"""Test the helper method for writing tests.""" import os from datetime import timedelta from unittest import mock from homeassistant import core as ha, loader from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity from homeassistant.const import ( STATE_ON, STATE_OFF, DEVICE_DEFAULT_NAME, EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, EVENT_PLATFORM_DISCOVERED, ATTR_SERVICE, ATTR_DISCOVERED, SERVER_PORT) from homeassistant.components import sun, mqtt _TEST_INSTANCE_PORT = SERVER_PORT def get_test_config_dir(): """Return a path to a test config dir.""" return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config") def get_test_home_assistant(num_threads=None): """Return a Home Assistant object pointing at test config dir.""" if num_threads: orig_num_threads = ha.MIN_WORKER_THREAD ha.MIN_WORKER_THREAD = num_threads hass = ha.HomeAssistant() if num_threads: ha.MIN_WORKER_THREAD = orig_num_threads hass.config.config_dir = get_test_config_dir() hass.config.latitude = 32.87336 hass.config.longitude = -117.22743 if 'custom_components.test' not in loader.AVAILABLE_COMPONENTS: loader.prepare(hass) return hass def get_test_instance_port(): """Return unused port for running test instance. The socket that holds the default port does not get released when we stop HA in a different test case. Until I have figured out what is going on, let's run each test on a different port. """ global _TEST_INSTANCE_PORT _TEST_INSTANCE_PORT += 1 return _TEST_INSTANCE_PORT def mock_service(hass, domain, service): """Setup a fake service. Return a list that logs all calls to fake service. """ calls = [] hass.services.register( domain, service, lambda call: calls.append(call)) return calls def fire_mqtt_message(hass, topic, payload, qos=0): """Fire the MQTT message.""" hass.bus.fire(mqtt.EVENT_MQTT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, { mqtt.ATTR_TOPIC: topic, mqtt.ATTR_PAYLOAD: payload, mqtt.ATTR_QOS: qos, }) def fire_time_changed(hass, time): """Fire a time changes event.""" hass.bus.fire(EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, {'now': time}) def fire_service_discovered(hass, service, info): """Fire the MQTT message.""" hass.bus.fire(EVENT_PLATFORM_DISCOVERED, { ATTR_SERVICE: service, ATTR_DISCOVERED: info }) def ensure_sun_risen(hass): """Trigger sun to rise if below horizon.""" if sun.is_on(hass): return fire_time_changed(hass, sun.next_rising_utc(hass) + timedelta(seconds=10)) def ensure_sun_set(hass): """Trigger sun to set if above horizon.""" if not sun.is_on(hass): return fire_time_changed(hass, sun.next_setting_utc(hass) + timedelta(seconds=10)) def mock_state_change_event(hass, new_state, old_state=None): """Mock state change envent.""" event_data = { 'entity_id': new_state.entity_id, 'new_state': new_state, } if old_state: event_data['old_state'] = old_state hass.bus.fire(EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, event_data) def mock_http_component(hass): """Mock the HTTP component.""" hass.http = MockHTTP() hass.config.components.append('http') @mock.patch('homeassistant.components.mqtt.MQTT') def mock_mqtt_component(hass, mock_mqtt): """Mock the MQTT component.""" mqtt.setup(hass, { mqtt.DOMAIN: { mqtt.CONF_BROKER: 'mock-broker', } }) hass.config.components.append(mqtt.DOMAIN) return mock_mqtt class MockHTTP(object): """Mock the HTTP module.""" def register_path(self, method, url, callback, require_auth=True): """Register a path.""" pass class MockModule(object): """Representation of a fake module.""" def __init__(self, domain=None, dependencies=[], setup=None): """Initialize the mock module.""" self.DOMAIN = domain self.DEPENDENCIES = dependencies # Setup a mock setup if none given. if setup is None: self.setup = lambda hass, config: True else: self.setup = setup class MockPlatform(object): """Provide a fake platform.""" def __init__(self, setup_platform=None, dependencies=[]): """Initialize the platform.""" self.DEPENDENCIES = dependencies self._setup_platform = setup_platform def setup_platform(self, hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Setup the platform.""" if self._setup_platform is not None: self._setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info) class MockToggleDevice(ToggleEntity): """Provide a mock toggle device.""" def __init__(self, name, state): """Initialize the mock device.""" self._name = name or DEVICE_DEFAULT_NAME self._state = state self.calls = [] @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device if any.""" self.calls.append(('name', {})) return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the name of the device if any.""" self.calls.append(('state', {})) return self._state @property def is_on(self): """Return true if device is on.""" self.calls.append(('is_on', {})) return self._state == STATE_ON def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device on.""" self.calls.append(('turn_on', kwargs)) self._state = STATE_ON def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the device off.""" self.calls.append(('turn_off', kwargs)) self._state = STATE_OFF def last_call(self, method=None): """Return the last call.""" if not self.calls: return None elif method is None: return self.calls[-1] else: try: return next(call for call in reversed(self.calls) if call[0] == method) except StopIteration: return None