"""Common fixtures and objects for the Switcher integration tests.""" from asyncio import Queue from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Generator, Optional from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, patch from pytest import fixture from .consts import ( DUMMY_AUTO_OFF_SET, DUMMY_DEVICE_ID, DUMMY_DEVICE_NAME, DUMMY_DEVICE_STATE, DUMMY_ELECTRIC_CURRENT, DUMMY_IP_ADDRESS, DUMMY_MAC_ADDRESS, DUMMY_PHONE_ID, DUMMY_POWER_CONSUMPTION, DUMMY_REMAINING_TIME, ) @patch("aioswitcher.devices.SwitcherV2Device") class MockSwitcherV2Device: """Class for mocking the aioswitcher.devices.SwitcherV2Device object.""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the object.""" self._last_state_change = datetime.now() @property def device_id(self) -> str: """Return the device id.""" return DUMMY_DEVICE_ID @property def ip_addr(self) -> str: """Return the ip address.""" return DUMMY_IP_ADDRESS @property def mac_addr(self) -> str: """Return the mac address.""" return DUMMY_MAC_ADDRESS @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the device name.""" return DUMMY_DEVICE_NAME @property def state(self) -> str: """Return the device state.""" return DUMMY_DEVICE_STATE @property def remaining_time(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the time left to auto-off.""" return DUMMY_REMAINING_TIME @property def auto_off_set(self) -> str: """Return the auto-off configuration value.""" return DUMMY_AUTO_OFF_SET @property def power_consumption(self) -> int: """Return the power consumption in watts.""" return DUMMY_POWER_CONSUMPTION @property def electric_current(self) -> float: """Return the power consumption in amps.""" return DUMMY_ELECTRIC_CURRENT @property def phone_id(self) -> str: """Return the phone id.""" return DUMMY_PHONE_ID @property def last_data_update(self) -> datetime: """Return the timestamp of the last update.""" return datetime.now() @property def last_state_change(self) -> datetime: """Return the timestamp of the state change.""" return self._last_state_change @fixture(name="mock_bridge") def mock_bridge_fixture() -> Generator[None, Any, None]: """Fixture for mocking aioswitcher.bridge.SwitcherV2Bridge.""" queue = Queue() async def mock_queue(): """Mock asyncio's Queue.""" await queue.put(MockSwitcherV2Device()) return await queue.get() mock_bridge = AsyncMock() patchers = [ patch( "homeassistant.components.switcher_kis.SwitcherV2Bridge.start", new=mock_bridge, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.switcher_kis.SwitcherV2Bridge.stop", new=mock_bridge, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.switcher_kis.SwitcherV2Bridge.queue", get=mock_queue, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.switcher_kis.SwitcherV2Bridge.running", return_value=True, ), ] for patcher in patchers: patcher.start() yield for patcher in patchers: patcher.stop() @fixture(name="mock_failed_bridge") def mock_failed_bridge_fixture() -> Generator[None, Any, None]: """Fixture for mocking aioswitcher.bridge.SwitcherV2Bridge.""" async def mock_queue(): """Mock asyncio's Queue.""" raise RuntimeError patchers = [ patch( "homeassistant.components.switcher_kis.SwitcherV2Bridge.start", return_value=None, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.switcher_kis.SwitcherV2Bridge.stop", return_value=None, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.switcher_kis.SwitcherV2Bridge.queue", get=mock_queue, ), ] for patcher in patchers: patcher.start() yield for patcher in patchers: patcher.stop() @fixture(name="mock_api") def mock_api_fixture() -> Generator[AsyncMock, Any, None]: """Fixture for mocking aioswitcher.api.SwitcherV2Api.""" mock_api = AsyncMock() patchers = [ patch( "homeassistant.components.switcher_kis.SwitcherV2Api.connect", new=mock_api ), patch( "homeassistant.components.switcher_kis.SwitcherV2Api.disconnect", new=mock_api, ), ] for patcher in patchers: patcher.start() yield for patcher in patchers: patcher.stop()