"""Fixtures for component testing.""" import pytest from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from homeassistant.components import websocket_api from tests.common import MockUser, CLIENT_ID @pytest.fixture def hass_ws_client(aiohttp_client): """Websocket client fixture connected to websocket server.""" async def create_client(hass, access_token=None): """Create a websocket client.""" wapi = hass.components.websocket_api assert await async_setup_component(hass, 'websocket_api') client = await aiohttp_client(hass.http.app) websocket = await client.ws_connect(wapi.URL) auth_resp = await websocket.receive_json() if auth_resp['type'] == wapi.TYPE_AUTH_OK: assert access_token is None, \ 'Access token given but no auth required' return websocket assert access_token is not None, 'Access token required for fixture' await websocket.send_json({ 'type': websocket_api.TYPE_AUTH, 'access_token': access_token }) auth_ok = await websocket.receive_json() assert auth_ok['type'] == wapi.TYPE_AUTH_OK # wrap in client websocket.client = client return websocket return create_client @pytest.fixture def hass_access_token(hass): """Return an access token to access Home Assistant.""" user = MockUser().add_to_hass(hass) refresh_token = hass.loop.run_until_complete( hass.auth.async_create_refresh_token(user, CLIENT_ID)) yield hass.auth.async_create_access_token(refresh_token)