"""Webhook tests for mobile_app.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,unused-import import pytest from homeassistant.components.mobile_app.const import CONF_SECRET from homeassistant.const import CONF_WEBHOOK_ID from homeassistant.core import callback from tests.common import async_mock_service from . import authed_api_client, webhook_client # noqa: F401 from .const import (CALL_SERVICE, FIRE_EVENT, REGISTER_CLEARTEXT, RENDER_TEMPLATE, UPDATE) async def test_webhook_handle_render_template(webhook_client): # noqa: F811 """Test that we render templates properly.""" resp = await webhook_client.post( '/api/webhook/mobile_app_test_cleartext', json=RENDER_TEMPLATE ) assert resp.status == 200 json = await resp.json() assert json == {'rendered': 'Hello world'} async def test_webhook_handle_call_services(hass, webhook_client): # noqa: E501 F811 """Test that we call services properly.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, 'test', 'mobile_app') resp = await webhook_client.post( '/api/webhook/mobile_app_test_cleartext', json=CALL_SERVICE ) assert resp.status == 200 assert len(calls) == 1 async def test_webhook_handle_fire_event(hass, webhook_client): # noqa: F811 """Test that we can fire events.""" events = [] @callback def store_event(event): """Helepr to store events.""" events.append(event) hass.bus.async_listen('test_event', store_event) resp = await webhook_client.post( '/api/webhook/mobile_app_test_cleartext', json=FIRE_EVENT ) assert resp.status == 200 json = await resp.json() assert json == {} assert len(events) == 1 assert events[0].data['hello'] == 'yo world' async def test_webhook_update_registration(webhook_client, hass_client): # noqa: E501 F811 """Test that a we can update an existing registration via webhook.""" authed_api_client = await hass_client() # noqa: F811 register_resp = await authed_api_client.post( '/api/mobile_app/registrations', json=REGISTER_CLEARTEXT ) assert register_resp.status == 201 register_json = await register_resp.json() webhook_id = register_json[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] update_container = { 'type': 'update_registration', 'data': UPDATE } update_resp = await webhook_client.post( '/api/webhook/{}'.format(webhook_id), json=update_container ) assert update_resp.status == 200 update_json = await update_resp.json() assert update_json['app_version'] == '2.0.0' assert CONF_WEBHOOK_ID not in update_json assert CONF_SECRET not in update_json async def test_webhook_returns_error_incorrect_json(webhook_client, caplog): # noqa: E501 F811 """Test that an error is returned when JSON is invalid.""" resp = await webhook_client.post( '/api/webhook/mobile_app_test_cleartext', data='not json' ) assert resp.status == 400 json = await resp.json() assert json == {} assert 'invalid JSON' in caplog.text async def test_webhook_handle_decryption(webhook_client): # noqa: F811 """Test that we can encrypt/decrypt properly.""" try: # pylint: disable=unused-import from nacl.secret import SecretBox # noqa: F401 from nacl.encoding import Base64Encoder # noqa: F401 except (ImportError, OSError): pytest.skip("libnacl/libsodium is not installed") return import json keylen = SecretBox.KEY_SIZE key = "58eb127991594dad934d1584bdee5f27".encode("utf-8") key = key[:keylen] key = key.ljust(keylen, b'\0') payload = json.dumps({'template': 'Hello world'}).encode("utf-8") data = SecretBox(key).encrypt(payload, encoder=Base64Encoder).decode("utf-8") container = { 'type': 'render_template', 'encrypted': True, 'encrypted_data': data, } resp = await webhook_client.post( '/api/webhook/mobile_app_test', json=container ) assert resp.status == 200 webhook_json = await resp.json() assert 'encrypted_data' in webhook_json decrypted_data = SecretBox(key).decrypt(webhook_json['encrypted_data'], encoder=Base64Encoder) decrypted_data = decrypted_data.decode("utf-8") assert json.loads(decrypted_data) == {'rendered': 'Hello world'}