"""The tests for the Home Assistant HTTP component.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access,too-many-public-methods import logging import eventlet import requests from homeassistant import bootstrap, const import homeassistant.components.http as http from tests.common import get_test_instance_port, get_test_home_assistant API_PASSWORD = "test1234" SERVER_PORT = get_test_instance_port() HTTP_BASE_URL = "{}".format(SERVER_PORT) HA_HEADERS = { const.HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH: API_PASSWORD, const.HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE: const.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, } hass = None def _url(path=""): """Helper method to generate URLs.""" return HTTP_BASE_URL + path def setUpModule(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Initialize a Home Assistant server.""" global hass hass = get_test_home_assistant() hass.bus.listen('test_event', lambda _: _) hass.states.set('test.test', 'a_state') bootstrap.setup_component( hass, http.DOMAIN, {http.DOMAIN: {http.CONF_API_PASSWORD: API_PASSWORD, http.CONF_SERVER_PORT: SERVER_PORT}}) bootstrap.setup_component(hass, 'api') hass.start() eventlet.sleep(0.05) def tearDownModule(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Stop the Home Assistant server.""" hass.stop() class TestHttp: """Test HTTP component.""" def test_access_denied_without_password(self): """Test access without password.""" req = requests.get(_url(const.URL_API)) assert req.status_code == 401 def test_access_denied_with_wrong_password_in_header(self): """Test ascces with wrong password.""" req = requests.get( _url(const.URL_API), headers={const.HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH: 'wrongpassword'}) assert req.status_code == 401 def test_access_with_password_in_header(self, caplog): """Test access with password in URL.""" # Hide logging from requests package that we use to test logging caplog.setLevel(logging.WARNING, logger='requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool') req = requests.get( _url(const.URL_API), headers={const.HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH: API_PASSWORD}) assert req.status_code == 200 logs = caplog.text() assert const.URL_API in logs assert API_PASSWORD not in logs def test_access_denied_with_wrong_password_in_url(self): """Test ascces with wrong password.""" req = requests.get(_url(const.URL_API), params={'api_password': 'wrongpassword'}) assert req.status_code == 401 def test_access_with_password_in_url(self, caplog): """Test access with password in URL.""" # Hide logging from requests package that we use to test logging caplog.setLevel(logging.WARNING, logger='requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool') req = requests.get(_url(const.URL_API), params={'api_password': API_PASSWORD}) assert req.status_code == 200 logs = caplog.text() assert const.URL_API in logs assert API_PASSWORD not in logs