"""Test helpers for the Alexa integration."""
from unittest.mock import Mock
from uuid import uuid4

from homeassistant.components.alexa import config, smart_home, smart_home_http
from homeassistant.components.alexa.const import CONF_ENDPOINT, CONF_FILTER, CONF_LOCALE
from homeassistant.core import Context, callback
from homeassistant.helpers import entityfilter

from tests.common import async_mock_service

TEST_URL = "https://api.amazonalexa.com/v3/events"
TEST_TOKEN_URL = "https://api.amazon.com/auth/o2/token"

class MockConfig(smart_home_http.AlexaConfig):
    """Mock Alexa config."""

    entity_config = {
        "binary_sensor.test_doorbell": {"display_categories": "DOORBELL"},
        "binary_sensor.test_contact_forced": {"display_categories": "CONTACT_SENSOR"},
        "binary_sensor.test_motion_forced": {"display_categories": "MOTION_SENSOR"},
        "binary_sensor.test_motion_camera_event": {"display_categories": "CAMERA"},
        "camera.test": {"display_categories": "CAMERA"},

    def __init__(self, hass):
        """Mock Alexa config."""
                CONF_ENDPOINT: TEST_URL,
                CONF_FILTER: entityfilter.FILTER_SCHEMA({}),
                CONF_LOCALE: TEST_LOCALE,
        self._store = Mock(spec_set=config.AlexaConfigStore)

    def supports_auth(self):
        """Return if config supports auth."""
        return True

    def user_identifier(self):
        """Return an identifier for the user that represents this config."""
        return "mock-user-id"

    def async_invalidate_access_token(self):
        """Invalidate access token."""

    async def async_get_access_token(self):
        """Get an access token."""
        return "thisisnotanacesstoken"

    async def async_accept_grant(self, code):
        """Accept a grant."""

def get_default_config(hass):
    """Return a MockConfig instance."""
    return MockConfig(hass)

def get_new_request(namespace, name, endpoint=None):
    """Generate a new API message."""
    raw_msg = {
        "directive": {
            "header": {
                "namespace": namespace,
                "name": name,
                "messageId": str(uuid4()),
                "correlationToken": str(uuid4()),
                "payloadVersion": "3",
            "endpoint": {
                "scope": {"type": "BearerToken", "token": str(uuid4())},
                "endpointId": endpoint,
            "payload": {},

    if not endpoint:

    return raw_msg

async def assert_request_calls_service(
    """Assert an API request calls a hass service."""
    context = Context()
    request = get_new_request(namespace, name, endpoint)
    if payload:
        request["directive"]["payload"] = payload
    if instance:
        request["directive"]["header"]["instance"] = instance

    domain, service_name = service.split(".")
    calls = async_mock_service(hass, domain, service_name)

    msg = await smart_home.async_handle_message(
        hass, get_default_config(hass), request, context
    await hass.async_block_till_done()

    assert len(calls) == 1
    call = calls[0]
    assert "event" in msg
    assert call.data["entity_id"] == endpoint.replace("#", ".")
    assert msg["event"]["header"]["name"] == response_type
    assert call.context == context

    return call, msg

async def assert_request_fails(
    namespace, name, endpoint, service_not_called, hass, payload=None
    """Assert an API request returns an ErrorResponse."""
    request = get_new_request(namespace, name, endpoint)
    if payload:
        request["directive"]["payload"] = payload

    domain, service_name = service_not_called.split(".")
    call = async_mock_service(hass, domain, service_name)

    msg = await smart_home.async_handle_message(hass, get_default_config(hass), request)
    await hass.async_block_till_done()

    assert not call
    assert "event" in msg
    assert msg["event"]["header"]["name"] == "ErrorResponse"

    return msg

async def assert_power_controller_works(
    endpoint, on_service, off_service, hass, timestamp
    """Assert PowerController API requests work."""
    _, response = await assert_request_calls_service(
        "Alexa.PowerController", "TurnOn", endpoint, on_service, hass
    for property in response["context"]["properties"]:
        assert property["timeOfSample"] == timestamp

    _, response = await assert_request_calls_service(
        "Alexa.PowerController", "TurnOff", endpoint, off_service, hass
    for property in response["context"]["properties"]:
        assert property["timeOfSample"] == timestamp

async def assert_scene_controller_works(
    endpoint, activate_service, deactivate_service, hass, timestamp
    """Assert SceneController API requests work."""
    _, response = await assert_request_calls_service(
    assert response["event"]["payload"]["cause"]["type"] == "VOICE_INTERACTION"
    assert response["event"]["payload"]["timestamp"] == timestamp
    if deactivate_service:
        _, response = await assert_request_calls_service(
        cause_type = response["event"]["payload"]["cause"]["type"]
        assert cause_type == "VOICE_INTERACTION"
        assert response["event"]["payload"]["timestamp"] == timestamp

async def reported_properties(hass, endpoint, return_full_response=False):
    """Use ReportState to get properties and return them.

    The result is a ReportedProperties instance, which has methods to make
    assertions about the properties.
    request = get_new_request("Alexa", "ReportState", endpoint)
    msg = await smart_home.async_handle_message(hass, get_default_config(hass), request)
    await hass.async_block_till_done()
    if return_full_response:
        return msg
    return ReportedProperties(msg["context"]["properties"])

class ReportedProperties:
    """Class to help assert reported properties."""

    def __init__(self, properties):
        """Initialize class."""
        self.properties = properties

    def assert_not_has_property(self, namespace, name):
        """Assert a property does not exist."""
        for prop in self.properties:
            if prop["namespace"] == namespace and prop["name"] == name:
                assert False, "Property %s:%s exists"

    def assert_equal(self, namespace, name, value):
        """Assert a property is equal to a given value."""
        for prop in self.properties:
            if prop["namespace"] == namespace and prop["name"] == name:
                assert prop["value"] == value
                return prop

        assert False, f"property {namespace}:{name} not in {self.properties!r}"