"""Test for RFlink switch components.

Test setup of rflink switch component/platform. State tracking and
control of Rflink switch devices.


import asyncio

from homeassistant.components.rflink import EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED
from homeassistant.const import (
from homeassistant.core import callback

from ..test_rflink import mock_rflink

DOMAIN = 'switch'

    'rflink': {
        'port': '/dev/ttyABC0',
        'ignore_devices': ['ignore_wildcard_*', 'ignore_sensor'],
    DOMAIN: {
        'platform': 'rflink',
        'devices': {
            'protocol_0_0': {
                'name': 'test',
                'aliases': ['test_alias_0_0'],

def test_default_setup(hass, monkeypatch):
    """Test all basic functionality of the rflink switch component."""
    # setup mocking rflink module
    event_callback, create, protocol, _ = yield from mock_rflink(
        hass, CONFIG, DOMAIN, monkeypatch)

    # make sure arguments are passed
    assert create.call_args_list[0][1]['ignore']

    # test default state of switch loaded from config
    switch_initial = hass.states.get('switch.test')
    assert switch_initial.state == 'off'
    assert switch_initial.attributes['assumed_state']

    # switch should follow state of the hardware device by interpreting
    # incoming events for its name and aliases

    # mock incoming command event for this device
        'id': 'protocol_0_0',
        'command': 'on',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()

    switch_after_first_command = hass.states.get('switch.test')
    assert switch_after_first_command.state == 'on'
    # also after receiving first command state not longer has to be assumed
    assert not switch_after_first_command.attributes.get('assumed_state')

    # mock incoming command event for this device
        'id': 'protocol_0_0',
        'command': 'off',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()

    assert hass.states.get('switch.test').state == 'off'

    # test following aliases
    # mock incoming command event for this device alias
        'id': 'test_alias_0_0',
        'command': 'on',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()

    assert hass.states.get('switch.test').state == 'on'

    # The switch component does not support adding new devices for incoming
    # events because every new unknown device is added as a light by default.

    # test changing state from HA propagates to Rflink
        hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF,
                                 {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: DOMAIN + '.test'}))
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()
    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'off'
    assert protocol.send_command_ack.call_args_list[0][0][0] == 'protocol_0_0'
    assert protocol.send_command_ack.call_args_list[0][0][1] == 'off'

        hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON,
                                 {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: DOMAIN + '.test'}))
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()
    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'on'
    assert protocol.send_command_ack.call_args_list[1][0][1] == 'on'

def test_group_alias(hass, monkeypatch):
    """Group aliases should only respond to group commands (allon/alloff)."""
    config = {
        'rflink': {
            'port': '/dev/ttyABC0',
        DOMAIN: {
            'platform': 'rflink',
            'devices': {
                'protocol_0_0': {
                    'name': 'test',
                    'group_aliases': ['test_group_0_0'],

    # setup mocking rflink module
    event_callback, _, _, _ = yield from mock_rflink(
        hass, config, DOMAIN, monkeypatch)

    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'off'

    # test sending group command to group alias
        'id': 'test_group_0_0',
        'command': 'allon',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()

    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'on'

    # test sending group command to group alias
        'id': 'test_group_0_0',
        'command': 'off',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()

    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'on'

def test_nogroup_alias(hass, monkeypatch):
    """Non group aliases should not respond to group commands."""
    config = {
        'rflink': {
            'port': '/dev/ttyABC0',
        DOMAIN: {
            'platform': 'rflink',
            'devices': {
                'protocol_0_0': {
                    'name': 'test',
                    'nogroup_aliases': ['test_nogroup_0_0'],

    # setup mocking rflink module
    event_callback, _, _, _ = yield from mock_rflink(
        hass, config, DOMAIN, monkeypatch)

    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'off'

    # test sending group command to nogroup alias
        'id': 'test_nogroup_0_0',
        'command': 'allon',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()
    # should not affect state
    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'off'

    # test sending group command to nogroup alias
        'id': 'test_nogroup_0_0',
        'command': 'on',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()
    # should affect state
    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'on'

def test_nogroup_device_id(hass, monkeypatch):
    """Device id that do not respond to group commands (allon/alloff)."""
    config = {
        'rflink': {
            'port': '/dev/ttyABC0',
        DOMAIN: {
            'platform': 'rflink',
            'devices': {
                'test_nogroup_0_0': {
                    'name': 'test',
                    'group': False,

    # setup mocking rflink module
    event_callback, _, _, _ = yield from mock_rflink(
        hass, config, DOMAIN, monkeypatch)

    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'off'

    # test sending group command to nogroup
        'id': 'test_nogroup_0_0',
        'command': 'allon',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()
    # should not affect state
    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'off'

    # test sending group command to nogroup
        'id': 'test_nogroup_0_0',
        'command': 'on',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()
    # should affect state
    assert hass.states.get(DOMAIN + '.test').state == 'on'

def test_device_defaults(hass, monkeypatch):
    """Event should fire if device_defaults config says so."""
    config = {
        'rflink': {
            'port': '/dev/ttyABC0',
        DOMAIN: {
            'platform': 'rflink',
            'device_defaults': {
                'fire_event': True,
            'devices': {
                'protocol_0_0': {
                    'name': 'test',
                    'aliases': ['test_alias_0_0'],

    # setup mocking rflink module
    event_callback, _, _, _ = yield from mock_rflink(
        hass, config, DOMAIN, monkeypatch)

    calls = []

    def listener(event):
    hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED, listener)

    # test event for new unconfigured sensor
        'id': 'protocol_0_0',
        'command': 'off',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()

    assert calls[0].data == {'state': 'off', 'entity_id': DOMAIN + '.test'}

def test_not_firing_default(hass, monkeypatch):
    """By default no bus events should be fired."""
    config = {
        'rflink': {
            'port': '/dev/ttyABC0',
        DOMAIN: {
            'platform': 'rflink',
            'devices': {
                'protocol_0_0': {
                    'name': 'test',
                    'aliases': ['test_alias_0_0'],

    # setup mocking rflink module
    event_callback, _, _, _ = yield from mock_rflink(
        hass, config, DOMAIN, monkeypatch)

    calls = []

    def listener(event):
    hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED, listener)

    # test event for new unconfigured sensor
        'id': 'protocol_0_0',
        'command': 'off',
    yield from hass.async_block_till_done()

    assert not calls, 'an event has been fired'