""" homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel.demo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Demo platform that has two fake alarm control panels. """ import homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel as Alarm from homeassistant.const import (STATE_ALARM_DISARMED, STATE_ALARM_ARMED_HOME, STATE_ALARM_ARMED_AWAY) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """ Sets up the Demo alarm control panels. """ add_devices([ DemoAlarmControlPanel('Front door', '1234', STATE_ALARM_ARMED_HOME), DemoAlarmControlPanel('Safe', '1234', STATE_ALARM_ARMED_AWAY), ]) class DemoAlarmControlPanel(Alarm.AlarmControlPanel): """ A Demo alarm control panel. """ def __init__(self, name, code, state): self._state = state self._name = name self._code = str(code) if code else None @property def should_poll(self): """ No polling needed. """ return False @property def name(self): """ Returns the name of the device. """ return self._name @property def state(self): """ Returns the state of the device. """ return self._state @property def code_format(self): """ One or more characters. """ return None if self._code is None else '.+' def alarm_disarm(self, code=None): """ Send disarm command. """ if not self._validate_code(code, STATE_ALARM_DISARMED): return self._state = STATE_ALARM_DISARMED self.update_ha_state() def alarm_arm_home(self, code=None): """ Send arm home command. """ if not self._validate_code(code, STATE_ALARM_ARMED_HOME): return self._state = STATE_ALARM_ARMED_HOME self.update_ha_state() def alarm_arm_away(self, code=None): """ Send arm away command. """ if not self._validate_code(code, STATE_ALARM_ARMED_AWAY): return self._state = STATE_ALARM_ARMED_AWAY self.update_ha_state() def alarm_trigger(self, code=None): """ Send alarm trigger command. No code needed. """ pass def _validate_code(self, code, state): """ Validate given code. """ return self._code is None or code == self._code