""" Support for collecting data from the ARWN project. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.arwn/ """ import json import logging import homeassistant.components.mqtt as mqtt from homeassistant.const import (TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, TEMP_CELSIUS) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.util import slugify _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEPENDENCIES = ['mqtt'] DOMAIN = 'arwn' SENSORS = {} TOPIC = 'arwn/#' def discover_sensors(topic, payload): """Given a topic, dynamically create the right sensor type.""" parts = topic.split('/') unit = payload.get('units', '') domain = parts[1] if domain == 'temperature': name = parts[2] if unit == 'F': unit = TEMP_FAHRENHEIT else: unit = TEMP_CELSIUS return ArwnSensor(name, 'temp', unit) if domain == 'barometer': return ArwnSensor('Barometer', 'pressure', unit, "mdi:thermometer-lines") if domain == 'wind': return (ArwnSensor('Wind Speed', 'speed', unit, "mdi:speedometer"), ArwnSensor('Wind Gust', 'gust', unit, "mdi:speedometer"), ArwnSensor('Wind Direction', 'direction', '°', "mdi:compass")) def _slug(name): return 'sensor.arwn_{}'.format(slugify(name)) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Set up the ARWN platform.""" def sensor_event_received(topic, payload, qos): """Process events as sensors. When a new event on our topic (arwn/#) is received we map it into a known kind of sensor based on topic name. If we've never seen this before, we keep this sensor around in a global cache. If we have seen it before, we update the values of the existing sensor. Either way, we push an ha state update at the end for the new event we've seen. This lets us dynamically incorporate sensors without any configuration on our side. """ event = json.loads(payload) sensors = discover_sensors(topic, event) if not sensors: return if isinstance(sensors, ArwnSensor): sensors = (sensors, ) if 'timestamp' in event: del event['timestamp'] for sensor in sensors: if sensor.name not in SENSORS: sensor.hass = hass sensor.set_event(event) SENSORS[sensor.name] = sensor _LOGGER.debug("Registering new sensor %(name)s => %(event)s", dict(name=sensor.name, event=event)) add_devices((sensor,)) else: SENSORS[sensor.name].set_event(event) SENSORS[sensor.name].update_ha_state() mqtt.subscribe(hass, TOPIC, sensor_event_received, 0) return True class ArwnSensor(Entity): """Representation of an ARWN sensor.""" def __init__(self, name, state_key, units, icon=None): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.hass = None self.entity_id = _slug(name) self._name = name self._state_key = state_key self.event = {} self._unit_of_measurement = units self._icon = icon def set_event(self, event): """Update the sensor with the most recent event.""" self.event = {} self.event.update(event) @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" return self.event.get(self._state_key, None) @property def name(self): """Get the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def state_attributes(self): """Return all the state attributes.""" return self.event @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Unit this state is expressed in.""" return self._unit_of_measurement @property def should_poll(self): """Should we poll.""" return False @property def icon(self): """Icon of device based on its type.""" if self._icon: return self._icon else: return super().icon