"""Test Hue setup process.""" from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from homeassistant.components import hue from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import MockConfigEntry, mock_coro async def test_setup_with_no_config(hass): """Test that we do not discover anything or try to set up a bridge.""" with patch.object(hass, "config_entries") as mock_config_entries, patch.object( hue, "configured_hosts", return_value=[] ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, hue.DOMAIN, {}) is True # No flows started assert len(mock_config_entries.flow.mock_calls) == 0 # No configs stored assert hass.data[hue.DOMAIN] == {} async def test_setup_defined_hosts_known_auth(hass): """Test we don't initiate a config entry if config bridge is known.""" with patch.object(hass, "config_entries") as mock_config_entries, patch.object( hue, "configured_hosts", return_value=[""] ): assert ( await async_setup_component( hass, hue.DOMAIN, { hue.DOMAIN: { hue.CONF_BRIDGES: { hue.CONF_HOST: "", hue.CONF_FILENAME: "bla.conf", hue.CONF_ALLOW_HUE_GROUPS: False, hue.CONF_ALLOW_UNREACHABLE: True, } } }, ) is True ) # Flow started for discovered bridge assert len(mock_config_entries.flow.mock_calls) == 0 # Config stored for domain. assert hass.data[hue.DATA_CONFIGS] == { "": { hue.CONF_HOST: "", hue.CONF_FILENAME: "bla.conf", hue.CONF_ALLOW_HUE_GROUPS: False, hue.CONF_ALLOW_UNREACHABLE: True, } } async def test_setup_defined_hosts_no_known_auth(hass): """Test we initiate config entry if config bridge is not known.""" with patch.object(hass, "config_entries") as mock_config_entries, patch.object( hue, "configured_hosts", return_value=[] ): mock_config_entries.flow.async_init.return_value = mock_coro() assert ( await async_setup_component( hass, hue.DOMAIN, { hue.DOMAIN: { hue.CONF_BRIDGES: { hue.CONF_HOST: "", hue.CONF_FILENAME: "bla.conf", hue.CONF_ALLOW_HUE_GROUPS: False, hue.CONF_ALLOW_UNREACHABLE: True, } } }, ) is True ) # Flow started for discovered bridge assert len(mock_config_entries.flow.mock_calls) == 1 assert mock_config_entries.flow.mock_calls[0][2]["data"] == { "host": "", "path": "bla.conf", } # Config stored for domain. assert hass.data[hue.DATA_CONFIGS] == { "": { hue.CONF_HOST: "", hue.CONF_FILENAME: "bla.conf", hue.CONF_ALLOW_HUE_GROUPS: False, hue.CONF_ALLOW_UNREACHABLE: True, } } async def test_config_passed_to_config_entry(hass): """Test that configured options for a host are loaded via config entry.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=hue.DOMAIN, data={"host": ""}) entry.add_to_hass(hass) mock_registry = Mock() with patch.object(hue, "HueBridge") as mock_bridge, patch( "homeassistant.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry", return_value=mock_coro(mock_registry), ): mock_bridge.return_value.async_setup.return_value = mock_coro(True) mock_bridge.return_value.api.config = Mock( mac="mock-mac", bridgeid="mock-bridgeid", modelid="mock-modelid", swversion="mock-swversion", ) # Can't set name via kwargs mock_bridge.return_value.api.config.name = "mock-name" assert ( await async_setup_component( hass, hue.DOMAIN, { hue.DOMAIN: { hue.CONF_BRIDGES: { hue.CONF_HOST: "", hue.CONF_FILENAME: "bla.conf", hue.CONF_ALLOW_HUE_GROUPS: False, hue.CONF_ALLOW_UNREACHABLE: True, } } }, ) is True ) assert len(mock_bridge.mock_calls) == 2 p_hass, p_entry, p_allow_unreachable, p_allow_groups = mock_bridge.mock_calls[0][1] assert p_hass is hass assert p_entry is entry assert p_allow_unreachable is True assert p_allow_groups is False assert len(mock_registry.mock_calls) == 1 assert mock_registry.mock_calls[0][2] == { "config_entry_id": entry.entry_id, "connections": {("mac", "mock-mac")}, "identifiers": {("hue", "mock-bridgeid")}, "manufacturer": "Signify", "name": "mock-name", "model": "mock-modelid", "sw_version": "mock-swversion", } async def test_unload_entry(hass): """Test being able to unload an entry.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=hue.DOMAIN, data={"host": ""}) entry.add_to_hass(hass) with patch.object(hue, "HueBridge") as mock_bridge, patch( "homeassistant.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry", return_value=mock_coro(Mock()), ): mock_bridge.return_value.async_setup.return_value = mock_coro(True) mock_bridge.return_value.api.config = Mock() assert await async_setup_component(hass, hue.DOMAIN, {}) is True assert len(mock_bridge.return_value.mock_calls) == 1 mock_bridge.return_value.async_reset.return_value = mock_coro(True) assert await hue.async_unload_entry(hass, entry) assert len(mock_bridge.return_value.async_reset.mock_calls) == 1 assert hass.data[hue.DOMAIN] == {} async def test_setting_unique_id(hass): """Test we set unique ID if not set yet.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=hue.DOMAIN, data={"host": ""}) entry.add_to_hass(hass) with patch.object(hue, "HueBridge") as mock_bridge, patch( "homeassistant.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry", return_value=mock_coro(Mock()), ): mock_bridge.return_value.async_setup.return_value = mock_coro(True) mock_bridge.return_value.api.config = Mock(bridgeid="mock-id") assert await async_setup_component(hass, hue.DOMAIN, {}) is True assert entry.unique_id == "mock-id"