"""The tests for the Logentries component.""" import pytest import homeassistant.components.logentries as logentries from homeassistant.const import EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import MagicMock, call, patch async def test_setup_config_full(hass): """Test setup with all data.""" config = {"logentries": {"token": "secret"}} hass.bus.listen = MagicMock() assert await async_setup_component(hass, logentries.DOMAIN, config) assert hass.bus.listen.called assert EVENT_STATE_CHANGED == hass.bus.listen.call_args_list[0][0][0] async def test_setup_config_defaults(hass): """Test setup with defaults.""" config = {"logentries": {"token": "token"}} hass.bus.listen = MagicMock() assert await async_setup_component(hass, logentries.DOMAIN, config) assert hass.bus.listen.called assert EVENT_STATE_CHANGED == hass.bus.listen.call_args_list[0][0][0] @pytest.fixture def mock_dump(): """Mock json dumps.""" with patch("json.dumps") as mock_dump: yield mock_dump @pytest.fixture def mock_requests(): """Mock requests.""" with patch.object(logentries, "requests") as mock_requests: yield mock_requests async def test_event_listener(hass, mock_dump, mock_requests): """Test event listener.""" mock_dump.side_effect = lambda x: x mock_post = mock_requests.post mock_requests.exceptions.RequestException = Exception config = {"logentries": {"token": "token"}} hass.bus.listen = MagicMock() assert await async_setup_component(hass, logentries.DOMAIN, config) handler_method = hass.bus.listen.call_args_list[0][0][1] valid = {"1": 1, "1.0": 1.0, STATE_ON: 1, STATE_OFF: 0, "foo": "foo"} for in_, out in valid.items(): state = MagicMock(state=in_, domain="fake", object_id="entity", attributes={}) event = MagicMock(data={"new_state": state}, time_fired=12345) body = [ { "domain": "fake", "entity_id": "entity", "attributes": {}, "time": "12345", "value": out, } ] payload = { "host": "https://webhook.logentries.com/noformat/logs/token", "event": body, } handler_method(event) assert mock_post.call_count == 1 assert mock_post.call_args == call(payload["host"], data=payload, timeout=10) mock_post.reset_mock()