""" Support for Xiaomi Yeelight Wifi color bulb. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/light.yeelight/ """ import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.util.color import ( color_temperature_mired_to_kelvin as mired_to_kelvin, color_temperature_kelvin_to_mired as kelvin_to_mired) from homeassistant.const import CONF_DEVICES, CONF_NAME from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_FLASH, FLASH_SHORT, FLASH_LONG, ATTR_EFFECT, SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS, SUPPORT_COLOR, SUPPORT_TRANSITION, SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP, SUPPORT_FLASH, SUPPORT_EFFECT, Light, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, DOMAIN) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv import homeassistant.util.color as color_util REQUIREMENTS = ['yeelight==0.4.3'] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) LEGACY_DEVICE_TYPE_MAP = { 'color1': 'rgb', 'mono1': 'white', 'strip1': 'strip', 'bslamp1': 'bedside', 'ceiling1': 'ceiling', } DEFAULT_NAME = 'Yeelight' DEFAULT_TRANSITION = 350 CONF_MODEL = 'model' CONF_TRANSITION = 'transition' CONF_SAVE_ON_CHANGE = 'save_on_change' CONF_MODE_MUSIC = 'use_music_mode' CONF_CUSTOM_EFFECTS = 'custom_effects' CONF_FLOW_PARAMS = 'flow_params' DATA_KEY = 'light.yeelight' ATTR_MODE = 'mode' ATTR_COUNT = 'count' ATTR_ACTION = 'action' ATTR_TRANSITIONS = 'transitions' ACTION_RECOVER = 'recover' ACTION_STAY = 'stay' ACTION_OFF = 'off' YEELIGHT_RGB_TRANSITION = 'RGBTransition' YEELIGHT_HSV_TRANSACTION = 'HSVTransition' YEELIGHT_TEMPERATURE_TRANSACTION = 'TemperatureTransition' YEELIGHT_SLEEP_TRANSACTION = 'SleepTransition' YEELIGHT_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Required(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, }) YEELIGHT_FLOW_TRANSITION_SCHEMA = { vol.Optional(ATTR_COUNT, default=0): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(ATTR_ACTION, default=ACTION_RECOVER): vol.Any(ACTION_RECOVER, ACTION_OFF, ACTION_STAY), vol.Required(ATTR_TRANSITIONS): [{ vol.Exclusive(YEELIGHT_RGB_TRANSITION, CONF_TRANSITION): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.positive_int]), vol.Exclusive(YEELIGHT_HSV_TRANSACTION, CONF_TRANSITION): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.positive_int]), vol.Exclusive(YEELIGHT_TEMPERATURE_TRANSACTION, CONF_TRANSITION): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.positive_int]), vol.Exclusive(YEELIGHT_SLEEP_TRANSACTION, CONF_TRANSITION): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.positive_int]), }] } DEVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_TRANSITION, default=DEFAULT_TRANSITION): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_MODE_MUSIC, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_SAVE_ON_CHANGE, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_MODEL): cv.string, }) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICES, default={}): {cv.string: DEVICE_SCHEMA}, vol.Optional(CONF_CUSTOM_EFFECTS): [{ vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_FLOW_PARAMS): YEELIGHT_FLOW_TRANSITION_SCHEMA }] }) SUPPORT_YEELIGHT = (SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS | SUPPORT_TRANSITION | SUPPORT_FLASH) SUPPORT_YEELIGHT_WHITE_TEMP = (SUPPORT_YEELIGHT | SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP) SUPPORT_YEELIGHT_RGB = (SUPPORT_YEELIGHT | SUPPORT_COLOR | SUPPORT_EFFECT | SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP) EFFECT_DISCO = "Disco" EFFECT_TEMP = "Slow Temp" EFFECT_STROBE = "Strobe epilepsy!" EFFECT_STROBE_COLOR = "Strobe color" EFFECT_ALARM = "Alarm" EFFECT_POLICE = "Police" EFFECT_POLICE2 = "Police2" EFFECT_CHRISTMAS = "Christmas" EFFECT_RGB = "RGB" EFFECT_RANDOM_LOOP = "Random Loop" EFFECT_FAST_RANDOM_LOOP = "Fast Random Loop" EFFECT_LSD = "LSD" EFFECT_SLOWDOWN = "Slowdown" EFFECT_WHATSAPP = "WhatsApp" EFFECT_FACEBOOK = "Facebook" EFFECT_TWITTER = "Twitter" EFFECT_STOP = "Stop" YEELIGHT_EFFECT_LIST = [ EFFECT_DISCO, EFFECT_TEMP, EFFECT_STROBE, EFFECT_STROBE_COLOR, EFFECT_ALARM, EFFECT_POLICE, EFFECT_POLICE2, EFFECT_CHRISTMAS, EFFECT_RGB, EFFECT_RANDOM_LOOP, EFFECT_FAST_RANDOM_LOOP, EFFECT_LSD, EFFECT_SLOWDOWN, EFFECT_WHATSAPP, EFFECT_FACEBOOK, EFFECT_TWITTER, EFFECT_STOP] SERVICE_SET_MODE = 'yeelight_set_mode' SERVICE_START_FLOW = 'yeelight_start_flow' def _cmd(func): """Define a wrapper to catch exceptions from the bulb.""" def _wrap(self, *args, **kwargs): import yeelight try: _LOGGER.debug("Calling %s with %s %s", func, args, kwargs) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except yeelight.BulbException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Error when calling %s: %s", func, ex) return _wrap def _parse_custom_effects(effects_config): import yeelight effects = {} for config in effects_config: params = config[CONF_FLOW_PARAMS] action = yeelight.Flow.actions[params[ATTR_ACTION]] transitions = YeelightLight.transitions_config_parser( params[ATTR_TRANSITIONS]) effects[config[CONF_NAME]] = { ATTR_COUNT: params[ATTR_COUNT], ATTR_ACTION: action, ATTR_TRANSITIONS: transitions } return effects def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Yeelight bulbs.""" from yeelight.enums import PowerMode if DATA_KEY not in hass.data: hass.data[DATA_KEY] = {} lights = [] if discovery_info is not None: _LOGGER.debug("Adding autodetected %s", discovery_info['hostname']) device_type = discovery_info['device_type'] legacy_device_type = LEGACY_DEVICE_TYPE_MAP.get(device_type, device_type) # Not using hostname, as it seems to vary. name = "yeelight_%s_%s" % (legacy_device_type, discovery_info['properties']['mac']) device = {'name': name, 'ipaddr': discovery_info['host']} light = YeelightLight(device, DEVICE_SCHEMA({CONF_MODEL: device_type})) lights.append(light) hass.data[DATA_KEY][name] = light else: for ipaddr, device_config in config[CONF_DEVICES].items(): name = device_config[CONF_NAME] _LOGGER.debug("Adding configured %s", name) device = {'name': name, 'ipaddr': ipaddr} if CONF_CUSTOM_EFFECTS in config: custom_effects = \ _parse_custom_effects(config[CONF_CUSTOM_EFFECTS]) else: custom_effects = None light = YeelightLight(device, device_config, custom_effects=custom_effects) lights.append(light) hass.data[DATA_KEY][name] = light add_entities(lights, True) def service_handler(service): """Dispatch service calls to target entities.""" params = {key: value for key, value in service.data.items() if key != ATTR_ENTITY_ID} entity_ids = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) target_devices = [dev for dev in hass.data[DATA_KEY].values() if dev.entity_id in entity_ids] for target_device in target_devices: if service.service == SERVICE_SET_MODE: target_device.set_mode(**params) elif service.service == SERVICE_START_FLOW: target_device.start_flow(**params) service_schema_set_mode = YEELIGHT_SERVICE_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Required(ATTR_MODE): vol.In([mode.name.lower() for mode in PowerMode]) }) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_MODE, service_handler, schema=service_schema_set_mode) service_schema_start_flow = YEELIGHT_SERVICE_SCHEMA.extend( YEELIGHT_FLOW_TRANSITION_SCHEMA ) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_START_FLOW, service_handler, schema=service_schema_start_flow) class YeelightLight(Light): """Representation of a Yeelight light.""" def __init__(self, device, config, custom_effects=None): """Initialize the Yeelight light.""" self.config = config self._name = device['name'] self._ipaddr = device['ipaddr'] self._supported_features = SUPPORT_YEELIGHT self._available = False self._bulb_device = None self._brightness = None self._color_temp = None self._is_on = None self._hs = None self._model = config.get('model') self._min_mireds = None self._max_mireds = None if custom_effects: self._custom_effects = custom_effects else: self._custom_effects = {} @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return if bulb is available.""" return self._available @property def supported_features(self) -> int: """Flag supported features.""" return self._supported_features @property def effect_list(self): """Return the list of supported effects.""" return YEELIGHT_EFFECT_LIST + self.custom_effects_names @property def color_temp(self) -> int: """Return the color temperature.""" return self._color_temp @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the device if any.""" return self._name @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return true if device is on.""" return self._is_on @property def brightness(self) -> int: """Return the brightness of this light between 1..255.""" return self._brightness @property def min_mireds(self): """Return minimum supported color temperature.""" return self._min_mireds @property def max_mireds(self): """Return maximum supported color temperature.""" return self._max_mireds @property def custom_effects(self): """Return dict with custom effects.""" return self._custom_effects @property def custom_effects_names(self): """Return list with custom effects names.""" return list(self.custom_effects.keys()) def _get_hs_from_properties(self): rgb = self._properties.get('rgb', None) color_mode = self._properties.get('color_mode', None) if not rgb or not color_mode: return None color_mode = int(color_mode) if color_mode == 2: # color temperature temp_in_k = mired_to_kelvin(self._color_temp) return color_util.color_temperature_to_hs(temp_in_k) if color_mode == 3: # hsv hue = int(self._properties.get('hue')) sat = int(self._properties.get('sat')) return (hue / 360 * 65536, sat / 100 * 255) rgb = int(rgb) blue = rgb & 0xff green = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff red = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff return color_util.color_RGB_to_hs(red, green, blue) @property def hs_color(self) -> tuple: """Return the color property.""" return self._hs @property def _properties(self) -> dict: if self._bulb_device is None: return {} return self._bulb_device.last_properties # F821: https://github.com/PyCQA/pyflakes/issues/373 @property def _bulb(self) -> 'yeelight.Bulb': # noqa: F821 import yeelight if self._bulb_device is None: try: self._bulb_device = yeelight.Bulb(self._ipaddr, model=self._model) self._bulb_device.get_properties() # force init for type self._available = True except yeelight.BulbException as ex: self._available = False _LOGGER.error("Failed to connect to bulb %s, %s: %s", self._ipaddr, self._name, ex) return self._bulb_device def set_music_mode(self, mode) -> None: """Set the music mode on or off.""" if mode: self._bulb.start_music() else: self._bulb.stop_music() def update(self) -> None: """Update properties from the bulb.""" import yeelight try: self._bulb.get_properties() if self._bulb_device.bulb_type == yeelight.BulbType.Color: self._supported_features = SUPPORT_YEELIGHT_RGB elif self._bulb_device.bulb_type == yeelight.BulbType.WhiteTemp: self._supported_features = SUPPORT_YEELIGHT_WHITE_TEMP if self._min_mireds is None: model_specs = self._bulb.get_model_specs() self._min_mireds = \ kelvin_to_mired(model_specs['color_temp']['max']) self._max_mireds = \ kelvin_to_mired(model_specs['color_temp']['min']) self._is_on = self._properties.get('power') == 'on' bright = self._properties.get('bright', None) if bright: self._brightness = round(255 * (int(bright) / 100)) temp_in_k = self._properties.get('ct', None) if temp_in_k: self._color_temp = kelvin_to_mired(int(temp_in_k)) self._hs = self._get_hs_from_properties() self._available = True except yeelight.BulbException as ex: if self._available: # just inform once _LOGGER.error("Unable to update bulb status: %s", ex) self._available = False @_cmd def set_brightness(self, brightness, duration) -> None: """Set bulb brightness.""" if brightness: _LOGGER.debug("Setting brightness: %s", brightness) self._bulb.set_brightness(brightness / 255 * 100, duration=duration) @_cmd def set_rgb(self, rgb, duration) -> None: """Set bulb's color.""" if rgb and self.supported_features & SUPPORT_COLOR: _LOGGER.debug("Setting RGB: %s", rgb) self._bulb.set_rgb(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], duration=duration) @_cmd def set_colortemp(self, colortemp, duration) -> None: """Set bulb's color temperature.""" if colortemp and self.supported_features & SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP: temp_in_k = mired_to_kelvin(colortemp) _LOGGER.debug("Setting color temp: %s K", temp_in_k) self._bulb.set_color_temp(temp_in_k, duration=duration) @_cmd def set_default(self) -> None: """Set current options as default.""" self._bulb.set_default() @_cmd def set_flash(self, flash) -> None: """Activate flash.""" if flash: from yeelight import (RGBTransition, SleepTransition, Flow, BulbException) if self._bulb.last_properties["color_mode"] != 1: _LOGGER.error("Flash supported currently only in RGB mode.") return transition = int(self.config[CONF_TRANSITION]) if flash == FLASH_LONG: count = 1 duration = transition * 5 if flash == FLASH_SHORT: count = 1 duration = transition * 2 red, green, blue = color_util.color_hs_to_RGB(*self._hs) transitions = list() transitions.append( RGBTransition(255, 0, 0, brightness=10, duration=duration)) transitions.append(SleepTransition( duration=transition)) transitions.append( RGBTransition(red, green, blue, brightness=self.brightness, duration=duration)) flow = Flow(count=count, transitions=transitions) try: self._bulb.start_flow(flow) except BulbException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to set flash: %s", ex) @_cmd def set_effect(self, effect) -> None: """Activate effect.""" if effect: from yeelight import (Flow, BulbException) from yeelight.transitions import (disco, temp, strobe, pulse, strobe_color, alarm, police, police2, christmas, rgb, randomloop, lsd, slowdown) if effect == EFFECT_STOP: self._bulb.stop_flow() return effects_map = { EFFECT_DISCO: disco, EFFECT_TEMP: temp, EFFECT_STROBE: strobe, EFFECT_STROBE_COLOR: strobe_color, EFFECT_ALARM: alarm, EFFECT_POLICE: police, EFFECT_POLICE2: police2, EFFECT_CHRISTMAS: christmas, EFFECT_RGB: rgb, EFFECT_RANDOM_LOOP: randomloop, EFFECT_LSD: lsd, EFFECT_SLOWDOWN: slowdown, } if effect in self.custom_effects_names: flow = Flow(**self.custom_effects[effect]) elif effect in effects_map: flow = Flow(count=0, transitions=effects_map[effect]()) elif effect == EFFECT_FAST_RANDOM_LOOP: flow = Flow(count=0, transitions=randomloop(duration=250)) elif effect == EFFECT_WHATSAPP: flow = Flow(count=2, transitions=pulse(37, 211, 102)) elif effect == EFFECT_FACEBOOK: flow = Flow(count=2, transitions=pulse(59, 89, 152)) elif effect == EFFECT_TWITTER: flow = Flow(count=2, transitions=pulse(0, 172, 237)) try: self._bulb.start_flow(flow) except BulbException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to set effect: %s", ex) def turn_on(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Turn the bulb on.""" import yeelight brightness = kwargs.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS) colortemp = kwargs.get(ATTR_COLOR_TEMP) hs_color = kwargs.get(ATTR_HS_COLOR) rgb = color_util.color_hs_to_RGB(*hs_color) if hs_color else None flash = kwargs.get(ATTR_FLASH) effect = kwargs.get(ATTR_EFFECT) duration = int(self.config[CONF_TRANSITION]) # in ms if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: # passed kwarg overrides config duration = int(kwargs.get(ATTR_TRANSITION) * 1000) # kwarg in s try: self._bulb.turn_on(duration=duration) except yeelight.BulbException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to turn the bulb on: %s", ex) return if self.config[CONF_MODE_MUSIC] and not self._bulb.music_mode: try: self.set_music_mode(self.config[CONF_MODE_MUSIC]) except yeelight.BulbException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to turn on music mode," "consider disabling it: %s", ex) try: # values checked for none in methods self.set_rgb(rgb, duration) self.set_colortemp(colortemp, duration) self.set_brightness(brightness, duration) self.set_flash(flash) self.set_effect(effect) except yeelight.BulbException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to set bulb properties: %s", ex) return # save the current state if we had a manual change. if self.config[CONF_SAVE_ON_CHANGE] and (brightness or colortemp or rgb): try: self.set_default() except yeelight.BulbException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to set the defaults: %s", ex) return def turn_off(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Turn off.""" import yeelight duration = int(self.config[CONF_TRANSITION]) # in ms if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: # passed kwarg overrides config duration = int(kwargs.get(ATTR_TRANSITION) * 1000) # kwarg in s try: self._bulb.turn_off(duration=duration) except yeelight.BulbException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to turn the bulb off: %s", ex) def set_mode(self, mode: str): """Set a power mode.""" import yeelight try: self._bulb.set_power_mode(yeelight.enums.PowerMode[mode.upper()]) self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) except yeelight.BulbException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to set the power mode: %s", ex) @staticmethod def transitions_config_parser(transitions): """Parse transitions config into initialized objects.""" import yeelight transition_objects = [] for transition_config in transitions: transition, params = list(transition_config.items())[0] transition_objects.append(getattr(yeelight, transition)(*params)) return transition_objects def start_flow(self, transitions, count=0, action=ACTION_RECOVER): """Start flow.""" import yeelight try: flow = yeelight.Flow( count=count, action=yeelight.Flow.actions[action], transitions=self.transitions_config_parser(transitions)) self._bulb.start_flow(flow) except yeelight.BulbException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to set effect: %s", ex)