"""The diagnostics tests for the Airzone Cloud platform.""" from unittest.mock import patch from aioairzone_cloud.const import ( API_DEVICE_ID, API_DEVICES, API_GROUP_ID, API_GROUPS, API_WS_ID, RAW_DEVICES_CONFIG, RAW_DEVICES_STATUS, RAW_INSTALLATIONS, RAW_INSTALLATIONS_LIST, RAW_WEBSERVERS, ) from syrupy import SnapshotAssertion from homeassistant.components.airzone_cloud.const import DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import CONF_ID from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from .util import CONFIG, WS_ID, async_init_integration from tests.components.diagnostics import get_diagnostics_for_config_entry from tests.typing import ClientSessionGenerator RAW_DATA_MOCK = { RAW_DEVICES_CONFIG: { "dev1": {}, }, RAW_DEVICES_STATUS: { "dev1": {}, }, RAW_INSTALLATIONS: { CONFIG[CONF_ID]: { API_GROUPS: [ { API_GROUP_ID: "grp1", API_DEVICES: [ { API_DEVICE_ID: "dev1", API_WS_ID: WS_ID, }, ], }, ], "plugins": { "schedules": { "calendar_ws_ids": [ WS_ID, ], }, }, }, }, RAW_INSTALLATIONS_LIST: {}, RAW_WEBSERVERS: { WS_ID: {}, }, "test_cov": { "1": None, "2": ["foo", "bar"], "3": [ [ "foo", "bar", ], ], }, } async def test_config_entry_diagnostics( hass: HomeAssistant, hass_client: ClientSessionGenerator, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion, ) -> None: """Test config entry diagnostics.""" await async_init_integration(hass) assert hass.data[DOMAIN] config_entry = hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)[0] with patch( "homeassistant.components.airzone_cloud.AirzoneCloudApi.raw_data", return_value=RAW_DATA_MOCK, ): result = await get_diagnostics_for_config_entry(hass, hass_client, config_entry) assert result == snapshot