"""Tests for KNX device triggers.""" import pytest import voluptuous_serialize from homeassistant.components import automation from homeassistant.components.device_automation import DeviceAutomationType from homeassistant.components.knx import DOMAIN, device_trigger from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID, SERVICE_TURN_OFF from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, ServiceCall from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, device_registry as dr from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .conftest import KNXTestKit from tests.common import async_get_device_automations, async_mock_service @pytest.fixture def calls(hass: HomeAssistant) -> list[ServiceCall]: """Track calls to a mock service.""" return async_mock_service(hass, "test", "automation") async def test_get_triggers( hass: HomeAssistant, device_registry: dr.DeviceRegistry, knx: KNXTestKit, ) -> None: """Test we get the expected triggers from knx.""" await knx.setup_integration({}) device_entry = device_registry.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, f"_{knx.mock_config_entry.entry_id}_interface")} ) expected_trigger = { "platform": "device", "domain": DOMAIN, "device_id": device_entry.id, "type": "telegram", "metadata": {}, } triggers = await async_get_device_automations( hass, DeviceAutomationType.TRIGGER, device_entry.id ) assert expected_trigger in triggers async def test_if_fires_on_telegram( hass: HomeAssistant, calls: list[ServiceCall], device_registry: dr.DeviceRegistry, knx: KNXTestKit, ) -> None: """Test for telegram triggers firing.""" await knx.setup_integration({}) device_entry = device_registry.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, f"_{knx.mock_config_entry.entry_id}_interface")} ) # "id" field added to action to test if `trigger_data` passed correctly in `async_attach_trigger` assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ { "trigger": { "platform": "device", "domain": DOMAIN, "device_id": device_entry.id, "type": "telegram", }, "action": { "service": "test.automation", "data_template": { "catch_all": ("telegram - {{ trigger.destination }}"), "id": (" {{ trigger.id }}"), }, }, }, { "trigger": { "platform": "device", "domain": DOMAIN, "device_id": device_entry.id, "type": "telegram", "destination": ["1/2/3", "1/2/4"], "id": "test-id", }, "action": { "service": "test.automation", "data_template": { "specific": ("telegram - {{ trigger.destination }}"), "id": (" {{ trigger.id }}"), }, }, }, ] }, ) await knx.receive_write("0/0/1", (0x03, 0x2F)) assert len(calls) == 1 test_call = calls.pop() assert test_call.data["catch_all"] == "telegram - 0/0/1" assert test_call.data["id"] == 0 await knx.receive_write("1/2/4", (0x03, 0x2F)) assert len(calls) == 2 test_call = calls.pop() assert test_call.data["specific"] == "telegram - 1/2/4" assert test_call.data["id"] == "test-id" test_call = calls.pop() assert test_call.data["catch_all"] == "telegram - 1/2/4" assert test_call.data["id"] == 0 async def test_remove_device_trigger( hass: HomeAssistant, calls: list[ServiceCall], device_registry: dr.DeviceRegistry, knx: KNXTestKit, ) -> None: """Test for removed callback when device trigger not used.""" automation_name = "telegram_trigger_automation" await knx.setup_integration({}) device_entry = device_registry.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, f"_{knx.mock_config_entry.entry_id}_interface")} ) assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ { "alias": automation_name, "trigger": { "platform": "device", "domain": DOMAIN, "device_id": device_entry.id, "type": "telegram", }, "action": { "service": "test.automation", "data_template": { "catch_all": ("telegram - {{ trigger.destination }}") }, }, } ] }, ) assert len(hass.data[DOMAIN].telegrams._jobs) == 1 await knx.receive_write("0/0/1", (0x03, 0x2F)) assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls.pop().data["catch_all"] == "telegram - 0/0/1" await hass.services.async_call( automation.DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: f"automation.{automation_name}"}, blocking=True, ) assert len(hass.data[DOMAIN].telegrams._jobs) == 0 await knx.receive_write("0/0/1", (0x03, 0x2F)) assert len(calls) == 0 async def test_get_trigger_capabilities_node_status( hass: HomeAssistant, device_registry: dr.DeviceRegistry, knx: KNXTestKit, ) -> None: """Test we get the expected capabilities from a node_status trigger.""" await knx.setup_integration({}) device_entry = device_registry.async_get_device( identifiers={(DOMAIN, f"_{knx.mock_config_entry.entry_id}_interface")} ) capabilities = await device_trigger.async_get_trigger_capabilities( hass, { "platform": "device", "domain": DOMAIN, "device_id": device_entry.id, "type": "telegram", }, ) assert capabilities and "extra_fields" in capabilities assert voluptuous_serialize.convert( capabilities["extra_fields"], custom_serializer=cv.custom_serializer ) == [ { "name": "destination", "optional": True, "selector": { "select": { "custom_value": True, "mode": "dropdown", "multiple": True, "options": [], }, }, } ]