"""The tests for the text component.""" import pytest from homeassistant.components.text import ( ATTR_MAX, ATTR_MIN, ATTR_MODE, ATTR_PATTERN, ATTR_VALUE, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, TextEntity, TextMode, _async_set_value, ) from homeassistant.const import MAX_LENGTH_STATE_STATE from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, ServiceCall, State from homeassistant.helpers.restore_state import STORAGE_KEY as RESTORE_STATE_KEY from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import mock_restore_cache_with_extra_data class MockTextEntity(TextEntity): """Mock text device to use in tests.""" def __init__( self, native_value="test", native_min=None, native_max=None, pattern=None ): """Initialize mock text entity.""" self._attr_native_value = native_value if native_min is not None: self._attr_native_min = native_min if native_max is not None: self._attr_native_max = native_max if pattern is not None: self._attr_pattern = pattern async def async_set_value(self, value: str) -> None: """Set the value of the text.""" self._attr_native_value = value async def test_text_default(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test text entity with defaults.""" text = MockTextEntity() text.hass = hass assert text.capability_attributes == { ATTR_MIN: 0, ATTR_MAX: MAX_LENGTH_STATE_STATE, ATTR_MODE: TextMode.TEXT, ATTR_PATTERN: None, } assert text.pattern is None assert text.state == "test" async def test_text_new_min_max_pattern(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test text entity with new min, max, and pattern.""" text = MockTextEntity(native_min=-1, native_max=500, pattern=r"[a-z]") text.hass = hass assert text.capability_attributes == { ATTR_MIN: 0, ATTR_MAX: MAX_LENGTH_STATE_STATE, ATTR_MODE: TextMode.TEXT, ATTR_PATTERN: r"[a-z]", } async def test_text_set_value(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test text entity with set_value service.""" text = MockTextEntity(native_min=1, native_max=5, pattern=r"[a-z]") text.hass = hass with pytest.raises(ValueError): await _async_set_value( text, ServiceCall(DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: ""}) ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await _async_set_value( text, ServiceCall(DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: "hello world!"}) ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await _async_set_value( text, ServiceCall(DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: "HELLO"}) ) await _async_set_value( text, ServiceCall(DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_VALUE, {ATTR_VALUE: "test2"}) ) assert text.state == "test2" async def test_text_value_outside_bounds(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test text entity with value that is outside min and max.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = MockTextEntity( "hello world", native_min=2, native_max=5, pattern=r"[a-z]" ).state with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = MockTextEntity( "hello world", native_min=15, native_max=20, pattern=r"[a-z]" ).state RESTORE_DATA = { "native_max": 5, "native_min": 1, # "mode": TextMode.TEXT, # "pattern": r"[A-Za-z0-9]", "native_value": "Hello", } async def test_restore_number_save_state( hass, hass_storage, enable_custom_integrations, ): """Test RestoreNumber.""" platform = getattr(hass.components, "test.text") platform.init(empty=True) platform.ENTITIES.append( platform.MockRestoreText( name="Test", native_max=5, native_min=1, native_value="Hello", ) ) entity0 = platform.ENTITIES[0] assert await async_setup_component(hass, "text", {"text": {"platform": "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Trigger saving state await hass.async_stop() assert len(hass_storage[RESTORE_STATE_KEY]["data"]) == 1 state = hass_storage[RESTORE_STATE_KEY]["data"][0]["state"] assert state["entity_id"] == entity0.entity_id extra_data = hass_storage[RESTORE_STATE_KEY]["data"][0]["extra_data"] assert extra_data == RESTORE_DATA assert isinstance(extra_data["native_value"], str) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("native_max", "native_min", "native_value", "native_value_type", "extra_data"), [ (5, 1, "Hello", str, RESTORE_DATA), (255, 1, None, type(None), None), (255, 1, None, type(None), {}), (255, 1, None, type(None), {"beer": 123}), (255, 1, None, type(None), {"native_value": {}}), ], ) async def test_restore_number_restore_state( hass, enable_custom_integrations, hass_storage, native_max, native_min, native_value, native_value_type, extra_data, ): """Test RestoreNumber.""" mock_restore_cache_with_extra_data(hass, ((State("text.test", ""), extra_data),)) platform = getattr(hass.components, "test.text") platform.init(empty=True) platform.ENTITIES.append( platform.MockRestoreText( native_max=native_max, native_min=native_min, name="Test", native_value=None, ) ) entity0 = platform.ENTITIES[0] assert await async_setup_component(hass, "text", {"text": {"platform": "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity0.entity_id) assert entity0.native_max == native_max assert entity0.native_min == native_min assert entity0.mode == TextMode.TEXT assert entity0.pattern is None assert entity0.native_value == native_value assert isinstance(entity0.native_value, native_value_type)