"""Support for sending data to an Influx database.""" from dataclasses import dataclass import logging import math import queue import threading import time from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List from influxdb import InfluxDBClient, exceptions from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient as InfluxDBClientV2 from influxdb_client.client.write_api import ASYNCHRONOUS, SYNCHRONOUS from influxdb_client.rest import ApiException import requests.exceptions import urllib3.exceptions import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_DOMAIN, CONF_ENTITY_ID, CONF_TIMEOUT, CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CONF_URL, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, ) from homeassistant.helpers import event as event_helper, state as state_helper import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity_values import EntityValues from homeassistant.helpers.entityfilter import ( INCLUDE_EXCLUDE_BASE_FILTER_SCHEMA, convert_include_exclude_filter, ) from .const import ( API_VERSION_2, BATCH_BUFFER_SIZE, BATCH_TIMEOUT, CATCHING_UP_MESSAGE, CLIENT_ERROR_V1, CLIENT_ERROR_V2, CODE_INVALID_INPUTS, COMPONENT_CONFIG_SCHEMA_CONNECTION, CONF_API_VERSION, CONF_BUCKET, CONF_COMPONENT_CONFIG, CONF_COMPONENT_CONFIG_DOMAIN, CONF_COMPONENT_CONFIG_GLOB, CONF_DB_NAME, CONF_DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT, CONF_HOST, CONF_IGNORE_ATTRIBUTES, CONF_ORG, CONF_OVERRIDE_MEASUREMENT, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PATH, CONF_PORT, CONF_RETRY_COUNT, CONF_SSL, CONF_TAGS, CONF_TAGS_ATTRIBUTES, CONF_TOKEN, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_VERIFY_SSL, CONNECTION_ERROR, DEFAULT_API_VERSION, DEFAULT_HOST_V2, DEFAULT_SSL_V2, DOMAIN, EVENT_NEW_STATE, INFLUX_CONF_FIELDS, INFLUX_CONF_MEASUREMENT, INFLUX_CONF_ORG, INFLUX_CONF_STATE, INFLUX_CONF_TAGS, INFLUX_CONF_TIME, INFLUX_CONF_VALUE, QUERY_ERROR, QUEUE_BACKLOG_SECONDS, RE_DECIMAL, RE_DIGIT_TAIL, RESUMED_MESSAGE, RETRY_DELAY, RETRY_INTERVAL, RETRY_MESSAGE, TEST_QUERY_V1, TEST_QUERY_V2, TIMEOUT, WRITE_ERROR, WROTE_MESSAGE, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_influx_url(conf: Dict) -> Dict: """Build URL used from config inputs and default when necessary.""" if conf[CONF_API_VERSION] == API_VERSION_2: if CONF_SSL not in conf: conf[CONF_SSL] = DEFAULT_SSL_V2 if CONF_HOST not in conf: conf[CONF_HOST] = DEFAULT_HOST_V2 url = conf[CONF_HOST] if conf[CONF_SSL]: url = f"https://{url}" else: url = f"http://{url}" if CONF_PORT in conf: url = f"{url}:{conf[CONF_PORT]}" if CONF_PATH in conf: url = f"{url}{conf[CONF_PATH]}" conf[CONF_URL] = url return conf def validate_version_specific_config(conf: Dict) -> Dict: """Ensure correct config fields are provided based on API version used.""" if conf[CONF_API_VERSION] == API_VERSION_2: if CONF_TOKEN not in conf: raise vol.Invalid( f"{CONF_TOKEN} and {CONF_BUCKET} are required when {CONF_API_VERSION} is {API_VERSION_2}" ) if CONF_USERNAME in conf: raise vol.Invalid( f"{CONF_USERNAME} and {CONF_PASSWORD} are only allowed when {CONF_API_VERSION} is {DEFAULT_API_VERSION}" ) else: if CONF_TOKEN in conf: raise vol.Invalid( f"{CONF_TOKEN} and {CONF_BUCKET} are only allowed when {CONF_API_VERSION} is {API_VERSION_2}" ) return conf _CUSTOMIZE_ENTITY_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_OVERRIDE_MEASUREMENT): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_IGNORE_ATTRIBUTES): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), } ) _INFLUX_BASE_SCHEMA = INCLUDE_EXCLUDE_BASE_FILTER_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Optional(CONF_RETRY_COUNT, default=0): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_OVERRIDE_MEASUREMENT): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_TAGS, default={}): vol.Schema({cv.string: cv.string}), vol.Optional(CONF_TAGS_ATTRIBUTES, default=[]): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(CONF_IGNORE_ATTRIBUTES, default=[]): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [cv.string] ), vol.Optional(CONF_COMPONENT_CONFIG, default={}): vol.Schema( {cv.entity_id: _CUSTOMIZE_ENTITY_SCHEMA} ), vol.Optional(CONF_COMPONENT_CONFIG_GLOB, default={}): vol.Schema( {cv.string: _CUSTOMIZE_ENTITY_SCHEMA} ), vol.Optional(CONF_COMPONENT_CONFIG_DOMAIN, default={}): vol.Schema( {cv.string: _CUSTOMIZE_ENTITY_SCHEMA} ), } ) INFLUX_SCHEMA = vol.All( _INFLUX_BASE_SCHEMA.extend(COMPONENT_CONFIG_SCHEMA_CONNECTION), validate_version_specific_config, create_influx_url, ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {DOMAIN: INFLUX_SCHEMA}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) def _generate_event_to_json(conf: Dict) -> Callable[[Dict], str]: """Build event to json converter and add to config.""" entity_filter = convert_include_exclude_filter(conf) tags = conf.get(CONF_TAGS) tags_attributes = conf.get(CONF_TAGS_ATTRIBUTES) default_measurement = conf.get(CONF_DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT) override_measurement = conf.get(CONF_OVERRIDE_MEASUREMENT) global_ignore_attributes = set(conf[CONF_IGNORE_ATTRIBUTES]) component_config = EntityValues( conf[CONF_COMPONENT_CONFIG], conf[CONF_COMPONENT_CONFIG_DOMAIN], conf[CONF_COMPONENT_CONFIG_GLOB], ) def event_to_json(event: Dict) -> str: """Convert event into json in format Influx expects.""" state = event.data.get(EVENT_NEW_STATE) if ( state is None or state.state in (STATE_UNKNOWN, "", STATE_UNAVAILABLE) or not entity_filter(state.entity_id) ): return try: _include_state = _include_value = False _state_as_value = float(state.state) _include_value = True except ValueError: try: _state_as_value = float(state_helper.state_as_number(state)) _include_state = _include_value = True except ValueError: _include_state = True include_uom = True entity_config = component_config.get(state.entity_id) measurement = entity_config.get(CONF_OVERRIDE_MEASUREMENT) if measurement in (None, ""): if override_measurement: measurement = override_measurement else: measurement = state.attributes.get(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) if measurement in (None, ""): if default_measurement: measurement = default_measurement else: measurement = state.entity_id else: include_uom = False json = { INFLUX_CONF_MEASUREMENT: measurement, INFLUX_CONF_TAGS: { CONF_DOMAIN: state.domain, CONF_ENTITY_ID: state.object_id, }, INFLUX_CONF_TIME: event.time_fired, INFLUX_CONF_FIELDS: {}, } if _include_state: json[INFLUX_CONF_FIELDS][INFLUX_CONF_STATE] = state.state if _include_value: json[INFLUX_CONF_FIELDS][INFLUX_CONF_VALUE] = _state_as_value ignore_attributes = set(entity_config.get(CONF_IGNORE_ATTRIBUTES, [])) ignore_attributes.update(global_ignore_attributes) for key, value in state.attributes.items(): if key in tags_attributes: json[INFLUX_CONF_TAGS][key] = value elif ( key != CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT or include_uom ) and key not in ignore_attributes: # If the key is already in fields if key in json[INFLUX_CONF_FIELDS]: key = f"{key}_" # Prevent column data errors in influxDB. # For each value we try to cast it as float # But if we can not do it we store the value # as string add "_str" postfix to the field key try: json[INFLUX_CONF_FIELDS][key] = float(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): new_key = f"{key}_str" new_value = str(value) json[INFLUX_CONF_FIELDS][new_key] = new_value if RE_DIGIT_TAIL.match(new_value): json[INFLUX_CONF_FIELDS][key] = float( RE_DECIMAL.sub("", new_value) ) # Infinity and NaN are not valid floats in InfluxDB try: if not math.isfinite(json[INFLUX_CONF_FIELDS][key]): del json[INFLUX_CONF_FIELDS][key] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass json[INFLUX_CONF_TAGS].update(tags) return json return event_to_json @dataclass class InfluxClient: """An InfluxDB client wrapper for V1 or V2.""" data_repositories: List[str] write: Callable[[str], None] query: Callable[[str, str], List[Any]] close: Callable[[], None] def get_influx_connection(conf, test_write=False, test_read=False): """Create the correct influx connection for the API version.""" kwargs = { CONF_TIMEOUT: TIMEOUT, } if conf[CONF_API_VERSION] == API_VERSION_2: kwargs[CONF_URL] = conf[CONF_URL] kwargs[CONF_TOKEN] = conf[CONF_TOKEN] kwargs[INFLUX_CONF_ORG] = conf[CONF_ORG] bucket = conf.get(CONF_BUCKET) influx = InfluxDBClientV2(**kwargs) query_api = influx.query_api() initial_write_mode = SYNCHRONOUS if test_write else ASYNCHRONOUS write_api = influx.write_api(write_options=initial_write_mode) def write_v2(json): """Write data to V2 influx.""" try: write_api.write(bucket=bucket, record=json) except (urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError, OSError) as exc: raise ConnectionError(CONNECTION_ERROR % exc) from exc except ApiException as exc: if exc.status == CODE_INVALID_INPUTS: raise ValueError(WRITE_ERROR % (json, exc)) from exc raise ConnectionError(CLIENT_ERROR_V2 % exc) from exc def query_v2(query, _=None): """Query V2 influx.""" try: return query_api.query(query) except (urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError, OSError) as exc: raise ConnectionError(CONNECTION_ERROR % exc) from exc except ApiException as exc: if exc.status == CODE_INVALID_INPUTS: raise ValueError(QUERY_ERROR % (query, exc)) from exc raise ConnectionError(CLIENT_ERROR_V2 % exc) from exc def close_v2(): """Close V2 influx client.""" influx.close() buckets = [] if test_write: # Try to write b"" to influx. If we can connect and creds are valid # Then invalid inputs is returned. Anything else is a broken config try: write_v2(b"") except ValueError: pass write_api = influx.write_api(write_options=ASYNCHRONOUS) if test_read: tables = query_v2(TEST_QUERY_V2) if tables and tables[0].records: buckets = [bucket.values["name"] for bucket in tables[0].records] else: buckets = [] return InfluxClient(buckets, write_v2, query_v2, close_v2) # Else it's a V1 client kwargs[CONF_VERIFY_SSL] = conf[CONF_VERIFY_SSL] if CONF_DB_NAME in conf: kwargs[CONF_DB_NAME] = conf[CONF_DB_NAME] if CONF_USERNAME in conf: kwargs[CONF_USERNAME] = conf[CONF_USERNAME] if CONF_PASSWORD in conf: kwargs[CONF_PASSWORD] = conf[CONF_PASSWORD] if CONF_HOST in conf: kwargs[CONF_HOST] = conf[CONF_HOST] if CONF_PATH in conf: kwargs[CONF_PATH] = conf[CONF_PATH] if CONF_PORT in conf: kwargs[CONF_PORT] = conf[CONF_PORT] if CONF_SSL in conf: kwargs[CONF_SSL] = conf[CONF_SSL] influx = InfluxDBClient(**kwargs) def write_v1(json): """Write data to V1 influx.""" try: influx.write_points(json) except ( requests.exceptions.RequestException, exceptions.InfluxDBServerError, OSError, ) as exc: raise ConnectionError(CONNECTION_ERROR % exc) from exc except exceptions.InfluxDBClientError as exc: if exc.code == CODE_INVALID_INPUTS: raise ValueError(WRITE_ERROR % (json, exc)) from exc raise ConnectionError(CLIENT_ERROR_V1 % exc) from exc def query_v1(query, database=None): """Query V1 influx.""" try: return list(influx.query(query, database=database).get_points()) except ( requests.exceptions.RequestException, exceptions.InfluxDBServerError, OSError, ) as exc: raise ConnectionError(CONNECTION_ERROR % exc) from exc except exceptions.InfluxDBClientError as exc: if exc.code == CODE_INVALID_INPUTS: raise ValueError(QUERY_ERROR % (query, exc)) from exc raise ConnectionError(CLIENT_ERROR_V1 % exc) from exc def close_v1(): """Close the V1 Influx client.""" influx.close() databases = [] if test_write: write_v1([]) if test_read: databases = [db["name"] for db in query_v1(TEST_QUERY_V1)] return InfluxClient(databases, write_v1, query_v1, close_v1) def setup(hass, config): """Set up the InfluxDB component.""" conf = config[DOMAIN] try: influx = get_influx_connection(conf, test_write=True) except ConnectionError as exc: _LOGGER.error(RETRY_MESSAGE, exc) event_helper.call_later(hass, RETRY_INTERVAL, lambda _: setup(hass, config)) return True event_to_json = _generate_event_to_json(conf) max_tries = conf.get(CONF_RETRY_COUNT) instance = hass.data[DOMAIN] = InfluxThread(hass, influx, event_to_json, max_tries) instance.start() def shutdown(event): """Shut down the thread.""" instance.queue.put(None) instance.join() influx.close() hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, shutdown) return True class InfluxThread(threading.Thread): """A threaded event handler class.""" def __init__(self, hass, influx, event_to_json, max_tries): """Initialize the listener.""" threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=DOMAIN) self.queue = queue.Queue() self.influx = influx self.event_to_json = event_to_json self.max_tries = max_tries self.write_errors = 0 self.shutdown = False hass.bus.listen(EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, self._event_listener) def _event_listener(self, event): """Listen for new messages on the bus and queue them for Influx.""" item = (time.monotonic(), event) self.queue.put(item) @staticmethod def batch_timeout(): """Return number of seconds to wait for more events.""" return BATCH_TIMEOUT def get_events_json(self): """Return a batch of events formatted for writing.""" queue_seconds = QUEUE_BACKLOG_SECONDS + self.max_tries * RETRY_DELAY count = 0 json = [] dropped = 0 try: while len(json) < BATCH_BUFFER_SIZE and not self.shutdown: timeout = None if count == 0 else self.batch_timeout() item = self.queue.get(timeout=timeout) count += 1 if item is None: self.shutdown = True else: timestamp, event = item age = time.monotonic() - timestamp if age < queue_seconds: event_json = self.event_to_json(event) if event_json: json.append(event_json) else: dropped += 1 except queue.Empty: pass if dropped: _LOGGER.warning(CATCHING_UP_MESSAGE, dropped) return count, json def write_to_influxdb(self, json): """Write preprocessed events to influxdb, with retry.""" for retry in range(self.max_tries + 1): try: self.influx.write(json) if self.write_errors: _LOGGER.error(RESUMED_MESSAGE, self.write_errors) self.write_errors = 0 _LOGGER.debug(WROTE_MESSAGE, len(json)) break except ValueError as err: _LOGGER.error(err) break except ConnectionError as err: if retry < self.max_tries: time.sleep(RETRY_DELAY) else: if not self.write_errors: _LOGGER.error(err) self.write_errors += len(json) def run(self): """Process incoming events.""" while not self.shutdown: count, json = self.get_events_json() if json: self.write_to_influxdb(json) for _ in range(count): self.queue.task_done() def block_till_done(self): """Block till all events processed.""" self.queue.join()