""" homeassistant.components.sensor.tellstick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shows sensor values from tellstick sensors. Possible config keys: id of the sensor: Name the sensor with ID 135=Outside only_named: Only show the named sensors only_named=1 temperature_scale: The scale of the temperature value temperature_scale=°C datatype_mask: mask to determine which sensor values to show based on https://tellcore-py.readthedocs.org /en/v1.0.4/constants.html#module-tellcore.constants datatype_mask=1 # only show temperature datatype_mask=12 # only show rain rate and rain total datatype_mask=127 # show all sensor values """ import logging from collections import namedtuple import tellcore.telldus as telldus import tellcore.constants as tellcore_constants from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELCIUS from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity import homeassistant.util as util DatatypeDescription = namedtuple("DatatypeDescription", ['name', 'unit']) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """ Sets up Tellstick sensors. """ sensor_value_descriptions = { tellcore_constants.TELLSTICK_TEMPERATURE: DatatypeDescription( 'temperature', config.get('temperature_scale', TEMP_CELCIUS)), tellcore_constants.TELLSTICK_HUMIDITY: DatatypeDescription('humidity', '%'), tellcore_constants.TELLSTICK_RAINRATE: DatatypeDescription('rain rate', ''), tellcore_constants.TELLSTICK_RAINTOTAL: DatatypeDescription('rain total', ''), tellcore_constants.TELLSTICK_WINDDIRECTION: DatatypeDescription('wind direction', ''), tellcore_constants.TELLSTICK_WINDAVERAGE: DatatypeDescription('wind average', ''), tellcore_constants.TELLSTICK_WINDGUST: DatatypeDescription('wind gust', '') } try: core = telldus.TelldusCore() except OSError: logging.getLogger(__name__).exception( 'Could not initialize Tellstick.') return sensors = [] datatype_mask = util.convert(config.get('datatype_mask'), int, 127) for ts_sensor in core.sensors(): try: sensor_name = config[ts_sensor.id] except KeyError: if 'only_named' in config: continue sensor_name = str(ts_sensor.id) for datatype in sensor_value_descriptions.keys(): if datatype & datatype_mask and ts_sensor.has_value(datatype): sensor_info = sensor_value_descriptions[datatype] sensors.append( TellstickSensor( sensor_name, ts_sensor, datatype, sensor_info)) add_devices(sensors) class TellstickSensor(Entity): """ Represents a Tellstick sensor. """ def __init__(self, name, sensor, datatype, sensor_info): self.datatype = datatype self.sensor = sensor self.unit_of_measurement = sensor_info.unit or None self._name = "{} {}".format(name, sensor_info.name) @property def name(self): """ Returns the name of the device. """ return self._name @property def state(self): """ Returns the state of the device. """ return self.sensor.value(self.datatype).value