# Builds the frontend for production cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." cd homeassistant/components/frontend/www_static/home-assistant-polymer npm run frontend_prod cp bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js .. cp build/frontend.html .. gzip build/frontend.html -c -k -9 > ../frontend.html.gz cp build/_core_compiled.js ../core.js gzip build/_core_compiled.js -c -k -9 > ../core.js.gz node script/sw-precache.js cp build/service_worker.js .. gzip build/service_worker.js -c -k -9 > ../service_worker.js.gz # Generate the MD5 hash of the new frontend cd ../.. echo '"""DO NOT MODIFY. Auto-generated by build_frontend script."""' > version.py if [ $(command -v md5) ]; then echo 'CORE = "'`md5 -q www_static/core.js`'"' >> version.py echo 'UI = "'`md5 -q www_static/frontend.html`'"' >> version.py elif [ $(command -v md5sum) ]; then echo 'CORE = "'`md5sum www_static/core.js | cut -c-32`'"' >> version.py echo 'UI = "'`md5sum www_static/frontend.html | cut -c-32`'"' >> version.py else echo 'Could not find an MD5 utility' fi