import pytest import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv def test_latitude(): """Test latitude validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.latitude) for value in ('invalid', None, -91, 91, '-91', '91', '123.01A'): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ('-89', 89, '12.34'): schema(value) def test_longitude(): """Test longitude validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.longitude) for value in ('invalid', None, -181, 181, '-181', '181', '123.01A'): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ('-179', 179, '12.34'): schema(value) def test_icon(): """Test icon validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.icon) for value in (False, 'work', 'icon:work'): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) schema('mdi:work') def test_platform_config(): """Test platform config validation.""" for value in ( {'platform': 1}, {}, {'hello': 'world'}, ): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): cv.PLATFORM_SCHEMA(value) for value in ( {'platform': 'mqtt'}, {'platform': 'mqtt', 'beer': 'yes'}, ): cv.PLATFORM_SCHEMA(value) def test_entity_id(): """Test entity ID validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.entity_id) with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema('invalid_entity') schema('sensor.light') def test_entity_ids(): """Test entity ID validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.entity_ids) for value in ( 'invalid_entity', 'sensor.light,sensor_invalid', ['invalid_entity'], ['sensor.light', 'sensor_invalid'], ['sensor.light,sensor_invalid'], ): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ( [], ['sensor.light'], 'sensor.light' ): schema(value) assert schema('sensor.light, ') == [ 'sensor.light', '' ] def test_temperature_unit(): """Test temperature unit validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.temperature_unit) with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema('K') schema('C') schema('F') def test_time_zone(): """Test time zone validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.time_zone) with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema('America/Do_Not_Exist') schema('America/Los_Angeles') schema('UTC')