"""Script to ensure a configuration file exists.""" import argparse import logging import os from collections import OrderedDict from glob import glob from platform import system from unittest.mock import patch from typing import Dict, List, Sequence from homeassistant import bootstrap, loader, setup, config as config_util import homeassistant.util.yaml as yaml from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError REQUIREMENTS = ('colorlog==3.1.2',) if system() == 'Windows': # Ensure colorama installed for colorlog on Windows REQUIREMENTS += ('colorama<=1',) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=protected-access MOCKS = { 'load': ("homeassistant.util.yaml.load_yaml", yaml.load_yaml), 'load*': ("homeassistant.config.load_yaml", yaml.load_yaml), 'get': ("homeassistant.loader.get_component", loader.get_component), 'secrets': ("homeassistant.util.yaml._secret_yaml", yaml._secret_yaml), 'except': ("homeassistant.config.async_log_exception", config_util.async_log_exception), 'package_error': ("homeassistant.config._log_pkg_error", config_util._log_pkg_error), 'logger_exception': ("homeassistant.setup._LOGGER.error", setup._LOGGER.error), 'logger_exception_bootstrap': ("homeassistant.bootstrap._LOGGER.error", bootstrap._LOGGER.error), } SILENCE = ( 'homeassistant.bootstrap.clear_secret_cache', 'homeassistant.bootstrap.async_register_signal_handling', 'homeassistant.core._LOGGER.info', 'homeassistant.loader._LOGGER.info', 'homeassistant.bootstrap._LOGGER.info', 'homeassistant.bootstrap._LOGGER.warning', 'homeassistant.util.yaml._LOGGER.debug', ) PATCHES = {} C_HEAD = 'bold' ERROR_STR = 'General Errors' def color(the_color, *args, reset=None): """Color helper.""" from colorlog.escape_codes import escape_codes, parse_colors try: if not args: assert reset is None, "You cannot reset if nothing being printed" return parse_colors(the_color) return parse_colors(the_color) + ' '.join(args) + \ escape_codes[reset or 'reset'] except KeyError as k: raise ValueError("Invalid color {} in {}".format(str(k), the_color)) def run(script_args: List) -> int: """Handle ensure config commandline script.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=("Check Home Assistant configuration.")) parser.add_argument( '--script', choices=['check_config']) parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', default=config_util.get_default_config_dir(), help="Directory that contains the Home Assistant configuration") parser.add_argument( '-i', '--info', default=None, help="Show a portion of the config") parser.add_argument( '-f', '--files', action='store_true', help="Show used configuration files") parser.add_argument( '-s', '--secrets', action='store_true', help="Show secret information") args = parser.parse_args() config_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.config) config_path = os.path.join(config_dir, 'configuration.yaml') if not os.path.isfile(config_path): print('Config does not exist:', config_path) return 1 print(color('bold', "Testing configuration at", config_dir)) domain_info = [] if args.info: domain_info = args.info.split(',') res = check(config_path) if args.files: print(color(C_HEAD, 'yaml files'), '(used /', color('red', 'not used') + ')') # Python 3.5 gets a recursive, but not in 3.4 for yfn in sorted(glob(os.path.join(config_dir, '*.yaml')) + glob(os.path.join(config_dir, '*/*.yaml'))): the_color = '' if yfn in res['yaml_files'] else 'red' print(color(the_color, '-', yfn)) if res['except']: print(color('bold_white', 'Failed config')) for domain, config in res['except'].items(): domain_info.append(domain) print(' ', color('bold_red', domain + ':'), color('red', '', reset='red')) dump_dict(config, reset='red') print(color('reset')) if domain_info: if 'all' in domain_info: print(color('bold_white', 'Successful config (all)')) for domain, config in res['components'].items(): print(' ', color(C_HEAD, domain + ':')) dump_dict(config) else: print(color('bold_white', 'Successful config (partial)')) for domain in domain_info: if domain == ERROR_STR: continue print(' ', color(C_HEAD, domain + ':')) dump_dict(res['components'].get(domain, None)) if args.secrets: flatsecret = {} for sfn, sdict in res['secret_cache'].items(): sss = [] for skey in sdict: if skey in flatsecret: _LOGGER.error('Duplicated secrets in files %s and %s', flatsecret[skey], sfn) flatsecret[skey] = sfn sss.append(color('green', skey) if skey in res['secrets'] else skey) print(color(C_HEAD, 'Secrets from', sfn + ':'), ', '.join(sss)) print(color(C_HEAD, 'Used Secrets:')) for skey, sval in res['secrets'].items(): print(' -', skey + ':', sval, color('cyan', '[from:', flatsecret .get(skey, 'keyring') + ']')) return len(res['except']) def check(config_path): """Perform a check by mocking hass load functions.""" res = { 'yaml_files': OrderedDict(), # yaml_files loaded 'secrets': OrderedDict(), # secret cache and secrets loaded 'except': OrderedDict(), # exceptions raised (with config) 'components': OrderedDict(), # successful components 'secret_cache': OrderedDict(), } # pylint: disable=unused-variable def mock_load(filename): """Mock hass.util.load_yaml to save config files.""" res['yaml_files'][filename] = True return MOCKS['load'][1](filename) # pylint: disable=unused-variable def mock_get(comp_name): """Mock hass.loader.get_component to replace setup & setup_platform.""" def mock_setup(*kwargs): """Mock setup, only record the component name & config.""" assert comp_name not in res['components'], \ "Components should contain a list of platforms" res['components'][comp_name] = kwargs[1].get(comp_name) return True module = MOCKS['get'][1](comp_name) if module is None: # Ensure list msg = '{} not found: {}'.format( 'Platform' if '.' in comp_name else 'Component', comp_name) res['except'].setdefault(ERROR_STR, []).append(msg) return None # Test if platform/component and overwrite setup if '.' in comp_name: module.setup_platform = mock_setup if hasattr(module, 'async_setup_platform'): del module.async_setup_platform else: module.setup = mock_setup if hasattr(module, 'async_setup'): del module.async_setup return module # pylint: disable=unused-variable def mock_secrets(ldr, node): """Mock _get_secrets.""" try: val = MOCKS['secrets'][1](ldr, node) except HomeAssistantError: val = None res['secrets'][node.value] = val return val def mock_except(ex, domain, config, # pylint: disable=unused-variable hass=None): """Mock config.log_exception.""" MOCKS['except'][1](ex, domain, config, hass) res['except'][domain] = config.get(domain, config) def mock_package_error( # pylint: disable=unused-variable package, component, config, message): """Mock config_util._log_pkg_error.""" MOCKS['package_error'][1](package, component, config, message) pkg_key = 'homeassistant.packages.{}'.format(package) res['except'][pkg_key] = config.get('homeassistant', {}) \ .get('packages', {}).get(package) def mock_logger_exception(msg, *params): """Log logger.exceptions.""" res['except'].setdefault(ERROR_STR, []).append(msg % params) MOCKS['logger_exception'][1](msg, *params) def mock_logger_exception_bootstrap(msg, *params): """Log logger.exceptions.""" res['except'].setdefault(ERROR_STR, []).append(msg % params) MOCKS['logger_exception_bootstrap'][1](msg, *params) # Patches to skip functions for sil in SILENCE: PATCHES[sil] = patch(sil) # Patches with local mock functions for key, val in MOCKS.items(): # The * in the key is removed to find the mock_function (side_effect) # This allows us to use one side_effect to patch multiple locations mock_function = locals()['mock_' + key.replace('*', '')] PATCHES[key] = patch(val[0], side_effect=mock_function) # Start all patches for pat in PATCHES.values(): pat.start() # Ensure !secrets point to the patched function yaml.yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor('!secret', yaml._secret_yaml) try: with patch('homeassistant.util.logging.AsyncHandler._process'): bootstrap.from_config_file(config_path, skip_pip=True) res['secret_cache'] = dict(yaml.__SECRET_CACHE) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except print(color('red', 'Fatal error while loading config:'), str(err)) res['except'].setdefault(ERROR_STR, []).append(err) finally: # Stop all patches for pat in PATCHES.values(): pat.stop() # Ensure !secrets point to the original function yaml.yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor('!secret', yaml._secret_yaml) bootstrap.clear_secret_cache() return res def line_info(obj, **kwargs): """Display line config source.""" if hasattr(obj, '__config_file__'): return color('cyan', "[source {}:{}]" .format(obj.__config_file__, obj.__line__ or '?'), **kwargs) return '?' def dump_dict(layer, indent_count=3, listi=False, **kwargs): """Display a dict. A friendly version of print yaml.yaml.dump(config). """ def sort_dict_key(val): """Return the dict key for sorting.""" key = str.lower(val[0]) return '0' if key == 'platform' else key indent_str = indent_count * ' ' if listi or isinstance(layer, list): indent_str = indent_str[:-1] + '-' if isinstance(layer, Dict): for key, value in sorted(layer.items(), key=sort_dict_key): if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): print(indent_str, key + ':', line_info(value, **kwargs)) dump_dict(value, indent_count + 2) else: print(indent_str, key + ':', value) indent_str = indent_count * ' ' if isinstance(layer, Sequence): for i in layer: if isinstance(i, dict): dump_dict(i, indent_count + 2, True) else: print(' ', indent_str, i)