"""Shared class to maintain Plex server instances.""" import logging import ssl import time from urllib.parse import urlparse from plexapi.exceptions import NotFound, Unauthorized import plexapi.myplex import plexapi.playqueue import plexapi.server from requests import Session import requests.exceptions from homeassistant.components.media_player import DOMAIN as MP_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( MEDIA_TYPE_EPISODE, MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC, MEDIA_TYPE_PLAYLIST, MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_CLIENT_ID, CONF_TOKEN, CONF_URL, CONF_VERIFY_SSL from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.debounce import Debouncer from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from .const import ( CONF_IGNORE_NEW_SHARED_USERS, CONF_IGNORE_PLEX_WEB_CLIENTS, CONF_MONITORED_USERS, CONF_SERVER, CONF_USE_EPISODE_ART, DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL, DOMAIN, PLAYER_SOURCE, PLEX_NEW_MP_SIGNAL, PLEX_UPDATE_MEDIA_PLAYER_SIGNAL, PLEX_UPDATE_SENSOR_SIGNAL, PLEXTV_THROTTLE, X_PLEX_DEVICE_NAME, X_PLEX_PLATFORM, X_PLEX_PRODUCT, X_PLEX_VERSION, ) from .errors import NoServersFound, ServerNotSpecified, ShouldUpdateConfigEntry _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Set default headers sent by plexapi plexapi.X_PLEX_DEVICE_NAME = X_PLEX_DEVICE_NAME plexapi.X_PLEX_PLATFORM = X_PLEX_PLATFORM plexapi.X_PLEX_PRODUCT = X_PLEX_PRODUCT plexapi.X_PLEX_VERSION = X_PLEX_VERSION class PlexServer: """Manages a single Plex server connection.""" def __init__(self, hass, server_config, known_server_id=None, options=None): """Initialize a Plex server instance.""" self.hass = hass self._plex_account = None self._plex_server = None self._created_clients = set() self._known_clients = set() self._known_idle = set() self._url = server_config.get(CONF_URL) self._token = server_config.get(CONF_TOKEN) self._server_name = server_config.get(CONF_SERVER) self._verify_ssl = server_config.get(CONF_VERIFY_SSL, DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL) self._server_id = known_server_id self.options = options self.server_choice = None self._accounts = [] self._owner_username = None self._plextv_clients = None self._plextv_client_timestamp = 0 self._plextv_device_cache = {} self._use_plex_tv = self._token is not None self._version = None self.async_update_platforms = Debouncer( hass, _LOGGER, cooldown=DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, immediate=True, function=self._async_update_platforms, ).async_call # Header conditionally added as it is not available in config entry v1 if CONF_CLIENT_ID in server_config: plexapi.X_PLEX_IDENTIFIER = server_config[CONF_CLIENT_ID] plexapi.myplex.BASE_HEADERS = plexapi.reset_base_headers() plexapi.server.BASE_HEADERS = plexapi.reset_base_headers() @property def account(self): """Return a MyPlexAccount instance.""" if not self._plex_account and self._use_plex_tv: try: self._plex_account = plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount(token=self._token) except Unauthorized: self._use_plex_tv = False _LOGGER.error("Not authorized to access plex.tv with provided token") raise return self._plex_account @property def plextv_resources(self): """Return all resources linked to Plex account.""" if self.account is None: return [] return self.account.resources() def plextv_clients(self): """Return available clients linked to Plex account.""" if self.account is None: return [] now = time.time() if now - self._plextv_client_timestamp > PLEXTV_THROTTLE: self._plextv_client_timestamp = now self._plextv_clients = [ x for x in self.plextv_resources if "player" in x.provides and x.presence ] _LOGGER.debug( "Current available clients from plex.tv: %s", self._plextv_clients ) return self._plextv_clients def connect(self): """Connect to a Plex server directly, obtaining direct URL if necessary.""" config_entry_update_needed = False def _connect_with_token(): available_servers = [ (x.name, x.clientIdentifier) for x in self.plextv_resources if "server" in x.provides ] if not available_servers: raise NoServersFound if not self._server_name and len(available_servers) > 1: raise ServerNotSpecified(available_servers) self.server_choice = ( self._server_name if self._server_name else available_servers[0][0] ) self._plex_server = self.account.resource(self.server_choice).connect( timeout=10 ) def _connect_with_url(): session = None if self._url.startswith("https") and not self._verify_ssl: session = Session() session.verify = False self._plex_server = plexapi.server.PlexServer( self._url, self._token, session ) def _update_plexdirect_hostname(): matching_servers = [ x.name for x in self.plextv_resources if x.clientIdentifier == self._server_id ] if matching_servers: self._plex_server = self.account.resource(matching_servers[0]).connect( timeout=10 ) return True _LOGGER.error("Attempt to update plex.direct hostname failed") return False if self._url: try: _connect_with_url() except requests.exceptions.SSLError as error: while error and not isinstance(error, ssl.SSLCertVerificationError): error = error.__context__ # pylint: disable=no-member if isinstance(error, ssl.SSLCertVerificationError): domain = urlparse(self._url).netloc.split(":")[0] if domain.endswith("plex.direct") and error.args[0].startswith( f"hostname '{domain}' doesn't match" ): _LOGGER.warning( "Plex SSL certificate's hostname changed, updating." ) if _update_plexdirect_hostname(): config_entry_update_needed = True else: raise Unauthorized( "New certificate cannot be validated with provided token" ) else: raise else: raise else: _connect_with_token() try: system_accounts = self._plex_server.systemAccounts() except Unauthorized: _LOGGER.warning( "Plex account has limited permissions, shared account filtering will not be available." ) else: self._accounts = [ account.name for account in system_accounts if account.name ] _LOGGER.debug("Linked accounts: %s", self.accounts) owner_account = [ account.name for account in system_accounts if account.accountID == 1 ] if owner_account: self._owner_username = owner_account[0] _LOGGER.debug("Server owner found: '%s'", self._owner_username) self._version = self._plex_server.version if config_entry_update_needed: raise ShouldUpdateConfigEntry @callback def async_refresh_entity(self, machine_identifier, device, session): """Forward refresh dispatch to media_player.""" unique_id = f"{self.machine_identifier}:{machine_identifier}" _LOGGER.debug("Refreshing %s", unique_id) async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, PLEX_UPDATE_MEDIA_PLAYER_SIGNAL.format(unique_id), device, session, ) def _fetch_platform_data(self): """Fetch all data from the Plex server in a single method.""" return ( self._plex_server.clients(), self._plex_server.sessions(), self.plextv_clients(), ) async def _async_update_platforms(self): """Update the platform entities.""" _LOGGER.debug("Updating devices") available_clients = {} ignored_clients = set() new_clients = set() monitored_users = self.accounts known_accounts = set(self.option_monitored_users) if known_accounts: monitored_users = { user for user in self.option_monitored_users if self.option_monitored_users[user]["enabled"] } if not self.option_ignore_new_shared_users: for new_user in self.accounts - known_accounts: monitored_users.add(new_user) try: devices, sessions, plextv_clients = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( self._fetch_platform_data ) except ( plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest, requests.exceptions.RequestException, ) as ex: _LOGGER.error( "Could not connect to Plex server: %s (%s)", self.friendly_name, ex ) return def process_device(source, device): self._known_idle.discard(device.machineIdentifier) available_clients.setdefault(device.machineIdentifier, {"device": device}) available_clients[device.machineIdentifier].setdefault( PLAYER_SOURCE, source ) if device.machineIdentifier not in ignored_clients: if self.option_ignore_plexweb_clients and device.product == "Plex Web": ignored_clients.add(device.machineIdentifier) if device.machineIdentifier not in self._known_clients: _LOGGER.debug( "Ignoring %s %s: %s", "Plex Web", source, device.machineIdentifier, ) return if device.machineIdentifier not in ( self._created_clients | ignored_clients | new_clients ): new_clients.add(device.machineIdentifier) _LOGGER.debug( "New %s from %s: %s", device.product, source, device.machineIdentifier, ) for device in devices: process_device("PMS", device) def connect_to_resource(resource): """Connect to a plex.tv resource and return a Plex client.""" client_id = resource.clientIdentifier if client_id in self._plextv_device_cache: return self._plextv_device_cache[client_id] client = None try: client = resource.connect(timeout=3) _LOGGER.debug("plex.tv resource connection successful: %s", client) except NotFound: _LOGGER.error("plex.tv resource connection failed: %s", resource.name) self._plextv_device_cache[client_id] = client return client for plextv_client in plextv_clients: if plextv_client.clientIdentifier not in available_clients: device = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( connect_to_resource, plextv_client ) if device: process_device("plex.tv", device) for session in sessions: if session.TYPE == "photo": _LOGGER.debug("Photo session detected, skipping: %s", session) continue session_username = session.usernames[0] for player in session.players: if session_username and session_username not in monitored_users: ignored_clients.add(player.machineIdentifier) _LOGGER.debug( "Ignoring %s client owned by '%s'", player.product, session_username, ) continue process_device("session", player) available_clients[player.machineIdentifier]["session"] = session new_entity_configs = [] for client_id, client_data in available_clients.items(): if client_id in ignored_clients: continue if client_id in new_clients: new_entity_configs.append(client_data) self._created_clients.add(client_id) else: self.async_refresh_entity( client_id, client_data["device"], client_data.get("session") ) self._known_clients.update(new_clients | ignored_clients) idle_clients = ( self._known_clients - self._known_idle - ignored_clients ).difference(available_clients) for client_id in idle_clients: self.async_refresh_entity(client_id, None, None) self._known_idle.add(client_id) self._plextv_device_cache.pop(client_id, None) if new_entity_configs: async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, PLEX_NEW_MP_SIGNAL.format(self.machine_identifier), new_entity_configs, ) async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, PLEX_UPDATE_SENSOR_SIGNAL.format(self.machine_identifier), sessions, ) @property def plex_server(self): """Return the plexapi PlexServer instance.""" return self._plex_server @property def accounts(self): """Return accounts associated with the Plex server.""" return set(self._accounts) @property def owner(self): """Return the Plex server owner username.""" return self._owner_username @property def version(self): """Return the version of the Plex server.""" return self._version @property def friendly_name(self): """Return name of connected Plex server.""" return self._plex_server.friendlyName @property def machine_identifier(self): """Return unique identifier of connected Plex server.""" return self._plex_server.machineIdentifier @property def url_in_use(self): """Return URL used for connected Plex server.""" return self._plex_server._baseurl # pylint: disable=protected-access @property def option_ignore_new_shared_users(self): """Return ignore_new_shared_users option.""" return self.options[MP_DOMAIN].get(CONF_IGNORE_NEW_SHARED_USERS, False) @property def option_use_episode_art(self): """Return use_episode_art option.""" return self.options[MP_DOMAIN].get(CONF_USE_EPISODE_ART, False) @property def option_monitored_users(self): """Return dict of monitored users option.""" return self.options[MP_DOMAIN].get(CONF_MONITORED_USERS, {}) @property def option_ignore_plexweb_clients(self): """Return ignore_plex_web_clients option.""" return self.options[MP_DOMAIN].get(CONF_IGNORE_PLEX_WEB_CLIENTS, False) @property def library(self): """Return library attribute from server object.""" return self._plex_server.library def playlist(self, title): """Return playlist from server object.""" return self._plex_server.playlist(title) def create_playqueue(self, media, **kwargs): """Create playqueue on Plex server.""" return plexapi.playqueue.PlayQueue.create(self._plex_server, media, **kwargs) def fetch_item(self, item): """Fetch item from Plex server.""" return self._plex_server.fetchItem(item) def lookup_media(self, media_type, **kwargs): """Lookup a piece of media.""" media_type = media_type.lower() if media_type == DOMAIN: key = kwargs["plex_key"] try: return self.fetch_item(key) except NotFound: _LOGGER.error("Media for key %s not found", key) return None if media_type == MEDIA_TYPE_PLAYLIST: try: playlist_name = kwargs["playlist_name"] return self.playlist(playlist_name) except KeyError: _LOGGER.error("Must specify 'playlist_name' for this search") return None except NotFound: _LOGGER.error( "Playlist '%s' not found", playlist_name, ) return None try: library_name = kwargs["library_name"] library_section = self.library.section(library_name) except KeyError: _LOGGER.error("Must specify 'library_name' for this search") return None except NotFound: _LOGGER.error("Library '%s' not found", library_name) return None def lookup_music(): """Search for music and return a Plex media object.""" album_name = kwargs.get("album_name") track_name = kwargs.get("track_name") track_number = kwargs.get("track_number") try: artist_name = kwargs["artist_name"] artist = library_section.get(artist_name) except KeyError: _LOGGER.error("Must specify 'artist_name' for this search") return None except NotFound: _LOGGER.error( "Artist '%s' not found in '%s'", artist_name, library_name ) return None if album_name: try: album = artist.album(album_name) except NotFound: _LOGGER.error( "Album '%s' by '%s' not found", album_name, artist_name ) return None if track_name: try: return album.track(track_name) except NotFound: _LOGGER.error( "Track '%s' on '%s' by '%s' not found", track_name, album_name, artist_name, ) return None if track_number: for track in album.tracks(): if int(track.index) == int(track_number): return track _LOGGER.error( "Track %d on '%s' by '%s' not found", track_number, album_name, artist_name, ) return None return album if track_name: try: return artist.get(track_name) except NotFound: _LOGGER.error( "Track '%s' by '%s' not found", track_name, artist_name ) return None return artist def lookup_tv(): """Find TV media and return a Plex media object.""" season_number = kwargs.get("season_number") episode_number = kwargs.get("episode_number") try: show_name = kwargs["show_name"] show = library_section.get(show_name) except KeyError: _LOGGER.error("Must specify 'show_name' for this search") return None except NotFound: _LOGGER.error("Show '%s' not found in '%s'", show_name, library_name) return None if not season_number: return show try: season = show.season(int(season_number)) except NotFound: _LOGGER.error( "Season %d of '%s' not found", season_number, show_name, ) return None if not episode_number: return season try: return season.episode(episode=int(episode_number)) except NotFound: _LOGGER.error( "Episode not found: %s - S%sE%s", show_name, str(season_number).zfill(2), str(episode_number).zfill(2), ) return None if media_type == MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC: return lookup_music() if media_type == MEDIA_TYPE_EPISODE: return lookup_tv() if media_type == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: try: video_name = kwargs["video_name"] return library_section.get(video_name) except KeyError: _LOGGER.error("Must specify 'video_name' for this search") except NotFound: _LOGGER.error( "Movie '%s' not found in '%s'", video_name, library_name, )