"""Support for Konnected devices.""" import asyncio import logging import konnected from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_STATE, CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN, CONF_BINARY_SENSORS, CONF_DEVICES, CONF_HOST, CONF_ID, CONF_NAME, CONF_PIN, CONF_PORT, CONF_SENSORS, CONF_SWITCHES, CONF_TYPE, CONF_ZONE, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client, device_registry as dr from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.network import async_get_url from .const import ( CONF_ACTIVATION, CONF_API_HOST, CONF_BLINK, CONF_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, CONF_DHT_SENSORS, CONF_DISCOVERY, CONF_DS18B20_SENSORS, CONF_INVERSE, CONF_MOMENTARY, CONF_PAUSE, CONF_POLL_INTERVAL, CONF_REPEAT, DOMAIN, ENDPOINT_ROOT, STATE_LOW, ZONE_TO_PIN, ) from .errors import CannotConnect _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) KONN_MODEL = "Konnected" KONN_MODEL_PRO = "Konnected Pro" # Indicate how each unit is controlled (pin or zone) KONN_API_VERSIONS = { KONN_MODEL: CONF_PIN, KONN_MODEL_PRO: CONF_ZONE, } class AlarmPanel: """A representation of a Konnected alarm panel.""" def __init__(self, hass, config_entry): """Initialize the Konnected device.""" self.hass = hass self.config_entry = config_entry self.config = config_entry.data self.options = config_entry.options or config_entry.data.get( CONF_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, {} ) self.host = self.config.get(CONF_HOST) self.port = self.config.get(CONF_PORT) self.client = None self.status = None self.api_version = KONN_API_VERSIONS[KONN_MODEL] @property def device_id(self): """Device id is the MAC address as string with punctuation removed.""" return self.config.get(CONF_ID) @property def stored_configuration(self): """Return the configuration stored in `hass.data` for this device.""" return self.hass.data[DOMAIN][CONF_DEVICES].get(self.device_id) def format_zone(self, zone, other_items=None): """Get zone or pin based dict based on the client type.""" payload = { self.api_version: zone if self.api_version == CONF_ZONE else ZONE_TO_PIN[zone] } payload.update(other_items or {}) return payload async def async_connect(self): """Connect to and setup a Konnected device.""" try: self.client = konnected.Client( host=self.host, port=str(self.port), websession=aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(self.hass), ) self.status = await self.client.get_status() self.api_version = KONN_API_VERSIONS.get( self.status.get("model", KONN_MODEL), KONN_API_VERSIONS[KONN_MODEL] ) _LOGGER.info( "Connected to new %s device", self.status.get("model", "Konnected") ) _LOGGER.debug(self.status) await self.async_update_initial_states() # brief delay to allow processing of recent status req await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await self.async_sync_device_config() except self.client.ClientError as err: _LOGGER.warning("Exception trying to connect to panel: %s", err) raise CannotConnect _LOGGER.info( "Set up Konnected device %s. Open http://%s:%s in a " "web browser to view device status", self.device_id, self.host, self.port, ) device_registry = await dr.async_get_registry(self.hass) device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=self.config_entry.entry_id, connections={(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, self.status.get("mac"))}, identifiers={(DOMAIN, self.device_id)}, manufacturer="Konnected.io", name=self.config_entry.title, model=self.config_entry.title, sw_version=self.status.get("swVersion"), ) async def update_switch(self, zone, state, momentary=None, times=None, pause=None): """Update the state of a switchable output.""" try: if self.client: if self.api_version == CONF_ZONE: return await self.client.put_zone( zone, state, momentary, times, pause, ) # device endpoint uses pin number instead of zone return await self.client.put_device( ZONE_TO_PIN[zone], state, momentary, times, pause, ) except self.client.ClientError as err: _LOGGER.warning("Exception trying to update panel: %s", err) raise CannotConnect async def async_save_data(self): """Save the device configuration to `hass.data`.""" binary_sensors = {} for entity in self.options.get(CONF_BINARY_SENSORS) or []: zone = entity[CONF_ZONE] binary_sensors[zone] = { CONF_TYPE: entity[CONF_TYPE], CONF_NAME: entity.get( CONF_NAME, f"Konnected {self.device_id[6:]} Zone {zone}" ), CONF_INVERSE: entity.get(CONF_INVERSE), ATTR_STATE: None, } _LOGGER.debug( "Set up binary_sensor %s (initial state: %s)", binary_sensors[zone].get("name"), binary_sensors[zone].get(ATTR_STATE), ) actuators = [] for entity in self.options.get(CONF_SWITCHES) or []: zone = entity[CONF_ZONE] act = { CONF_ZONE: zone, CONF_NAME: entity.get( CONF_NAME, f"Konnected {self.device_id[6:]} Actuator {zone}", ), ATTR_STATE: None, CONF_ACTIVATION: entity[CONF_ACTIVATION], CONF_MOMENTARY: entity.get(CONF_MOMENTARY), CONF_PAUSE: entity.get(CONF_PAUSE), CONF_REPEAT: entity.get(CONF_REPEAT), } actuators.append(act) _LOGGER.debug("Set up switch %s", act) sensors = [] for entity in self.options.get(CONF_SENSORS) or []: zone = entity[CONF_ZONE] sensor = { CONF_ZONE: zone, CONF_NAME: entity.get( CONF_NAME, f"Konnected {self.device_id[6:]} Sensor {zone}" ), CONF_TYPE: entity[CONF_TYPE], CONF_POLL_INTERVAL: entity.get(CONF_POLL_INTERVAL), } sensors.append(sensor) _LOGGER.debug( "Set up %s sensor %s (initial state: %s)", sensor.get(CONF_TYPE), sensor.get(CONF_NAME), sensor.get(ATTR_STATE), ) device_data = { CONF_BINARY_SENSORS: binary_sensors, CONF_SENSORS: sensors, CONF_SWITCHES: actuators, CONF_BLINK: self.options.get(CONF_BLINK), CONF_DISCOVERY: self.options.get(CONF_DISCOVERY), CONF_HOST: self.host, CONF_PORT: self.port, "panel": self, } if CONF_DEVICES not in self.hass.data[DOMAIN]: self.hass.data[DOMAIN][CONF_DEVICES] = {} _LOGGER.debug( "Storing data in hass.data[%s][%s][%s]: %s", DOMAIN, CONF_DEVICES, self.device_id, device_data, ) self.hass.data[DOMAIN][CONF_DEVICES][self.device_id] = device_data @callback def async_binary_sensor_configuration(self): """Return the configuration map for syncing binary sensors.""" return [ self.format_zone(p) for p in self.stored_configuration[CONF_BINARY_SENSORS] ] @callback def async_actuator_configuration(self): """Return the configuration map for syncing actuators.""" return [ self.format_zone( data[CONF_ZONE], {"trigger": (0 if data.get(CONF_ACTIVATION) in [0, STATE_LOW] else 1)}, ) for data in self.stored_configuration[CONF_SWITCHES] ] @callback def async_dht_sensor_configuration(self): """Return the configuration map for syncing DHT sensors.""" return [ self.format_zone( sensor[CONF_ZONE], {CONF_POLL_INTERVAL: sensor[CONF_POLL_INTERVAL]} ) for sensor in self.stored_configuration[CONF_SENSORS] if sensor[CONF_TYPE] == "dht" ] @callback def async_ds18b20_sensor_configuration(self): """Return the configuration map for syncing DS18B20 sensors.""" return [ self.format_zone(sensor[CONF_ZONE]) for sensor in self.stored_configuration[CONF_SENSORS] if sensor[CONF_TYPE] == "ds18b20" ] async def async_update_initial_states(self): """Update the initial state of each sensor from status poll.""" for sensor_data in self.status.get("sensors"): sensor_config = self.stored_configuration[CONF_BINARY_SENSORS].get( sensor_data.get(CONF_ZONE, sensor_data.get(CONF_PIN)), {} ) entity_id = sensor_config.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) state = bool(sensor_data.get(ATTR_STATE)) if sensor_config.get(CONF_INVERSE): state = not state async_dispatcher_send(self.hass, f"konnected.{entity_id}.update", state) @callback def async_desired_settings_payload(self): """Return a dict representing the desired device configuration.""" # keeping self.hass.data check for backwards compatibility # newly configured integrations store this in the config entry desired_api_host = self.options.get(CONF_API_HOST) or ( self.hass.data[DOMAIN].get(CONF_API_HOST) or async_get_url(self.hass) ) desired_api_endpoint = desired_api_host + ENDPOINT_ROOT return { "sensors": self.async_binary_sensor_configuration(), "actuators": self.async_actuator_configuration(), "dht_sensors": self.async_dht_sensor_configuration(), "ds18b20_sensors": self.async_ds18b20_sensor_configuration(), "auth_token": self.config.get(CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN), "endpoint": desired_api_endpoint, "blink": self.options.get(CONF_BLINK, True), "discovery": self.options.get(CONF_DISCOVERY, True), } @callback def async_current_settings_payload(self): """Return a dict of configuration currently stored on the device.""" settings = self.status["settings"] if not settings: settings = {} return { "sensors": [ {self.api_version: s[self.api_version]} for s in self.status.get("sensors") ], "actuators": self.status.get("actuators"), "dht_sensors": self.status.get(CONF_DHT_SENSORS), "ds18b20_sensors": self.status.get(CONF_DS18B20_SENSORS), "auth_token": settings.get("token"), "endpoint": settings.get("endpoint"), "blink": settings.get(CONF_BLINK), "discovery": settings.get(CONF_DISCOVERY), } async def async_sync_device_config(self): """Sync the new zone configuration to the Konnected device if needed.""" _LOGGER.debug( "Device %s settings payload: %s", self.device_id, self.async_desired_settings_payload(), ) if ( self.async_desired_settings_payload() != self.async_current_settings_payload() ): _LOGGER.info("pushing settings to device %s", self.device_id) await self.client.put_settings(**self.async_desired_settings_payload()) async def get_status(hass, host, port): """Get the status of a Konnected Panel.""" client = konnected.Client( host, str(port), aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass) ) try: return await client.get_status() except client.ClientError as err: _LOGGER.error("Exception trying to get panel status: %s", err) raise CannotConnect