinator: PowerviewShadeUpdateCoordinator, device_info: PowerviewDeviceInfo, room_name: str, shade: BaseShade, name_before_refresh: str, ) -> Iterable[ShadeEntity]: """Create a PowerViewShade entity.""" classes: list[BaseShade] = [] # order here is important as both ShadeTDBU are listed in aiovapi as can_tilt # and both require their own class here to work if isinstance(shade, ShadeTdbu): classes.extend([PowerViewShadeTDBUTop, PowerViewShadeTDBUBottom]) elif isinstance(shade, Silhouette): classes.append(PowerViewShadeSilhouette) elif shade.can_tilt: classes.append(PowerViewShadeWithTilt) else: classes.append(PowerViewShade) return [ cls(coordinator, device_info, room_name, shade, name_before_refresh) for cls in classes ] def hd_position_to_hass(hd_position: int, max_val: int = MAX_POSITION) -> int: """Convert hunter douglas position to hass position.""" return round((hd_position / max_val) * 100) def hass_position_to_hd(hass_position: int, max_val: int = MAX_POSITION) -> int: """Convert hass position to hunter douglas position.""" return int(hass_position / 100 * max_val) class PowerViewShadeBase(ShadeEntity, CoverEntity): """Representation of a powerview shade.""" _attr_device_class = CoverDeviceClass.SHADE _attr_supported_features = 0 def __init__( self, coordinator: PowerviewShadeUpdateCoordinator, device_info: PowerviewDeviceInfo, room_name: str, shade: BaseShade, name: str, ) -> None: """Initialize the shade.""" super().__init__(coordinator, device_info, room_name, shade, name) self._shade: BaseShade = shade self._attr_name = self._shade_name self._scheduled_transition_update: CALLBACK_TYPE | None = None if self._device_info.model != LEGACY_DEVICE_MODEL: self._attr_supported_features |= CoverEntityFeature.STOP self._forced_resync = None @property def assumed_state(self) -> bool: """If the device is hard wired we are polling state. The hub will frequently provide the wrong state for battery power devices so we set assumed state in this case. """ return not self._is_hard_wired @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """Only poll if the device is hard wired. We cannot poll battery powered devices as it would drain their batteries in a matter of days. """ return self._is_hard_wired @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, str]: """Return the state attributes.""" return {STATE_ATTRIBUTE_ROOM_NAME: self._room_name} @property def is_closed(self): """Return if the cover is closed.""" return self.positions.primary <= CLOSED_POSITION @property def current_cover_position(self) -> int: """Return the current position of cover.""" return hd_position_to_hass(self.positions.primary, MAX_POSITION) @property def transition_steps(self) -> int: """Return the steps to make a move.""" return hd_position_to_hass(self.positions.primary, MAX_POSITION) @property def open_position(self) -> PowerviewShadeMove: """Return the open position and required additional positions.""" return PowerviewShadeMove(self._shade.open_position, {}) @property def close_position(self) -> PowerviewShadeMove: """Return the close position and required additional positions.""" return PowerviewShadeMove(self._shade.close_position, {}) async def async_close_cover(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Close the cover.""" self._async_schedule_update_for_transition(self.transition_steps) await self._async_execute_move(self.close_position) self._attr_is_opening = False self._attr_is_closing = True self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_open_cover(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Open the cover.""" self._async_schedule_update_for_transition(100 - self.transition_steps) await self._async_execute_move(self.open_position) self._attr_is_opening = True self._attr_is_closing = False self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_stop_cover(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Stop the cover.""" self._async_cancel_scheduled_transition_update() self.data.update_from_response(await self._shade.stop()) await self._async_force_refresh_state() @callback def _clamp_cover_limit(self, target_hass_position: int) -> int: """Dont allow a cover to go into an impossbile position.""" # no override required in base return target_hass_position async def async_set_cover_position(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Move the shade to a specific position.""" await self._async_set_cover_position(kwargs[ATTR_POSITION]) @callback def _get_shade_move(self, target_hass_position: int) -> PowerviewShadeMove: position_one = hass_position_to_hd(target_hass_position) return PowerviewShadeMove( {ATTR_POSITION1: position_one, ATTR_POSKIND1: POS_KIND_PRIMARY}, {} ) async def _async_execute_move(self, move: PowerviewShadeMove) -> None: """Execute a move that can affect multiple positions.""" response = await self._shade.move(move.request) # Process any positions we know will update as result # of the request since the hub won't return them for kind, position in move.new_positions.items(): self.data.update_shade_position(self._shade.id, position, kind) # Finally process the response self.data.update_from_response(response) async def _async_set_cover_position(self, target_hass_position: int) -> None: """Move the shade to a position.""" target_hass_position = self._clamp_cover_limit(target_hass_position) current_hass_position = self.current_cover_position self._async_schedule_update_for_transition( abs(current_hass_position - target_hass_position) ) await self._async_execute_move(self._get_shade_move(target_hass_position)) self._attr_is_opening = target_hass_position > current_hass_position self._attr_is_closing = target_hass_position < current_hass_position self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _async_update_shade_data(self, shade_data: dict[str | int, Any]) -> None: """Update the current cover position from the data.""" self.data.update_shade_positions(shade_data) self._attr_is_opening = False self._attr_is_closing = False @callback def _async_cancel_scheduled_transition_update(self) -> None: """Cancel any previous updates.""" if self._scheduled_transition_update: self._scheduled_transition_update() self._scheduled_transition_update = None if self._forced_resync: self._forced_resync() self._forced_resync = None @callback def _async_schedule_update_for_transition(self, steps: int) -> None: # Cancel any previous updates self._async_cancel_scheduled_transition_update() est_time_to_complete_transition = 1 + int( TRANSITION_COMPLETE_DURATION * (steps / 100) ) _LOGGER.debug( "Estimated time to complete transition of %s steps for %s: %s", steps, self.name, est_time_to_complete_transition, ) # Schedule an forced update for when we expect the transition # to be completed. self._scheduled_transition_update = async_call_later( self.hass, est_time_to_complete_transition, self._async_complete_schedule_update, ) async def _async_complete_schedule_update(self, _): """Update status of the cover.""" _LOGGER.debug("Processing scheduled update for %s", self.name) self._scheduled_transition_update = None await self._async_force_refresh_state() self._forced_resync = async_call_later( self.hass, RESYNC_DELAY, self._async_force_resync ) async def _async_force_resync(self, *_: Any) -> None: """Force a resync after an update since the hub may have stale state.""" self._forced_resync = None _LOGGER.debug("Force resync of shade %s", self.name) await self._async_force_refresh_state() async def _async_force_refresh_state(self) -> None: """Refresh the cover state and force the device cache to be bypassed.""" await self.async_update() self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """When entity is added to hass.""" self.async_on_remove( self.coordinator.async_add_listener(self._async_update_shade_from_group) ) async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Cancel any pending refreshes.""" self._async_cancel_scheduled_transition_update() @property def _update_in_progress(self) -> bool: """Check if an update is already in progress.""" return bool(self._scheduled_transition_update or self._forced_resync) @callback def _async_update_shade_from_group(self) -> None: """Update with new data from the coordinator.""" if self._update_in_progress: # If a transition is in progress the data will be wrong return self.data.update_from_group_data(self._shade.id) self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_update(self) -> None: """Refresh shade position.""" if self._update_in_progress: # The update will likely timeout and # error if are already have one in flight return await self._shade.refresh() self._async_update_shade_data(self._shade.raw_data) class PowerViewShade(PowerViewShadeBase): """Represent a standard shade.""" def __init__( self, coordinator: PowerviewShadeUpdateCoordinator, device_info: PowerviewDeviceInfo, room_name: str, shade: BaseShade, name: str, ) -> None: """Initialize the shade.""" super().__init__(coordinator, device_info, room_name, shade, name) self._attr_supported_features |= ( CoverEntityFeature.OPEN | CoverEntityFeature.CLOSE | CoverEntityFeature.SET_POSITION ) class PowerViewShadeTDBU(PowerViewShade): """Representation of a PowerView shade with top/down bottom/up capabilities.""" @property def transition_steps(self) -> int: """Return the steps to make a move.""" return hd_position_to_hass( self.positions.primary, MAX_POSITION ) + hd_position_to_hass(self.positions.secondary, MAX_POSITION) class PowerViewShadeTDBUBottom(PowerViewShadeTDBU): """Representation of a top down bottom up powerview shade.""" def __init__( self, coordinator: PowerviewShadeUpdateCoordinator, device_info: PowerviewDeviceInfo, room_name: str, shade: BaseShade, name: str, ) -> None: """Initialize the shade.""" super().__init__(coordinator, device_info, room_name, shade, name) self._attr_unique_id = f"{self._shade.id}_bottom" self._attr_name = f"{self._shade_name} Bottom" @callback def _clamp_cover_limit(self, target_hass_position: int) -> int: """Dont allow a cover to go into an impossbile position.""" cover_top = hd_position_to_hass(self.positions.secondary, MAX_POSITION) return min(target_hass_position, (100 - cover_top)) @callback def _get_shade_move(self, target_hass_position: int) -> PowerviewShadeMove: position_bottom = hass_position_to_hd(target_hass_position) position_top = self.positions.secondary return PowerviewShadeMove( { ATTR_POSITION1: position_bottom, ATTR_POSITION2: position_top, ATTR_POSKIND1: POS_KIND_PRIMARY, ATTR_POSKIND2: POS_KIND_SECONDARY, }, {}, ) class PowerViewShadeTDBUTop(PowerViewShadeTDBU): """Representation of a top down bottom up powerview shade.""" def __init__( self, coordinator: PowerviewShadeUpdateCoordinator, device_info: PowerviewDeviceInfo, room_name: str, shade: BaseShade, name: str, ) -> None: """Initialize the shade.""" super().__init__(coordinator, device_info, room_name, shade, name) self._attr_unique_id = f"{self._shade.id}_top" self._attr_name = f"{self._shade_name} Top" # these shades share a class in parent API # override open position for top shade self._shade.open_position = { ATTR_POSITION1: MIN_POSITION, ATTR_POSITION2: MAX_POSITION, ATTR_POSKIND1: POS_KIND_PRIMARY, ATTR_POSKIND2: POS_KIND_SECONDARY, } @property def is_closed(self): """Return if the cover is closed.""" # top shade needs to check other motor return self.positions.secondary <= CLOSED_POSITION @property def current_cover_position(self) -> int: """Return the current position of cover.""" # these need to be inverted to report state correctly in HA return hd_position_to_hass(self.positions.secondary, MAX_POSITION) @callback def _clamp_cover_limit(self, target_hass_position: int) -> int: """Dont allow a cover to go into an impossbile position.""" cover_bottom = hd_position_to_hass(self.positions.primary, MAX_POSITION) return min(target_hass_position, (100 - cover_bottom)) @callback def _get_shade_move(self, target_hass_position: int) -> PowerviewShadeMove: position_bottom = self.positions.primary position_top = hass_position_to_hd(target_hass_position, MAX_POSITION) return PowerviewShadeMove( { ATTR_POSITION1: position_bottom, ATTR_POSITION2: position_top, ATTR_POSKIND1: POS_KIND_PRIMARY, ATTR_POSKIND2: POS_KIND_SECONDARY, }, {}, ) class PowerViewShadeWithTilt(PowerViewShade): """Representation of a PowerView shade with tilt capabilities.""" _max_tilt = MAX_POSITION def __init__( self, coordinator: PowerviewShadeUpdateCoordinator, device_info: PowerviewDeviceInfo, room_name: str, shade: BaseShade, name: str, ) -> None: """Initialize the shade.""" super().__init__(coordinator, device_info, room_name, shade, name) self._attr_supported_features |= ( CoverEntityFeature.OPEN_TILT | CoverEntityFeature.CLOSE_TILT | CoverEntityFeature.SET_TILT_POSITION ) if self._device_info.model != LEGACY_DEVICE_MODEL: self._attr_supported_features |= CoverEntityFeature.STOP_TILT @property def current_cover_tilt_position(self) -> int: """Return the current cover tile position.""" return hd_position_to_hass(self.positions.vane, self._max_tilt) @property def transition_steps(self): """Return the steps to make a move.""" return hd_position_to_hass( self.positions.primary, MAX_POSITION ) + hd_position_to_hass(self.positions.vane, self._max_tilt) @property def open_position(self) -> PowerviewShadeMove: """Return the open position and required additional positions.""" return PowerviewShadeMove( self._shade.open_position, {POS_KIND_VANE: MIN_POSITION} ) @property def close_position(self) -> PowerviewShadeMove: """Return the close position and required additional positions.""" return PowerviewShadeMove( self._shade.close_position, {POS_KIND_VANE: MIN_POSITION} ) @property def open_tilt_position(self) -> PowerviewShadeMove: """Return the open tilt position and required additional positions.""" # next upstream api release to include self._shade.open_tilt_position return PowerviewShadeMove( {ATTR_POSKIND1: POS_KIND_VANE, ATTR_POSITION1: self._max_tilt}, {POS_KIND_PRIMARY: MIN_POSITION}, ) @property def close_tilt_position(self) -> PowerviewShadeMove: """Return the close tilt position and required additional positions.""" # next upstream api release to include self._shade.close_tilt_position return PowerviewShadeMove( {ATTR_POSKIND1: POS_KIND_VANE, ATTR_POSITION1: MIN_POSITION}, {POS_KIND_PRIMARY: MIN_POSITION}, ) async def async_close_cover_tilt(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Close the cover tilt.""" self._async_schedule_update_for_transition(self.transition_steps) await self._async_execute_move(self.close_tilt_position) self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_open_cover_tilt(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Open the cover tilt.""" self._async_schedule_update_for_transition(100 - self.transition_steps) await self._async_execute_move(self.open_tilt_position) self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_set_cover_tilt_position(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Move the vane to a specific position.""" await self._async_set_cover_tilt_position(kwargs[ATTR_TILT_POSITION]) async def _async_set_cover_tilt_position( self, target_hass_tilt_position: int ) -> None: """Move the vane to a specific position.""" final_position = self.current_cover_position + target_hass_tilt_position self._async_schedule_update_for_transition( abs(self.transition_steps - final_position) ) await self._async_execute_move(self._get_shade_tilt(target_hass_tilt_position)) self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _get_shade_move(self, target_hass_position: int) -> PowerviewShadeMove: """Return a PowerviewShadeMove.""" position_shade = hass_position_to_hd(target_hass_position) return PowerviewShadeMove( {ATTR_POSITION1: position_shade, ATTR_POSKIND1: POS_KIND_PRIMARY}, {POS_KIND_VANE: MIN_POSITION}, ) @callback def _get_shade_tilt(self, target_hass_tilt_position: int) -> PowerviewShadeMove: """Return a PowerviewShadeMove.""" position_vane = hass_position_to_hd(target_hass_tilt_position, self._max_tilt) return PowerviewShadeMove( {ATTR_POSITION1: position_vane, ATTR_POSKIND1: POS_KIND_VANE}, {POS_KIND_PRIMARY: MIN_POSITION}, ) async def async_stop_cover_tilt(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Stop the cover tilting.""" await self.async_stop_cover() class PowerViewShadeSilhouette(PowerViewShadeWithTilt): """Representation of a Silhouette PowerView shade.""" _max_tilt = 32767