""" homeassistant.components.switch.scsgate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Support for SCSGate switches. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/switch.scsgate/ """ import logging import homeassistant.components.scsgate as scsgate from homeassistant.components.switch import SwitchDevice from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID DEPENDENCIES = ['scsgate'] def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None): """ Add the SCSGate swiches defined inside of the configuration file. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _setup_traditional_switches( logger=logger, config=config, add_devices_callback=add_devices_callback) _setup_scenario_switches( logger=logger, config=config, hass=hass) def _setup_traditional_switches(logger, config, add_devices_callback): """ Add traditional SCSGate switches """ traditional = config.get('traditional') switches = [] if traditional: for _, entity_info in traditional.items(): if entity_info['scs_id'] in scsgate.SCSGATE.devices: continue logger.info( "Adding %s scsgate.traditional_switch", entity_info['name']) name = entity_info['name'] scs_id = entity_info['scs_id'] switch = SCSGateSwitch( name=name, scs_id=scs_id, logger=logger) switches.append(switch) add_devices_callback(switches) scsgate.SCSGATE.add_devices_to_register(switches) def _setup_scenario_switches(logger, config, hass): """ Add only SCSGate scenario switches """ scenario = config.get("scenario") if scenario: for _, entity_info in scenario.items(): if entity_info['scs_id'] in scsgate.SCSGATE.devices: continue logger.info( "Adding %s scsgate.scenario_switch", entity_info['name']) name = entity_info['name'] scs_id = entity_info['scs_id'] switch = SCSGateScenarioSwitch( name=name, scs_id=scs_id, logger=logger, hass=hass) scsgate.SCSGATE.add_device(switch) class SCSGateSwitch(SwitchDevice): """ Provides a SCSGate switch. """ def __init__(self, scs_id, name, logger): self._name = name self._scs_id = scs_id self._toggled = False self._logger = logger @property def scs_id(self): """ SCS ID """ return self._scs_id @property def should_poll(self): """ No polling needed for a SCSGate switch. """ return False @property def name(self): """ Returns the name of the device if any. """ return self._name @property def is_on(self): """ True if switch is on. """ return self._toggled def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """ Turn the device on. """ from scsgate.tasks import ToggleStatusTask scsgate.SCSGATE.append_task( ToggleStatusTask( target=self._scs_id, toggled=True)) self._toggled = True self.update_ha_state() def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """ Turn the device off. """ from scsgate.tasks import ToggleStatusTask scsgate.SCSGATE.append_task( ToggleStatusTask( target=self._scs_id, toggled=False)) self._toggled = False self.update_ha_state() def process_event(self, message): """ Handle a SCSGate message related with this switch""" if self._toggled == message.toggled: self._logger.info( "Switch %s, ignoring message %s because state already active", self._scs_id, message) # Nothing changed, ignoring return self._toggled = message.toggled self.update_ha_state() command = "off" if self._toggled: command = "on" self.hass.bus.fire( 'button_pressed', { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self._scs_id, 'state': command } ) class SCSGateScenarioSwitch: """ Provides a SCSGate scenario switch. This switch is always in a 'off" state, when toggled it's used to trigger events """ def __init__(self, scs_id, name, logger, hass): self._name = name self._scs_id = scs_id self._logger = logger self._hass = hass @property def scs_id(self): """ SCS ID """ return self._scs_id @property def name(self): """ Returns the name of the device if any. """ return self._name def process_event(self, message): """ Handle a SCSGate message related with this switch""" from scsgate.messages import StateMessage, ScenarioTriggeredMessage if isinstance(message, StateMessage): scenario_id = message.bytes[4] elif isinstance(message, ScenarioTriggeredMessage): scenario_id = message.scenario else: self._logger.warn( "Scenario switch: received unknown message %s", message) return self._hass.bus.fire( 'scenario_switch_triggered', { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: int(self._scs_id), 'scenario_id': int(scenario_id, 16) } )