from datetime import timedelta import pytest import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from tests.common import get_test_home_assistant def test_boolean(): """Test boolean validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.boolean) for value in ('T', 'negative', 'lock'): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ('true', 'On', '1', 'YES', 'enable', 1, True): assert schema(value) for value in ('false', 'Off', '0', 'NO', 'disable', 0, False): assert not schema(value) def test_latitude(): """Test latitude validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.latitude) for value in ('invalid', None, -91, 91, '-91', '91', '123.01A'): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ('-89', 89, '12.34'): schema(value) def test_longitude(): """Test longitude validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.longitude) for value in ('invalid', None, -181, 181, '-181', '181', '123.01A'): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ('-179', 179, '12.34'): schema(value) def test_platform_config(): """Test platform config validation.""" for value in ( {}, {'hello': 'world'}, ): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): cv.PLATFORM_SCHEMA(value) for value in ( {'platform': 'mqtt'}, {'platform': 'mqtt', 'beer': 'yes'}, ): cv.PLATFORM_SCHEMA(value) def test_entity_id(): """Test entity ID validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.entity_id) with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema('invalid_entity') assert 'sensor.light' == schema('sensor.LIGHT') def test_entity_ids(): """Test entity ID validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.entity_ids) for value in ( 'invalid_entity', 'sensor.light,sensor_invalid', ['invalid_entity'], ['sensor.light', 'sensor_invalid'], ['sensor.light,sensor_invalid'], ): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ( [], ['sensor.light'], 'sensor.light' ): schema(value) assert schema('sensor.LIGHT, ') == [ 'sensor.light', '' ] def test_event_schema(): """Test event_schema validation.""" for value in ( {}, None, { 'event_data': {}, }, { 'event': 'state_changed', 'event_data': 1, }, ): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): cv.EVENT_SCHEMA(value) for value in ( {'event': 'state_changed'}, {'event': 'state_changed', 'event_data': {'hello': 'world'}}, ): cv.EVENT_SCHEMA(value) def test_platform_validator(): """Test platform validation.""" # Prepares loading get_test_home_assistant() schema = vol.Schema(cv.platform_validator('light')) with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema('platform_that_does_not_exist') schema('hue') def test_icon(): """Test icon validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.icon) for value in (False, 'work', 'icon:work'): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) schema('mdi:work') def test_time_offset(): """Test time_offset validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.time_offset) for value in ( None, '', 1234, 'hello:world', '12:', '12:34:56:78' ): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ( '8:20', '23:59', '-8:20', '-23:59:59', '-48:00' ): schema(value) assert timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59) == schema('23:59') assert -1 * timedelta(hours=1, minutes=15) == schema('-1:15') def test_service(): """Test service validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.service) with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema('invalid_turn_on') schema('homeassistant.turn_on') def test_service_schema(): """Test service_schema validation.""" for value in ( {}, None, { 'service': 'homeassistant.turn_on', 'service_template': 'homeassistant.turn_on' }, { 'data': {'entity_id': ''}, }, { 'service': 'homeassistant.turn_on', 'data': None }, { 'service': 'homeassistant.turn_on', 'data_template': { 'brightness': '{{ no_end' } }, ): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): cv.SERVICE_SCHEMA(value) for value in ( {'service': 'homeassistant.turn_on'}, { 'service': 'homeassistant.turn_on', 'entity_id': '', }, { 'service': 'homeassistant.turn_on', 'entity_id': ['', 'light.ceiling'], }, ): cv.SERVICE_SCHEMA(value) def test_slug(): """Test slug validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.slug) for value in (None, 'hello world'): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in (12345, 'hello'): schema(value) def test_string(): """Test string validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.string) with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(None) for value in (True, 1, 'hello'): schema(value) def test_temperature_unit(): """Test temperature unit validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.temperature_unit) with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema('K') schema('C') schema('F') def test_template(): """Test template validator.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.template) for value in ( None, '{{ partial_print }', '{% if True %}Hello' ): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ( 1, 'Hello', '{{ beer }}', '{% if 1 == 1 %}Hello{% else %}World{% endif %}', ): schema(value) def test_time_zone(): """Test time zone validation.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.time_zone) with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema('America/Do_Not_Exist') schema('America/Los_Angeles') schema('UTC') def test_key_dependency(): """Test key_dependency validator.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.key_dependency('beer', 'soda')) for value in ( {'beer': None} ): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ( {'beer': None, 'soda': None}, {'soda': None}, {} ): schema(value) def test_has_at_least_one_key(): """Test has_at_least_one_key validator.""" schema = vol.Schema(cv.has_at_least_one_key('beer', 'soda')) for value in (None, [], {}, {'wine': None}): with pytest.raises(vol.MultipleInvalid): schema(value) for value in ({'beer': None}, {'soda': None}): schema(value)