"""Test the entity helper.""" import asyncio from collections.abc import Iterable import dataclasses from datetime import timedelta import threading from typing import Any from unittest.mock import MagicMock, PropertyMock, patch import pytest import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_UNKNOWN, ) from homeassistant.core import Context, HomeAssistant, HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry as dr, entity, entity_registry as er from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import async_update_entity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import UNDEFINED, UndefinedType from tests.common import ( MockConfigEntry, MockEntity, MockEntityPlatform, MockPlatform, get_test_home_assistant, mock_registry, ) def test_generate_entity_id_requires_hass_or_ids() -> None: """Ensure we require at least hass or current ids.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): entity.generate_entity_id("test.{}", "hello world") def test_generate_entity_id_given_keys() -> None: """Test generating an entity id given current ids.""" assert ( entity.generate_entity_id( "test.{}", "overwrite hidden true", current_ids=["test.overwrite_hidden_true"], ) == "test.overwrite_hidden_true_2" ) assert ( entity.generate_entity_id( "test.{}", "overwrite hidden true", current_ids=["test.another_entity"] ) == "test.overwrite_hidden_true" ) async def test_async_update_support(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test async update getting called.""" sync_update = [] async_update = [] class AsyncEntity(entity.Entity): """A test entity.""" entity_id = "sensor.test" def update(self): """Update entity.""" sync_update.append([1]) ent = AsyncEntity() ent.hass = hass await ent.async_update_ha_state(True) assert len(sync_update) == 1 assert len(async_update) == 0 async def async_update_func(): """Async update.""" async_update.append(1) ent.async_update = async_update_func await ent.async_update_ha_state(True) assert len(sync_update) == 1 assert len(async_update) == 1 class TestHelpersEntity: """Test homeassistant.helpers.entity module.""" def setup_method(self, method): """Set up things to be run when tests are started.""" self.entity = entity.Entity() self.entity.entity_id = "test.overwrite_hidden_true" self.hass = self.entity.hass = get_test_home_assistant() self.entity.schedule_update_ha_state() self.hass.block_till_done() def teardown_method(self, method): """Stop everything that was started.""" self.hass.stop() def test_generate_entity_id_given_hass(self): """Test generating an entity id given hass object.""" fmt = "test.{}" assert ( entity.generate_entity_id(fmt, "overwrite hidden true", hass=self.hass) == "test.overwrite_hidden_true_2" ) def test_device_class(self): """Test device class attribute.""" state = self.hass.states.get(self.entity.entity_id) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) is None with patch( "homeassistant.helpers.entity.Entity.device_class", new="test_class" ): self.entity.schedule_update_ha_state() self.hass.block_till_done() state = self.hass.states.get(self.entity.entity_id) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) == "test_class" async def test_warn_slow_update( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """Warn we log when entity update takes a long time.""" update_call = False async def async_update(): """Mock async update.""" nonlocal update_call await asyncio.sleep(0.00001) update_call = True mock_entity = entity.Entity() mock_entity.hass = hass mock_entity.entity_id = "comp_test.test_entity" mock_entity.async_update = async_update fast_update_time = 0.0000001 with patch.object(entity, "SLOW_UPDATE_WARNING", fast_update_time): await mock_entity.async_update_ha_state(True) assert str(fast_update_time) in caplog.text assert mock_entity.entity_id in caplog.text assert update_call async def test_warn_slow_update_with_exception( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """Warn we log when entity update takes a long time and trow exception.""" update_call = False async def async_update(): """Mock async update.""" nonlocal update_call update_call = True await asyncio.sleep(0.00001) raise AssertionError("Fake update error") mock_entity = entity.Entity() mock_entity.hass = hass mock_entity.entity_id = "comp_test.test_entity" mock_entity.async_update = async_update fast_update_time = 0.0000001 with patch.object(entity, "SLOW_UPDATE_WARNING", fast_update_time): await mock_entity.async_update_ha_state(True) assert str(fast_update_time) in caplog.text assert mock_entity.entity_id in caplog.text assert update_call async def test_warn_slow_device_update_disabled( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """Disable slow update warning with async_device_update.""" update_call = False async def async_update(): """Mock async update.""" nonlocal update_call await asyncio.sleep(0.00001) update_call = True mock_entity = entity.Entity() mock_entity.hass = hass mock_entity.entity_id = "comp_test.test_entity" mock_entity.async_update = async_update fast_update_time = 0.0000001 with patch.object(entity, "SLOW_UPDATE_WARNING", fast_update_time): await mock_entity.async_device_update(warning=False) assert str(fast_update_time) not in caplog.text assert mock_entity.entity_id not in caplog.text assert update_call async def test_async_schedule_update_ha_state(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Warn we log when entity update takes a long time and trow exception.""" update_call = False async def async_update(): """Mock async update.""" nonlocal update_call update_call = True mock_entity = entity.Entity() mock_entity.hass = hass mock_entity.entity_id = "comp_test.test_entity" mock_entity.async_update = async_update mock_entity.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert update_call is True async def test_async_async_request_call_without_lock(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test for async_requests_call works without a lock.""" updates = [] class AsyncEntity(entity.Entity): """Test entity.""" def __init__(self, entity_id): """Initialize Async test entity.""" self.entity_id = entity_id self.hass = hass async def testhelper(self, count): """Helper function.""" updates.append(count) ent_1 = AsyncEntity("light.test_1") ent_2 = AsyncEntity("light.test_2") try: job1 = ent_1.async_request_call(ent_1.testhelper(1)) job2 = ent_2.async_request_call(ent_2.testhelper(2)) await asyncio.gather(job1, job2) while True: if len(updates) >= 2: break await asyncio.sleep(0) finally: pass assert len(updates) == 2 updates.sort() assert updates == [1, 2] async def test_async_async_request_call_with_lock(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test for async_requests_call works with a semaphore.""" updates = [] test_semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(1) class AsyncEntity(entity.Entity): """Test entity.""" def __init__(self, entity_id, lock): """Initialize Async test entity.""" self.entity_id = entity_id self.hass = hass self.parallel_updates = lock async def testhelper(self, count): """Helper function.""" updates.append(count) ent_1 = AsyncEntity("light.test_1", test_semaphore) ent_2 = AsyncEntity("light.test_2", test_semaphore) try: assert test_semaphore.locked() is False await test_semaphore.acquire() assert test_semaphore.locked() job1 = ent_1.async_request_call(ent_1.testhelper(1)) job2 = ent_2.async_request_call(ent_2.testhelper(2)) hass.async_create_task(job1) hass.async_create_task(job2) assert len(updates) == 0 assert updates == [] assert test_semaphore._value == 0 test_semaphore.release() while True: if len(updates) >= 2: break await asyncio.sleep(0) finally: test_semaphore.release() assert len(updates) == 2 updates.sort() assert updates == [1, 2] async def test_async_parallel_updates_with_zero(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test parallel updates with 0 (disabled).""" updates = [] test_lock = asyncio.Event() class AsyncEntity(entity.Entity): """Test entity.""" def __init__(self, entity_id, count): """Initialize Async test entity.""" self.entity_id = entity_id self.hass = hass self._count = count async def async_update(self): """Test update.""" updates.append(self._count) await test_lock.wait() ent_1 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_1", 1) ent_2 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_2", 2) try: ent_1.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) ent_2.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) while True: if len(updates) >= 2: break await asyncio.sleep(0) assert len(updates) == 2 assert updates == [1, 2] finally: test_lock.set() async def test_async_parallel_updates_with_zero_on_sync_update( hass: HomeAssistant, ) -> None: """Test parallel updates with 0 (disabled).""" updates = [] test_lock = threading.Event() class AsyncEntity(entity.Entity): """Test entity.""" def __init__(self, entity_id, count): """Initialize Async test entity.""" self.entity_id = entity_id self.hass = hass self._count = count def update(self): """Test update.""" updates.append(self._count) if not test_lock.wait(timeout=1): # if timeout populate more data to fail the test updates.append(self._count) ent_1 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_1", 1) ent_2 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_2", 2) try: ent_1.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) ent_2.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) while True: if len(updates) >= 2: break await asyncio.sleep(0) assert len(updates) == 2 assert updates == [1, 2] finally: test_lock.set() await asyncio.sleep(0) async def test_async_parallel_updates_with_one(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test parallel updates with 1 (sequential).""" updates = [] test_lock = asyncio.Lock() test_semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(1) class AsyncEntity(entity.Entity): """Test entity.""" def __init__(self, entity_id, count): """Initialize Async test entity.""" self.entity_id = entity_id self.hass = hass self._count = count self.parallel_updates = test_semaphore async def async_update(self): """Test update.""" updates.append(self._count) await test_lock.acquire() ent_1 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_1", 1) ent_2 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_2", 2) ent_3 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_3", 3) await test_lock.acquire() try: ent_1.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) ent_2.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) ent_3.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) while True: if len(updates) >= 1: break await asyncio.sleep(0) assert len(updates) == 1 assert updates == [1] updates.clear() test_lock.release() await asyncio.sleep(0) while True: if len(updates) >= 1: break await asyncio.sleep(0) assert len(updates) == 1 assert updates == [2] updates.clear() test_lock.release() await asyncio.sleep(0) while True: if len(updates) >= 1: break await asyncio.sleep(0) assert len(updates) == 1 assert updates == [3] updates.clear() test_lock.release() await asyncio.sleep(0) finally: # we may have more than one lock need to release in case test failed for _ in updates: test_lock.release() await asyncio.sleep(0) test_lock.release() async def test_async_parallel_updates_with_two(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test parallel updates with 2 (parallel).""" updates = [] test_lock = asyncio.Lock() test_semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(2) class AsyncEntity(entity.Entity): """Test entity.""" def __init__(self, entity_id, count): """Initialize Async test entity.""" self.entity_id = entity_id self.hass = hass self._count = count self.parallel_updates = test_semaphore async def async_update(self): """Test update.""" updates.append(self._count) await test_lock.acquire() ent_1 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_1", 1) ent_2 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_2", 2) ent_3 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_3", 3) ent_4 = AsyncEntity("sensor.test_4", 4) await test_lock.acquire() try: ent_1.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) ent_2.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) ent_3.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) ent_4.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) while True: if len(updates) >= 2: break await asyncio.sleep(0) assert len(updates) == 2 assert updates == [1, 2] updates.clear() test_lock.release() await asyncio.sleep(0) test_lock.release() await asyncio.sleep(0) while True: if len(updates) >= 2: break await asyncio.sleep(0) assert len(updates) == 2 assert updates == [3, 4] updates.clear() test_lock.release() await asyncio.sleep(0) test_lock.release() await asyncio.sleep(0) finally: # we may have more than one lock need to release in case test failed for _ in updates: test_lock.release() await asyncio.sleep(0) test_lock.release() async def test_async_parallel_updates_with_one_using_executor( hass: HomeAssistant, ) -> None: """Test parallel updates with 1 (sequential) using the executor.""" test_semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(1) locked = [] class SyncEntity(entity.Entity): """Test entity.""" def __init__(self, entity_id): """Initialize sync test entity.""" self.entity_id = entity_id self.hass = hass self.parallel_updates = test_semaphore def update(self): """Test update.""" locked.append(self.parallel_updates.locked()) entities = [SyncEntity(f"sensor.test_{i}") for i in range(3)] await asyncio.gather( *[ hass.async_create_task( ent.async_update_ha_state(True), f"Entity schedule update ha state {ent.entity_id}", ) for ent in entities ] ) assert locked == [True, True, True] async def test_async_remove_no_platform(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test async_remove method when no platform set.""" ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.entity_id = "test.test" ent.async_write_ha_state() assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids()) == 1 await ent.async_remove() assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids()) == 0 async def test_async_remove_runs_callbacks(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test async_remove runs on_remove callback.""" result = [] platform = MockEntityPlatform(hass, domain="test") ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.entity_id = "test.test" await platform.async_add_entities([ent]) ent.async_on_remove(lambda: result.append(1)) await ent.async_remove() assert len(result) == 1 async def test_async_remove_ignores_in_flight_polling(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test in flight polling is ignored after removing.""" result = [] platform = MockEntityPlatform(hass, domain="test") ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.entity_id = "test.test" ent.async_on_remove(lambda: result.append(1)) await platform.async_add_entities([ent]) assert hass.states.get("test.test").state == STATE_UNKNOWN # Remove the entity from the entity registry await ent.async_remove() assert len(result) == 1 assert hass.states.get("test.test") is None # Simulate an in-flight poll after the entity was removed ent.async_write_ha_state() assert len(result) == 1 assert hass.states.get("test.test") is None async def test_set_context(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test setting context.""" context = Context() ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.entity_id = "hello.world" ent.async_set_context(context) ent.async_write_ha_state() assert hass.states.get("hello.world").context == context async def test_set_context_expired(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test setting context.""" context = Context() with patch.object( entity.Entity, "context_recent_time", new_callable=PropertyMock ) as recent: recent.return_value = timedelta(seconds=-5) ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.entity_id = "hello.world" ent.async_set_context(context) ent.async_write_ha_state() assert hass.states.get("hello.world").context != context assert ent._context is None assert ent._context_set is None async def test_warn_disabled( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """Test we warn once if we write to a disabled entity.""" entry = er.RegistryEntry( entity_id="hello.world", unique_id="test-unique-id", platform="test-platform", disabled_by=er.RegistryEntryDisabler.USER, ) mock_registry(hass, {"hello.world": entry}) ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.entity_id = "hello.world" ent.registry_entry = entry ent.platform = MagicMock(platform_name="test-platform") caplog.clear() ent.async_write_ha_state() assert hass.states.get("hello.world") is None assert "Entity hello.world is incorrectly being triggered" in caplog.text caplog.clear() ent.async_write_ha_state() assert hass.states.get("hello.world") is None assert caplog.text == "" async def test_disabled_in_entity_registry(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test entity is removed if we disable entity registry entry.""" entry = er.RegistryEntry( entity_id="hello.world", unique_id="test-unique-id", platform="test-platform", disabled_by=None, ) registry = mock_registry(hass, {"hello.world": entry}) ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.entity_id = "hello.world" ent.registry_entry = entry assert ent.enabled is True ent.add_to_platform_start(hass, MagicMock(platform_name="test-platform"), None) await ent.add_to_platform_finish() assert hass.states.get("hello.world") is not None entry2 = registry.async_update_entity( "hello.world", disabled_by=er.RegistryEntryDisabler.USER ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry2 != entry assert ent.registry_entry == entry2 assert ent.enabled is False assert hass.states.get("hello.world") is None entry3 = registry.async_update_entity("hello.world", disabled_by=None) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert entry3 != entry2 # Entry is no longer updated, entity is no longer tracking changes assert ent.registry_entry == entry2 async def test_capability_attrs(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test we still include capabilities even when unavailable.""" with patch.object( entity.Entity, "available", PropertyMock(return_value=False) ), patch.object( entity.Entity, "capability_attributes", PropertyMock(return_value={"always": "there"}), ): ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.entity_id = "hello.world" ent.async_write_ha_state() state = hass.states.get("hello.world") assert state is not None assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE assert state.attributes["always"] == "there" async def test_warn_slow_write_state( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """Check that we log a warning if reading properties takes too long.""" mock_entity = entity.Entity() mock_entity.hass = hass mock_entity.entity_id = "comp_test.test_entity" mock_entity.platform = MagicMock(platform_name="hue") with patch("homeassistant.helpers.entity.timer", side_effect=[0, 10]): mock_entity.async_write_ha_state() assert ( "Updating state for comp_test.test_entity " "() " "took 10.000 seconds. Please create a bug report at " "https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues?" "q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22integration%3A+hue%22" ) in caplog.text async def test_warn_slow_write_state_custom_component( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """Check that we log a warning if reading properties takes too long.""" class CustomComponentEntity(entity.Entity): """Custom component entity.""" __module__ = "custom_components.bla.sensor" mock_entity = CustomComponentEntity() mock_entity.hass = hass mock_entity.entity_id = "comp_test.test_entity" mock_entity.platform = MagicMock(platform_name="hue") with patch("homeassistant.helpers.entity.timer", side_effect=[0, 10]): mock_entity.async_write_ha_state() assert ( "Updating state for comp_test.test_entity " "(.CustomComponentEntity'>) " "took 10.000 seconds. Please report it to the custom integration author." ) in caplog.text async def test_setup_source(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Check that we register sources correctly.""" platform = MockEntityPlatform(hass) entity_platform = MockEntity(name="Platform Config Source") await platform.async_add_entities([entity_platform]) platform.config_entry = MockConfigEntry() entity_entry = MockEntity(name="Config Entry Source") await platform.async_add_entities([entity_entry]) assert entity.entity_sources(hass) == { "test_domain.platform_config_source": { "custom_component": False, "domain": "test_platform", "source": entity.SOURCE_PLATFORM_CONFIG, }, "test_domain.config_entry_source": { "config_entry": platform.config_entry.entry_id, "custom_component": False, "domain": "test_platform", "source": entity.SOURCE_CONFIG_ENTRY, }, } await platform.async_reset() assert entity.entity_sources(hass) == {} async def test_removing_entity_unavailable(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test removing an entity that is still registered creates an unavailable state.""" er.RegistryEntry( entity_id="hello.world", unique_id="test-unique-id", platform="test-platform", disabled_by=None, ) platform = MockEntityPlatform(hass, domain="hello") ent = entity.Entity() ent.entity_id = "hello.world" ent._attr_unique_id = "test-unique-id" await platform.async_add_entities([ent]) state = hass.states.get("hello.world") assert state is not None assert state.state == STATE_UNKNOWN await ent.async_remove() state = hass.states.get("hello.world") assert state is not None assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE async def test_get_supported_features_entity_registry( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry ) -> None: """Test get_supported_features falls back to entity registry.""" entity_id = entity_registry.async_get_or_create( "hello", "world", "5678", supported_features=456 ).entity_id assert entity.get_supported_features(hass, entity_id) == 456 async def test_get_supported_features_prioritize_state( hass: HomeAssistant, entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry ) -> None: """Test get_supported_features gives priority to state.""" entity_id = entity_registry.async_get_or_create( "hello", "world", "5678", supported_features=456 ).entity_id assert entity.get_supported_features(hass, entity_id) == 456 hass.states.async_set(entity_id, None, {"supported_features": 123}) assert entity.get_supported_features(hass, entity_id) == 123 async def test_get_supported_features_raises_on_unknown(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test get_supported_features raises on unknown entity_id.""" with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError): entity.get_supported_features(hass, "hello.world") async def test_float_conversion(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test conversion of float state to string rounds.""" assert 2.4 + 1.2 != 3.6 with patch.object(entity.Entity, "state", PropertyMock(return_value=2.4 + 1.2)): ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.entity_id = "hello.world" ent.async_write_ha_state() state = hass.states.get("hello.world") assert state is not None assert state.state == "3.6" async def test_attribution_attribute(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test attribution attribute.""" mock_entity = entity.Entity() mock_entity.hass = hass mock_entity.entity_id = "hello.world" mock_entity._attr_attribution = "Home Assistant" mock_entity.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(mock_entity.entity_id) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_ATTRIBUTION) == "Home Assistant" async def test_entity_category_property(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test entity category property.""" mock_entity1 = entity.Entity() mock_entity1.hass = hass mock_entity1.entity_description = entity.EntityDescription( key="abc", entity_category="ignore_me" ) mock_entity1.entity_id = "hello.world" mock_entity1._attr_entity_category = entity.EntityCategory.CONFIG assert mock_entity1.entity_category == "config" mock_entity2 = entity.Entity() mock_entity2.hass = hass mock_entity2.entity_description = entity.EntityDescription( key="abc", entity_category=entity.EntityCategory.CONFIG ) mock_entity2.entity_id = "hello.world" assert mock_entity2.entity_category == "config" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("value", "expected"), ( ("config", entity.EntityCategory.CONFIG), ("diagnostic", entity.EntityCategory.DIAGNOSTIC), ), ) def test_entity_category_schema(value, expected) -> None: """Test entity category schema.""" schema = vol.Schema(entity.ENTITY_CATEGORIES_SCHEMA) result = schema(value) assert result == expected assert isinstance(result, entity.EntityCategory) @pytest.mark.parametrize("value", (None, "non_existing")) def test_entity_category_schema_error(value) -> None: """Test entity category schema.""" schema = vol.Schema(entity.ENTITY_CATEGORIES_SCHEMA) with pytest.raises( vol.Invalid, match=r"expected EntityCategory or one of 'config', 'diagnostic'", ): schema(value) async def test_entity_description_fallback() -> None: """Test entity description has same defaults as entity.""" ent = entity.Entity() ent_with_description = entity.Entity() ent_with_description.entity_description = entity.EntityDescription(key="test") for field in dataclasses.fields(entity.EntityDescription): if field.name == "key": continue assert getattr(ent, field.name) == getattr(ent_with_description, field.name) async def _test_friendly_name( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, ent: entity.Entity, expected_friendly_name: str | None, warn_implicit_name: bool, ) -> None: """Test friendly name.""" expected_warning = ( f"Entity {ent.entity_id} ({type(ent)}) is implicitly using device name" ) async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Mock setup entry method.""" async_add_entities([ent]) return True platform = MockPlatform(async_setup_entry=async_setup_entry) config_entry = MockConfigEntry(entry_id="super-mock-id") config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) entity_platform = MockEntityPlatform( hass, platform_name=config_entry.domain, platform=platform ) assert await entity_platform.async_setup_entry(config_entry) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids()) == 1 state = hass.states.async_all()[0] assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME) == expected_friendly_name assert (expected_warning in caplog.text) is warn_implicit_name await async_update_entity(hass, ent.entity_id) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME) == expected_friendly_name @pytest.mark.parametrize( ( "has_entity_name", "entity_name", "device_name", "expected_friendly_name", "warn_implicit_name", ), ( (False, "Entity Blu", "Device Bla", "Entity Blu", False), (False, None, "Device Bla", None, False), (True, "Entity Blu", "Device Bla", "Device Bla Entity Blu", False), (True, None, "Device Bla", "Device Bla", False), (True, "Entity Blu", UNDEFINED, "Entity Blu", False), (True, "Entity Blu", None, "Mock Title Entity Blu", False), ), ) async def test_friendly_name_attr( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, has_entity_name: bool, entity_name: str | None, device_name: str | None | UndefinedType, expected_friendly_name: str | None, warn_implicit_name: bool, ) -> None: """Test friendly name when the entity uses _attr_*.""" ent = MockEntity( unique_id="qwer", device_info={ "identifiers": {("hue", "1234")}, "connections": {(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, "abcd")}, "name": device_name, }, ) ent._attr_has_entity_name = has_entity_name ent._attr_name = entity_name await _test_friendly_name( hass, caplog, ent, expected_friendly_name, warn_implicit_name, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("has_entity_name", "entity_name", "expected_friendly_name", "warn_implicit_name"), ( (False, "Entity Blu", "Entity Blu", False), (False, None, None, False), (False, UNDEFINED, None, False), (True, "Entity Blu", "Device Bla Entity Blu", False), (True, None, "Device Bla", False), (True, UNDEFINED, "Device Bla", True), ), ) async def test_friendly_name_description( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, has_entity_name: bool, entity_name: str | None, expected_friendly_name: str | None, warn_implicit_name: bool, ) -> None: """Test friendly name when the entity has an entity description.""" ent = MockEntity( unique_id="qwer", device_info={ "identifiers": {("hue", "1234")}, "connections": {(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, "abcd")}, "name": "Device Bla", }, ) ent.entity_description = entity.EntityDescription( "test", has_entity_name=has_entity_name, name=entity_name ) await _test_friendly_name( hass, caplog, ent, expected_friendly_name, warn_implicit_name, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("has_entity_name", "entity_name", "expected_friendly_name", "warn_implicit_name"), ( (False, "Entity Blu", "Entity Blu", False), (False, None, None, False), (False, UNDEFINED, None, False), (True, "Entity Blu", "Device Bla Entity Blu", False), (True, None, "Device Bla", False), (True, UNDEFINED, "Device Bla English cls", False), ), ) async def test_friendly_name_description_device_class_name( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, has_entity_name: bool, entity_name: str | None, expected_friendly_name: str | None, warn_implicit_name: bool, ) -> None: """Test friendly name when the entity has an entity description.""" translations = { "en": {"component.test_domain.entity_component.test_class.name": "English cls"}, } async def async_get_translations( hass: HomeAssistant, language: str, category: str, integrations: Iterable[str] | None = None, config_flow: bool | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return all backend translations.""" return translations[language] class DeviceClassNameMockEntity(MockEntity): def _default_to_device_class_name(self) -> bool: """Return True if an unnamed entity should be named by its device class.""" return True ent = DeviceClassNameMockEntity( unique_id="qwer", device_info={ "identifiers": {("hue", "1234")}, "connections": {(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, "abcd")}, "name": "Device Bla", }, ) ent.entity_description = entity.EntityDescription( "test", device_class="test_class", has_entity_name=has_entity_name, name=entity_name, ) with patch( "homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform.translation.async_get_translations", side_effect=async_get_translations, ): await _test_friendly_name( hass, caplog, ent, expected_friendly_name, warn_implicit_name, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("has_entity_name", "entity_name", "expected_friendly_name", "warn_implicit_name"), ( (False, "Entity Blu", "Entity Blu", False), (False, None, None, False), (False, UNDEFINED, None, False), (True, "Entity Blu", "Device Bla Entity Blu", False), (True, None, "Device Bla", False), (True, UNDEFINED, "Device Bla", True), ), ) async def test_friendly_name_property( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, has_entity_name: bool, entity_name: str | None, expected_friendly_name: str | None, warn_implicit_name: bool, ) -> None: """Test friendly name when the entity has overridden the name property.""" ent = MockEntity( unique_id="qwer", device_info={ "identifiers": {("hue", "1234")}, "connections": {(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, "abcd")}, "name": "Device Bla", }, has_entity_name=has_entity_name, name=entity_name, ) await _test_friendly_name( hass, caplog, ent, expected_friendly_name, warn_implicit_name, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("has_entity_name", "entity_name", "expected_friendly_name", "warn_implicit_name"), ( (False, "Entity Blu", "Entity Blu", False), (False, None, None, False), (False, UNDEFINED, None, False), (True, "Entity Blu", "Device Bla Entity Blu", False), (True, None, "Device Bla", False), # Won't use the device class name because the entity overrides the name property (True, UNDEFINED, "Device Bla None", False), ), ) async def test_friendly_name_property_device_class_name( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, has_entity_name: bool, entity_name: str | None, expected_friendly_name: str | None, warn_implicit_name: bool, ) -> None: """Test friendly name when the entity has overridden the name property.""" translations = { "en": {"component.test_domain.entity_component.test_class.name": "English cls"}, } async def async_get_translations( hass: HomeAssistant, language: str, category: str, integrations: Iterable[str] | None = None, config_flow: bool | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return all backend translations.""" return translations[language] class DeviceClassNameMockEntity(MockEntity): def _default_to_device_class_name(self) -> bool: """Return True if an unnamed entity should be named by its device class.""" return True ent = DeviceClassNameMockEntity( unique_id="qwer", device_class="test_class", device_info={ "identifiers": {("hue", "1234")}, "connections": {(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, "abcd")}, "name": "Device Bla", }, has_entity_name=has_entity_name, name=entity_name, ) with patch( "homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform.translation.async_get_translations", side_effect=async_get_translations, ): await _test_friendly_name( hass, caplog, ent, expected_friendly_name, warn_implicit_name, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("has_entity_name", "expected_friendly_name", "warn_implicit_name"), ( (False, None, False), (True, "Device Bla English cls", False), ), ) async def test_friendly_name_device_class_name( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, has_entity_name: bool, expected_friendly_name: str | None, warn_implicit_name: bool, ) -> None: """Test friendly name when the entity has not set the name in any way.""" translations = { "en": {"component.test_domain.entity_component.test_class.name": "English cls"}, } async def async_get_translations( hass: HomeAssistant, language: str, category: str, integrations: Iterable[str] | None = None, config_flow: bool | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return all backend translations.""" return translations[language] class DeviceClassNameMockEntity(MockEntity): def _default_to_device_class_name(self) -> bool: """Return True if an unnamed entity should be named by its device class.""" return True ent = DeviceClassNameMockEntity( unique_id="qwer", device_class="test_class", device_info={ "identifiers": {("hue", "1234")}, "connections": {(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, "abcd")}, "name": "Device Bla", }, has_entity_name=has_entity_name, ) with patch( "homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform.translation.async_get_translations", side_effect=async_get_translations, ): await _test_friendly_name( hass, caplog, ent, expected_friendly_name, warn_implicit_name, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ( "entity_name", "expected_friendly_name1", "expected_friendly_name2", "expected_friendly_name3", ), ( ( "Entity Blu", "Device Bla Entity Blu", "Device Bla2 Entity Blu", "New Device Entity Blu", ), ( None, "Device Bla", "Device Bla2", "New Device", ), ), ) async def test_friendly_name_updated( hass: HomeAssistant, device_registry: dr.DeviceRegistry, entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry, entity_name: str | None, expected_friendly_name1: str, expected_friendly_name2: str, expected_friendly_name3: str, ) -> None: """Test friendly name is updated when device or entity registry updates.""" async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Mock setup entry method.""" async_add_entities( [ MockEntity( unique_id="qwer", device_info={ "identifiers": {("hue", "1234")}, "connections": {(dr.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, "abcd")}, "name": "Device Bla", }, has_entity_name=True, name=entity_name, ), ] ) return True platform = MockPlatform(async_setup_entry=async_setup_entry) config_entry = MockConfigEntry(entry_id="super-mock-id") config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) entity_platform = MockEntityPlatform( hass, platform_name=config_entry.domain, platform=platform ) assert await entity_platform.async_setup_entry(config_entry) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids()) == 1 state = hass.states.async_all()[0] assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME) == expected_friendly_name1 device = device_registry.async_get_device(identifiers={("hue", "1234")}) device_registry.async_update_device(device.id, name_by_user="Device Bla2") await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.async_all()[0] assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME) == expected_friendly_name2 device = device_registry.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=config_entry.entry_id, identifiers={("hue", "5678")}, name="New Device", ) entity_registry.async_update_entity(state.entity_id, device_id=device.id) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.async_all()[0] assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME) == expected_friendly_name3 async def test_translation_key(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test translation key property.""" mock_entity1 = entity.Entity() mock_entity1.hass = hass mock_entity1.entity_description = entity.EntityDescription( key="abc", translation_key="from_entity_description" ) mock_entity1.entity_id = "hello.world" mock_entity1._attr_translation_key = "from_attr" assert mock_entity1.translation_key == "from_attr" mock_entity2 = entity.Entity() mock_entity2.hass = hass mock_entity2.entity_description = entity.EntityDescription( key="abc", translation_key="from_entity_description" ) mock_entity2.entity_id = "hello.world" assert mock_entity2.translation_key == "from_entity_description" async def test_repr_using_stringify_state() -> None: """Test that repr uses stringify state.""" class MyEntity(MockEntity): """Mock entity.""" @property def state(self): """Return the state.""" raise ValueError("Boom") entity = MyEntity(entity_id="test.test", available=False) assert str(entity) == "" async def test_warn_using_async_update_ha_state( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """Test we warn once when using async_update_ha_state without force_update.""" ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.platform = MockEntityPlatform(hass) ent.entity_id = "hello.world" error_message = "is using self.async_update_ha_state()" # When forcing, it should not trigger the warning caplog.clear() await ent.async_update_ha_state(force_refresh=True) assert error_message not in caplog.text # When not forcing, it should trigger the warning caplog.clear() await ent.async_update_ha_state() assert error_message in caplog.text # When not forcing, it should not trigger the warning again caplog.clear() await ent.async_update_ha_state() assert error_message not in caplog.text async def test_warn_no_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """Test we warn am entity does not have a platform.""" ent = entity.Entity() ent.hass = hass ent.platform = MockEntityPlatform(hass) ent.entity_id = "hello.world" error_message = "does not have a platform" # No warning if the entity has a platform caplog.clear() ent.async_write_ha_state() assert error_message not in caplog.text # Without a platform, it should trigger the warning ent.platform = None caplog.clear() ent.async_write_ha_state() assert error_message in caplog.text # Without a platform, it should not trigger the warning again caplog.clear() ent.async_write_ha_state() assert error_message not in caplog.text