"""Define fixtures available for all tests.""" import sys from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from pytest import fixture class MocGetSwitchbotDevices: """Scan for all Switchbot devices and return by type.""" def __init__(self, interface=None) -> None: """Get switchbot devices class constructor.""" self._interface = interface self._all_services_data = { "e78943999999": { "mac_address": "e7:89:43:99:99:99", "Flags": "06", "Manufacturer": "5900e78943d9fe7c", "Complete 128b Services": "cba20d00-224d-11e6-9fb8-0002a5d5c51b", "data": { "switchMode": "true", "isOn": "true", "battery": 91, "rssi": -71, }, "model": "H", "modelName": "WoHand", }, "e78943909090": { "mac_address": "e7:89:43:90:90:90", "Flags": "06", "Manufacturer": "5900e78943d9fe7c", "Complete 128b Services": "cba20d00-224d-11e6-9fb8-0002a5d5c51b", "data": { "calibration": True, "battery": 74, "position": 100, "lightLevel": 2, "rssi": -73, }, "model": "c", "modelName": "WoCurtain", }, "ffffff19ffff": { "mac_address": "ff:ff:ff:19:ff:ff", "Flags": "06", "Manufacturer": "5900ffffff19ffff", "Complete 128b Services": "cba20d00-224d-11e6-9fb8-0002a5d5c51b", }, } self._curtain_all_services_data = { "mac_address": "e7:89:43:90:90:90", "Flags": "06", "Manufacturer": "5900e78943d9fe7c", "Complete 128b Services": "cba20d00-224d-11e6-9fb8-0002a5d5c51b", "data": { "calibration": True, "battery": 74, "position": 100, "lightLevel": 2, "rssi": -73, }, "model": "c", "modelName": "WoCurtain", } self._unsupported_device = { "mac_address": "test", "Flags": "06", "Manufacturer": "5900e78943d9fe7c", "Complete 128b Services": "cba20d00-224d-11e6-9fb8-0002a5d5c51b", "data": { "switchMode": "true", "isOn": "true", "battery": 91, "rssi": -71, }, "model": "HoN", "modelName": "WoOther", } def discover(self, retry=0, scan_timeout=0): """Mock discover.""" return self._all_services_data def get_device_data(self, mac=None): """Return data for specific device.""" if mac == "e7:89:43:99:99:99": return self._all_services_data if mac == "test": return self._unsupported_device if mac == "e7:89:43:90:90:90": return self._curtain_all_services_data return None class MocNotConnectedError(Exception): """Mock exception.""" module = type(sys)("switchbot") module.GetSwitchbotDevices = MocGetSwitchbotDevices module.NotConnectedError = MocNotConnectedError sys.modules["switchbot"] = module @fixture def switchbot_config_flow(hass): """Mock the bluepy api for easier config flow testing.""" with patch.object(MocGetSwitchbotDevices, "discover", return_value=True), patch( "homeassistant.components.switchbot.config_flow.GetSwitchbotDevices" ) as mock_switchbot: instance = mock_switchbot.return_value instance.discover = MagicMock(return_value=True) yield mock_switchbot