""" Provides a sensor to track various status aspects of a UPS. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.apcupsd/ """ import logging from homeassistant.components import apcupsd from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELSIUS from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity DEPENDENCIES = [apcupsd.DOMAIN] SENSOR_PREFIX = 'UPS ' SENSOR_TYPES = { 'alarmdel': ['Alarm Delay', '', 'mdi:alarm'], 'ambtemp': ['Ambient Temperature', '', 'mdi:thermometer'], 'apc': ['Status Data', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'apcmodel': ['Model', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'badbatts': ['Bad Batteries', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'battdate': ['Battery Replaced', '', 'mdi:calendar-clock'], 'battstat': ['Battery Status', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'battv': ['Battery Voltage', 'V', 'mdi:flash'], 'bcharge': ['Battery', '%', 'mdi:battery'], 'cable': ['Cable Type', '', 'mdi:ethernet-cable'], 'cumonbatt': ['Total Time on Battery', '', 'mdi:timer'], 'date': ['Status Date', '', 'mdi:calendar-clock'], 'dipsw': ['Dip Switch Settings', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'dlowbatt': ['Low Battery Signal', '', 'mdi:clock-alert'], 'driver': ['Driver', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'dshutd': ['Shutdown Delay', '', 'mdi:timer'], 'dwake': ['Wake Delay', '', 'mdi:timer'], 'endapc': ['Date and Time', '', 'mdi:calendar-clock'], 'extbatts': ['External Batteries', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'firmware': ['Firmware Version', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'hitrans': ['Transfer High', 'V', 'mdi:flash'], 'hostname': ['Hostname', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'humidity': ['Ambient Humidity', '%', 'mdi:water-percent'], 'itemp': ['Internal Temperature', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'], 'lastxfer': ['Last Transfer', '', 'mdi:transfer'], 'linefail': ['Input Voltage Status', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'linefreq': ['Line Frequency', 'Hz', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'linev': ['Input Voltage', 'V', 'mdi:flash'], 'loadpct': ['Load', '%', 'mdi:gauge'], 'lotrans': ['Transfer Low', 'V', 'mdi:flash'], 'mandate': ['Manufacture Date', '', 'mdi:calendar'], 'masterupd': ['Master Update', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'maxlinev': ['Input Voltage High', 'V', 'mdi:flash'], 'maxtime': ['Battery Timeout', '', 'mdi:timer-off'], 'mbattchg': ['Battery Shutdown', '%', 'mdi:battery-alert'], 'minlinev': ['Input Voltage Low', 'V', 'mdi:flash'], 'mintimel': ['Shutdown Time', '', 'mdi:timer'], 'model': ['Model', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'nombattv': ['Battery Nominal Voltage', 'V', 'mdi:flash'], 'nominv': ['Nominal Input Voltage', 'V', 'mdi:flash'], 'nomoutv': ['Nominal Output Voltage', 'V', 'mdi:flash'], 'nompower': ['Nominal Output Power', 'W', 'mdi:flash'], 'numxfers': ['Transfer Count', '', 'mdi:counter'], 'outputv': ['Output Voltage', 'V', 'mdi:flash'], 'reg1': ['Register 1 Fault', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'reg2': ['Register 2 Fault', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'reg3': ['Register 3 Fault', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'retpct': ['Restore Requirement', '%', 'mdi:battery-alert'], 'selftest': ['Last Self Test', '', 'mdi:calendar-clock'], 'sense': ['Sensitivity', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'serialno': ['Serial Number', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'starttime': ['Startup Time', '', 'mdi:calendar-clock'], 'statflag': ['Status Flag', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'status': ['Status', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'stesti': ['Self Test Interval', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'timeleft': ['Time Left', '', 'mdi:clock-alert'], 'tonbatt': ['Time on Battery', '', 'mdi:timer'], 'upsmode': ['Mode', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'upsname': ['Name', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'version': ['Daemon Info', '', 'mdi:information-outline'], 'xoffbat': ['Transfer from Battery', '', 'mdi:transfer'], 'xoffbatt': ['Transfer from Battery', '', 'mdi:transfer'], 'xonbatt': ['Transfer to Battery', '', 'mdi:transfer'], } SPECIFIC_UNITS = { 'ITEMP': TEMP_CELSIUS } INFERRED_UNITS = { ' Minutes': 'min', ' Seconds': 'sec', ' Percent': '%', ' Volts': 'V', ' Watts': 'W', ' Hz': 'Hz', ' C': TEMP_CELSIUS, } _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Setup the APCUPSd sensors.""" entities = [] for resource in config['resources']: sensor_type = resource.lower() if sensor_type not in SENSOR_TYPES: SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type] = [ sensor_type.title(), '', 'mdi:information-outline'] if sensor_type.upper() not in apcupsd.DATA.status: _LOGGER.warning( 'Sensor type: "%s" does not appear in the APCUPSd status ' 'output.', sensor_type) entities.append(APCUPSdSensor(apcupsd.DATA, sensor_type)) add_entities(entities) def infer_unit(value): """If the value ends with any of the units from ALL_UNITS. Split the unit off the end of the value and return the value, unit tuple pair. Else return the original value and None as the unit. """ from apcaccess.status import ALL_UNITS for unit in ALL_UNITS: if value.endswith(unit): return value[:-len(unit)], INFERRED_UNITS.get(unit, unit.strip()) return value, None class APCUPSdSensor(Entity): """Representation of a sensor entity for APCUPSd status values.""" def __init__(self, data, sensor_type): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._data = data self.type = sensor_type self._name = SENSOR_PREFIX + SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][0] self._unit = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][1] self._inferred_unit = None self.update() @property def name(self): """Return the name of the UPS sensor.""" return self._name @property def icon(self): """Icon to use in the frontend, if any.""" return SENSOR_TYPES[self.type][2] @property def state(self): """Return true if the UPS is online, else False.""" return self._state @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any.""" if not self._unit: return self._inferred_unit return self._unit def update(self): """Get the latest status and use it to update our sensor state.""" if self.type.upper() not in self._data.status: self._state = None self._inferred_unit = None else: self._state, self._inferred_unit = infer_unit( self._data.status[self.type.upper()])